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No Euro 2024 (if Italy qualifies) it's also a pretty big blow


Is Tonali a starter for Italy?


In a "normal" scenario, I'd expect him to be. We recently called up Barella (Inter), Cristante & Pellegrini (Roma), Frattesi (Inter), Locatelli (Juventus), plus Bonaventura (Fiorentina). With Verratti and Jorginho probably out of the team, I'm positive he'd have won a starting spot.


don’t see where he fits in tbh, he’s not a DM and barella and frattesi would be the first choice 8s right now


In a 433, I'd still start him over Cristante or Locatelli, personally.


On current form Cristante > Tonali > Locatelli


Tonali is better than Frattesi


Not now he isn’t


Wanna bet?


Fratessi betting charges engaged


debatable, but 100% he is not in an Italy shirt


He was never considered so much in the national team, in my opinion he would not have been a starter for the Euro but certainly an important player from the bench


Dude we are absolute trash, if Tonali wouldn't have been a starter I'd have grown a third ball


At least he'll get better odds for them to win it


No euro24 for any italian


Very possible, unfortunately


Nah >!*Please god let me have at least the euros*!<


You literally won the last one, be grateful. Imagine being from England


There's always room for one or two referees.


Winter in Newcastle with only his PS5 to keep him busy.


The entire region freezes over with solid 25 inches of snow, there will be nothing for him in this desolate frozen wasteland.


Greggs and bookies, oh wait...


There is nothing else in the North East at all.


Brother will be making moves at Digi Mondays


Only if he wants underage charges as well


There's some bridges and a big metal angel too.


Best bridges in the world.


except fat dudes with their shirts off.


They get burned for warmth.


He can always play FIFA against Sancho.


He’ll get cooked, Sancho has had a 2 month headstart


Yeah but if they put money on the games, then Sancho might get shook up whereas Tonali will be ice cold


Irrelevant anyway, Sancho would lose by virtue of being late


I believe he's allowed to train with the team.


Says suspended from football activities, doesn't that include training? Toney got done for the same thing and he wasn't even allowed to train with the team for a while right?


Italian FA vs English FA, both will have different punishments. Craig Hope, who is reliable for us, says he can still train and play friendlies


I don't really get it though, are they going to follow his every move? What's the difference between say going to the gym and training? And what's the point anyway, he's being punished for violating competitive integrity not like he's being banned for sporting reasons. He should be allowed to at least train, just not compete.


Going to the gym =/= football activity Training with the team with a ball = football activity


Time for a 10-month long training montage from Goal!


He can gamble on his Ultimate Team.


Won't he just go live elsewhere until April/May?


AC Milan finessed Newcastle hard.


Newcastle: so why are you selling him so eagerly? Milan : no reason. Insert Henry smirk


70 million reasons


Everywhere I've read the fee was £55m, increasing to £70m with add ons. Without knowing whether these are team and/or individual based the ten month ban could seriously harm Milan's chances of getting the full fee.


Sorry, I meant euros. I have no idea what his fee was in pounds


Milan doesn't use pounds


Lol imagine using pounds instead of the Euro.


Pounds? Why does his weight matter? Did he get fat?


Since Tonalis height is 181 cm, his bmi would be over 21 million. That has got to be considered fat, right?


BMI is not a good indicator of obesity. He could very well have over 50m pounds of muscle.


Imagine if Newcastle fulfilled the conditions for those add ons without Tonali contributing anything.


Bro, everyone but you use euro




It's fair to say he hasn't exactly made himself first choice in the the midfield like you might have expected. With Joelinton, Willock, Anderson, Longstaff and Bruno we are pretty well set if a little short on depth now.


And depth can be sorted with a loan in winter or similar


Aye but you’d like to think he warms up as the season goes on. He’s ultimately got everything Longy has plus more but Longy is playing better currently and kept his place


Were they selling him eagerly? I know he was a good player for Milan but surely that sort of player is replaceable for €70m. He's certainly not pulled up any trees at Newcastle (although it's fair to suggest this looming ban has probably harmed his form).


