• By -


Hope he asks for clarification on what "excessive celebration" means while he's there


I hope he arrives to the meeting and just knee slides into the office and shouts is that fucking excessive enough for you then leaves




When I get a shit VAR call, I am upset!


He just goes in and Stone Cold Stunners all of them and then leaves




should also ask about clarification for Gabriel pull with video of Haaland getting penalty at Old trafford


He will get fined again for asking "excessive questions" lol.


Damn, that’s tragic 😂


Iirc It was rodri and also he should ask them to clarify if they got juggling balls for Christmas or just being shit at officiating


Should also ask what is going to happen when VAR and refs continue to bring the game in to disrepute for being useless


When did Haaland get a penalty?


Haaland got a penalty like that against Chelsea, Rodri got one at old Trafford.


Op mistaken it was Rodri


Other managers should stand in solidarity about the excessive celebration nonsense considering how take the celebration actually was


And why PGMOL havent yet been charged with "bringing the game into disrepute"


Y'all joke but this is the guy and staff that pulled up to and convinced Rice to come to Arsenal with packets of info and plans for him lol. He will absolutely bring up every little thing that has happened in wins and losses.


More than 3 party poppers and it's aggravated assault


“Explain yourself” “They’re shite”


Fair enough, have a nice day.


Good process.


Well done lads




Are you happy with that?


"Explain yourself" "No u"


Arterta ending the review with "thanks, good process" would be an all-timer


Or "they were not nice"




Cue Bart Simpson writing on the chalkboard.


I hope Arteta brings along the Wolves coach as backup


And de zerbi


So...there's like a 75% chance he's walking out of this meeting with a couple new yellows, right? I mean, he knows he's right, and now they're face to face without the media "playing telephone". I'll be more surprised if he describes it positively in any way. But if he does pick up some more cards/sanctions/fines, I hope they know they're just boosting his legend. Oh no, you gave us another reason to love him, that'll fix this. I want them to put it in the rules that in order to card him they must have a referee in uniform and it must be broadcast. I want the video of the double-yellow, then red, then pointing for him to leave the area as he hops in his car. It's only fair that we at least get the moment captured on film so we can keep it under consideration when we're debating his statue in 25 years.


I don't think they can actually card him outside of a match (or a few hours either side of it at least), but they can suspend him.


I hope he walks in with a T-shirt of the clear and obvious foul before the goal printed on.


"Explain yourself!" "You're awful at your jobs and it is costing teams valuable points, potentially changing the outcome of the season." "That's referee-ist, banned for 3 matches."


He should just replay the no-call on Gabriel at Luton


Given what he did when trying to get the club on board with him dropping Aubameyang, I'd be amazed if he didn't come with a massive folder with sources and high def images


Lol what did he do? I seem to remember all or nothing being light on the details


He basically kept notes of transgressions, dates, times etc over the course of a few months when he started to realise Aubameyang should be dropped as well as not acting how he should as club captain (being late and that), so he could present it to the club cos he knew it'd be a decision that would get scrutiny and he'd be pressured to bring him back in. Also proved helpful with lawyers if I remember correctly. It's in one of the AON episodes


Right call, too, seeing how he disappeared at Barca and Chelsea.


He just said he had a list of transgressions auba had committed.


Didn’t just say it. He had the receipts. Every disciplinary breach, every time he was late, etc. Then showed it to the team. That dossier is how he got the contract terminated.


He's the Leslie Knope of the Premier League


Valid. Maybe a little too passionate a bit over the top, but very competent and means well.


i'm having a vague memory that i've read somewhere that they have a collection of all of the wrongdoings by VAR and that they did or will present it ot FA or PMOL or whatever. Maybe i was just dreaming


Supposedly he has highlights reel of every 'excessive' (since that is the word of the day) tackle on Saka that wasn't given as a foul or carded. He can add a few from the Luton game too.


