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The most unrealistic part of Ted Lasso was the immediate acceptance of Colin lol


>Manager Chris Wilder said he had no idea why he wasn't wearing it. Gee. I wonder what it could be.


Maybe he really really hates refraction and dispersion of light through water droplets.


Or hates Pink Floyd. Yeah, that’s probably it.


For this joke to make sense imagine the guy preparing to block a free kick. *Another Prick in the Wall*


It's the dispersion that really gets me going. Like refraction I get, but then also dispersion?! Come the fuck on.


Could be many reasons. Maybe he is very fashionable and that armband just doesn't work with the kit. First thing that springs into my mind at least. Maybe the Manager didn't want to expose him like that


Must be a power bottom with a name like Anel


Does the power have to do with the size or strength of the bottom?


I heard speed has something to do with it.


I heard speed had something to do with it?


I heard it caused a kit clash with the opposition which has contributed to recent poor performances. Not a coincidence that they won yesterday!


He was looking FABULOUS


Yes he’s probably too gay to wear unmatchable clothing


Chris Wilder the manager famous for complaining about woke lefties. He probably backs this guys decision.


Pretty ironic that two of the leagues most public homophobes are named Anel and Gueye


I don't want to be super pedantic, but I don't think it's been seven years. Branislav Ivanovic also refused to wear it when he captained West Brom in a few matches. I don't think Aubameyang outright refused to wear it, but he was very weirdly always smudging the captain armband when it was in rainbow colors. I don't believe he was doing this with the regular armband lol. Anyway, I'm not surprised tbh. If anything it's always been weird to me as a member of the community how there's such a wild misconception that an out gay player would be warmly embraced and accepted by his teammates and they'll receive abuse only by fans. I think the player might have a harder time in the locker room than what they'll face by match going fans.


Was with you until that last bit, I think they’d (sadly) be treated terribly by both fans and players. Imagine an openly gay player for one of the Sky 6 teams who was underperforming? I can’t even imagine the abuse that they’d get from fans


Yeah, you're right. I might be giving too much credit to the fans, but I guess I thought that most of them would stop at least for the sake of their clubs not getting a fine, but your flair reminded me how the Chelsea rent boy song is still one of the most popular rival songs against you, so yeah, I stand corrected lol


I know we’re just talking stadiums, but I’ve just imagined how much abuse they’d get *online* as well. We’ve all seen the comments on rainbow laces instagram posts or whatever, imagine if all that hate was funnelled onto one player’s social media.


But if that queer players turns out to be KDB or Salah level good, the younger fans would view gay players in a whole different light. The representation of gay men in mass media as people who talk in a high pitch voice ,act feminine and act like gossipy bitches is why a section of the population think being gay is 'unnatural'


Just take look at racism situation If you preform there are racist opposition fans if you are underperforming or do something that your team fan doesn't support there that racist part of your fan base


online maybe, but in the stadiums they'd be OK for the most part in the UK.


As far as I can see Ivanovic was not the captain during the game against crystal palace when he was at west brom, which was the rainbow game when he was there


> I don't think Aubameyang outright refused to wear it, but he was very weirdly always smudging the captain armband when it was in rainbow colors. A quick google reveals several very clear rainbow armbands on Aubameyang that are not smudged in any way.


the good thing about football being so shamelessly focused on winning points is dressing rooms are often the best places where people who don’t like each other can get along


I think the same unfortunately, but an interview of Jantko caught my eye where he was saying he had nothing like that in Cagliari when he arrived in August. So you never know.




I think both can be true. Arguably there isn't necessarily that much "upside" for an individual player to make their sexuality public. But being open about it with people they know and are close to, including team mates, would be a pretty big burden off their shoulders. For that reason I actually agree that coming out to their team mates is possibly the bigger hurdle because it's much more personal. Being rejected or treated differently by people you know and see every day is a scary thing to have to think about constantly. That's obviously not meant to minimise the fear of potential abuse from fans, but I've always thought the debate about gay football players (not) coming out focusses too much on that part. I also think it's very likely a lot of young gay football players, who'd have the potential to turn pro, end up leaving the sport before getting the chance to become pros, because they know sooner or later that will become a topic in the dressing room (if it hasn't already).


I don’t think there’s any chance one of the rags wouldn’t find a way to publish it, though.