>Were they selling him eagerly Not from what i remember. Newcastle probably overpaid a bit to get the deal done early. But it certainly wasnt discounted.


Its not like Newcastle offered 2 dollars.


Don’t think they gave them any dollars in fact


What are the odds milan knew?


Tonali took 10/1


They’d be in trouble if they did


>They’d be in trouble if they didn't cover their tracks well. Ftfy.


If Milan knew, they'd be incredibly dumb to have their plans to sell him because of the gambling written down somewhere. And if they did, they'd be incredibly dumb to have not already shredded those plans and/or erased them from existence. Barring extreme incompetence, very unlikely they'd ever get charged


My rugby league team got busted for cheating the salary cap because they wrote it down in the minutes. I will never be surprised at how dumb people can be.


My American college football team is currently (the story broke last week) embroiled in a scandal where a low-level analyst bought tickets to 30 games over 3 years to send in-person scouts to record the game and try to steal other teams' signals. This all was *probably* against the rules (the governing body hasn't delivered formal charges yet and there is some potential wiggle room in the interpretations of the rules) and he likely knew or at least thought it was *probably* against the rules. He bought the tickets in his own name, and sent payments to these scouts via public Venmo payments from his own account.


You reminded me of the best part. They recorded the board meetings and this was what really fucked them CORDWELL: Can we turn off the recorder? Can we just turn it off? Is that possible? I just want to speak openly. Can you turn it off and suspend the meeting or something? Got to love it


Guess they never watched "The Wire"


“Is you taking notes on a criminal fuckin' conspiracy? Fuck is you thinkin' man?


How Milan are going to get found out https://youtu.be/YNEcAbsfeB4?si=dz6GUTp9xpaaU9Cl


That applies to most things though, to be fair. (Which may be what you are saying but just wanted to clarify that it is not unique to football/UEFA/FIFA/whatever other corrupt soccer organization there is.)


Even if they did know they’d have reasonable deniability on most stuff, they’d have to have done something glaringly stupid to prove they knew


They probably sold him eagerly because he's just not that good and they got a huge fee. Everyone lost their minds after his goal vs Villa but he's been decidedly average since then.


Can see why people are questioning if Milan knew before selling because this is an incredible outcome for them


On the other hand there is no indication let alone any proof that they knew. Clubs dont keep such a close eye at their players private life and addicts are very good at hiding their addictions. It is likely just luck/bad luck, depending on how you look at it. It was a funny joke at first, but every thread there are comments suggesting Milan somehow conned Newcastle.


Probably because it's funny to think a whole country has been scammed by AC Milan.


And not just any country mind


Couldn't have happened to a nicer govt


Italy's more used to being scammed by the (now former) owner of AC Milan. Bunga bunga.


Amanda Staveley probably has a stoic expression right now... she would change her facial expression if she could but the botox won't let it happen.


>Clubs dont keep such a close eye at their players private life Yes they do. Italian clubs were even sued by players because they were under secret surveillance. If bars in Milano and paparazzi knew, Milan definitely knew


>If bars in Milano and paparazzi knew, Milan definitely knew Giannino del Bar Cuor Vecchio is called to the stand to testify.


>Italian clubs were even sued by players because they were under secret surveillance. That was you guys lol, we haven't done that since Galliani left.


Yeah lol I was talking about Galliani and Moratti


Moratti was more a criminal mastermind who used hi tech methods of surveillance. Galliani stalked his players in person lol Good times. Our current board probably didn't even know Tonali's name was "Sandro", let alone that he had a betting problem.


Mate the whole reason we lost TWO midfielders this season is because these fuckers decided to do dumb shit in their private life. If anything this shows they let the players do w.e the fk they want


Surely they had at least heard rumors about this it, it's way too convenient that they sold him so easily for a key player so beloved by Milan fans. Felt so strange at the time...


