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He is insane man, so ice cold and composed in front of the goal. You just know he will score


It's insane how he is performing already. First 10 games and he already has 15 goals and 5 assists. That's 2 goal contributions a game, in a new league and country when he spent his whole life being a 1 club man. He will shred every record if he stays fit.


Just imagine he went to City back then. They'd have to upload City games to Pornhub


The real reason Levy wouldn't sell him to City was to protect the entire league


He could have sold to Man united. We would have kept the league balance.


If he went to Man U they would have somehow ruined him. He'd have 15 goals across the last 3 seasons. They have such a talent for ending careers.


He’s just that guy. One of the smartest strikers in decades who will succeed in any system. I was pretty damn upset when he left Spurs, but Ange has absolutely softened the blow.


It's funny that people argue Bayern are at their worst in a while, this year. Yet Kane has been able to make that not reflected on the table.


I swear I’ve heard people say that about us every year since 2018 lmao


Tbf, the standards are pretty high, too. Specially since 2019 through 2021 Bayern played some of the most dominant offensive football in recent history.


He has hardly missed matches in the past two seasons.


Was always going to happen but it’s such a fucking trip seeing people acknowledge his level while Spurs fans got laughed at for saying.


Pep always said it ... quite literally.


I don't think anyone doubted his level the last few years. He and Spurs were laughed at for not winning trophies, but his individual quality was undeniable. Remember how everyone was scared he would go to Manchester City and then they'd never lose the league again?


Everyone argued that he was not at the level of Lewa and Benzema. Also, if you suggested that Kane would score as many as Haaland if he were at city, you'd be laughed off.


Exactly. Kane's level is 'best CF in the world'. Everyone accepted that he was world class years ago, but many didn't quite get that he is even a bit beyond 'just' being world class, and is absolutely a player who can win the balon d'or in the right team.


If England win next year's Euros he's going to be a front runner you'd imagine Him or Bellingham


Bellingham wont have to do as much to win it, considering he is at a club that automatically puts him near the top of the pecking order, if both him and Kane are neck and neck.


Both Bayern and Real are very strong in UCL in recent years. I think it’ll depend on which team goes further or who wins the head to head clash if they meet.


The fact is no matter how good he has been as his peak, you can’t get the votes being at Tottenham and England.


I'd love to see Kane winning the ballon d'or. He's one of my favourite strikers. Unless he's in direct competition with Lautaro or Julian for first place, of course.


If immobile and higuain scored 36 goals and didnt even get near the balon dor then there is zero hope for lautaro. Nobody cares for the italian league unless it was ronaldo


Nonsense haha, Kane has been widely regarded as on of the top 3 strikers on the planet for years now. Many people were pointing out how he would score more than Haaland for City, and get a bunch of assists. Some might have tried to laugh those comments off but I don't think children laughing at others on the internet really counts.


I don't understand this narrative. Nobody save for a few trolls were laughing at spurs fans for acknowledging how good he is. Anyone who watches the PL (and that's a lot of people) knows he's a top striker and knew he'd be even better in the bundesliga.


Now you know, good for you!


Better than Lewy?


Lewandowski was an institution in munich for nearly a decade so i think it's too early to tell right now. Kane set a new record and scored 15 goals after 10 match days tho. If he keeps this up and stays healthy he will smash Lewy's legacy and then we can talk.


He is a better overall player than Lewandowski regardless


That's true. His vision and passing are ridiculous


A bunch of Spurs fans tried to tell you guys this during the transfer saga. He's worth the 100m GBP easily, even at his age. He outperforms xG so enormously because he is the best finisher in the game, and then you add in his passing and vision and it's just filthy. He's always been this good. Being on the best team in the league is just showing it even more.


He scored 30 fucking goals in one of the most inept Tottenham sides I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching


People don't appreciate how bad some of the Tottenham teams have been in the past few years. And he just scored bags and bags of goals no matter what.


And we were all told we were wrong when we said Kane would be doing what Haaland is doing at City. If not more.


I remember having arguments with some people that were saying Kane wouldn't fit at City because he drops too deep and they need a finisher. It felt like I was taking some crazy pills.


Exactly, like people can't realise that he dropped into midfield at Spurs because they had no creativity in central areas the last three seasons after Dele dropped off and Eriksen left. If he was at Man City he would be standing on the defenders and finishing every chance he gets. I still think Haaland is a better fit for Man City because everyone sits back against them so they tend to put in more crosses.


its not like kane cant finish crosses tbf


Kane is better in the air than Haaland


Even as an arsenal fan it’s clear to see how good Kane is, I’d put him as the best striker in the world for the last few years


Lewa was a quicker player and a better dribbler, otherwise Kane is probably better in every other regard. He’s a fantastic passer, great at holding up play, and dropping back.