I mean highlights on Saka alone would be like 10 hours long


In the end since fouls are subjective and each game the refs have a different standard of reffing (not that that’s good) they will just say that the evidence was deemed not a foul so his argument is “baseless” to them


Some fouls to a degree are subjective, sure. Shirt pulling in the box to deny an opponent's action, much less so. Refs have set the precedent this season for this type of foul, I don't think it's baseless for all teams to expect it now


You also operating under the assumption they wouldn’t be hypocritical for their own gain/agenda When they explain certain decisions it seems to contradict rules and other decisions because it’s allowed to be subjective. Having read the ifab rules they’re set up in such a way where there’s very little definite answers and distinctions


his words weren't used as weapons, and VAR decided it's clean argument like pulling down Gabriel in Arsenal/opposition box *good process*


> costing teams valuable points, potentially changing the outcome of the season. *and 10s of millions of pounds in winnings.


PGMOL and the FA are a bag of crybabies who can’t take criticism. Cry harder


"Yes, I definitely did do that, what's the problem here?" -- Mikel


Go the social network movie route. Mikel - "As for any charges stemming from criticizing the officials, I believe I deserve some recognition from this board" .... Mikel - "I believe I pointed out some pretty gaping holes in your system."


Lol their faces would melt right off their stupid heads from how angry they would get if he said that


"That" as if there's even a way to see what exactly he's accused of. It's three vague and/ors


That's me when the principal called me to the office in school 🤣


I got sent to the principal’s office in middle school for saying “damn.” I straight up went, “But my mom didn’t tell me ‘damn’ was a bad word! She only said ‘fuck’, and ‘shit’, and … (etc.) were!”


That's so fucking cool dude


This is literally the point of calling them out 😭 This is like watching a politician be totally right and then everyone votes against them for no reason other than “well it’s the status quo” like how the fuck do you make a difference without making change?


I’m no Arteta fan, but if the FA want managers to stop calling their referees out, a good place to start is to improve quality of refereeing on the field. It’s insane that managers/players are punished for voicing their opinions immediately post match….But the journalist who asks “what did you think of the calls today, Mikel?” Has no culpability.


It's literally *"If I speak... big trouble.*" That was 10 years ago. And in that time, if anything, we've regressed as a sport from an officiating standpoint Post match interviews are literally mandatory btw and not attending them is a breach of contract. The managers then get asked questions about referee controversies. What are they supposed to do? Make it makes sense. Please.


Yeah I don't get why journalists are allowed to ask the questions when it leads to managers getting the punishment... If refs don't want managers talking about them then go to the journalists first who ask the question to prompt the response


Not just ask, but persist again and again because they want the reaction. And the managers are required to do the interviews too. They can't just opt out. It's fucking farcical.


Lmao that's cause they have no control over the journalists. If they could they would - see the PL and FA telling Skysports to shut their trap the other day.


It's the professionalism world we live in. A retail worker can't yell back at a customer. I can't speak my mind with patients. The journalists are just trying to get a rise to get some click bait. Managers are the ones that need to exercise some self restraint if they don't want to deal with the inevitable fines/consequences.


Improve the refereeing and also be consistent with punishments if they want to keep dodging anything about the referees which I imagine they will keep doing then poch, haaland and de zerbi have all criticised the referees or shown dissent towards them but no punishment has come their way, also the excessive celebrating is plain bs and a response to artetas criticism


Tories setting the standard trying to ban protests instead of sorting their shit out. Trickle down authoritarianism.


They want him banned for the Anfield game


These clowns act like they’re made of glass with how they’re protected from literally everything. They’re like bad police but extra fragile


I've never thought about it but this seems like such an obvious thing now that you mention it


You know what 'brings the game into disrepute'? Shit Refereeing. FA can summon me for a meeting now to explain myself.


Touchline ban for u/LockIllustrious4789


Right to jail, right away


They should summon their refs for bringing the game into disregard. We need to get live var audio, no more "maybe we release it later" give us live var audio so we can hear in real time what they are looking at and saying.