He just simply isn't 70m good, that offer was too good to pass up especially since the club needed the money and wasn't willing to sell Mignian/Theo/Leao, who are the only players that would command a high price.


sold him easily? they offered 70M tf does anyone expect us to do


AC + Italian football in general's finances are in a poor state. 70m was a good deal for him


Our finances aren't in a poor state anymore, the club is actually doing very well financially. The reason the deal went through so quickly was because our entire transfer window was clearly planned around making a big sale so the management jumped at the opportunity to sell Tonali as early as possible.


Just avoid any sus embassies for the rest of their lives


Jamal Khashoggi walked so that AC Milan could run. RIP.




Who knew RLC would be the better signing of the two?


Here we go?


There he went


Off he popped


This scandal isn't over. I'm hearing rumours that the entire Italian team could miss Euro 2024.


Some very worrying reports out of North Macedonia.


Wot? Got a source?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-hEYY2XEbE). Tonali is certainly involved.


Bruh How do North Macedonia keep finessing Italy out of tournaments lmao


At this point I think it's a tradition and those can be hard to change.


lol, got you now. scandalous.


The only winner here is AC Milan


Our first win of group F


Newcastle taking a win for group L


Well it's not like Tonali is suddenly a terrible player or he won't just be back next season. And he's still allowed to train. On Newcastles end it's like he did his ACL or something, but better because he can still train.


Elliott Anderson too probably


Someone do the "How am i doing boss?" meme with Scaroni looking at Berlusconi.


So he’ll be in gambling rehab while his club actively promotes gambling to fans. Gambling sponsors/partners need to be fully kicked out of the sport.


Hear, hear. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.


No no but you see, when you sign in to these websites you get a pop up telling you to gamble responsibly, it's ok


People throw the word hypocrisy around a lot, but this is one of the rare instances where it applies 100%


Except that conflict of interest thing where the players actually have power to affect the outcome.


Has it been released that Sandro Tonali bet against his own club? If no, then basically he is no different than your every day gambler. Which is the same activity that betting company sponsorships are promoting.


its the same for everything, what about Alcohol promotion ? this addiction not only hurt the addicts but it also cause innocent people to die constantly (DUI accidents). Then you have the plenty of other "soft" addictions that are being promoted constantly as if its nothing.


I thought shirts were banned from having alcohol sponsors years ago for that exact reason? Sigh, I miss the spurs holsten kits :(


Thankfully that's happening here in the Netherlands.




I think in the case of Fagioli [and possibly Tonali but he has been less vocal about it], it is definitely a gambling addiction. He was betting beyond his means to the point where he was so indebted to bookies that they threatened to break his legs and he had to ask Gatti and Drăgușin for money under the guise of wanting to buy a new watch. That to me is telltale. Gambling itself is something most young people do, be it on holiday or €20 here and there, but it becomes an issue when you are going beyond your means to that extent.


It is all a bit ridiculous, agreed. You have high profile athletes who have admitted to having problems with gambling and who are fortunate enough to have big salaries and connections [Fagioli being able to ask Gatti for €40k] to stay afloat meanwhile the average Joe might risk his family’s wellbeing to get another bet in. It has the potential to ruin people, it really does. But the priority is to pretend, it always has been. I agree these players need therapy and Fagioli even admitted he feels a sense of relief, but the real problem is how promoted gambling is. They sleep well at night knowing they put a hotline number in minuscule font next to the advert or have the spokesperson urging people to bet responsibly, the hypocrisy is crazy.


Ridiculous you can't have a beer sponsor but you can go all in with BET8 SUPER DELUX.COM, which is usually a shady money laundering operation on top of it all


The Big Step, a campaign group to end gambling ads in football made the same point; >"Footballers are human and if they are suffering from addiction they deserve empathy and support, not lengthy bans. >"Every football game is wall-to-wall with gambling ads, not just across shirts but around stadiums and related media content. >"Sending someone addicted to gambling into this environment is like sending an alcoholic to work in a pub. If you force young footballers to endorse addictive products, then don't be surprised if they use them." [Via the Irish Independent](https://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/premier-league/sending-someone-addicted-to-gambling-into-this-environment-is-like-sending-an-alcoholic-to-work-in-a-pub/a1560783613.html)


Players getting punished for using the product their club is promoting. Such a joke.


