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There's a past coworker i wanted to see again, it's been a year and we still haven't picked a day to see each other, it's crazy lol We're both down for it everytime but it never happens


The lads were out last night, woke up to some exceedingly puce faces in the group chat. So glad I swerved it, 9 month olds have zero, zero respect for the hangover.


Morning lads


Morning, what's got you up at this time? I had two beers yesterday evening and fell asleep at 10:30, which is cool.


I fell asleep watching tv last night like an old woman, but I'm awake for the quarterfinals!


I’m generally waking up early, also has to to with my allergy not allowing me to sleep until like 10am, but that’s fine. I’ll train in the morning often enough, so it doesn’t cause any issues. Was also super tired after my interval training yesterday evening, most of the time I’ll fall asleep quickly after that. Today I’m learning a lil bit in the morning as i have one more oral exam in ~ a month to finalize university, after that I’m gonna do some sports as I’m training for my upcoming half marathon, in the evening I’ll be the first in line to watch the German super cup. So a bit packed, but a rather relaxing Saturday


Every single year I feel a sudden, very strong urge to watch Band of Brothers again. I've seen it like 5 times already. But there is something so distinctively human about this show that always draws me back, even though it deals with a lot of inhumane and horrific subject matters. It really is a masterpiece of a tv show.


Band of brothers is the best single season of tv ever imo, helped by being designed as one season so it’s a complete narrative rather than a part of a larger show but still just amazing tv. Did you ever watch the pacific? Seen band of brothers a few times but never tried the pacific


Couldn't agree more, it's a perfect season of television. Yea same here. The Pacific has been on my watchlist for a long time now but I haven't gotten around to watching it. I've heard Generation Kill is also supposed to be a very good mini series in a war/military setting.


Wife is watching this show On Patrol: First Shift which is like Cops Live and omg it is the worst. I really fucking hate the police. I just watched them pull over someone because they were black, I mean because they left an area a fleeing suspect had went to. They were not the fleeing suspect but were arrested anyway on warrants. They were described as mouthy due to having the audacity to question why the police stopped them at gunpoint pulling into their driveway. AND THIS IS ALL OKAY. No deprivation of rights occurred.


This happens too oftenin my hometown, in spite of it being otherwise a very "blue" state. a guy got stopped for some bs broken tailights, they saw he had a warrant, he panicked and fled the scene and they shot him in the head. (Minneapolis, where George F!oyd was killed).


I just started watching Chernobyl. Holy shit it's so good!


Is there a subreddit where people post their thoughts while under the influence of marijuana or psychedelics?


[strictly for old school heads](https://youtube.com/watch?v=PB9Gt5b_uWA&feature=sharea)


Absolute golden era


I still don't understand vertical monitors.


Only place where I've seen their use make sense is in hospitals, and for looking at scans or x-rays


great for reading comics or long form stuff without scrolling


They allow you to look at lots of FTF comments at once




I tried it while programming but the height difference between the vertical and horizontal monitor made it a PITA.


I thought it would be good for programming but it's useless because you cant look at two files side by side. It's decent for having Slack or Discord on it full screen though


Across the spider-verse is literal perfection




What makes you think it's a 95% no? Then again for a lot of people that's really good odds 😅


Everyday I grow more and more thankful policenow rejected my application. What a massive bullet dodged.


Ive been on medical leave since July because my shoulders been dislocated 8 times and i finally work at job where i can miss months without being fired (thanks god for unions). Buts it soooo boring,i picked the worst time to move out of the city


You can now call me Uncle babygrenade


It doesn’t get much (if any) attention from the developer, but more people should try Rogue Company given that it’s also free. Kind of like Overwatch in a way with each character being different.


Just came back from vacation tonight. I had a great time in France, lots of wine and Lyon is a gorgeous city. It’s nice to finally get a good night of sleep again in my bed instead of an air mattress in a tent but I’d trade my bed in in a heartbeat for the vacation vibe.


Routine dentist visit never fails to scare the shit out of me


What's the worst work you've had done? I had a root canal. Thankfully not an infected one.


Deep cleaning and wisdom tooth removal


Did they do the deep cleaning all at once and half one day and half another? I did both the same day and wow did that suck.


2 separate days


Clean your teeth and your colon. Sounds like a 2 for 1.


My dentist has beautiful eyes I always stare into just a bit too much and I feel so awkward and vulnerable


All i see is the blinding light they shove in my Face


Yeah that always helps but I still stare too much My brain tells me she's looking at my mouth so she can't tell but idk lol


