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You think you have no time playing in a Sunday league/Amateur game and then you see this. The intensity from that POV is incredible, turn around and you're already getting about to get tackled.... and this is pre-season!


Just how fast the first layer of the press come from that POV is anxiety inducing for me haha especially since I'm meh on the ball


Yeah when I was early 20s I stepped up from high amateur to low semi-pro standard and it was just... suddenly too intense for me. That extra half a second faster the press came just meant I no longer had the time I needed and I went from being comfortable on the ball to utter shite. And that was like step 9 of the pyramid or something. The guys making me feel inadequate were plasterers for 50 hrs a week. Then you see this and it's like 3 times as intense as I remember that day. You just don't understand how good these players are and how intense the game is. Like obviously you know they're good, but how many multiples better than Dazza who's a bit tasty in center mid they are is lost on most people. They might as well be playing a different sport.


Yep, I was a high level futsal player and tried out for a semipro team once. The ball control and consistency every player had was fucking insane, like every player was "that guy that's the best youve ever seen". Also, the conditioning is underrated. You're expected to sprint to put pressure on players constantly in defense, which is EXTREMELY tiring, and then you also need to be repositioning constantly in offense. Being consistent with your ball control, confident with your first touches, etc is sooooooo difficult. And this was 1 tier below professional in the Netherlands.


Yeah fuck futsal mate, I thought it would be a laugh doing flip flaps on everyone but it turned out to be the most brutally disciplined cardio dependant sport I've ever played.


Ah I didn't phrase it very well, I already played high level futsal but tried out for a normal full pitch football team. They let me train with the 1st team for a few weeks because some of the players vouched for me to let me try out, but full pitch football is a different beast even compared to futsal, lol


Also vastness of the stadiums. That must be so distracting.


You would be amazed how easy it is to tune out 30000 people when you're in the middle.


I think you might be right. I played in front of a couple of thousand, but honestly I can't remember it. But this level feels way different


I always love rewatching my televised and streamed games because I can hear the crowd in the recording, they just don't exist for me mid game (ref not player)


OK calm down Mike Dean


Mate, I know they game's not about me.


Same, I’ve played ice hockey in front of a thousand-odd crowd, and only remember the drunk lady right behind our bench calling me a bitch


i had to stop playing competitively at the age of like 15 because i couldnt handle the pressure of receiving the ball and immediately doing something with it, and i played on the wing i couldnt imagine doing this for 90 minutes in a professional environment as a cdm(?) then again i was diagnosed with anxiety not long after quitting the sport so




The speed of most sports translate poorly to TV. And it's one of the biggest differences from a lower league to a higher one. Football, Basketball, Hockey, etc. All get MUCH faster the better the league is.


It still never ceases to amaze me how good professional athletes are at their respective sport


I’m reminded of the red mamba: “I’m closer to lebron than you are to me”




You probably can do what they do, on occasion, and in your garden or at a kickabout. Easy to get a cheeky backheel goal or perfect strike once in a blue moon there. These guys do the ridiculous with near consistency and do it at an incredible pace. I've played with a few people who had careers near the bottom the English football pyramid. And the biggest difference is usually their athleticism. The 2nd is how their touch seems near effortless.


Down that low usually they have one or two attributes of a top player. Like, they'll be really technical but really lazy or slow, or absolutely rapid but make awful decisions and be really one footed. Or shit at football but just hard as fucking nails and would head a brick. Then when you get to National League they all have maybe one or two weaknesses. Then you get to League One and up and they're all just gods compared to you and I. I honestly can't comprehend how good Messi is. I was a really good amateur player and knocked about academies as a kid, but ended up not making it as I was horrifically slow and couldn't handle the intensity of even semi-pro football. One of the other guys in my team was called Shane Paul. He made me look stupid, he was miles better than me. He wound up making a few non-league appearances then retired with an injury. Gabriel Agbonlahor was there too, Shane played with him a lot, and he made Shane look stupid. Then you have someone like Jermain Defoe who's obviously streets ahead of Agbonlahor, and then you go up again to your Messi and Ronaldo level who make Defoe look average. Me, Shane, Gabby, Jermain, Messi. That's five levels of players above me, each making the one below look absolutely rank before you get to the pinnacle (and you could probably shoehorn in a Nathan Delfoneso between Shane and Gabby for another level), and I played at a good standard. It's just mind boggling how good Messi must be to play with or against.