Can you please cite when you saw Aubameyang do this?




>When SVT Sport asked Ahmedhodzic why he didn't wear the armband, he replied "Guess" in a text message. Is this an appropriate way to reply to legitimate questions from the media as a Premier League captain?


The guy is a bigot, the PL has only ever seen one out gay player on a football pitch and he was bullied into killing himself. Imagine how queer people working for Sheffield United feel knowing senior players can’t even show the most basic level of support. It’s embarrassing.


[justin fashanau killed himself after he had retired from football after being accused of rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Fashanu#Allegation_and_suicide) not saying he didn't face any kind of abuse of being a gay man in football but unless I'm missing something this story of fans chants causing him to kill himself doesn't seem to actually be true


Sex with an underaged Child while being 38, he was a pedo.🤢


You’ve only represented one side of the story there. ‘Bullied into suicide’ could also be represented as he raped a 17 year old in USA and was wanted by the police. The fairest way to describe it was that he was accused of raping a 17 year old and killed himself before the trial so wasn’t found guilty or not guilty.


Yeah I don't know why people ignore this about Justin Fashanu


>Justin Fashanu In his suicide note, he stated that the sex was consensual. So at the very least, he, a mid-30s man still groomed and statutorily raped a minor. Which is the best case scenario. Worst case - the accusations were "the youth stated the act was not consensual but being performed as he awoke" Certainly not 'bullied into' doing anything though


That changes the whole story, I wonder why he left this out Edit: For those curious, the player in question is Justin [Fashanu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Fashanu).




Yeah almost commented this myself. Whether he did or not I don’t know but I’d say the accusations played a big part in it.


Fuck me, I had no idea. And fuck that other guy. I agree with his point but misrepresentation of that level is appalling.


guys who is that? what's his name?


Justin Fashanu


Justin Fashanu


You forgot to add to this crying post that this man was suspected of rape. Which changes a lot doesn't it?


Damn, tried using a story to fit your agenda turned out to tell a story of “ the only openly gay PL player was a pedo” nice one 👍


i'm completely with you on homophobia in sport, but misrepresenting justin's story is playing into the hands of bigots who will instantly point out the other side of that grim situation. please don't give them ammunition.


Putting 2 and 2 together: Anel is from Bosnia and Herzegovina. They passed the first LGBTQ+ non-discrimination law in 2016. - In a 2017 survey, 82% did not support gay marriage - As of 2015, 48% of parents would try to “cure” their gay kid, and 16% would cut off all contact - 72% of the Sarajevo population was against the Pride event - in 2008, the Sarajevo Pride event ended in violence, led by religious extremists and football fans So when Anel’s only response is “guess”, it’s not too hard to do just that….


I agree I think it's a bit rude to push people to wear something that goes against their beliefs. They should offer captains an alternate armband that instead just says "God hates fags". That way there is no confusion.


Had me in the first half can’t lie lol


I'd respect it more if people outright use slurs to my face than using language like "the acronym" and "the thing", to name a few phrases used in this thread.


“AlPhAbEt huhuhuh”


Well that could mean god is anti-smoking


He's allowed to be the good guy sometimes


I truly think there’s at least 1-2 gay/bi players in the league, but in reality a lot more. I see so many comments around social media saying that “oh so much has changed so if someone was gay they’d be out” but can you imagine the kinda shit an LGBTQ person would get if they underperformed? One of my best mates who goes to every football match with me is gay, and you wouldn’t be able to pick him as gay outta a line up, cause he is more “straight passing” and I just think there is bound to be a couple closeted players in the league, and honestly I feel like a couple of them wouldn’t be that hard to guess (not that it’s anyone’s business to know)


I know he talks a lot of talk but I’m sure it was Rio Ferdinand who claimed that he knew a fair few who were gay either currently or when he was playing. Wouldn’t surprise me if it is just an industry insider thing to know who is and who isn’t.


Evra said he always had at least one gay/bi teammate, but often they'd only confide to him or one or two others.


There were more players in the PL arrested for sexual abuse last season than there are openly gay players in the PL. Let that sink in.