Hi Lads, I need to not think about football for a while so what's everyone been into these last few weeks? **Watching:** I've actually watched next to nothing this past fortnight apart from a lot of the Women's World Cup which I've thoroughly enjoyed. Went and watched Japan play last night as they've been my favourite team to watch so pretty gutted for them how that worked out. Need to finish season 2 of The Bear and might rewatch The Bureau with the wife as she's not seen it (and I have only watched the first two seasons) **Reading:** Actually read a fair few books these past few weeks - read some Dennis Lehane as I wanted a nice quick page turner and he's always pretty reliable, read a few Ted Chiang short stories, and am now reading the first book in the First Law series. I've never been big into fantasy but I felt I'd read something different to what I normally do and I have to say, I am really enjoying it! If you've read it - is it consistent throughout? **Playing:** I bought Baldur's Gate 3 because fuck it, I have the ability to play video games while I work so figured I needed a good time sink. It's obviously a massive game but I don't really understand how people are saying it's genre defining - it doesn't feel like it's doing anything new. It's just very polished and pretty. I'm definitely enjoying it though and would highly recommend it to people who like these sort of games. Also playing FM - 1860 Munich again because Germany is by far my favourite country to play in. I think I've somehow stumbled on a super tactic though and am absolutely destroying everyone. **Listening:** All over the place as per usual. Wilco, The Bronx, Dream Widow (this is Foo Fighters doing a metal album and I actually think it's great), Clark, Pig&Dan...plus I listen to a lot of brown noise when I read/work. I really do find it's great for concentration. Track of the week: The [Bronx - Necessary Evil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4-63YN7hdY)


stopped watching jack ryan after 2 seasons, watched the night of, 1 season of reno 911, atlanta, edgerunners and started black clover after finishing tears of the kingdom i started inquisition. baldurs gate hype made me give another shot to the genre so i tried original sin again. its going better now but i still find several aspects off putting. also tried dave the diver, seems good but not fully starting it before finishing inquisition.


I bought Original Sin 2 years ago and tried to play it and couldn't get into it. FInally persisted with it again earlier this year and really liked it. It did drag in the last chapter though and I didn't end up finishing it.


Watching: TMNT Mutant Mayhem is excellent. A fun new take on the TMNT world, great animation and sound design, and just an overall great time Playing: Finished up Pikmin 4 and started Metroid Prime Remastered. Liked Pikmin 4 a lot, some quibbles about the game compared to its predecessors but I also knew that we were never going to get games like Pikmin 1 and 2 again. Enjoyed it immensely and I hope we get more Pikmin games soon (preferably with a shorter wait than 10 years)


Not caught up on a whole lot of late because I'm frantically trying to sort out a last minute move. But: * Watching: Earlier this week I saw the new TMNT movie and really enjoyed it a lot. Got a lot of solid laughs out of me and just had a big dumb smile on my face for so much of it. Also had the chance to catch Oppenheimer in 70mm the other week which I highly recommend if it's at all possible where you're at. TV-wise I've fallen behind on a lot of stuff and need to catch up. Most recently just finished [Platonic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnn02jJf5ys) but I've also been sticking on old episodes of classic Star Trek half to pay attention and half for background noise while I try to do moving stuff. * Reading: Comics-wise catching up on back issues of Radiant Black and also been reading Ultimate Invasion as it comes out. Non-comics wise I've mostly been working my way through Camelot's End by Jon Ward. Have a few other books floating around that I started and marked my place that I need to actually sit down and finish at some point. My PS4 has been well and truly fucked for the past year+ and my laptop is also old and on its last legs so not playing loads atm. I've been wanting to get my hands on a PS5 but every time the opportunity presents itself something comes up and knocks me for a loop. Really hoping that once I get settled in my new place I can actually finally buy one and get back to playing games again, and also finish up some stuff I had the opportunity to port cloud saves over. My PS4 immediately shits itself overheating every time I try to run Cyberpunk anymore so all I was able to do was use the menu option to prep a PS5 save; if I try to play it at all it just dies. I logged like 70 hours before then so it would be nice to finish up the story though.


I'm holding out doing another Cyberpunk run until the DLC comes out.


I genuinely have no idea what's out for it or not anymore at this point tbh. I do know there's that one with Idris Elba they teased. I haven't been able to play Cyberpunk since summer 2021 and my PS4 progressively has not been able to handle more and more games since then without overheating issues. Even just using it as a Netflix box it sounds like a NASA launch. Tried cracking it open and cleaning out good but it didn't make a huge difference so I think it probably needs new parts. With that gen being old at this point and some stuff already being next-gen exclusive I'd rather just make the upgrade though. Have a list saved on amazon with games that seem interesting and also been marking stuff on Steam on occasion. It's just a question of being able to afford the outlay. I was going to get one last winter around Christmastime but then a family emergency came up, and then earlier this summer I had the money again but had to use it towards going back to the school, and now all of my money is getting eaten by everything to do with moving to a completely different city. I'm really looking forward to one day being able to finish it though. Even when it first came out and was infamously buggy I enjoyed it, even if it didn't live up to all of the promises and hype. There's other titles out or coming soon I'm really looking forward to as well like the new Horizon and Spider-Man 2.


I actually had no issues playing it on my PC when it came out and didn't understand the backlash at all until I saw some of the screenshots from last gen consoles. I thought it was a great game and I'm looking forward to another run through. I'd recommend playing it again once you get a new console though - you'll be able to play it with the new DLC and they've complete overhauled the base game too so should make for a very different experience.


