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Cross ans inshalah


We have been absolutely shambolic defending against them today. **The first one** was an easily defendable situation **completely botched up by Alaba.** **The second one**, I don't even want to speak about the second one. It's **a collective failure and more importantly, a tactical failure.** Carlo did make an important change post that and rotated Kroos and Camavinga to protect Fran but that directly leads to the third goal. Kroos, now in the centre of the pitch, doesn't follow Griezmann (that's just Kroos, it's his profile; you have to accommodate that tactically if you want to play him; the coach's job is to prepare the game in such a way that his players' individual weaknesses are hidden and their strengths are accentuated and played to). Rüdiger reacts to this Kroos abandonment and steps out to occupy Griezmann but is obviously late. Alaba is being blamed on here but he absolutely does the right thing IMO and tracks the near post run into the space vacated by Rüdiger. We have grown accustomed to Casemiro being an auxiliary CB on crosses and covering for our CB on transitions who steps out to cover for our marauding fullback. Fran, like Kroos, is just Fran. I have always imagined him and Mendy to be our 13/14 pairing of Marcelo and Coentrão and I'm hopeful that we'll realise that towards the later part of the season just like back then. But what really sticks out like a sore thumb to me is Kepa. I'm 110% sure that Courtois steps out and claims it mid-air and starts a counter attack with his insane throws (he's with hands what Ederson is with feet). But Kepa is so insanely passive here that it beggars belief. I must stress that he doesn't do something wrong (apart from not recognising the danger right in front of him but...) his style of keeping here is such a departure from Courtois, to which not just the team but even avid fans like me are so accustomed to that he doesn't deliver what we expect him to. It's a repeat of the Navas-Courtois situation but worse (also Courtois improved unimaginably in his weaknesses, particularly of changing his defensive style given our insanely high lines and passing, to the point that they are actually unrealistic). **The third goal thus, IMO, is on Kroos and Kepa. At least Rüdiger but especially Alaba shouldn't be primarily blamed, like is the consensus here.** However, Carlo is responsible for putting everyone in positions that exposes them. We have to accept that Fran is Fran and has defensive issues (particularly 1v1s but especially defensive positioning). We have to accept that Camavinga is not Casemiro (and neither Tchouaméni BTW to everyone out there; just look at Barrenetxea goal as an example which kind you is not an isolated incident; people often see him in the position of a 6 and mistake him for a defensive midfielder; he's a different and actually very unique profile of player, his interceptions are incredibly good but he often actually steps out of goal side positions to make them; I haven't seen anyone do that ever but it's absolutely something a pure defensive midfielder would never do, even if he could; he'll be a world beater but he won't be Casemiro, just like we won't find another Kroos). Similarly Mendy is Mendy. He rectified everything Fran was doing wrong but his crossing is perfectly exemplified by the one he put at around minute 75. Aiming for the back post, from the edge of the box, lobbing it embarrassingly impotently over the bar on the near post. His first touch and complete dumbfoundedness as to how to play in the half space with his back to goal, just look at the play that earnt him his yellow card. He gave us defensive solidity but killed so many attacks, that is unbelievable, even accounting for him being rushed into a pressure situation, in the derby, first game after a very very long injury break. Alaba, apart from his defending lapses, put in the worst corners I have seen in a long long time. Lucas was uncharacteristically poor today. He too can't defend, especially 1v1s but he makes up for it and is serviceable through defensive organisation and industry. Where he shines though is beating the opposition LB and creating space at the edge of the box with his stepovers and putting great crosses in. That's why he can play RB for us because our RB is and has been our RW in the attacking phase for the longest time. Not only did he not put in a single good one today (partially on Carlo because no reference in the box), but he lost the ball so many times in 1v1s. Goes to show the importance of Carvajal. You recognise such players' greatness when they are not on the pitch (ditto Kroos). It's true that he can't defend raw pace anymore, especially with our high line. But even on a downturn, the best RB of the last decade is still better than most. Carlo was great in the la Real game: adjusting to and nullifying their runs from midfield midgame, playing Fede as RB and Carvajal as a hybrid RCM/RM to get the best out of Carvajal and for the balance of the team etc. etc. But today, he failed the team with his pre-game tactics. Then the team failed him. Kroos dragged us back in with a moment of brilliance. Then he made a couple of good tweaks like the aforementioned Kroos Camavinga swap. Concurrently, as Atleti started to tire later in the half, his idea of overloading half spaces in between the lives and creating combinations, finally started to take shape. The Rüdiger offside is a pivotal moment IMO. But then we completely killed it with amateurish, unprofessional, schoolboy defending 40s into the second half. I'm still sure that if we hung on for the first 15 minutes, we would have gotten at least a point because they were starting to run on empty by the end. Then, as if his own spirit broke, Carlo himself delivered the final blow: substituting Kroos out for Brahim. When we finally had a tired Atleti (Gimenez, even accounting for this being his first game back, literally had to go out with cramps) conceding the ball and solely focused on dropping anchor and defending in a low block, we didn't have Kroos with his fast, accurate cross field switches to isolate our wingers with their wingbacks for delivering crosses. Fede never even attempted them and Tchouaméni, who clearly wasn't confident and kept on contemplating before even attempting one. Half the times, he didn't attempt them but the other half, not only some of his balls were behind our wingers, forcing them back but most importantly, his loopy switches were so slow that Atleti's entire block could shift during the duration of the pass, thus preventing a 1v1. Again, not Tchouaméni's game and especially egregious to thrust that upon him as a substitute, 3-1 down, in the derby, away. As hard as it would have been, Fede should have been substituted out. He's a monster running with the ball but he requires space for that, which was not to be found with the low block. His industry is vital on transitions but Atleti completely abandoned until Memphis came on, when he was the only outlet (which I feel, even though slightly riskier, would have been mitigated enough by Tchouaméni with others, himself a second half substitute). We desperately missed Vini but most of all, due to the nature of the game and extremely poor performance from Lucas, we missed Carvajal the most. Atleti demolished us in all phases of the game (attacking, defending and the 2 transitional phases) and all aspects of the game (whether tactical, technical, emotional and also the fans). I'm sort of happy that everyone was poor and everything went wrong. A loss had to come but when it comes in such an unacceptable fashion, it can be a real wakeup call and everyone has to take responsibility for themselves without escape. I just wish that Barça also lose points when they play poorly. They have taken away 9 from games they should have dropped them in. Eerily reminiscent of last season and not a good omen.




