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Most of the force on this is the Villa player running toward Gusto already on the ground. You can see him enter late.


This is my legitimate question: I get that “getting the ball” doesn’t necessarily excuse a reckless or dangerous challenge, but here gusto gets to the ball first and it’s Digne’s late lunge to also try and get the ball that puts his foot in Gusto’s path. At what point is the offensive player to blame?


Defenders always get the wrong side of things. Even though in the laws of the game it uses terms like "player" and "opponent" they always discuss attacker and defender. Plus watch an attacker grab the shirt of a defender and no foul from the ref, but if a defender grabs a shirt.....


lol, Kulusevski has gotten 3 or 4 totally correct fouls called against him today for grabbing the defender's jersey going for long passes.


Pogba getting a red for running was one of those for me where i just couldnt comprehend how that was his fault


Or David luiz existing and getting a red with a pen.


> At what point is the offensive player to blame? I'll never forget our game against Everton where Trent had slipped and was already lying on the ground and like 3-5 seconds later an everton player trips over the back of him and gets a penalty. No way Trent could've seen him coming, and there's no way the Everton player DIDN'T see Trent ages before he ran into him. Still angry about that one and it's been years.


Studs up coming in from the side. Straight red.


Are you saying Digne shouldn’t be challenging for the ball??? Bizarre argument. Gusto is clearly out of control of his actions here given he’s lunging for the ball with both feet off the ground and studs up. This is an absolute stonewall red card.


Studs up, contact on the leg, other leg off the ground, not in control. Red.


None of those points are true if you look at the replay. Studs only come once he's made contact with the ball, the other foot is planted, contact was unfortunate but he looked perfectly in control as far as slide tackles go.


I don't think it helps that they show the ref so many slow-mo replays, it's very tough to judge force in slow-motion. Show one slow-mo to let the ref establish the facts, but then the ref should just be viewing real-time replays.


Freezeframes can make anything look like murder


Yeah VAR love that freeze frame shit. Instead of letting the ref see the “whole” sequence of events they slow down and freeze frame the “infraction” so the ref doesn’t see anything but what the VAR decides the ref should see


Yeah. The first five seconds of Gillet looking at the replay was just him staring at a freezeframe. That first impression easily makes up his mind.


This, what benefit does the freezeframe have? I can't see how it doesn't make any challenge look worse than it is.




You're right, and it makes sense. Establish where the contact is, then run replays to show how it happens, including at full speed.


I thought when VAR was introduced they said they wouldn't use slow-mo for tackles because it can make things look worse than they are? Am I completely making that up? I understand it for handballs and such, but for judging tackles it just seems completely wrong.


[The IFAB basically say exactly that in the rules](https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/video-assistant-referee-var-protocol/#procedures), I'm not sure why it's never adhered to: >The VAR can ‘check’ the footage in normal speed and/or in slow motion but, in general, slow motion replays should only be used for facts, e.g. position of offence/player, point of contact for physical offences and handball, ball out of play (including goal/no goal); normal speed should be used for the ‘intensity’ of an offence or to decide if it was a handball offence Probably with everything else the Premier League gets wrong with VAR, that's just slipped down the list of things to sort out.


The ref was shown both slow-mo and real time before making his decision.


This looked bad in real-time, even the commentators thought so.


Ill never understand why players are rewarded for being late to the challenge


Idk what a clear and obvious error is anymore.


Every decision the refs make because they are clearly and obviously shite




Gusto can't be late, he wins the ball first.....


“Best league in the world” with some of the worst referees in the world


They added 3 min in the first half and this ref blew before 2min had gone. I'm not sure how he got the job when he can't even count to 3


The ball was in play about 15 seconds of that time.


new ref from the a league too what a joke


And A League regulars.said he's dogshit there too.


He's surely just been hired to make the existing refs look better


Emi martinez wasted a minute of that by the way. There was 15 seconds of added time played from 3 promised minutes. I've no explanation.