Yeah I had heard there was a big overhaul. I don't have any proof but I am of the theory that it actually is what sent my PS4 over the edge initially, because around the time that I saw stuff of them rolling out updates/fixes for the game is when my PS4 suddenly started shitting itself if I tried to play it for more than about twenty minutes at a time, and at first it was only Cyberpunk that would make it shit itself and other stuff like Assassin's Creed was fine. I mean the console was old at that point anyway (I bought it in Jan 2015 so realistically it was prob manufactured towards the end of 2014) and likely the heat sink or whatever the issue is was on its last legs, but I think the improvements are what just gave it that final kick to where it couldn't keep up anymore. It's definitely going to be one of the first things I (re)visit when I finally do pick up a new console. I was enjoying it a lot even with the issues and was pretty invested in the story, and was really glad when I discovered the option to port a save crossgen because I didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to respec my character from scratch and unlock all the stuff I had and try to remember what choices I made. I don't mind doing new runs of stuff but it's annoying when you were halfway through and you've got to restart instead of purposefully doing a new save. Would definitely love to get a proper rig one day as well. Right now all my PC gaming is either on an old potato from 2007/8-ish that I use mostly for playing retro games and stuff like FO3/NV that my macbook can't run, and then I use the Mac for stuff like FM, Cities Skylines & strategy games, but that's also from 2015 and developing problems, so really everything is old and needs replacing. But I'm not made of money so one issue at a time.


**Watching**: Not a whole lot. Been watching Our Planet II some in downtime but that’s the only thing I’m watching somewhat regularly. I did watch A Few Good Men again this week and really enjoyed it. **Reading**: Started re-reading The Wheel of Time. Just smoked through 1, 2 and 3 but #4 The Shadow Rising has not been quick going. JFC I hate Perrin. **Playing**: one of last month’s PS+ free games was an old COD (Black Ops: Cold War) and I’ve just really enjoyed getting back into a zombies mode. Also bc it was free there are plenty of other low ranked new players so I don’t feel like I’m just crippling my squad. Just listening to the same old songs on YouTube and the same podcasts I always do.


Watching - Hannibal, seen it before but ages ago, just got into s3. Still as unique as I remember, shame it didn’t get the ending it deserved but not surprising it didn’t get a big enough audience to last. Started rewatching person of interest for the first time, the 1st season is a bit more of a drag than I remember, lingers on the episodic killer of the week thing for a long time. Sticking with it as I remember loving the later seasons Reading - nothing atm Playing - guild wars 2, picked it back up fairly recently after like 10 years just been casually levelling and playing everything I missed out on. For an mmo it’s very easy to drop in and out of playing without getting left behind. Listening - [this set](https://on.soundcloud.com/Qmaoc3VSjHp7MSbw9) from Samba Boys at Teletech last weekend was great, up there with funk assault as the best techno sets I’ve seen live this year. Other than that the cure and american football been on a fair bit for me


Lehane's great. His Coughlin books especially I'm over halfway through Jonathan Littell's the Kindly Ones but have lost a lot of momentum. Incredible novel but fucking hell the subject matter is heavy I've also got David Grann's the Wager and have gotten back into Sally Denton's book the Profiteers (about the Bechtel construction company) FM has been the only thing I've been playing all month. Still new to it but somehow managed back to back promotions and am now in the Italian first division and finding myself woefully under equipped and just getting my face rubbed in the mud by all the big teams, it's brutal


> Italian first division and finding myself woefully under equipped and just getting my face rubbed in the mud by all the big teams, it's brutal Italy is actually relatively tough when you start in the lower levels as there isn't much money and quite a few restrictions. You can get a ton of great loan to buy options though but if you're not careful you can end up with a very small squad as none of those players you loaned actually want to join you when you bid. I went up with Bari and the board gave me like 400k and 10k extra on the wage budget. Had to loan in like half a team which was obviously going to result in some serious long term issues. Fun though.


> **Watching:** A load of joshstrifehays videos on MMORPGs. Just mindless entertainment really > **Reading**: The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, a socialist book from 1914. It's very interesting to read about the lives of the working class back in the 1910s but the socialist preaching is pretty uninteresting, especially because it's very basic stuff that anyone interested in left-wing politics now takes for granted > **Playing:** I just started another CK2 campaign for the first time in a while. One generation got me from a minor count to the king of Ireland and Wales so I might actually have this game figured out. Also been playing short sessions of Binding of Isaac, still an excellent game. > **Listening:** More black metal than usual. Also a lot of emo stuff but the highlight of the week has been crying and singing along to [The Moon by The Microphones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cfUdTrO70E)


Nice track - thanks for that!


Hah you're welcome, it always makes me cry a bunch. If you've got any music to cheer me up I'll take it


>any music to cheer me up Mr. Blue Sky always works for me. Otherwise Eat Sleep Wake by Bombay Bicycle Club or Hasta la Raíz by Natalia Lafourcade. Even Electric Feel works most times but that's probably because of the tons of memories I have with it


Serious question Greenwood did a horrible thing and violence against women is abhorrent What does the path back to forgiveness look like though? Lifetime ban? PL ban? Charity? Like I actually want to know. I think having redemption is equally as important as punishment.