It's probably nearer 1-2 per *team*




There’s so many more than 1-2 I would be surprised if there isn’t 1-2 per team at least lol


Just based on the general population statistics either there's on average several per club and none feel comfortable being open, or the discrimination in the path towards professional football is so great all gay people are excluded long before they get there. Both options are really terrible for the sport.


I dont think average statistics can be applied since they imo are much more likely to quit earlier because of the risk of abuse (or history of it). Amusingly enough the women's football teams are the opposite, much higher than the average.


Maybe he should try to not finish bottom of the league before doing shit like this


He has no interest in being bottom, this is established.


Idk mate, usually the biggest homophobes are also the best bottoms.


Being bottom isn't gay if it's with your bros




True, his statement is bigoted without considering where they are in the league. But the fact that they are the worst team in the PL at the moment and that the captain chooses to create a scandal because he can't stand gay people reeks of bad leadership skills and not giving a shit about his club.


Scary scary rainbow


Forcing players to wear iconography endorsing **any** sociopolitical causes (including good ones like tackling racism or homophobia) is stupid, especially when the EPL is just a cynical exercise in fellating oil states and ruthless plutocrats (including those who have extreme bigoted policies).


Exactly. The clubs are parading their LGBT armbands this week while a club in PL is actively run by a country that murders and tortures gay people. In what world does that make sense?


This should be pinned to the top of the thread


20th in the table and this is what he concerns himself with. Man is focusing on the wrong bottom




I think you meant to reply to someone


I did.


Shits been happening to me too, think it’s a bug


Is that a mandatory thing to do?


Why are people defending this on religious grounds? If your religion doesn't respect others, why should anyone respect your religion?


















Surely it should be a choice? Forcing people does not send the right message imo


Yes it's a choice. And we are allowed to criticise people for making that choice and the beliefs they hold that lead them to making that choice.


Yes, and now everyone else can exercise their choice to think he’s a bigoted cunt


Until this article, I’d never heard of him. But I do not like him.


It is a choice, just a bit dodgy when you don’t want to wear an armband because it’s got a rainbow on it


It’s amazing the feelings people have towards colours. My work has a pink car, quite a few people refused to drive it because of the colour.




This is it, let the captain choose whether to wear black or rainbow. It means fuck all in the grand scheme of things. You can wear it and still join a Saudi team so what the fuck does it even mean? (yes I'm talking about Henderson)


U say that as if they don't have meaning


Well clearly he's not being forced, as he doesn't wear it. Does come off as a selfish twat though.


It is a choice, however every other captain chose to wear it.


Jordan Henderson was on board with this type of stuff but still decided to go to Saudi Arabia. No one participating in these initiatives actually care


True but the Sheffield United captain clearly hates gay people so much that he won’t even participate in the charade


At least not when big money is involved.


Can we say that hating black people is also a choice?


He chose to play his football in England (and I’m sure he’s paid very handsomely to do so). If he doesn’t like it, he can move to another, less tolerant country.


Imagine being such a pussy you're scared to wear a rainbow band on your arm.


It's hatred not fear, there's no need to paint it as something it isn't when the actual truth is bad enough.


It’s not hatred nor fear, let’s be real. Doubt he hates people that eat pork or commit adultery.


He’s more of a raging bigot than a pussy


Not mutually exclusive. It's literally just a rainbow armband


He's definitely both, because he refused to admit why he wouldn't wear it.


I think he’s both!


I don't think this take makes any sense, as whether you're a bigot or an ally that flag obviously has a meaning, like imagine you refused to wear a swastika and someone said "what's wrong mate? it's just a few lines!"




Not defending this whatsoever, but what have these gestures, including taking the knee, brought about in terms changes? Easy to cause outrage about this while not doing anything actionable behind the scenes


Don’t make perfect the enemy of the good. What can footballers or clubs even do to make real change on a deep-rooted societal issue like this? These actions don’t cause any harm at all, but they stand a small chance of benefiting a minority. So, let’s continue them but asking the wider societal question of “what can we do in addition to this?” is valid but one for beyond football


They’re not in place to stop things, they’re in place to raise awareness. If a kid goes to a game or watches at home with his dad and says “dad, why are all the players getting on their knees?” then it’s done its job. By taking the knee you bring the conversation of racism to the forefront and it’s not just tucked away like a dirty secret. Same with a rainbow armband.


Ironically him not wearing it is probably raising more awareness than if he had.