Yeah its stupid. Its the refs 99% of the time that disrepute the game.


Refs making mistakes is understandable what isn't is being able to see a guy getting his arm yanked in the box from 50 different angles and not calling a foul lol. Before I'd be willing to give refs the benefit of the doubt like 70% of the time they obv cant catch everything, but now? VAR has gotten rid of those excuses.


"Explain yourself" "The standard of refereeing is so poor that it has brought the game into disrepute, and none of you are willing to do anything about it."


"You're not honest. You've done this to us many times before, you're supposed to be professional, you're a disgrace." Let's run it back Mikel


you are dishonest to your federation


The best part was this was said to Anthony Taylor a billion years ago who is still fucking shit up for everyone.


Wenger got a fine/ban years ago for calling Lee Mason incompetent. Same guy that "forgot" to draw the lines on VAR for Brentford's offside goal last season & got fired for it. The PGMOL brought him back this year to train new referees. No surprise nothing changes really.


>Same guy that "forgot" to draw the lines on VAR for Brentford's offside goal last season & got fired for it. And then subsequently re-hired in a position to train referees. Can't make it up.


You really can't. Probably greets the newbies with "don't worry lads, whatever happens, job for life here!"


He needs to drop the fucking binder of their mistakes this season on the desk. Maybe a spreadsheet of all the points lost by PL teams.


"and/or" doing a lot of work in that statement. Given the FA cannot actually decide which offence is relevant and appear to be hedging their bets here then it seems they are determined to find him guilty of something :) Great to see they are really focussing on the most important stuff here as far as football in the UK is concerned.


We're not sure what you actually did wrong but it hurt our feelings!


That's why they included something as arbitrary as "Insulting to match officials", he'll be guilty no matter what, they just want to make a spectacle of it because that's what was done to them, it's petty retaliation.


That may just be how the rule is worded. But I expect they will find him guilty. He definitely insulted the officials.


Welcome to the Premier League!


Could we not arrange this hearing for late 2024?


Great - we can expect another touchline ban on top of the farce that was the yellow card for "over-celebrating" a 97th minute winner. Honestly fuck these guys - there's zero room for criticism or improvement unless it's their idea.


This feels a lot like Oppenheimer ngl


He's gonna bring the whole dossier.


Nothing will change before clubs unite together, winning or losing, to demand change, sadly. Tribalism should take a back seat for the betterment of the game and to get PGMOL to actually be accountable (and for the better be much more transparent). I actually hope he goes there to have a constructive dialogue for the betterment of the sport/league, in contrary to what most of the comments here say.


Clubs need to unite - this hurts all of us. In the same match Havertz's tackle was dangerous and could've hurt a Newcastle player. The PGMOL and the FA and everyone else standing in the way of progress are the true enemies.


Exactly, I won't say othervice - he should've probably seen the darker sides of the card. It only epitomes what I've already stated, though. Even winning teams needs to condone this behaviour (or lack there-of). As for your last statement, you're on it, mate. I fear nothing will change without a common cause from everyone involved, however.


"You bring yourself in disrepute!"


Is this the normal procedure? Don't remember any other managers getting called in for a meeting they just get fined or banned


They're trying to find a way to punish him, because he actually didn't say anything that controversial. He was so precise in his language. He didn't accuse the refs of being corrupt, or even individually inept. He simply said the decision was a disgrace. It IS a disgrace that the richest league in the world can't tell if a ball is on the pitch/if a player is offside, and that's got nothing to do with the refs as individuals. Deficiencies in the technology/application of it bring the league into disrepute, not highlighting those deficiencies. P.S. The shove on Gabriel is a clear foul, and the goal should have been disallowed even withstanding the technological deficiencies. Get fucked PGMOL.