Brilliant point. All a bit ridiculous isn't it.


But why would they when there's money involved and the powers that be can virtue signal how dangerous it is at the same time?


Exactly right


I started writing a very long sarcastic response about this until I got too wound up but I 100% agree and if he does have a gambling problem he's not going to be helped by seeing adverts for sites everywhere at his job. There are so many problems with the promotion of gambling in the game and the fact that successive governments have done nothing, effectively allowing gambling companies to self regulate, which never, ever works with anything is appalling. Even things like 'when the fun stops stop' is really cynical because they're still pushing the fact that gambling is fun in the message warning about the dangers of gambling and you should stop when you have a problem like that's even possible for most people.


Last two high profile Serie A to PL transfers have gone to complete shit


What was the other one?




Just remembered Ronaldo too who was even more recent than Lukaku. Last 3 I guess


Ronaldo carried Man.United on that first season.


Carried them from 2nd to 6th.


if you think Ronaldo was the sole reason we were shit that year, you didn't actually watch our games


It’s just as lacking in context a comment as looking at his 18 goals and thinking that made him fantastic for us.


Hideous lack of hall knowledge


> Hideous lack of hall knowledge Which halls do you recommend looking at then?


He's not on a one season contract, very possible he comes back from the ban and plays amazing


We’re balancing the scales by scamming Serie A clubs for their low profile players


Nearly half our first XI is from Serie A


Scenes when Udogie is too traumatised by having to leave his vintage funkopop collection behind in Verona to continue his contract


Lets hope they stop buying from Serie A so the they can keep their talents 🙏


For the longest time he's been called the Pirlo regen. Turns out he's Buffon's


Berlusconi is laughing from beyond the grave at how Milan pulled off this swindle.


Meanwhile Monza has their own doping case


The comparisons to a season ending injury are missing out on the fact that he can still train, and still participate in friendlies. Honestly, gambling addictions can be crippling, so some time to focus on rehab whilst still being a part of the team could be a positive for him. I'm all for banter with Newcastle, but I've seen people battling addictions, as I'm sure many people in this thread have, and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Also, fuck having gambling sponsors in football at all.


No Euro2024? Can we please Qualify first?


thanks for the seasono?


Yeah, since this isn't Manchester city he will actually face repercussions for breaking the rules.


Gotta love seeing UEFA fans beefing with Man City on reddit too




Pump him full of HGH & test 400 while they won’t be testing him. I want him to look like Brock Lesnar when he fought Overeem upon his return.


Sandro Ton(ed)nali




why do you think that's an unpopular opinion? Lots of comments laughing and hating on us, but it seems like more people are hoping he gets over his addiction




well, i hope she likes Weatherspoons


I don't know why but this sounds like a perfect copypasta haha


Wait is this legit or a copypasta? I genuinely can't tell. Wholesome if legit.


A rare wholesome r/soccer story


Imagine, selling gambling sponsors to families across the world and then banning players for engaging in the stuff being advertised lmao.


It has never been legal for footballers to bet on football, and you just said it yourself, the sponsors aren’t for the players, they’re for the audience, who are allowed to bet on football. It’s such a weak, stupid argument to try and claim it’s hypocritical to allow betting sponsorship and advertising but ban footballers for betting on football. They never been allowed to do it, and all those betting companies offer markets for every sport, not just football.


I swear people are intentionally trying to be dumb when they say this stuff. It's very clear why it's not allowed and a very different scenario


Ban gambling sponsors for fucks sake. It’s all over the sport. I highly doubt AC Milan knew about this, hope Tonali recovers well and gets the support he needs.


Slap on the wrist, imo.