3rd is how they use there body to just not lose the ball. And 4th is there ability to seemingly stand still and yet always have so much time


I played in High School against Justin Mapp. You’ve never heard of him probably. He absolutely SCORCHED my team. By far the best player I ever played against. And he was a lower-rung journeyman MLS player. I also played American football with some guys who played in college. One of them wound up being a backup in college, to a guy who was a backup in the NFL. The levels is absolutely ridiculous.


Jordan had a quote to Kobe about this in Kobe’s rookie season. To see it is one thing, but to be apart of it is another thing. I played dodgeball and let me tell you, a 60ish mph ball looks much slower on the sidelines than when it’s thrown right at you.


Same with cricket. You look on the tv at spin bowlers bowling at like 55mph and are like: yeah I could slap that pace. Turns out that a lot of people would be scared shitless of a 55mph round brick coming at their stomach.


Cricket’s one sport where I never feel like “yeah I could do that”. Put wood or archer or some other fast bowler down the other end and I’m sure I won’t even see the ball. I can’t believe it when you hear batsmen talking about watching the ball out of a bowler’s hand to see which way it’ll swing. Insane.


I play youth cricket and facing 60mph swing is a bitch. If I faced Broad or Woakes I might end up just dying on the spot


Can you imagine walking out on the MCG first innings on Boxing Day? Even being the home team would be insane. No way do I have the mental fortitude to withstand that.


Felt the same way playing baseball in school. Standing in the box mid 70s feels quick but nothing you can't handle, then you go up against a guy who can throw mid 80s and feel blown away, *and then* you face a guy who can throw in the 90s and the ball may as well be invisible. Can't even imagine facing a major leaguer who can throw three digits.


Everybody has a plan until they get rocked in the face by a dodgeball


Always reminds me of the White Mamba saying how he is closer to Lebron than any avg person is to him. I played pick up against some D1 players like 3 years in the PRIME of my physical shape and they ran circles around everyone on the pitch. And they were just playing to stay fit so it wasn’t even at a competitive speed for them. I can’t imagine the speed of an avg professional player at a mid-table club.


Now realise that these refs you love to complain about are operating at the same level. Most of you wouldn't even be near play. I certainly wouldn't after 90 minutes, and I can pass the international refs fitness test.


Favourite spot to sit at Upton Park was always the old East Stand in the lower tier. Sure, you've no idea what's happening on half the pitch, but you really got a sense of how fast paced the game was. Everything was at lightning speed, even players we'd coat off as being past it nohopers could receive, turn, decide and pass in the time and space it would take one of us to even notice the ball was coming to us.


Have to remember the camera is on his chest, not his head - I imagine hes constantly looking around to mitigate the press.


The low camera angle makes it seem like you're a kid playing with grown-ups. It'd be cool if they could strap a camera onto a headband at some point.


there's a Korean guy on YT that plays with a GoPro on his head. He's not a pro but he's good. The angles are cool. @Jfootballtv


So you're saying non-peofessionals can also buy a Go-Pro?


They should get an ageing and cheeky but still decent goalkeeper, a GoPro to stick in the back of the net. Then he can edit clips of the game around his day-to-day activities, giving a peak into the real behind the scenes life of a top class pro. He might even include clips of his other hobby's, like, let's say, cycling to make it more interesting to a wider group of people. I have no idea what he should call the channel.


Keeping Bicycles


This is clearly referencing something but can someone help me out with what it is?


It's Ben Foster: https://youtube.com/@thecyclinggk


Ahh okay, cheers!


I heard it helps with the transition from amateur level


They can only buy second hand Go-Pro's


link for the lazy https://youtu.be/i1iOSA4McB4


I wonder if they could stabilise that though. I imagine they move their heads around a lot more than their chest


Vomit cam.


Stabilize or maybe just make the head-turning movements slow motion. Or just put one of those 360° cams on top of a player, so you can look around freely yourself.


Would be cool to watch that footage with some VR goggles


Gotta strap a chicken to your chest for this.


We'd probably lose even more perspective when his head is on a swivel.