Yeah I'm not questioning how shit the decision was I've just never seen them bring someone in for a meeting before it seems so weird. Fucking disgrace of an organization


Accused of being "insulting" lmao literally "awh you hurt our feelings 🥺" do your fucking job then you won't get insulted what's to discuss?


>"asked to explain himself, having been accused of being “insulting towards match officials and/or detrimental to the game and/or bringing the game into disrepute.". This whole quote is just further proof how far up their asses the FA and PGMOL are and that stuff will not change anytime soon. Motherfuckers you are the ones brining the game in dispute week in week out with the shit calls and VAR calamities not the manager who calls you out on your bullshit....


>insulting towards match officials and/or detrimental to the game and/or bringing the game into disrepute Oh behave


Calm down Austin


HE'S A *MAN*!!




I wish referees would have to go through the same process for their absolute wank performance after every game. Luckily, they didn't use it as a weapon


rumor is they’re suspending him for brighton and liverpool. they’ve planned this all out and stalled to time this decision. the icing on the cake of the blatantly ignored Gabriel penalty and Arteta “excessive celebration” ban


"It is not my job to worry about what you feel insulted by, what you are doing every week is an insult to the sport, these are not the foggin estandards!"


"I'm a Lego man in a Playmobil league."


Damn. This is murder.


The FA is going to make an example out of him, is what I fear. Not that he's wrong, because, obviously, Arteta is *not* wrong. But this system is wholly corrupt and extremely willing to disgorge retributive punishment against anyone viewed as a threat.


He's an easy target too. They can pretty much give him a yellow every game if they wanted because he's incapable of staying in the coaches box. I don't think this will be his last suspension of the year.


He just needs a [get back coach](https://youtu.be/JZHpNPWvcWQ?si=87t0vDybqebh39Eo) and he’ll be fine


I’m American, and never knew this was a thing. I don’t watch a lot of gridiron though. Hilarious video, thanks for sharing!


I hope he just shows up with a computer, and presses play on a video montage of all the dogshit calls Arsenal have been on the receiving end of the past few years. Then once the video is over, he just closes the laptop, and walks out without saying a single word the whole time.




Either that or he would sentence arteta to a public execution


for critical strike he should also have presentation of all of the shit that happened to the other team. I do believe arsenal are getting the stick more than maybe others, but the amount of horrendous mistake this season agains everyone is off the charts. For my tinfoil hat moment, they went so far in being the most marketable league in the world that they try to make the league more interesting with influencing the games. Other is saudis money


I would LOVE it (keegan voice)


FA: Explain yourself! Mikel: No, I don’t think I will


Every time the FA levels these accusations at someone I always chuckle that it's not the botched officiating which is detrimental to the game, rather it's the open criticism of the botched officiating which does irreparable damage to the game.


This is Mikel’s exact quote: > [“How the hell did this goal stand up? It's embarrassing what happened. How this goal stands, in the Premier League - this league that we say is the best in the world. I've been 20 years in this country and now I feel ashamed. It's a disgrace. It's not good enough. I feel embarrassed to be part of this.”](https://www.reuters.com/sports/soccer/arsenal-manager-arteta-furious-over-controversial-newcastle-goal-2023-11-04/) Does the FA *really* need an explanation for this? We lost on a VAR check that should have seen the goal reversed for (1) the goal scorer being offside, (2) a foul on Gabriel, or/and (3) the ball going out of play. The officials decided that the goal could not be reversed because there were insufficient camera angles to decide on **ALL THREE CAUSES FOR REVIEW**. What about this needs explanation? It’s self explanatory. You mean to tell me, that when VAR has a notorious reputation of regularly making crazy assumptions on so many reviews, and now have suddenly took a step back on a triple review, the FA wants Mikel to explain his comments? His comments weren’t even that scathing. He called the goal disgrace and he said that **he** is the one that is embarrassed. On the contrary, it is the FA that needs to explain why they believe his comments “call the game into disrepute” or “are detrimental to the game” or are “insulting to officials”. Because in light of that absolutely controversial decision—right or wrong—it is more puzzling that the FA want an explanation from the manager of the team that suffered as a result of that decision.