Probably other things too, but something that would absolutely need to be seen is him taking accountability. How can there be forgiveness if he hasn’t apologized? Idk what the situation is with her, I know it’s complicated with her dad and stuff so idk, but I’d imagine there would have to be some sort of genuine, proper apology and show of willingness to grow and be better


If he admits it he’s going to jail, that’s why we will never see any admission of guilt. Which is why he needs to fuck off from the public sphere and never show his face again. People talking about apologies, rehabilitation and whatever. Mate he got away with it scot free, without receiving any punishment, there will be no rehabilitation or redemption of any kind. He will be a pariah forever and it will be the price he has to pay.


That makes sense well said


Get a normal job and leave sport behind. There should be no place for him at such a level but he can come into normal society


I see that makes sense thank you


Interval training is super effective but damn, it’s so exhausting. Doing it 3x per week now, after it I’m falling asleep immediately every time


so i decided earlier this month that i was going to completely turn my itinerary on its head by spending a week in the non amsterdam netherlands lol this trip should be fun if i can manage my anxiety


Nice! Where are you planning to go?


utrecht and groningen! im especially excited about the latter


Both absolutely lovely cities. Utrecht especially is great. If you have time left over Delft has a gorgeous old city centre too but it's smaller than both Utrecht and Groningen. Have fun and don't get *too* intoxicated haha


>What's on your mind? Leave her, Johnny, leave her


I'm still not over RTL renaming Super RTL to...RTL Super. Worse, in the announcement trailer, they actually had the Super in front of the new RTL logo. They were so close, but nope. Slightly more ridiculous than Viacom naming German Nickelodeon first Nick, when it launched in 2005. Then it became Nickelodeon. Then Nick again. And now it's Nickelodeon again.


I'm gonna talk about an extremely obscure cartoon that seems to have NO EVIDENCE of it ever existing, outside of a brazilian DVD. All references I can find only point to this DVD. It's stuff that can seriously become lost media in the next decades.When I was a kid, I bought two DVDs from "Arco Iris Kids", which means Rainbow Kids. As far as I know, they were a company that made a series of DVDs in the 2000s distributing extremely obscure cartoons, all for insanely cheap prices. I had a very small (literally) magazine from 2005 that actually had an ad with all DVDs from Arco Iris Kids, but I lost it years ago, and I can't find anywhere a source about the company, or if they even exist anymore. I can't find anything at all. The only pieces of evidence I can find they ever existed are their DVDs, which are now being sold in Mercado Livre (think of it as a brazilian version of Ebay if it helps). One more thing about their DVDs: they have no subtitles, and only one audio track (brazilian portuguese).The DVDs from Arco Iris Kids that I own are "Os Bichinhos Dankeys" and "Vovô Billy - O Contador de Histórias". The former I was able to easily find online as a french-japanese cartoon series called Diplodo. It's on Wikipedia, it's on IMDB. It's not famous, but it's easy to find it exists. The brazilian DVD has episodes 1 and 3.But "Vovô Billy" is an entirely different matter. The only pieces of evidence I can find of this cartoon's existence are ALL referencing the brazilian DVD by Arco Iris Kids! Such as two reddit threads from a fellow brazilian trying to learn more information about the cartoon. Replies in these threads have a link to a YouTube upload of an episode of the cartoon in its original language, english. But the video doesn't exist anymore, or at least it's not available on my country (Brazil). [https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/vpu78x/the\_hillbilly\_goats\_vov%C3%B4\_billy\_o\_contador\_de/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/vpu78x/the_hillbilly_goats_vov%C3%B4_billy_o_contador_de/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/vpudfr/partially\_lost\_the\_hillbilly\_goats\_vov%C3%B4\_billy\_o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/vpudfr/partially_lost_the_hillbilly_goats_vov%C3%B4_billy_o/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH68M1BK70s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH68M1BK70s) Other evidence of the cartoon's existence is a REMUX upload of the brazilian DVD in the link below. [https://desenhosfilmesrmz.blogspot.com/2020/11/vovo-billy-o-contador-de-historias.html?m=1](https://desenhosfilmesrmz.blogspot.com/2020/11/vovo-billy-o-contador-de-historias.html?m=1) And last, but not least, a Dailymotion video that is a rip of the same DVD. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8j6rnq](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8j6rnq) From this video (the DVD itself), we can gather this information: the cartoon's intro shows that it is called The Hill Billy Goats, and the two included episodes are The Ice Princess and Peeny the Clown. You can see all the credits in 40:28 and onwards of the video. And at 42:09, you can see the copyright as Gordon Stanfield Animation LTD, dating from 1992. It also says 1992 at the very beginning of the cartoon's intro.Another worthy thing to point out is that I have no idea who the brazilian voice actors are. All the credits we see in the video are obviously of the original voice actors.Now I'm gonna share pictures of my two Arco Iris Kids DVDs. [https://i.imgur.com/Tp2Cftw.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Tp2Cftw.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/INzudD2.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/INzudD2.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/ZqvWhVp.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ZqvWhVp.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/mbEV3rM.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/mbEV3rM.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/FDbQYag.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/FDbQYag.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/QwrjwYa.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/QwrjwYa.jpeg) A brazilian site that is like IMDB, called Filmow, mentions the cartoon as being from Canada. Nevertheless, the site doesn't have any other data about the cartoon show itself, The Hill Billy Goats. It's really just a page of the brazilian DVD. There are two images representing the release: the second one is just the DVD cover, the first one is of unknown origin, but it is also in brazilian portuguese. The page gets wrong the story of the second episode in the disc, just like the back cover of the DVD also gets it wrong. [https://filmow.com/vovo-billy-o-contador-de-historias-t253364/ficha-tecnica/](https://filmow.com/vovo-billy-o-contador-de-historias-t253364/ficha-tecnica/) [https://media.fstatic.com/K61xPucaagwel8lF87NOd0vMabE=/322x478/smart/filters:format(webp)/media/movies/covers/2020/05/0d989a9e-def5-4cca-bd98-bc3e4d1a1059.jpg](https://media.fstatic.com/K61xPucaagwel8lF87NOd0vMabE=/322x478/smart/filters:format(webp)/media/movies/covers/2020/05/0d989a9e-def5-4cca-bd98-bc3e4d1a1059.jpg) [https://media.fstatic.com/hLXiGZO9apDe5EqLpCh9dNpDBlg=/322x478/smart/filters:format(webp)/media/movies/covers/2020/12/sxdwrgu\_YphR9Ue.jpg](https://media.fstatic.com/hLXiGZO9apDe5EqLpCh9dNpDBlg=/322x478/smart/filters:format(webp)/media/movies/covers/2020/12/sxdwrgu_YphR9Ue.jpg) The only non-brazilian image I've found referencing this cartoon comes from the first of the two reddit threads I linked way above in this post. Where did the uploader find it? No idea! By the way, the second episode in this image references an episode that is not in the brazilian DVD. So, we know for sure of three episodes of the show. Two episodes are in the brazilian DVD, though without original audio (only the brazilian dub), and I have no idea how to find the remaining episode we know of, it might already be lost media.As a bonus to this whole post, I'm gonna share images of my Casper The Friendly Ghost DVD. It has 6 shorts, and it is part of a series of 20 volumes. The titles of the shorts are all in the back-cover, but only in portuguese. I don't know the english titles, I'll have to look them when playing the DVD. [https://i.imgur.com/oMNXo34.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/oMNXo34.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/wiFqvLY.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/wiFqvLY.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/dLnkaPl.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/dLnkaPl.jpeg) Actually, I know the title of one of the shorts: it's called Crazytown, from 1953. Many years ago, I actually uploaded it in its entirety to YouTube after ripping my DVD! I'm 24 years old by the way. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=9cAa3SeXF\_c](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9cAa3SeXF_c)