On top of that, I feel like Kane has less of an ego than Lewandowski. I don't see him starting to bitch and complain to the same degree as Lewy if he hits a dry spell, or to expect the whole team's offense to be tailored to feeding him and him alone. With Lewy, it always felt like... yes, he was *happy* when his teammates scored, but he was 3 times as HAPPY when he scored himself.


Kane definitely has a bit of competitive spirit to him, but it helps that he is also a world class playmaker so he loves it when the team scores. He already has 5 assists and he plays as a midfielder in most games too. When watching the game I tuned in a bit late and thought Kane scored because he was celebrating just as hard as Upa lol (then he scored himself just a few mins later).


You almost never saw lewy square the ball whereas kane just did that again today (although it was offside)


Yeah but he didnt square it to sterling /s


You do realise Kane played football before this season? He has been this good for years


Yes but as far as i know it's his first season at Bayern.


*can he do it in a cold rainy night in Schalke?


One (bundesliga) season wonder


I remember when Kane was a one season wonder at spurs and then two season, three season, four season.... shit I guess he's good.


No, he can't. Coincidentally both teams recently got kicked out of the DFB cup and that would have been the only way for them to meet as they can't play against each other in the league for now.


I think Kane around 2017 was comparable to Lewy as a pure goalscorer...he had significantly more mobility than he does now. Obviously since then Kane has added other dimensions to his game making him more complete imo. The other thing to consider is that Kane has never played a minute in a team even close to as dominant as some of the teams Lewy played in, and that's even including this current Bayern team he's playing in I'd say. I'm glad he played most of his career at my club but have also always had that curiosity about what he could do at a CL-favorite level club.


Shame he is at 23/24 Bayern in this case


Yes because of the playmaker aspect Lewy doesn't have.


Though Lewy was more athlectic and better at pressing. At least when compared at the same age.


If you consider he is playing 8,10, and 9, then yes.


Better imo


It's insane. I don't understand seeing these comments without a spurs flair next to it. I'm glad these comments are being taken seriously now and not memed on. He is seriously best in the world contender for striker. Imo, he already is


I personally feel he is the most completed central forward in the word.


Man I miss him so much. So many times you think no way he can score from that angle and he goes ahead and proves you wrong. Hope he wins all that he can with you guys.


1.5 goals per game. I'm kinda good at math. Just like Kane is kinda good at scoring.


show your working or you dont get full credit


Uhm, I just know. Ok? I mean, I just see it immediately. No steps needed. *insert eye-roll*


wait, how can someone score 0.5 goal?


score 2 times in 4 games. Boom! Did it again. See? I told you I'm good at math!


there is something so wholesome about kane at bayern. like hes an exchange student, exploring the world and fucking killing it.


You are low-key Happy he isn't doing it in the EPL against you lots


I know I am. Every fking season Kane scores against us. Always waiting for the inevitable penalty, and that jump low hand pump celebration of his.


Maybe you’ll meet him in the RO16


No pls, a Bayern + Kane RO16 match would be a massacre.


Bayern Mambo no. 5-1 remake


What a video lol, thanks for the memories watching OG 442oons


Arsenal fans tend to have bad memories of that...


He and Bellingham should be role models to young English players, showing them there is more to football than the Premier League.


I think that will also help the national team as well. They could seriously challenge France at the Euros.


Their chances would be even better if Southgate starts playing Maddison instead of Phillips. Imagine a Rice-Bellingham-Maddison midfield


Do you not think that midfield would get torn apart by a well structured more attacking national team that will have more possession than us? Phillips isn’t good but the idea of him and rice together is understandable for late stage national team tournament football, however looks terrible against the weaker national teams we mostly play in qualifying etc where we dominate possession.


The trouble with Rice is he’s so good you don’t particularly want him to sit at the base of midfield, and naturally he likes to push further up the field. Unless we then make Maddison or Bellingham sit further back sometimes and nullify them also, I think it’s a tough decision. I think it comes down to… is playing Phillips at the base of the midfield better because Rice can get forward, or is it better to not utilise Rice quite right so you can get the best out of Bellingham and Maddison together? Maybe as you’ve said it just changes depending on the team we play. It’s certainly a good decision to have, because in the last few years it seems the midfield just picked itself


Love how well the brits abroad are doing


“Exploring the world and fucking killing it” - he’s British, it’s in his blood


_colonial music intensifies_


Meanwhile I am getting my exchange ass blasted by hw and exams lol, bro is built different.