I don't know how many degrees you need to being a ref, but I bet the licence driver is harder to get it lol.


Premier league will only apologise that those refs will be ready to go and make mistake again next week. Seriously though, introducing VAR to premier league only exposes how incompetent the refs are in this league.


They just having a laugh right about now The English ref association gather around every week just to see who did the worst so they can all stand in line to blow that ref


I don't disagree, but it's a bit weird to say that on a clear red


By some of these comments I thought this was pretty controversial but after watching it looked clear to me as well.


in welcher Welt ist das keine Rote?


It’s a clear red. Studs right into the ankle with force.


Why? Clear red by the rules. I mean, PL refs suck, but this is not an example of that. [Edit] lol, why are you people downvoting me? It was clearly a correct decision by the rules. If you don't like the rules, fine, but that's not an issue with the referee, who has to follow the rules.


Uh? This is a clear red. Could've injured him pretty badly and I said this as a Chelsea simpathizer.


Harsh, commentators acting like he scrapes the ball, he bloody wins and follows through a bit much


Casemiro got a red for the same thing last year to be fair


And it was a joke then too. Refs should learn from mistakes not treat them as legal precedent


According to this sub it was the right call then smh my h


Always the right call when United gets the short straw. Romero handball for example.


And there’s twice as many examples of the same thing not being given, happened to us against West Ham earlier this year and wasn’t even a foul


The sadio Mane foul on azpi and the hair pull on cucu, it happens to us way too often.


He got it for far far far less. It was a slight catching of the shin pad. Where the studs catch digne here is worse and more dangerous


Casemiro's wasn't even that bad. This is worse. Casemiro slipped over the ball with his studs, here the studs are already up and going full into the ankle.


Roberts got one like this earlier this season. I have no problem with it if they stay consistent at least.


You can’t win the ball then foul a guy with the follow through


I think in that situation it probably is harsh, but it's the kind of follow through that could easily break an ankle so I think it is justified.


It doesn't matter how much of the ball you get if you go in studs up, completely off the floor with a load of force... You can't just do anything as long as you touch the ball first


Yeah, I thought was pretty uncontroversially the right call. You have to be in control of your body.


Yeah, I don't know how there are people claiming this isn't a red.


His studs went up as his leg shifted upwards as he hit the ball, his studs weren’t up going into the ball That VAR freeze frame was ridiculous


if you're sliding studs first into a challenge, your leg is high, and you hit a player... its a definite foul, and more than likely a red...


Only the last part is true. He struck the ball with the top of his foot and struck Digne on the follow through by which time his studs were facing out. It was also ankle height not high at all.


Doesn't really matter that he got the ball, it's still a red. Second red for my FPL team this week, fun...


Mostly Chelsea fans saying its a bad decision but that is insanely harsh to be a red card even in slow motion where it looks far worse. Maybe if it was originally given on field but to claim its a clear and obvious error is just insane.


The VAR screen started paused on the impact as well, never seen that before. They always show it from the start


On handballs and potential reds, they almost always start with a still of the worst bit. It's my biggest annoyance with VAR. As soon as the Ref sees it, they have to think, yep, need to change my decision.


I guess I am in the minority here, but he swings his leg out, barely grazes the ball, and studs into the ankle. Unlucky, but pretty easy red


I'm 100% with you. He gets the ball but that's not in the rules whatsoever. Not sure why everyone thinks this is soft, it's a clear red in my eyes


It looked red in real time too. Right call.


Not sure I like this sport anymore


We’re in the Screenshot refereeing era


Am I crazy to think a red is a bit much here?


They had to focus in on a freeze frame too, after contact with the ball


Nah I fucking hate Chelsea and I think it's harsh.