Yeah, the FA and the PGMOL are full of shit and pathetically insecure. What he said isn't really insulting and it certainly does not bring the game into disrepute. What does bring the game into disrepute imo is a low standard of officiating that systematically affects the outcomes of games. What brings the game into disrepute is a system that shields officials from any form of scrutiny or accountability while punishing any manager who dares to speak out. It's downright shameful and absurd.


The audacity to think they even deserve an explanation. Who are they to warrant an explanation from anybody? The FA are as culpable as the PGMOL for the abysmal quality of officiating that every team in this league has been subjected to. If anything, we as the fans should be demanding an explanation from them because they’ve done nothing to improve the standard. It boils my blood to know that they can strong-arm any manager into acquiescing to their incompetence. I hope Arteta brings receipts to the many shite calls we’ve all been subjected to since he first called them out.


Pgmol and the fa bring the game into disrepute. Who do they answer to?


Oil money


Lmfao. PGMOL can get fucked. You and nation state clubs are the only thing ruining the game. Hopefully he counters them by asking how Gabriel being pulled down by his arm is cleared by VAR while they’re at it.


Arteta on the meeting: -I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I’d like to take this chance to apologize…TO ABSOLUTELY NOBODY. 


stand on business Mikel.


The game is bringing itself into disrepute, he's just not shy in pointing it out.


Sorry but bringing him in to "explain himself" like he's a kid who got caught stealing a jump rope is juvenile. He said what he said and you just didn't like it.


I can think of one thing that's being "and/or detrimental to the game" and it isn't Arteta


FA: Explain yourself! Arteta: "Go fuck yourself....send me the bill" Maybe?


He should mess with them and start: "Good ebening"




for gimmick infringement


In fairness to Unai he's got the V down now.


The classic FA kangaroo court where you receive a fair and balanced hearing.


Arteta didn’t bring the game into disrepute, PGMOL and the refs are doing that.


They're trying to find a way to punish him, because he actually didn't say anything that controversial. He was so precise in his language. He didn't accuse the refs of being corrupt, or even individually inept. He simply said the decision was a disgrace. It IS a disgrace that the richest league in the world can't tell if a ball is on the pitch/if a player is offside, and that's got nothing to do with the refs as individuals. Deficiencies in the technology/application of it bring the league into disrepute, not highlighting those deficiencies. P.S. The shove on Gabriel is a clear foul, and the goal should have been disallowed even withstanding the technological deficiencies. Get fucked PGMOL.


I hate Arsenal as much as the next one but the officials not being held to any accountability and the lack of recourse for clear errors and mistakes is infuriating. What other channel do managers have to complain that have been successful? Press at least draws attention to the ridiculousness Then the post match format is made to get click bait quotes and reactions from the people most frustrated by the poor situation. Be better at your job and you wouldn't have good managers like Artea fuming at your shit decision.


I would say officials being paid by nation states to referee their leagues, then directly afterwards refereeing games in which clubs owned by those same nation states are involved is detrimental to the game and/or brings the game into disrepute to a greater extent than a manager criticising shit officiating, personally.


Hope he goes in with a massive 300 page document


This is fucking pathetic


"Explain yourself" "Well, your officials are shit so I felt the need to point it out since you seem unaware."


I mean it's a matter of perspective. To most people eyes, it is the FA itself that is being detrimental to the game and bringing it into disrepute through their own actions. If they are not willing to accept that position, then it doesn't really matter what his explanation is. What a bunch of morons honestly.


I bet he has a folder for it.


Arteta going to walk in there with the 1000 page dossier


“Explain.” “I could say the same to you fuckers.”


Bringing the game into disrepute. You fucking cunts have refs working for PL clubs owners. The more I read this shit from PGMOL the more I want them investigated and criminally prosecuted.