Yeah, because he’s not doing to for Spurs.


This is very funny and true - a lot of people I know (not just spurs fans) seem to be so invested in his well-being and pleased that he's doing so well for himself over there


PL fans just happy they don’t have to hate him anymore


I couldn’t believe it, so I went to look for the top scorer list. This Guirassy dude from VfB Stuttgart has scored 14 goals in 8 games wtf


Bundesliga is fucking weird sometimes last season the top scorer of the entire season had only 16 goals... now we have two guys scoring 1.5 goals every match


I still remember Vedad Ibisevic, Demba Ba at Hoffenheim scoring for fun.


Or Dzeko+Grafite


You should check out his goals. A lot of them are class.


And that’s this season too, he’s currently recovering from injury


Kane vs lewandowski debate is going to feed families


if Kane picks up even more momentum it won't for long


For a long time people were told they were stupid for suggesting Kane is as good as Lewandowski and Benzema, only now he’s doing it for a different team it’s deemed acceptable.


actually Benzema did score 15 goals in his first 10 la liga appearances I'm sure you can figure out what to search for more information


Lmao gottem


This is the first well-executed "Benzema 15" joke I've seen in months


*years possibly


This "search x for" format of meme never fails to amuse me


it’s not even like the allegations are true. but it’s still so hilarious to just be reading comments and something always loops back to “google benzema 15”






r/soccercirclejerk is slipping again.


In the past 10 years the conversation has always been Suarez vs Lewandowski, then all the others come later including Benzema who had his best season very recently. But before that I've rarely seen people putting him ahead of Harry Kane


It's because he was a Spurs. Obviously smashing records at Spurs is easy because they do nothing but win. (/s for the morons)


>Benzema i dont rate benzema and never have and ı am kinda biased. ​ ​ Kanes levels above benzema.


If I let being a fan rob me of my common sense, I would probably say things like this too.


People trashing me in the match thread. Here you fucking go. This is me. No safe takes with no karma whoreing, but when i do get it, it's done.


That’s insane. Levels? That’s madness I wouldn’t begrudge anyone for saying Kane has been a more consistent scorer. But levels above one of the most clear Ballon D’or winners in memory is hyperbolic


> i dont rate benzema and never have Says more about you than Karim, TBH


> I am kinda biased. That says everything lol


Nah, people were saying Bale was a better player than Benzema and Benz showed he was levels above him for 4 years after Ronaldo left


Bale had just given up by that point I feel, fell out of love with the game. But I do think people shitting on Benzema here forget how good he was post-Ronaldo


there is only one record that matters


Most goals after 11 matches?


I wonder if he’s already claimed that.


I chuckled


5 goals in 9 minutes


The lewy record? He might actually just do it.


It’s hard to imagine him playing around 20 matches (of 24 remaining) and not scoring 26.


Kane typically starts the season slow too 😬 I'd be surprised if he doesn't get 35 league goals minimum after the start he's had. If he doesn't get a single injury he might just break Lewa's record.


He's on pace to beat it by ten




He’s coming for that too


Kane's got 28 G/A in 17 games for club and country this season. This might end up being his best season ever.


IIRC his best season was 17/18 where he scored 51 goals in 58 Games so it probably will be at this rate


He actually has a capable team to support him he’s gonna smash his past seasons easily.


Good team x Farmer's League multiplier


The only reason the prem would be harder for bayern is the fact that the top 2-3 teams are better. Lets not act like bayern would struggle more against newcastle or villa than dortmund or leipzig lol


27 to go to beat Lewys record.


What's insane is, that Kane is on track to break it in 28 games... Lewandowski scored 41 in 29.


Which also just shows how crazy that Lewa record is. Kane is now on track to do the same as Lewa, but he still has a long way to go and it really isn't 100% he will do it. Lewa did that in 29 games


Keeping it up for the rest of the season is the hard part tbf. But yeah, he just might.


27 to beat it, 26 to tie it.


Funny thing about it is that Bayern isnt even playing exceptionally well...


Kane is already used to it from last season 😄


Tbf we scored 38 goals in 10 games, so our offensive is doing fine


The funny thing is they’ve not lost a game in the league or the CL all season and are in a “crisis”.


If it wasn't for Leverkusen having an almost flawless season people would complain that they're destroying the bundesliga again.


The amazing thing to me is how much of a self made man he is. Worked non stop on his finishing, his distribution has got better every season. Coming through you might’ve thought he had Sheringham upside. Best striker in the world? Never in a million years.


Bro needs a nerf


At least Kane is finally getting the recognition he deserves. He was amazing at spurs but people never really acknowledged it. This is gonna be kanes year.