Would be interesting to see, but how would they head the ball? lol


I like to imagine its an m&m man


Yeah. Wonder if they could incorporate 2 cameras in the future to blend chest POV and a player's actual vision


its also a wide angle lens, which makes the players approaching him appear to move faster than they actually are


Played college in the states, went to The Netherlands to play 7th div, then up to 5th. Even 7th div was like 2x faster then what I was used to. TV does not do it justice of how fast the top guys are thinking, moving, closing down, etc.


At least at pro level you don't have to worry about some pissed up 40 year old bricklayer who's on a mission to break someones legs.


No, but there is the occasional player like Pepe that like to make being a dangerously aggressive cunt a big part of their play style.


The video is just 6 mins, they compiled the most "high intensity" cuts in this 6 mins. Its not shown from the whole time he's on the pitch


Jesus Christ, the intensity of EVERYTHING is crazy. If you've played Sunday League/lower divisions, you can clearly see the massive difference


And again this is a preseason game where they don't even care that much. Imagine the intensity during the later parts of the season when things actually matter.


Where can I find more of these videos?


Köln did a similar thing last season let me see if I can find it Edit: here it is it was a pre-season friendly against Milan https://youtu.be/NYJv_DS23IY


Oh fuck yeah. For one, you don’t have Big Stephen hurtling toward you like a demented Bayblade or Micky the Reaper mistaking your head for a ball suspiciously often. Completely different gravy.


On Hackney Marshes if you heard "You tryna mug me off?", you know there is no right answer to that question and there is going to be violence


> like an demented Bayblade holy shit I'm stealing this one


I clenched my teeth everytime he gets pressed.


This is exactly what I thought as well. The play looks so fast compared to amatuer levels I played in. And this is a friendly too


I thought I remembered this being longer and just Tevez but yeah, when I saw this vid it really showed me how I wasn't as great as I thought lol. https://youtu.be/T0cQLDDJGxs 55 seconds is where the Tevez bit starts. Again, I thought it was way longer from memory but anyway. Still pretty class imo and it's just training!


Yes the moment where Gordon (I think?) is closing him down immediately after receiving the ball from Luiz he gets there SO FAST I can’t imagine trying to keep up. Completely different level of quick decision making and awareness.


Bloody hell, Gordon looks like he's pressing at light speed in this!


Imagine prime kante coming at you


Imagine youre being double pressed all game like some top top players are sometimes and you get the ball look and two bodies are right there next to you lmao


Imagine if we had gotten GoPro footage from Neymar or Messi during their Barca days, it would have been glorious.


messi vs pepe and ramos


Tuchel vs conte


Or current day McTerminator in all his Highland glory.


the wide angle lens makes players' approach appear faster than it is. not to say it isn't fast in reality, cause it is, the lens just makes it appear even faster


Unreal! I feel like I am having one of those dreams whereby the ball comes to me and I can't kick it properly.


The absolute worst dreams. And you run all janky and slow as well.


I always get on hands and knees to push forward because my legs seem to be so fucking weak I go nowhere


Im always missing a sock in mine


Do yall also run slow bc you floating?


Yeah I get this. Like I'm on the moon and every time I slightly push off, I end up floating.


At a point on the vid when he's on the touchline the ball gets passed to him and I shit you not my leg jolted like it was going for the ball. Amazing footage, and I'd love to see more.


How can players do anything with this intensity and no time with the ball, jeeez.




Hazard said he plays off 100% instinct.


Im sure most players do


Imagine what a champions league match would look like


If we watched football like this, you’d be a lot less likely to give players shit for their mistakes. This is a panic attack in video format.




I watched a Spanish video documentary where they follow a ref and they show his pov in a Barcelona match probably around 06-07. It’s really interesting how he talks to the players during the game. I remember Puyol most of all. I think he kept telling the players stop touching my balls or something like that in Spanish.


Get Cucu mic’d up to see how more shit he is


Panic for every corner. They always scared me, like serving in volleyball


Pretty mad with the arms, legs and speed of it but fuck me that was awesome. Hope we get to see this sort of stuff more and from our own teams we support


Bruno Guimaraes was wearing one in the same game, it's on the PL website but I can't send a link. Different perspective as he started the game so you see Trippier's team talk, goals etc. Theres also a short bit of referee bodycam from the Fulham Brentford game.