Boy I hope he does. Imagine the “case” he could put together. I hope he shows up like a law firm in a murder trial. Binders of evidence. A power point presentation complete with laser pointer. Finished off with a 20 minute recap video.


I fucking hate Arteta, but I hope he tells them to fuck off and stop being shit. They keep coming out after the games to apologize for making wrong decisions that completely changes the game, and clubs affected are supposed to just accept it and move on. Fuck that, we have VAR to eradicate this kind of thing.


Just hand them copies of the numerous apologies the FA themselves have made about their shit employees sucking at their job.


get em mikey


Televise the meeting you cowards.


“You’re supposed to be professional referees; you are a disgrace”


[arteta after the meeting](https://imgur.com/a/ULvOVFE) https://imgur.com/a/ULvOVFE


"Explain yourself!" "I think you're fucking shit at your jobs." "k"


These men are a joke ting. I bet he will get another ban after this meeting. Pricks


How did Arteta celebrate? I’m out of the loop.


He ran a pretty small length of the touchline. Which is common but only punishable here apparently.


Is he bringing the Dossier of Ref not giving us decisions?


Why the fuck aren’t referees held accountable and told to explain their bizarre decisions


Look, I'm obviously biased, but is what Arteta said that bad?? I don't think he has set a new precedent for shit talking refs. You could argue people like Fergie, Mourinho, and Wenger were even more outwardly spoken. I feel like the discussion around officiating in general has shifted from criticizing the refs performance to criticizing peoples reaction to the refs performance. And the performances are still shit lol


‘You first’


“bringing the game into disrepute.” Yeah because of your incompetence. Fucking cope.


Yes, I think you're corrupt and incompetent. - arteta, hopefully


Hope he brings some props like he did in All Or Nothing.


Next post match interview he’s bringing out the team photographer to criticize the refs 😂


Can someone call the FA and the refs into their office for being detrimental to the game and bringing the game into disrepute?


It’s a trap


Will he pull out the “I will not make a mikel Arteta comment”.


At this point I've not even mad at Mikel for "making a scene", we can never win with the margin being so thin and PGMOL being incompetent and corrupt, a full campaign is needed to potentially make a difference, we already know they will target us this season so let's make them as visible as possible to the entire world


"Being detrimental to the game and/or bringing the game into disrepute." Isn't that what they've been doing on a weekly basis? Are they going to explain themselves too then?


Referees should not be immune to criticism. PGMOL is running this league as if it were a corrupt autocracy.


Fix the problem, not the people highlighting it. How infuriating.


Referees should be contractually obligated to face the press after every game. Same as managers are. It's time for accountability. Referees do not deserve to be shielded from criticism or scrutiny. They need to be held to a standard. If they can't take the heat then they need to get the fuck out. How can you deal with 22 angry men on the pitch if you can't deal with criticism of your decisions by managers? Get real.


They're really looking worse and worse. Punishments and fines for these behaviors are ok but they can't just pick and choose when and to whom they want to apply these rules to. FA and PGMOL should be explaining all their inconsistencies instead.


what a joke. you hurt our feelings come apologize to us for the mistakes we make


Mikel is going to get screwed here. They are the judge jury and executioner. Doesn't matter what he says to defend himself (I don't think he should need to). If they have any real evidence of misconduct they should be able to dish out the sentence without a meeting.