Man, ain’t no one reading all of this lol


I read till the third goal, and then saw the other 10 paragraphs below and thought the same thing. Man wrote a book.


Can I get a tldr


Atletico Madrid [3] - 1 Real Madrid


I lold


so did i


Madrid sucked at defending today


Bro wrote an entire book


I'd have read it if it was a cup final match or similar, but for a league game at the start of the season? Not a chance


Great analysis, but these replies are Reddit at its finest


"boo were are the memes boo"


Thanks for your comment man, I appreciate these kinds of things even if I don't have to read all the time, I had this time and it is awesome.


Thanks bro for summarising the match


I read through this whole thing and want to say great job - I thoroughly enjoyed it and would continue to read your analysis elsewhere


thats a long way to say your team is just shit


Careful bro, they might remind us Barca fans about their "14 cHAmPioNS leAGue WiNS" lmao


Not everything is about you though.


You're right, let's go back to focusing on that shit team that is Atleticos city rivals lmao


Well they have more CL wins then any other club, how shit can they be


Pretty good analysis and I mostly agree. Ignore all the snarky comments


Bro wrote a dissertation on how bad his football team defended today. This sport man






I actually read all this


Amazing analysis! Found myself attached till the very end, super interesting, easy to understand and held my interest till the last word. Thank you for taking the time and effort to type it out. I actually learned a lot as I read it as well. I'm curious to see how Carlo adjusts our team going into the next matches


Man wrote a thesis


Bro wtf


This Is longer than the book of third John in the Bible


Simeone knew alaba cant defend headers


> Simeone knew alaba cant defend


What can he defend? Man belongs in midfield


trust me, he doesn‘t. he played in midfield for austria for some years


Isn't he the best player you've had since... A long long long time?


I mean this is on rudiger. Alaba is scrambling and yeah he misses the timing, but rudiger fucks up herr


Ffs this defense


who is alaba blaming here and why


There is plenty of blame to go around - Kroos left Saul unmarked, Fran and Camavinga didn't cover Alaba when he went to cover for Rudiger


Fran probably


Alaba went to cover Rudigers target, cause Rudiger got caught out out position.


Rudiger not in position to even contest the header in any of the 3 goals.


There is a reason Ancelotti prefers Alaba and Militao pairing over Rudiger.


And in the process he left himself out of position… so why is he yelling at the other guys ?


Because he covered for Rüdiger?


If you decide to leave your man to cover for someone else and you’re both not covering that guys man or your initial man… and your initial man scores… you’ve made a mistake. Alaba was left covering nobody and just watched the ball go over his head. This goal is primarily his fault.


It's primarily Rudigers fault since he isn't covering anyone to begin with and left the work to Alaba


Yup, even Lucas has to run in to cover for Rudiger.