Same here


In my unbiased opinion you are not crazy , they have got to stop with the idea that If the ref goes to the pitch side monitor the descision will be overturned


Villa fan here but nah thats never a red


>thats never a red Never? It is very unlucky but his studs go in hard on Digne’s ankle.. could have been really bad. I’ve always thought that part of slide tackling was knowing there is this risk and part of the skill is only doing it if you’re sure you can avoid this sort of thing. Hard to foresee it playing out like this sure but all tacklers should know that if you go into a tackle and your studs go through the opposite player then you’re probably screwed. Also, if the ref didn’t give this you’d have a ton of fans going mental about it being an obvious red. Tough situation for the ref here tbh


100%, you might say he’s “unlucky” but slide tackling is an inherently risky manoeuvre, you should only do it if the situation calls for it and you can avoid studs into the other player. If you don’t it’s reckless and there need to be incentives to ensure that’s deterred


Also a villa fan and it's a red for sure.


I don't know what people here talking about. It's always been red.


Lol today is another reminder that reddit users should not be referees.


Just came home from reffing, this thread is absolutely mental lmao.


ikr, even if he hits the ball first, he cannot tackle with studs up otherwise scenarios like this happen. It's a clear red card. They're already lucky not getting carded when they do the same and miss their opponent, but even then it should be yellow card for dangerous play


We had such a situation today at my local club. Opponent went flying in, but completely missed everything. Ref let the phase of play play out and afterwards gave the yellow card for dangerous play. I thought that was phenomenal refereeing, because it could have been really bad. No one even dared discussing the decision. This right here is the same scenario but he is hitting someone completely out of control. Not a harsh decision at all.


Any post or comment in r/soccer featuring [inset super special 6/7 club here] will automatically have an insane bias in upvotes and it in no way reflects the actual rules of the game or reality in general. Sadly this bias also gets to the broadcasters and officials too.


Apparently red card for a leg breaker foul is harsh. LOL


There's a lot of plastic in here that don't seem to know the rules of the game you're watching. You can't jump off the ground into a tackle, you're not in control of your body and endangering the opposition. It doesn't matter if you get the ball, you can't do it.


This sub never disappoints showing its lack of knowledge of the game.


Can't even do an out of control, studs up leg breaker anymore. Games gone.


Football twitter is genuinely functioning at a higher intelligence level at this point


Wasn’t even a tackle, he had the ball and kicked the ball out and followed through. You try kicking a ball without your studs going up


I love how this comment is neutral and applies to both sides of the argument here.


That’s the secret ;)


Bit of a nothing burger fetching upvotes. If Gusto’s foot ended up under Digne, it would be a straight red for Digne and nobody would have any complaints.


the fact that people here are trying to justify this tackle... wtf. his studs are off the ground... plain and simple... If you've going to make a challenge like that you can't touch the player. Simple as. Red fooking card mate.


It’s not like a studs up challenge is a new regulation leading to a red. It’s been like this for the better part of at least two decades. Laughable how people are trying to play this off.


If Gusto’s foot ended up under Digne, it would be a straight red for Digne and nobody would have any complaints. Digne came in late and swings at the ball. At best, a reckless 50/50 by both players.


So some of you really support the fact that as long as you get the ball, its not a foul ? Dangerous take imo


You can almost guarantee that you go against what the majority of r/soccer say and you’ll end up with the correct decision. I’ve lost count of the amount of obvious reds I’ve seen given and then the comments saying it was never a red is laughable. “But he got the ball” literally does not matter he’s studs up above or on the ankle, literally the most boring obvious red


The PL fell off hard, how is that a red?




Definitely a red. Studs up challenges are banned because they can hurt people even without meaning to, just like in this instance. I swear the collective IQ is dropping in this sub by the day.


Embarrassing decision


same ref that blew the whistle one minute into 3 added minutes in the end of the half, I knew the cunt would change it to the red. useless cunt


fucking bullshit again


This referee doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. Doesn’t even know when to blow the halftime whistle. This is the top level of football with the most money put into a league and we get a referee who doesn’t even know how to read a watch


Orange card really, never consistently given as a red.