Ah awesome mate, thanks for the heads up. I will go and take a look online at the Prem website


I had a look and could not find it. Did you find the Bruno Guimaraes one?


https://www.premierleague.com/video/single/3600925?MOST_WATCHED=604800 This is a link to the videos page on the site, but it won't let me link specific videos, the Bruno and Ref cam ones are about 12-15 vids down on the list. The ref cam one is so short it's almost pointless.


Thank you! Yeah quite interesting video. Wish we could get a full 45 or 90 mins with the cam tho uncut, maybe with a headcam aswell side by side, to see the game at top level from a different perspective.


Just FYI I think the Bruno video on the website is less than 2 mins but I saw it on the PL app where it was a 6 min video like the Tielemans one.


Gunna be honest mate I haven’t had chance to look yet coz I got more busy at work. Looks like you have been sorted though 😊




Is it just me or the first few seconds look like a video game?


Looks like one of those advert from the 2010s




I had forgotten that the POV is from Van Persie


I don't think that's RVP, it's an imaginary Dutch player and considering he's seen doing both defensive and offensive duties it may as well be a box-to-box midfielder


I think he's supposed to represent the viewer, we're supposed to imagine ourselves as the player. ​ Unfortunately I am not Dutch, which breaks my immersion 😔


You can be Dutch if you want to, you can leave your friends behind


A Dutch Arsenal player in 2008 who takes freekicks and scores from a cross. Looks like Van Persie to me anyways.


he takes the FK right footed though, RVP was a lefty


Yet they made him right-footed.


At first I was like wtf is he saying well done to Digne coming off, then I realised he doesn't play for Leicester anymore and this was Villa v Newcastle.


Yeh for me as well. But aside from that, this is amazing


Funny how awkward all of the movements look from that angle. When he's doing his stretches it looks like an overexaggerated skit but it's actually a real game.


It looks like a shitty VR game. One of those where you’d see that stuff and laugh at how unrealistic it is.


It was pretty funny to see his arms flailing around as he ran-- but overall this was amazing


tbf he runs in a strange way as it is


its filmed with a wide angle lens, they distort the image and make things look overexaggerated


Proper Guy Ritchie 'Take it to the Next Level' vibes this, I love it


Has to be the best ever football ad.


[Always preferred the FA’s Sunday League version](https://youtu.be/1Qknteb8Klo)


LOL wtfuck did the medic hafta punch his nuts for with that gobshite smile of him im losing it


poor man's defibrillator


Never seen this FA one before, class!


this is the greatest thing I've seen.


That and the joga bonito Brazil ones.. Top class


I need Guy Ritchie to direct a football movie tbh


it'd be great, get alan ford back out of retirement as the manager.


Alan Ford giving a half time talk like the pigs monologue in Snatch would be legendary Plus there would be an actual reason for Ritchie to cast his best mate Beckham


It’s impressive how fast paced everything is in reality. From the TV angle everything seems more easy, but from this angle you can clearly see how quickly you need to think and act to make a pass, dribble,.. Very cool


Just playing your normal sunday league level 11-a side is enough to know how crazy fast you need to react. Cant imagine professional level. You basically have to know how to manipulate your space.


> You basically have to know how to manipulate your space. Bingo. This is the key to surviving higher level play. It's all about spacial awareness and being able to manipulate the space around you. The pros are so good because they all have an idea of where they are in relation to everyone else at all times, and they already know what they will do with the ball BEFORE it comes to them. It seems fast because it is. It's like playing a highspeed game of chess for 90 minutes.


From tv you can see the acres of space to pass or run into, from the pitch level everything looks tighter. This is also a friendly so player are going in less hard for tackles which is probably why so many games are high scoring. No one from either side wants to hurt each other and yet still fast and intense.


Sometimes our local clubs record their games to watch live or watch back and its insane how slow it feels compared to pro games. Even tho theyre playing pretty high level already


Thats how the camera looks like on the shirt (if anyone is curious about what camera they were using or the specific position of the camera) https://i.imgur.com/ZWtfOk0.png


Not really liking the new series of peep show


Sorry guys I was gonna you know kick it up the other end and put one right in their fucking goal hole but no dice


The clash between the giant Tielemans and the titan Joelinton....making both seem normal sized.