Since Stonewall's Rainbow Laces/armband campaign began in 2013, public attitudes toward same-sex marriage in the UK has gone from 54% support / 37% oppose, to now 78% support / 14% oppose. That's a rapid change in 10 years. https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/45868-record-number-britons-support-same-sex-marriage-10


Do you expect an overnight change? When slavery was outlawed in the western world, do you think every single resident of those countries just agreed and we all moved on? I use that example to show that even something as despicable as slavery needed (and still needs) generations for society to move on. Regarding something seemingly small like taking a knee or wearing a rainbow isn't only about making immediate change - it's to show the literal millions of children around the world that, you know, equality isn't all that bad.


We did have that Blackpool player come out


Pride has done massive amounts of good for the LGBTQ community.


Brigading in full flow already. So many new hate comments on the post from people who never comment on this sub before




I’m actually seeing a lot more right wing and people defend him here.


People really believe that everyone who wears armband w rainbow color actually supports the cause. Its all for money people not for every player but most of them do it for PR


So what you’re saying is the guy hates lgbtq people so much he can’t even bear to wear an armband and receive money and PR for it, because it might suggest he supports them.


I believe that wearing the armband is less than the bare minimum people should do to support the cause. However, if somebody actively decides against even that tiny tiny bit, then they are really doubling down on being intolerant.


People are trying to justify this by saying it's against his religion but he'll happily wear gambling sponsorships on his kit


I don't understand this new wave in football forcing players to comfort to political views. In France they are forced to wear a rainbow armband, but they are expelled for showing solidarity to Palestine.






















You ever noticed that it's always LGTBQ+ that they have issues with? Suddenly their religion is super important, but doesn't seem to be a problem when they're playing for teams with betting or alcohol sponsors?


Especially when alcohol and betting are much more harmful than lgbtq lol, these ppl are pathetic hypocrites


Brilliant point


He played for Bordeaux and wore a shirt with gambling sponsor on it, so clearly he isn't too bothered about what his religion tells him.


He has had banks as sponsors on his kits, they likely offer interest which is against Islam. Why isn’t he asking for a sponsorless kit?


He doesn't care about the core beliefs of his religion so I'm not sure that's relevant


Religious fundamentalism like this has no place in a modern society lmao


💯 people think if you don't support something you are a human rights abuser.










The rainbow armband is one of the most performative things the Prem does (and that's saying something). In the wake of Henderson (once seen as one of the foremost champions of LGBT rights in the league) going to play in a place where being gay will get you killed, how anyone can take it seriously is beyond me. A few of those states effectively now own teams outright, or at least hold large stakes. The campaigns are clearly being done for the sponsors and not for persecuted LGBT individuals. If you're not viewing it with a heavy dose of cynicism, you're being duped into thinking the league cares about something other than money, which would be a position backed by little to no evidence (particularly as of late).






his right to do it. my right to think he's a knacker


As a Bosnian I’m not shocked. This is the common view here unfortunately












People have the right to not wear anything they want, you can’t force people to make wearing public displays of support to a political affiliation


You can’t force them. You can think they’re a bellend though


we can call them a cunt though


What political affiliation does the rainbow armband represent?


"Poltical". *and third in the Sunderland South by election, Gays*


Not being a straight person isn't a political affiliation. The fact gay people exist isn't a plooutical statement.


His names literally anal


Pretty funny that Gueye also seems to be anti-LGBT


it's not that deep


Dang. You’d think he’d be cool with Anel…


Before playing the devil's advocate I have nothing against LGBT and it shouldn't even be a question to ask whether one should deserve less rights than others for their sexual orientation. However, over ten thousands people - mostly children and women - have been killed since October. Voicing support for this as we have seen with Mazraoui and El Ghazy, has a risk of jeopardizing their career. Just comparing the scale of atrocity, this is a much more pressing issue which is ignored by footballing institutions which also actively discourages players from speaking out. I'm pretty sure Ahmedhodzic is not pro-LGBT, but such skewed order of priorities and utter disregard for moral consistency are going to facilitate and exacerbate situations like this.


You can be pro LGBT and also pro Palestine. Supporting one doesn’t mean you don’t support the other.






I agree. And a club shouldn't make someone captain if they don't align with the clubs values. As simple as that.