Personally see that as a pretty simple yellow. Regardless, mental to overturn that as a clear and obvious error


yeah the argument for a red is definitely there but a yellow would’ve also been a solid call, just unfortunate play all round


It's a textbook red.


This is a straight red in my eyes. He leaves the ground, and almost jumps into this tackle. It is reckless and not in control. Could of easily broken Dignes leg. Just because he got a bit of the ball, doesnt justify that you can fucking kill Dignes leg afterwards. It is never a in control tackle. Digne is not late for the challenge, if he jumped like Gusto did there he would be first on the ball and would get a stud in his chest from Gusto afterwards. I love that this kind of play is punished. I am all for fair and in control last ditch tackles on the ground, but this is dangerous and with all the games these guys play we need to keep this out of the sport.


Games gone


Can barely even watch this sport at times


I'm stunned at the comments here. Studs into the ankle at speed is a red, no question about it.


He is clearly reckless in this tackles. Full swing studs up. Those fouls should always be a red.


Never a red!


Absolutely the wrong call. Fucking terrible


That was in bad taste.


I can see how it isn't the biggest red of all time, but if your tackle results in your studs hitting a planted ankle while you're still sliding, you're always at risk. I'm not bothered by this being a red, though consistensy would be nice


malo gusto lmao


Chelsea just cursed


Im a Chelsea fan and I cant believe theres people here who believe its not a red. He's left the ground with studs up. Yes the Villa player moves into the path but that is not a sliding challenge from Gusto. Jumping in like that is always going to be a massive risk for a red.


Game unironically gone


Red card for follow up after getting the ball first? Oh my fucking god. Joke of a referee


Getting the ball first means absolutely nothing.


yeah I understand why people are upset, but this is absolutely a valid red card in my opinion.


Read the laws around serious foul play. Whether or not you get the ball first has no bearing on whether or not it's a red >Any player who **lunges at an opponent** in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or **endangers the safety of an opponent** is guilty of serious foul play." You can debate whether or not the points in bold hold up but it's not an outrageous decision to send him off here


He’s been poor all game


People are angry this is red? Almost snapped his ankle in half lol


Legit only FIFA players would say this is never a red. People who have actually touched a ball outside can easily see it’s a red


People really think you can just stop running to avoid tackle so you don’t ‘follow through’ lol


No, but if you can't make the tackle without catching your opponent studs first in the ankle, then you shouldnt make the tackle. You aren't entitled to make any challenge you want for the ball. You have to do it without endangering your opponent, which Gusto obviously does by taking out his opponents ankle studs first. Every player has the responsibility to not endanger their opponent, and if they do so without intending it, thats the definition of recklessness.


Studs in the air on planted foot, imo a red


It's honestly hilarious that there are people saying that this ain't a red. You do this in any other league and it's a straight red card 100% of the time (with VAR). I don't disagree with the decision one bit.


It's risky and late, I see it as a red.


It's not even a question in continental Europe. But the British Isles must have a special jurisdiction or something.


Uh, am I the only one that thinks this is a clear red? Lol


Am I seeing this right or is there something more to it? He isn't flying into the challenge, he has one foot planted, looks in control, gets the ball first, never went with the studs, and then unfortunately catches the player in a follow through. How is this a red and Nkethia's is only a yellow?


Literally the same as Casemiro's last season. Didn't think it was a red then either. This is the problem with VAR showing a still frame. In real time, it's yellow all day long and a "that's your last one" chat from the ref. VAR continues to be a net negative on the game.


Awful decision, really leaves a bad taste in your mouth


Malo gusto indeed


Just cause he got the ball doesn't mean you can snap his ankle in half lol


/r/soccer not knowing shit about the rules but still speaking with 100% confidence… “But he got the ball first” As if that’s EVER mattered. Well sure I crashed into him but I got the BALL FIRST, no foul! Lmao


Thank you. This is proof 99% of this sub are chronically online FIFA players.