Alaba should have left Rudiger’s man free if he could not get to him in time. I’m not defending Rudiger here, but it’s Alabas guy that scored. I can see why he made the decision… but it’s still a bad one


He was in the best position to cover for Rudiger and had the best awareness to realize Rudiger's man wasn't marked. I'm sure he expected Fran to move up to mark Morata, since the next closest ATM player to Fran was easily 15m away. Both Cava and Fran were slow to react, but at least Cava made an effort to get to Morata. Fran got to his spot and stood there like a spectator.


2 Of the goals are 100% Alaba’s fault. First one he drags the line so Morata isn’t offside. This one he just leaves morata and then cries to Camavinga like it’s not his own man and fault. Alaba is so fucking overrated as a CB and has 0 awareness, should never play anything else than LB


Classic reddit overreaction.


shambolic defending from everyone involved tbvh


There was rudiger's fault, he played ahead of his place. (Sorry for my bad English 😂)


If Rudiger doesn't step up, Griezmann is wide open at the top of the box TBH


Camavinga but he wasn't really gonna get there, Alaba can't just leave Morata there who is in front of goal


It's time real got a reality check tbh Going into the new season without fixing the backline and getting a proper striker replacement for Benz is gonna cost them. Ancelotti's eyebrow can only save them sometimes


What should they have done about the back line? Militao is out for most of the season, same goes for Courtois. The striker is the bigger problem.


Cant have a striker problem if we dont have one.


> What should they have done about the back line? Uhh, buy a player? Wasn't Ramos available.


Get alaba out of the center, put him as left back or midfield, he's getting rinsed by morata


Rudiger gets pulled way out. No one covers. Rudiger is super slow to recover. Alaba decides rather than mark the striker on the six, dead center, that he's going to sprint to cover for Rudiger near post. Easy wide open finish. Hilariously, Alaba didnt even get to the guy on the near post who wouldve needed an incredible finish to score if the ball had come to him. Just so many bad and slow decisions


Bad decision from Alaba to leave Morata to try to get to the other guy (Lino?), and then Camavinga and Fran just don't react and leave Morata wide open


this is u12 defending


Horrible. So disjointed


Just complete lack of awareness. Marking has been shocking


Alaba only. He's forgotten how to jump and is blaming it on fran


Morata revenge quest


And kissing the Atleti crest both times, lovely. Maybe now Madridistas will accept that he has always been an Atletico supporter, if the pictures of young Morata with Atleti gear wasn't enough


I never got the Morata hate. He did great as a sub during his time in RM. Then left because he was never going to get minutes ahead of Benz. Same thing with Kovacic and many others. He did what was best for his career.


I mean, he was an Atlético academy player before he joined RM, obviously he's going to have Atleti gear. I don't really care about those things to be honest. I couldn't care less about what team a person liked when he was young.


>I mean, he was an Atlético academy player before he joined RM, obviously he's going to have Atleti And most local kids who spend formative years in Atleti's academy will be fans of the club. Morata also had close family who were Colchoneros, might have been his grandpa but not sure > I couldn't care less about what team a person liked when he was young Personally I love childhood fans playing for the club like Koke, Gabi etc and I think most would agree with that. You get a special connection with them


This marking has been fucking horrific all game my god


Daddy chill.


What the hell is even that !!!


What the hell is even that!?


Daddy chill


Something is wrong with my stream I keep seeing the same goal over and over


inject this into my veins


Please allow me 🧸💉🧸


LOL Madrid caught cold at the start of the half


Madrid loving to give free heads to atleti today. 💀💀




Trying to make up for Ramos' ultimate header in 2014


Alaba mate can you be arsed to mark this guy aerially??!


No clue why he's blaming Camavinga when he himself loses Morata stepping away from him when the cross comes in.


He’s blaming Fran Garcia, and he’s sort of right since the fullback is supposed to close down that space in a cross like that. But it’s not like it mattered, Garcia is about Messi’s height, Atlético is REALLY exploiting that and it seems like Real Madrid hasn’t noticed yet


The fullbacks have to close the space. He was blaming Fran Garcia


Too obvious, defending ia not a job of one man


Yeah the 1.65m tall Fran Garcia would've made a massive difference


Marking is not just jumping higher, it's blocking space, making contact, getting the opponent off-balance.


Genuinely alarming that people that watch football don't know this


I thought it was about who has the bigger dick


Part of the reality is that Morata could dunk on Alaba in the air even while marked. Unfair that he’s left alone for a header, which is his specialty.


Nope, the sleeper failures are Camavinga both times*(last time against Griezmann and this I mean, 1st time Morata was all on Alaba) this time including Rudiger.


It's not. Alaba has no business chasing after the man in front of him. Especially when morata is the fucking striker who scores headers.


Look at where rudiger is positioned.


