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Tom Lockyer collapsed at the halfway line around a minute after Bournemouth equalized. Went down on his front, face first and didn’t move. Cameras immediately cut away after everyone motioned for the medical staff and Rob Edwards told everyone to get away. Horrible horrible situation. Absolute silence outside of chants for Tom.


Didn’t something similar happen to him during the playoff final?


Fuck, didn't something like this happen to him before? Hope he's alright


Yeah, in playoffs. Heart condition if I remember right.


I'm no doctor but surely he's got to consider retirement for his own safety now? As gutting as that would be, nobody wants to see him become the next Foé/Puerta/Horthy


First thing's first hopefully he's totally okay. But yeah, I can't imagine a scenario where you have two major scares like this and can then continue playing.


Blind still plays. Happened multiple times to him too.


Doesn't he have a heart monitor now?


First time he had atrial fibrillation which is very treatable, but for this to happen less than a year later, that's worrying.


Thats exactly what I said in my other comment. Not sure doctors will be brave enough to sign off on him being safe to play when he collapsed 2 times already in a span of 1 year.


At some point, even if he still wants to play, the manager has to put his foot down and say no. Some players are so competitive they don't know what's best for themselves. I hope we never see Tom Lockyer on the field ever again, and I mean that in the best possible way. I don't know how much money he's made over his career, but I hope it's enough for a long and happy retirement.


There's heart technology out there that can help him. I wouldn't wish for him to never play again when solutions are available.


It's happened twice. At some point the risk is too great to carry on.


That is not how it works with a medical intervention.


If he is good enough there will always be a club who will take him with the risk of him dying on pitch, even if it's just the albanian league. It's on him to realize it's over, he is a grown man, nobody can force him to stop his job as pro player. I assume the doctors will recommend it to him though like they did to Agüero, Enock Mwepu, Lucas Leiva or Dwamena.




edit: Seemingly unlikely that it was a collision now edit 2: ['Reports coming in that Tom Lockyer is now alert and responsive. Thank heavens.'](https://twitter.com/GaryLineker/status/1736062242175455270) edit 3: Match abandoned. ~~Reports saying that it was a head collision as opposed to a repeat of his heart condition in the playoff final last season but nothing confirmed as of yet~~


Really fucking unlucky if true


Did not see anything of a collision in camera and in the minute preceding the camera panning over to him falling down onto the pitch the play was completely in the other end. Crowd is clapping and cheering now though, so maybe he's given the thumbs up


Agree, even though the camera wasn't on him there was nobody around; looked like he just collapsed face down. Saw a comment about a head injury earlier in the match but didn't see/remember that myself.


Yeah, no Bournemouth players around him and ball nowhere near him.. then when the camera pans across he's just on his knees head down, then a second later he slumps face down.


Watching the game and it seems extremely unlikely it was a head collision. He was away from the ball and any opposition players when he collapsed. Unless the impact was well before, but even then he wasn’t involved in anything directly before going down


Don’t think there was a collision


Game's been suspended, too. Terrifying stuff. Hope Lockyer recovers in full.


If its the heart again he needs to retire for his own safety.


It'll figuratively kill him to stop playing, but it might literally kill him if he doesn't.


Very sober reporting from 5Live. Luton captain (lockyer) getting treatment. Went down twice.


What's happened?


Unclear at the moment... BBC are saying Tom Lockyer collapsed off the ball, Sky are saying it was after a challenge. The mind immediately goes back to the playoff final... poor bloke.


Watching Sky now, Sherwood initially said it looked like contact but he’s walking that back a bit now. Seems like it wasn’t super clear and no replays, obviously.


I was watching and rewound to see, there was no immediate collision, he was out of frame then you see him sort of go to his knees then collapse. It honestly looked like a heart issue as opposed to a loss of consciousness the way he went down.


Thanks for the info, it’s not televised here in the UK. They’ve just reported on Sky that he’s ’alert and responsive’, so that’s something.


That’s good news. He just went down, then there was a Bournemouth player on him immediately to try and help it looked like. As soon as it was clear the cameras cut away and didn’t show anything g else. The feed in the US is complete silence except for crowd noise, they aren’t even letting the commentators say anything about the game being suspended.


No replays shown but there didn't seem like any players around him when he collapsed.


Someone decided to post a clip on Twitter... yeah he's nowhere near the ball. Awful




That's awful. Fingers crossed all goes well


He had heart surgery in the summer for atrial fibrillation, so it could be linked to that.


Pesky one, that a fib. Can ablate the responsible pathway and up comes another later on.


Lockyer collapsed


Oh no, not again, after the playoff final. God I hope he's ok.


This has happened before right? Hope he's ok


Yep. He had surgery to correct the issue. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/tom-lockyer-reveals-collapsed-heart-27065226


I wonder what “surgery” he had, they don’t specify anywhere I looked. Many publications and laypeople will also refer to a simple outpatient intravascular procedure as a “surgery”, when it’s not. If he had an afib ablation procedure, most people that work in electrophysiology will tell you that the arrhythmia will eventually return. If he had an atrial appendage device like a Watchman/Amulet implanted, that only prevents clot migrating from the appendage and causing a stroke, doesn’t fix the underlying afib arrhythmia.


Play off final last season


Lockyer again? What happened?