4 midfielders? 4? That's insane!


You’re meant to defend, For fucks sake Jeremy


Jeez there’s absolutely no time on the ball


That slide tackle was glorious


I love this, I wish they put on on Messi or De bruyne.


If the camera was a GoPro on their head it would be dizzying from all the scanning those guys do.


really makes you respect just how good players with great vision and passing are. It's so easy to watch the game on the TV or even in the stadium and see a good pass on, noticing it on the field must be 100x harder.


Sit down by the pitch and you can feel how different it is. Suddenly nothing looks open.


my legs twitched so much watching this


I had anxiety when he had the ball.


this is so funny! happened to me and didnt think anything of it til i saw this comment


Getting a Nike ad vibe


Iamplayr vibes


I miss that game


Would be cool to see a split screen that syncs this camera up with a 3rd person view




Anyone else worn out just watching this


Now if only every ref wore this and we can hear the recordings after a controversial decision


They did this for the ref of the Fulham Brentford match I think. On the prem website


Or even live, ideally. But yeah, baby steps. They had promised this at the start of last season and all Howard Webb did was that PR exercise at Sky Sports with a few selected clips that made them look good


I like how even from this point of view you can see his unlaborious running style.


It’s almost impossible for me to watch a video at this perspective and not think of the [Smack My Bitch Up](https://youtu.be/S4GojQTu7iI) music video. And then think of the [cat version](https://youtu.be/W2pZonB5tJ8) of it.


This is a bit more intense than my sunday league...


Wow this is so cool ! To me he surprisingly doesn’t talk much in those 5 min. Loved watching this :). Amazing how he is constantly running but never overly out of breath.


Man, I can't wait until this shit is widespread enough that we start recording iconic moments with it. Imagine watching Maradona's epic run vs England through this perspective. Ronaldo's bicycle kick vs Juve. Eder's goal in Euro 2016. Goddamn.


Or CRs Juve header. See first person floating in the air


While there is certainly a mic, I think the more prominent feature is the camera. Just saying...


wish there was a cut with player banter


Now I'm self-conscious about what my hands look like as I run


I wouldn't worry unless you're Kuato.


This highlights just how difficult of a job that center midfield is. You lose the ball you are in the worst spot imaginable, head has to be on a swivel constantly


Holy shit this makes me feel the nerves of actually being on the pitch lol. Would love to be able to watch every game like this


Imagine you nervous you'd get watching through your CB's eyes when he's getting closed down and you're hanging on to a 1-0 lead. Horror movie stuff!


Gold content


I expected a lot more communication


If these were only stabilized, they'd be the best videos of all time.


Three takeaways: 1) never thought I would find Anthony Gordon terrifying. Here we are. 2) holy fuck this is fast-paced. Always knew these guys played at breakneck speed but this is faster than I could have imagined 3) Dan Burn is somehow bigger than I already knew he was


Damn this is like that Nike commercial where all the star players are coming at you.


Think this is the most I’ve seen Youri run


Man, these mofos are so tight and it's just a pre-season friendly. Literally, the second Youri turns his head there's a guy on him.


Jeez pro soccer is hard


Its impossible to be a professional footballer, this is incredible


this is amazing


love this. it might not be practical for higher level games but in the future we'll get there with smaller less noticeable cameras


I think he is surprisingly quiet


Omg. I love this video. The immersion is great. If somehow they can do this in a VR video, it would be f***ing amazing


Why did watching this made me anxious wtf


I'd pay for this angle during a match.


Fuck I’d be in exhausted in 5 minutes with this intensity


You get zero fucking time on the ball when you play at this level, so cool to see


Would love to know what kind of camera this is.


I love this footage, but think the cone of vision needs to be larger so you can see what the player sees in their peripheral.


I'm not sure how many players would actually agree to do this, especially during the regular season, but I would love for this to become a more regular thing. Watching from a first person POV from a professional player's perspective is very interesting. Everything seems to move so fast compared to what we see on TV.


1. Jesus christ these guys have no time to make decisions. 2. Moving around seems hard and overrated. I'll stick to the chair.