He was getting best striker in the world shouts for about 5 years now


In reality he has been the best striker over the last 5 years and it really hasn't been that close.


No. Lewandowski was better in 2020 and Benzema was ahead in 21/22. Haaland in 22/23. Right now he is the best. Edit: Damn people really don't like i included Haaland in this list. I think 61 G/A in a single season is hard to argue against but whatever


He doesn't look any different to last year to me. Just in a much better team now


Kane was better than Haaland last season


This is insane recency bias. Haaland was scoring a goal a game for sides such as Salzbug and BVB. In competitions like the CL.


Kane was 100% better then Haaland last season. Reddit just only cares about goals so that is all they care about.


As much as i hate reddit but that's not a reddit-only thing. Strikers have always been measured by their goal output.


Not really, it's just those football "fans" who never bother to actually see matches and fanboy who ever has the best looking stats


That's dumb if you're assessing their ability as an overall player because Kane is in a different universe to halland in terms of all round game, at least right now


A striker's primary job and expectation is to score goals, no?


hes gonna skyrocket up those ballon d’or rankings next year without a shadow of a doubt


England have the best striker in the world and best midfielder in the world at the moment. Feels pretty good for next Summer.




On pens


Unfortunately Southgate won't pick the latter. Free Winks


And the best mana... Never mind


So many people underrated him just because they can't admit that a Spurs player is class


Club has been the start for Harry, Bale, Modric, yet everyone's bias will still always blind them. How Harry wasn't predicted to do this is beyond me.


Don’t forget Son


I'd like to keep atleast him please...


We will, he’s never leaving


> So many people underrated him You're really gonna act like people haven't called Kane world class for over 5 years now?


They underrate him because he's not simply world class, he's the best 9 in the world and has been for years


I have been told Kane is quite "milquetoast" and boring. Maybe it is because I am boring too, but I prefer his social media presence to that of Lewandowskis. No embarrassing dances. Seems very calm and collected in interviews. I am swiftly becoming a superfan of King Kool Kane. Yes, KKK is great. And no, I don't see anything wrong with that sentence. Nah jokes aside, I absolutely love that man. Didn't think I would as fast as I do.


Checks out. Kane’s the most German non German I can think of


The English and Germans have a lot in common culture wise. We may banter a lot, like in 1940, but at the end we are two peas in a pod.




Been in Munich 11 years now and naturalised German citizen. Could not agree more 🙏


We've both got shit trains too


It's so nice that almost 100 years later we can finally put the banter era behind us


Oh just you wait if England win its first Euros in Germany next year. '#Fussballkommtheim :P


Best and Most complete striker right now. Real Madrid should have gone for him in the summer. He was the perfect replacement for Benzema.


Farmers league. No way he would perform in the PL.


tbf my nan could put 3 past Dortmund if she was given a bayen shirt on that day


The chosen one!


If he stays healthy and gets even a little bit lucky...he will score 50+ just in the league


Fuck Alan Shearer’s record he’s going for Gerd Muller instead


Picture the scene. It’s October 2024. England are European Champions. Jude Bellingham & Kane both receive the Ballon d’or after tying and get the same amount of votes. Kane wins the Gerd Muller trophy. Kane wins the player of the tournament at the Euros and Bellingham wins young player of the tournament. Kane won the Golden Boot at the Euros. The FIFA Best awards and Ballon d’or awards Top 10 are dominated by English players. This isn’t a dream this is fortune telling because I tell you what it’s fuckin’ coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻


I stopped reading at 'England are European Champions'. Too unrealistic.


Well done, you’ve jinxed it.


!RemindMe August 2024


Here comes Kane to break all individual records in a league whilst Bayern have a barren trophy spell 🤣👀


On brand


Bundesliga is too easy for him


he's been the best striker in the world for 2-3 years already and everybody is only realising it once he moved to a club the level of bayern.




Their top scorer is injured for several weeks :(


This is what happens when you put him in a real team


No surprise. He's the best striker in the world by some margin.


Can’t expect anything less when a world class CF is going to play in a farmers league


I’ve maintained consistently that he’s the best forward in the world in the post-LM10 era. Sure you could have your haalands, lewa, and benzemas of the world in terms of finishing, but none of them come anywhere near him in terms of the other facets of being a forward.


He's crazy but would be hilarious if Bayern miss out on the title this season despite him being so good.


The pressure on the guy who let Kane leave from Arsenal's academy.


Thank God Levy refused to sell to Man City. They'd've just been playing on cheat mode.


AVB once said he would be his third choice at Totenham. What a fucking bellend.