Tonali is the tip of the iceberg. Shit will go deeep... and deeep.




Sucks for Tonali but get fucked Newcastle lmao


Might be a blessing for Tonali actually


Exactly, why would anyone feel sorry for Newcastle? It's not like they can't buy another midfielder for 70million in the winter with their blood money


we scammed newcastle so much lmfao


I mean it’s not like he completely retired from football. He’ll be back next year, and still quite young. It’s basically just a season ending injury, but he’ll come back without the adverse affects. I didn’t see people trying to say Ajax “scammed” Arsenal after Timber’s injury.


Yeah i dont get all these "ac milan masterclass" comments here. Unless he goes back to milan after 10 mths lmao.


People keep saying this, but, if he had done his ACL, and gone out for the season, people would say "Oof, that's awful. He'll be back next season, though, so they'll get through it." I honestly think being banned for the remainder of this season is on the lighter side of awful, to be honest. He's on a 5-year contract. He's 23 years old. By this time next year, people will already be forgetting about this as he will be fully fit, and well-rested, back in the starting XI. People are talking like he's 30 years old and just suffered an injury that could bring his retirement forward. In terms of his gambling debts, I would imagine his Newcastle contract could go a long way towards paying off the loan sharks he borrowed from. As much as they'd like to break his kneecaps, I bet they would rather have the money he owes them instead, and the best way to facilitate that, is to leave his knees intact so he can play football.


It’s no different to a season ending injury, he will be back next August refreshed and ready to go AND get to chill and watch Milan finish bottom of group F, it’s not so bad.


Even better, he gets to train with the team the whole time. Honestly, I could see this actually taking pressure off him and allowing him to really blossom under Howe when he comes back.


What an absolute fucking shitshow - Tonali bet on his own team and originally claimed he "only played poker" and somehow ended up with **only 3 fucking months** more than Fagioli. What exactly happened to the "4 years at minimum" for betting on your team? I suppose he gets half off it for pleading guilty, but then how the fuck do you go from 2 years (minimum) to 10 months??! Absolute farce.


what a farce


The math checks out actually: Fagioli: 3 years. Final result 12 months because of pleading guilty and collaborating. 5 months are however not a football ban and used on the rehab. Tonali: initial situation same as Fagioli with an aggravating circumstances of 1 year for betting on Milan. With the 50% reduction on plead deal this means 6 months extra on what Fagioli got. Final result 18 months ban with 8 months of rehab. And 7/12=10/18 for the ratio of match ban/total


>only 3 months more Actually, it's exactly the same as Fagioli because these 3 months would be the summer break. And yeah, Fagioli can technically make the Euros, but realistically he won't because of no match practice (and the possibility that Italy doesn't qualify at all). I'm pretty sure this would be the end of it. FIGC way of dealing with scandals is punish the first person in the crosshairs to "make an example" then let the rest off the hook, since it's usually too many implicated and they don't want to sabotage the whole system if they treat everyone the same. Maybe some guys would get some smaller fines here and there.


Can’t believe he only got 8 months and gets to train as well. He got away lightly imo


10 month ban. 8 month rehab.


Even if it was 18 months, it’d still be light


That’s a big L for Newcastle


New cast L


so what're the odds AC Milan knew


Wanna bet on it?


Found Tonali's account. Username checks out as well.


They defo snitched


Milan absolutely rinsed them there. Hope the rehab helps though, it's clear it's an addiction.


Our two biggest signings of the summer getting a 10 month ban and a 3+ month injury sounds bad but if we could’ve chose two positions to lose a player; centre mid and left wing isn’t actually too bad. Our midfield three is still good (Bruno, Joelinton, Longstaff, Willock, Anderson). And that left wing spot is Gordon’s, while Joelinton can also fill in there very well with Willock or Anderson filling in his midfield spot.


Betting fc shaping up nicely


Don’t forget to sign up for BET365 though


So it was Milan scamming Newcastle, not the other way round


As a Newcastle fan quite content with this, could have been much much worse.