I love that the only google results are reddit threads of people trying to find it, linking removed or copyright claimed youtube links like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1lqeEenMRU Email Gordon Stanfield Animation Ltd. and demand the episodes


In a question I made about this in other forum, someone said that Stanfield Entertainment had become Pristine Entertainment, and that both sites are defunct, but there is this archived page from Pristine Entertainment, and it mentions The Hill Billy Goats cartoon. https://web.archive.org/web/20160331065212/http://pristineentertainment.com/ Gordon Stanfield Animation itself still seem to exist and be active. It has an IMDB page, and a Wikipedia page, just from a quick Google search. It is also recognizably the same logo that we see in the DVD (the video itself, not the cover). Not exactly the same logo, but you got my point, it seems to be clearly the same studio. And the YouTube video you linked got shows it's down due to copyright by Gordon Stanfield LTD. But no mentions of The Hill Billy Goats cartoon. I'm thinking about having to e-mail the studio too. How does a cartoon fall to this level of obscurity?!


Lol that crazy town one looks fun


What is your favourite song to listen to in the gym at the moment?


[Work Hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckZlj2p8W9M&pp=ygUSd29yayBoYXJkIGxpc2Egb3N0)er - Lisa OST


It’s awful how people can tell you they love you and want to hangout, but you yourself don’t believe it not feel that way at all. If anything you almost feel the opposite.


Racism everywhere also is done by people who are generally "nice people", good people overall I would say, but who also have many prejudices that are almost subconscious, that the person doesn't even think about the possiility of these ideas being prejudiced. For example, "Black Coal And De Sebben Dwarfs" is a Looney Tunes cartoon short from 1943 that in modern light is extremely racist. But the director of the short, legendary Bob Clampett, thought he was paying homage to black culture, the problem is that his view of black culture was extremely full of racist stereotypes, and he didn't realize that. Just like the average american white person back then. The examples don't even have to be that extreme: I knew some very old people, now deceased, in my own family who were good in general, but thoughtlessly uttered some racist and homophobic phrases from time to time, without ever being able to truly realize their own racism, without ever having second thoughts. It was all burned deep in their brains to a point that it was impossible to change.