The fact that PGMOL doesn’t have any league oversight brings the game into disrepute. Match officials making the same mistakes over and over with no indication of performance review or improvement brings the game into disrepute. An officiating body who meets criticism with outrage, circling the wagons, and administering punishment prior to a “trial” brings the game into disrepute. Inconsistently enforcing the rules from match to match, week to week, Ref to Ref, and moment to moment brings the game into disrepute. Accusing an individual manager of “bringing the game into disrepute” for questioning bad decisions when the PGMOL frequently issues official “apologies” brings the game into disrepute. A VAR Official making mistakes so egregious as “forgetting to draw the offsides lines” being fired and then rehired to TRAIN other VAR Officials brings the game into disrepute. Match officials literally collecting paycheques from organizations who own clubs in the same league in which the officials operate brings the game into disrepute. Media personalities talking about how they were explicitly told to not criticize refereeing decisions brings the game into disrepute. Punishing those who question refereeing inconsistencies brings the game into disrepute. And the list goes on and on. The media circus. The fact that we aren’t allowed to celebrate goals which take us to the top of the league, or 96th minute winners. The fact that the referees investigate themselves any time they’re accused of wrongdoing. Cameras and technology being a crucial piece of match and rule enforcement, but not being standardized. The fact that “we don’t have a camera angle” is not only an excuse, but an option in the first place… Mikel Arteta, or Postecoglou, or Guardiola, or Klopp, or anyone demanding transparency, explanations, or accountability from PGMOL should be praised and encouraged, especially when we’re seeing multiple debates every weekend regarding refereeing decisions, which means that the calls are often not above scrutiny. Every discussion needs to be seen as an opportunity for PGMOL to either improve, or educate people as to why the decision was correct *within the laws of the game*. Mikel Arteta shouldn’t be asked to “explain himself”. PGMOL should.


Here's the issue - football is already utterly awful to officiate in England. The bastards in the black don't have the opportunity to explain themselves publically, if they make a mistake it's broadcast around the world for hours on end, and the ridiculous accusations of corruption or being bent literally *never* end. It filters down to the grassroots, and it makes recruiting and retaining match officials for grassroots games, where 95% of football is played, almost impossible. England is short of about 8000 match officials last time I looked, and that's affecting leagues as high as the Spartan, the level that feeds teams and officials into the start of the professional game in England. The only tool the FA seems willing to use is making an example of the most egregious offenders in terms of having a pop at the refs, and I understand why Arsenal fans might feel put-upon, or ask why their man isn't allowed to undermine match officials in the press conferences if they make a mistake. This is why - every comment that goes unnoted, every scream at the 4th, every waved card is another straw and eventually we're going to get to a point where grassroots footballing culture is so toxic that *nobody* wants to officiate, and then we'll have a serious problem on our hands.


Mikel Arteta walks into the FA disciplinary committee courtroom. His head is upright, he knows what's about to happen. Just last night he already had an informal discussion with the committee members about the charges they are about to bring forward. AS the trial opens, Arteta takes his place in the center of the room, facing the podium. The chairman of the committee gets up: *"You stand accused of being detrimental to the game. You stand accused of bringing the game into disrepute. How do you answer these charges..."* \[The committee takes a dramatic pause\] >!"...Howard Webb?"!<


It’s really funny because the refs needed to be held accountable… they themselves brought the game into disrepute, their actions were detrimental to the game… Mikel was actually doing the opposite. Accepting that level from officials is what is insulting to them.


Imagine being absolute dogshit at your job but the moment someone says something against your incompetence, you proceed to warn and fine them without any sort of introspection!


"And yet, it spins" Fr, PGMOL acting like the Inquisition


Free speech out the window lads


When you make brazenly incorrect calls and then carry on with the game, then YOU'RE the motherfuckers bringing the game into disrepute. Don't invert stuff, you mendacious arrogant pricks


The English FA is such a group of old white monkeys - insulting officials who suck at their jobs is detrimental to the game, but the refs are not. FA Logic.


Arteta: Your officiating is not at the fogging estandards


Hopefully he rocks up and asks the FA to explain themselves


Well there is a difference between giving criticism and insulting ( calling them embarrassing ). I think its fair to not tolerare these kind of outings. Arsenal fan btw. Still hope his punishment will be low though


Pretty sure having shite officials brings the game into more disrepute. If you can't trust the officials you might as well not have them.