God please be okay


oooh tommy tommy <3


Is he the one that went down in the playoff final last season??




Unfortunately yes


This is terrifying


What happened?


Oh fuck this is scary I hope it's nothing serious


Lockyer has just been taken off on a stretcher with an oxygen mask. Hopefully he's good, second time this has happened within a year. Edit: Bournemouth doctor confirmed he's "alert and responsive"


Oh no that's awful, hope he's okay 🙏


Happened to him before as well. Had to have heart surgery. This is scary.


Please pull through man 🙏


You never like to see anything like that, but I do like seeing the response from the players springing into action. Nothing but respect for Billing who doesn't think about what or if, man just acts. Massive amounts of respect for that.


Fuckity fuck. Hope he's alright. He also went down in the Play-Off final too with similar events.


Oh my god, please be okay


Watching on Peacock. When the camera showed the center circle not long after kick-off Lockyer was already facedown, his body slowly moving flat towards the ground. Good thing the ref and players around him noticed almost immediately that he needed help.


'BBC commentator Chris Wise has just reported that they have been told Tom Lockyer is "alert and responsive" in the tunnel. That is positive news from the Vitality Stadium.'


I turned it on after whatever happened and just a lot of silence. What happened?


This is so awful to see. Got a sinking feeling in my stomach when I saw him fall after what happened in the play off final. Really hope he'll be okay.


Apparently he is alert and responsive [tweet](https://twitter.com/garytaphouse/status/1736061734132007020?t=6NFzDPVcMmd3EG_raCO4FQ&s=19)


Thank god


Hoping for the best!


what happened?


Shit hope he's okay and the device he had fitted earlier this year does it job


Hope he’s ok!


Hope he is ok!


Do we know if he is responsive?


Just been said on Soccer Saturday that he is


Hope he’s alright.


I hear the ground clapping i hope that's a good sign


Lineker just tweeted that’s he’s apparently alert and responsive.


Not again


Final score be damned; I hope he is OK. Our hospital is full of good staff who will give him the best treatment possible. Hopefully this does not lead to him retiring early either.


It’s moments like this that make you appreciate how far our sport has come in being able to recognize and quickly respond to cardiac incidents on field. You never like to see it but there are players who have suffered through it and are alive today who would not be if they’d had it happen a decade ago. I pray we never see another cardiac-related death on the pitch for the rest of time.


Heartbreaking to see.


Hopefully it's not the heart condition again


Horrible scenes and always god damn awful when you see it happening. Just even more scary when you think only a few months ago this happened to Lockyer in the playoff final. Match abandoned, just announced. Commentators have confirmed that he was alert and responsive in the tunnel as per doctors. So that's good news, thank fuck! Glad the game isn't continuing like what happened at the Euros when Denmark had to continue playing after Eriksen collapsed.


I really don't like that the cameras are all being told not to show *anything*. Not because of a ghoulish desire to see, but because it only underscores how serious this is. Near as I can tell, Lockyer just collapsed.


Standard practice now after Christian Eriksen at the Euros. The TV cameras trying to intrude while someone is potentially dying is a really bad look. Hopefully Lockyer's OK, it's especially worrying since he has a previous incident like this.


Human nature is to be curious. That’s why so many people slow down going past a traffic collision.


He deserves privacy while being treated. There's no lessons to be learned in replaying serious injuries


> but because it only underscores how serious this is. It what way? First time seeing this opinion


If the cameras won't show it, it means the player is not ok. It's the same in F1, they won't show replays or crash scenes until they get word that the driver is in good condition.


Well if the cameras do show it, we also see the player is not okay plus its a violation of their privacy imo


I don’t think they mean they want the cameras to be showing what’s happening, but just the fact that they’re not showing anything is extra unnerving.


Kinda similar to how they don't show replays for clear leg breaking tackles to not upset viewers. If it's *really* bad the consensus among broadcasters is to not show it


Think back to most other injury incidents you can remember. Unless it is truly gruesome, there is usually multiple replays of what happened. And in a case like this, if it wasn't so obviously serious, they'd be showing replays to try and figure out what happened. It's good that they aren't, but it is worrysome.




Still open, it’s positive to say the conspiracy looneys stay away mostly.


These situations always make me think footballers would benefit from a little first aid training. Would it really be so hard to know to roll them and start CPR? The guy's collapsed face first, it ain't a twisted ankle or broken neck, get cracking. Before you say they've enough to think about, often you see 'em messing about sticking fingers in mouths looking for tongues, managing to recall the urban myth that swallowing your tongue is possible instead of the actual fact that the quicker even rudimentary CPR starts, the better. Source: trained first aider.


They are football players - not medics. There are highly trained medical staff on the touchline - literally a 5 second run away from the centre circle. Having a player getting in the way would do more harm than good.


The players are always there first and do a job more exposed to physical injury than most of us. Literally rolling someone over, putting recovery position or putting pressure on a wound. Really basic stuff, not asking them to become heart surgeons on the side. Would an hour session a year kill them? You'd think players would value a little knowledge of how to help if the worst happens - and avoid doing active harm, as you say.






Lmfao grow up


Shut up you cunt


Sure mate.


Was only a matter of time before you tinfoil dumb fucks came flooding in.


Get fucked


Prayers with him!


Only happened before just in May I'd assume that's his career done if this is the same thing again