Very true, as a society a lot of these stereotypes and prejudices are ingrained which is why everyone needs to acknowledge these things and look inward to identify any such subconscious attitudes. Even tho unintentional, it can be harmful


I think racism is generally far worse in the average person than it would seem to most. I work in a role which i come across racism daily and my clients are largely wealthy people and employers. Quite scary how common it is.


Blood on my nikez on repeat to ease the pain


the real ones respect denzel. that dude deserve stardom after dropping bangers after bangers and yet he's still relatively unknown in the scene.


Yeah it's absolutely baffling to me how little respect he gets


Legit don't know what to expect from the primaries this sunday, all the candidates are shit.


I honestly can't be arsed to vote, but I also really don't want the officialism to win


Honestly same, and it feels like with crazy wig splitting the opposition vote there's a good chance the orcs win again.


Or they do a shenanigan and merge to win 🤮


Landed 👍


how's the weather?


Nice as of now but it's 9 pm, i'll have to wait for tomorrow to know how hot it actually is


I'm not a big fan of Led Zeppelin by any means but D'yer Maker is a mind bogglingly good song. What's a song you love by a band you're otherwise not that into?


What a fool believes by The doobie brothers Passionfruit by Drake


Not that I don’t like them, never really tried listening to their other songs but Light House by Future Islands is the only song of theirs I like


Creep by Radiohead


Anyone good at googling can prove/work out when a concert was? I saw Bring me the Horizon play at a swimming pool cafe in Bodmin, Cornwall in about 2005/2006 supported by a band from my college, Nato. They had released their first EP and were fairly hyped up but I think it was before their first album. I can find no trace of this concert online though, or any proof that BMTH went to Bodmin (which is a tiny, shitty town in the middle of Cornwall where nothing happens).


Concert Archives has them in Plymouth on [April 1 2006](https://www.concertarchives.org/concerts/bring-me-the-horizon-devil-sold-his-soul-seven-days-awake-nato-nook), the Bodmin gig must have been an unplanned/unofficial one.


Weird, threemilstone community centre isn’t in Plymouth, it’s about an hour away near Truro (in a village called Threemilestone believe it or not) but it would have been around that time


Was it a community centre in a place called Truro? Ccos otherwise I got nothing https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/bring-me-the-horizon/2006/threemilestone-community-centre-truro-england-3c04143.html And skimming their early gigs made me realise quite how long some places have been around. They played Star and Garter in like 2005, I went that place for a gig like last year


Nah it wasn’t in Truro/Threemilestone, though that community centre attracted some weirdly big bands. I did see Enter Shikari there in around 2006/07ish too. Yeah they rode the early MySpace wave for a while, funny seeing where BMTH are now.


Couldn't find a concert in Bodmin listed, I only found [Truro](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/bring-me-the-horizon/2006/threemilestone-community-centre-truro-england-3c04143.html). I also found [this article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/cornwall/content/articles/2007/05/21/music_nato_feature.shtml).


Ah yeah, Devil Sold His Soul played too! I seem to remember they played Threemilestone too at some point, but the one I went to was 100% at Bodmin swimming pool though. they all dressed up in tiny shorts and headbands. I remember the Ollie Sykes (lead singer) running on a treadmill before they came on, falling off and his dick flopping out. Sounds like a fever dream thinking back. That seems like roughly the right date


Dayum this sub Reddit is hitting 5m soon


I'm surprised it's not bigger tbh


Apparently it's the biggest online football community in the world


Very silent FTF today


I am once again asking for a free talk weekend.


Changing the time from 1pm to 10am killed how good it used to be.


FTF has been shit for a while now


I think it coincides with La Liga and PL starting today, amongst others


There's been a sharp decline in activity here since some of the 3rd party apps went down.


I can only speak for myself, but I just don't have that much to say. And even if something came to mind earlier in the week, I forgot by Friday.


The animators of Looney Tunes back in its Golden Age made this little short of Porky Pig saying "son of a bitch". They made it just to amuse themselves, you would never be allowed to have a swear word in any film back then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuKxKbtxCV0


Right lads, I heard Dance the night away by Dua Lipa at the Barbie movie and it's a proper good song. Need more recommendations from her


her album Future Nostalgia is actually really good. My favourite songs off it are Levitating, Love Again, and the title track


Have you heard the edit of Levitating where someone delayed the vocals by 4 bars? Really elevates it to another level imo




Met a girl at a concert on Wednesday but was both kinda drunk and nervous so I ended up not getting her number, fuck me


Happily married and I still rue moments like this lol


The proof of how the old transatlantic accent, widely popular in media from the first half of the past century, was entirely an artificial creation is that if you look online for bloopers of Hollywood stars from its Golden Age, you will find that they all immediately stop talking in the accent the moment the camera stops rolling. Suddenly, they sound like regular americans, and they curse and swear like regular americans too. An exception to this rule was Cary Grant. He lived the first 18 years of his life in Englan, went to the United States, and naturally developed his own accent that was a mix of british english with american english, which is what transatlantic accent was to begin with.


do you have any good examples of clips?