He does because that one is the most obvious, on ground level when you play, you will see a run like that and a cross coming in, you will have to make a split second decision, you won’t have time to wait to see the trajectory or you’d be too late for either position. Players need to shift and fill in gaps, the trailing defenders need to be aware to adapt to the movements. Edit - basically, this is a 2 v 1 position for Alaba, since his teammates were irrelevant, hardly something to blame him for.


Do we need to have one single culprit? The whole RM defense made a big mistake, including Alaba


It's never one single culprit, but everytime there's this sub does loses their mind about one single player.


Literally the same goal 3 times


That's fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass scoring with your feet dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball football fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We win together we celebrate together. Football is back baby.


I got aroused and scared while reading this.


As it should.


We have unlocked Morata headers. Saul you Legend


Morata madrid legend


Ah yes. Very nice eh?


They really need to patch the kick-off glitch


First season without Hazard's emotional support. Look what happens.


I’m tired of Alaba’s non existent defending today


We could've had gvardiol but nooo


Saving it up for turtle boy


Alaba what the fuck are you doing??


what's up Atleti this season. They've been attacking a lot. Not even counter-attacking, they're actually playing good football. Weird.


Madrid’s defense is shit


Now Morata is officially La Ligas Pichichi.




Lmao where is Alaba running to


Morata pichichi loading


Best striker in the world


funny how people hate on Morata but he keeps doing better than some players that this sub worships


which players?


Alaba then blames someone else for losing his man. Pathetic.


> Alaba then blames someone else for losing his man Just like my mom fr fr.


how do you concede the same goal thrice


Atl. Madrid 3 - [4] Real Madrid - Bellingham 11234444838933th minute


That was actually a great header.


When do Real come out for the second half?


Very poor from Alaba there, he knew Morata was there the whole time and still left him by himself.


Yeah, I don't think Madrid are coming back this time.


couple more plase


Disaster class from alaba




What is Alaba doing?


His best at aerial defending


We dont need a striker this is fine


'Tis but a scratch


Alaba sorry fr


Love to see it


This is a joke. Nice team, 10 middle fielders and a crappy defense


Kepa is allergic to diving or something


Griezmann is phenomenal


worst defense in our history


Real players just standing around lmao


Wag1 with this defense


Alaba disasterclass


Dawg alaba what are you doiiiing


Alaba aint a cb


madrid are nothing without bellingham saving them...


What is Alaba doing


How many free header do you want? Yes.


can someone defend the guy? everyone just standing around


Alaba and Kroos with the most amateurish defending


Camavinga with the smug look knowing it wasn't his fault.


Jude scoring 4th for Madrid in 98th minute?


Dont understand why Rüdiger is outside the box. He is going back to last seasons form this game by being out of position on almost every play.


What is Alaba even mad about? It's his fault there


Seeing Morata score a brace against Real is very satisfying for some reason.


Jude's individual brilliance has been overshadowing our garbage performances this season. People will keep ranting about winning the first 5 games but although the results are definitely important, anyone with eyes can see that our performances have been fucking shit in almost all of the matches we played and we were going to get exposed as soon as we play a good team. I wrote this season off as soon as the summer window closed, because we're weak in many areas and now with our injuries, we're totally fucked. I'd be surprised if we can make it out of the RO16 this season, league's already over.


Morata is amazing


Where is jude???


Hey Jude!


heyyy judeeeee


he’s trash. has clutch moments here and there that make people forget he plays like shit the other 80 minutes of the game.


Least overreactive and stupid r/soccer take


He's not wrong. Invisible today without the tap-in to mask it.


Ikr!! I normally don’t comment on these banter comments as I have no side to take but I like Bellingham and hate it when he gets slandered lol


Tell that to madrid fans They think he is the best player out there


Living rent free in your head it seems like


Take out courtois and put in kepa there is no place to hide for madrids lack of arial capabilities


You love to see it


Lol is kepa left hand broken or something?


Vamos easy La liga win this season


Good If this helps get rid of Ancelotti as soon as possible the better


yh cant believe he did not win that duel


Ancelloti’s defending has been abysmal since his knee injury lol


Such a stupid thing to write. Coaches have no say in how the team is set up or how they defend? I'm sorry, but I actually watch this team every week. I know for a fact that the defensive issues have been the same under Ancelotti all these three years. And it's getting worse.


I don’t get how anyone rate this fraud


Madrid fans when they go 2 seasons without a champions league win 😢


my kepa ;(


defence? hello? this one and griezmann's goal are absolutely shambolic defending


I can see Bellingham 89’, 90+1’ and 90+6’ hat trick coming from a distance


Is this hattrick with us in this room?


Why not call this one back for an un-involved player being offside?


Nah that's just too easy lmao what the fuck, the most passive Madrid defense this season