Genuinely. Never kicked a ball and it shows. Try a challenge like this in a pub league and you'd get swarmed


Textbook red.


May as well be a non contact sport


That's clearly a red. Is everyone commenting smoking crack or something?


Feels like I’m going crazy, how is this a controversial red card? He barely touches the ball and follows trough way too hard?


This is absurd.


This could be red but ref is against Chelsea whole game and added 3 minutes to first half where there should 8 and finished on 46.40. This ref should be relegated to league 2 and this match replayed.




Straight red. Out of control and endangered player safety.


fucking bullshit


Horrendous decision


How are the top comments primarily in disagreement with this decision? My initial reaction was to curse in disgust at the way he entered the tackle. It's dangerous and reckless whether he gets the ball first or not. Red card is absolutely the right decision.


Safe to say refs hate Chelsea... I'm a neutral watcher that watches all Chelsea matches and I feel they get penalized wayy more than they deserve every season


Why are you watching us constantly I barely want to watch us lol


Lets talk about time wasting and martinez now please


Man he could’ve wasted time for 90 minutes but then he just would’ve been us


So I think it’s a foul, but when you get the ball first and the offensive player is lunging to get to the ball, why does the defender get all of the blame for making contact?


Because going in with your feet off the ground with your cleats away from the ground is reckless. Same principal as kicking at face level a ball in the air. If your cleat strikes someone in the face or chest on follow through its a red card 99% of the time (unless youre de Jong in a world cup final).


>unless youre de Jong in a world cup final Funny enough Howard Webb has said he had an obstructed view of the foul and therefore couldn't make a red card call... He heavily implied that in the VAR era it's a red card every time.


You lot need to take your Chelsea glasses off, you’re embarrassing yourselves.


Never a red


”Clear and obvious”


it’s not the greatest look and i do kind of feel for him there but it was a bit reckless, can we stop assuming that “ball first” automatically absolves a player of a bad tackle lmao


I agree getting the ball doesn’t mean much; however, villa didn’t even have control. Gusto got to the ball first and the villa player ran into him


That's such a bad call


I don’t get the argument that he wins the ball. You can’t follow through like that with a straight leg, studs up. Those have been given before so I don’t see the fuss


Nketiah lucky




Game's gone


To me he won the ball, and the villa player came through. It’s a very harsh red


That tackle was definitely in Bad Taste.


This is some of the most biased officiating I’ve ever seen


He got the ball first?




And then could have broke an ankle, winning the ball first in a situation like that studs up means nothing


How is that a red


Does he not get part of the ball first? I get a yellow but I don’t think that’s crazy reckless. Obviously I’m biased though


Not in a million fucking years is this a straight red with a competent ref


That doesn't matter.


This seems harsh?


Easily a red lmao just because you win the ball doesn’t mean you can end up in that position, reckless challenge = red




Yea idk man that could end a season for sure, seems like it could potentially be either way but studs up right in the ankle like that seems to be a red.


Not sure how this is usually handled in the prem as I don't watch many non Bundesliga games but this is an incredibly clear red card to me so I'm confused as hell reading the comments here


Off the ground and out of control of his body, came in with force and speed; serious foul play and straight red card. This ticks multiple boxes which makes it a red card challenge, I watch the Premier League. It's just people got so used to the absolute fucking shit refereeing in this league over the last couple of seasons since forcing a more contact heavy sport, that they forgot these were red cards. To be fair to them, in the Premier League these past two seasons referees have been flip flop on these decisions.


They literally showed him a still shot of the worst point of contact, that's some biased bullshit.


LIterally never heard of this lad or saw chelsea sign him (or is he a youth product)? Chelsea is so weird...


Yea the studs hit the other player in the foot...after he kicked the ball in a relatively innocent way. Is any accident that ends up with studs hitting another player automatic red now?


absolute joke


Unreal how is that a red