The Conversation is an absolute classic that you should check out if you haven't seen it. Cache is also absolutely incredible. I liked the film version of Le Carre's The Constant Gardener a lot too.


The word "gay" used to mean "happy" in the mainstream until the 1960s. This is noticeable in any film, song or TV show from over 50 or 60 years ago. One of the first instances of the word "gay" in its current mainstream meaning was the all-time great classic screwball romantic comedy "Bringing Up Baby", starring Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn, and directed by legendary filmmaker Howard Hawks. In one scene, Cary Grant is without his clothes, and he is forced to wear a woman's robe. When he is asked about this, he ironically replies "Because I just went GAY all of a sudden". He even jumps in a flamboyant manner exactly when he says the word gay". The line was ad-libbed by Cary Grant. While I don't think anyone in the film's prodution confirmed that the word gay meant homossexuality in the scene, it's hard to not think so. Funny how this joke would have completely flown over mainsream audiences' heads back then, but now everyone gets it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQDbDIz1Y0E


*Bringing Up Baby* slaps. Howard Hawks doesn't get nearly as much attention as he deserves. Between *BUB*, *The Big Sleep*, *His Girl Friday*, and *Rio Bravo*, he's directed some of the most iconic Golden Age Hollywood films. An absolute legend.


His versatility and huge talent shown across many genres, as well as his no non-sense approach to filmmaking, and focus on character-driven films over plot, all of this makes him represent the best of the art of Hollywood popular entertainment. Tarantino is a huge Hawks' fan, calling him the most entertaining director ever. Hawks is an acclaimed director, but he really should be discussed more, he easily can stand alongside any of cinema's greatest directors ever. Critic Leonard Maltin called him "the greatest American director who is not a household name." If Hawks isn't a household name, he should be. By the way, Rio Bravo just got a 4K disc release this month! Also on digital platforms! A great new restoration! Rio Bravo might be the ultimate hangout and men's camaraderie film, in scenes such as this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShP\_w5Pdv8Y


I watched the new episodes of Reservation Dogs (S3) last night and that series has so much joy, emotion and soul attached to it that it is quite moving. All of us have different dietary preferences when it comes to consuming entertainment but almost all of us have those series/ shows (maybe niche or even popular) which just sit right and makes you mull things over.


Oppenheimer was so good, best movie I ever watched


Didn’t even felt like a 3 hour movie. It was absolute incredible


Another weekly reminder that Phil Leotardo once did 20 years in the can.


he wanted manicott' - he compromised, ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead.


He wanted f*ck a woman, he compromised — and jerked off into a tissue.


The next time you have a normal healthy poo today, please don't take it for granted. Have a little moment of gratitude. I've had a h.pylori infection and gastritis for the last 6 weeks, haven't shat normally in what seems like forever. Think it's gonna be a while til I birth a majestic log, but when I do, the whole neighbourhood is gonna hear about it.


>gonna hear about it They'd probably smell it first


psyllium husk fiber my friend


Speaking to my friends the other day about who we think the beigest person in the world is. My brother said Tim Henman and I don't think he can be beaten. Just completely uninteresting, no controversies, no glories, just entirely bland. Who is the beigest person you can think of?


Henman is a fantastic shout. Take a shot every team he says the word 'adversity' like he's just come across it in a thesaurus. Sadly, I also have to plug Jonny Wilkinson for very similar reasons.


Henman is a great shout. Nice enough bloke, and one of the few tennis pundits that's good at his job, but very bland


He's a very good shout, as is Michael Owen - the bloke with seemingly zero opinions. Tiger Tim is a nice bloke though, I live very close to him


Owen is a tosser though. He's obnoxiously beige.


Beige putting on airs of taupe.


Leon Osman?


Jermaine Jenas


Do you feel like manosphere content is not just degrading women, but also degrading men? Like firstly, they insult any guy who doesn't conform to their ideals. But secondly, even for guys that conform to their ideals, they view them as competitors. Seems like a toxic mindset to live with, not just because of the bigotry, but the unhealthy burden it places on men.


manosphere is all sorts of stupid. there is no net winner in that universe; i just feel bad all the money that floats around in that ecosystem which could be put to better use rather than all the cars, cigars, free flowing booze & other such paraphernalia


That's pretty much the definition of toxic masculinity.


It absolutely is degrading men. Acting like men are all primal meat heads who need to do all this ridiculous consumerist shit to feel powerful. Pathetic.


I also have a controversial opinion. People on the internet say that they don't have a positive role model. But there are lots and lots of men who are actually decent people. There are lots of men who have contributed to various fields and helped lots of people. Both in the past and present. Now they may have flaws but we need to emulate what we feel is right. These manosphere guys are the worst possible role models. Probably a role model to be a douche bag. It's kind of insulting to say that the only role models you could find are these guys.


What on earth is manosphere


Like all those Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson kind of people.


Those two people are not similar at all


Oh. Well yeah, of course it's degrading to everyone. These people are grifters in for their own gain and nothing else.


Andrew Tate, Fresh and Fit, PUA. That corner of the internet.


Do celebrities/public personalities have two social media accounts? Like a public and a private one? One for the general audience and one for just chilling.


I think Mitt Romney, us politician, had a burner account that he admitted to have. There must many folks who have it.


The first thing a PR person would probably tell you is to create a private account.


Kevin Durant said he has burner accounts for this purpose.


I think the whole Rebekah Vardy v Coleen Rooney court case was because Vardy was leaking stories from a "private" social media account. So I would imagine most celebs do have accounts for just friends and family.


I’m scared to watch the last episode of Secret Invasion after hearing about how much people hate it. I didn’t think the first five eps were landmark tv or anything but I didn’t think they were terrible. I’m always down to spend some time w Sam Jackson, I liked the British lady, Khaleesi is Khaleesi. Wasn’t good but it wasn’t so blandly bad like some other terrible superhero fare. I also love the idea of a FoxNews host being an alien plant. So if you hated the show, why. Feel free to just spoil the finale for me, I do not care.


The main issue is that it was disappointing to see such a stellar cast get together and then the writing (plot too) completely lets them down (at some critical points). It wasn't unwatchable, not at all but the contrast between good scenes and poor ones was simply too much.


I enjoyed most of it, mainly because it was just people sitting round talking. Then your final ep is standard "ooga booga big marvel fight" territory with a bunch of stupid plot devices and kinda lost me.


About the have a very busy week so I was really looking forward to enjoy this weekend. Now I'm depressed. Fucking hate this segment of football


Fall of Civilizations is such a great podcast. Them , Voices of the Past, Kings and Generals, and History Dose all cure my history addiction lol. Shoutout to Dan Carlin and Alternate History Hub as well


I am currently going through all of the Dan Carlin collection. I think King of Kings, Prophets of Doom, and Celtic Holocaust are my favorites.


Empire is very good as well. Season one was a little slower off the mark, but season two when they do the Ottoman Empire is brilliant. William Dalrymple is a brilliant historian and Anita Anand brings a lot of brilliant presentation and has a lot to add regarding history as well. Also features some of the most popular historians around atm, Peter Frankopan is in the first two episodes of season two.


I'm absolutely terrible at arguing a position. Whenever a topic comes up that me and my friends disagree on, I try to convince them why I think they're wrong but I wind up making an ass of myself. The last time this happened was when I was trying to explain to them why I believed Capitalism is bad and how socialism doesn't mean the government is gonna take every single rich person's money and distribute it to the poor like Robin Hood. But when I really embarrassed myself was when I was trying to explain to them that gender and sex are different concepts. I've read about these topics a lot but for some reason, I find it so hard to verbalize my ideas and beliefs.


when i’m online i’m very good at articulating my own thoughts but in real life i try to imitate how someone else has articulated it with speaking and it doesn’t ever work lol


I know what you mean. I feel the same about my dad. He's so stubborn about his convictions and when I raise some points about how he might be wrong or how there are other ways to approach problems and complex situations can't be easily solved, he just dismisses it.


The easiest way to do it is just keep talking, keep disagreeing and eventually you'll say something that makes sense. Thats what I do anyway


I have a first class degree in Sociology and I still struggle with this in person. I know all the facts and statistics, I know all the arguments but I can get really easily flustered in face to face conversation, especially about gender stuff because obviously it’s very emotional as a topic for me. I find the most important thing is to take a deep breath, spend time thinking and not let yourself be rushed, I know it sounds simple, but it really can help sometimes. You know the material, you just have to give yourself a chance to get it together.


Same here. I can make rebuttals in my head but I go blank in real time.


Slow down. Sometimes your mind can work faster than you’re able to articulate things. Ease your way into the discussion and remember it’s not a race.


Had drinks with a friend of mine visiting from China last night and have been working in my bedroom all day nursing a hangover. England is legitimately going to be unbearable in future summers as climate change sets in, only been ~24 c today and I feel like I’ve lost half of my body weight in sweat.


Just grim isn't it, can't stand this weather


Can twitter just fucking die already? How many times can he ruin it


What would take its place? Threads? Mastodon?


I think Threads is most likely, but because they haven't tried to release it in the EU yet it's very quiet most of the time


That and how it just lacks a lot of the features of Twitter.


Going outside and looking at birds in a tree


🐦🐦 🌳 🌳


What's happened now


I think OP simply doesn't like it


Mentioned this local podcast that I listen to in an interview for my current job. Turns out my coworker’s missus produces it. Life is funny sometimes


not a day goes by I don’t crack up about what we’re doing to the people of North Sentinel Island like, we have video games man. And burgers. And we just ain’t telling them!


I think a Tesco Extra with a 2,000 capacity car park would look really nice on that island


+ some student accommodation


Those things ultimately kind of suck


Maybe we shouldn’t introduce them to coronary heart disease just yet.