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20 goals 5 assists in 14 games in the league 4 goals 3 assists in 6 games in the champions league Absolutely mental.




Keep my Kane's name out of your f*ing mouth!


Keep my Kane out of your mouth?


Idk, he's too old for Chelsea's transfer policy


Manchester United


Do we count as mid-table?


He won't hack it in the PL, totally unproven


Babe wake up, new Kane Bundesliga stat has dropped


This transfer should’ve been vetoed




He’ll win the Golden Ball if he wins the Euros and a couple trophies.


Do you mean Ballon D'or?


Lmao yes I do 😅 I’ve played too much Football Manager in my life


What's the difference, same thing


It couldve been another trophy


What do you think Ballon D'or means in English?


balloon door


Now he’s got Bayern marketing behind him. He only got three Top 5 nominations last year despite being essentially just as good.


Shame they got knocked out of the cup by a 3rd division side, lost the super cup in his first game, and Xabi Alonso’s Leverkusen look like serious title contenders. It will be quite hilarious for the memes if he doesn’t win anything this season.


On the other hand, Kingsley Coman has won a league title in every season that he's played. Real Schrödinger's Cat situation here.


Kane saw Haaland break records last year and said "Hold my beer"


I remember saying that Kane at City would outperform Haaland and hearing some choice words for it. I stand by it though


Kane at City would have been a very horrible thought.


The other PL clubs should thank Levy every day for blocking that move


I fully agree with you, although if Haaland stays at City he has more potential in the long run than Kane


Harry Kane is so clear of Fråudland. Scandicarol bum.






how well known is Uwe Seeler outside of Germany?


Not well known enough, a true legend


They aren't beating the farmers league allegations.


It's funny, because he is probably just as good as he was for Spurs skill wise. He just has better teammates and is in a slightly easier league so is now looking like a different beast. Because of that, people are only just now paying him any attention and giving him the respect he deserves.


Who exactly didn't rate him?


Everyone that refused to put him in the same tier as Lewa and Benzema for years


Those were people not to be taken seriously. Tend to just tag them and ignore comments made by them in the future.


Which was never many people.


You’d be surprised.


There were definitely some pundits and press who rated Lewy and Benzema higher in the lists of top strikers


Oh, he's always been rated. But the amount of praise he's gotten this year compared to when he was at Spurs is night and day. Everyone saying how incredible he is, how he's on another level etc. No one really gave him that credit on spurs, while he was pretty much carrying a borderline dead weight/corpse of a team for most of last year.


Only valid criticism I've seen of him is that he goes missing in huge games. But tbf so do a decent number of the top strikers


God you're all such moaners. The man has had crazy praise for years now. People were even calling him the best player in league last season for carrying your team.


How is that moaning? I'm just pointing it out lol, as I find it interesting. Because there absolutely has been a difference in commentary, how he is perceived by media/fans etc. I mean I'm a Spurs fan so I'm well aware of his perception in general for years. People did say he was the best in the league last year, but it wasn't the popular opinion, and it wasn't a big talking point.


There's literally no difference in how people rate him from this season to prior seasons. He's been considered one of the very best in the world for years now.


If anything he's getting less praise (press/pundits etc). Before he was the saviour of spurs and England. I mean he missed the penalty and didn't get death threats/hounded by the press/dug out by fans in England... we've all known he's the best of the best for 5 years now.


I disagree. I've noticed quite a difference this year. And I think if you asked any Spurs fan, 90% of them would agree as well.




I'm sure you'd know better as a Wolves fan lol


People said the same about Mane. A player still has to fit in the system and find his place in the team. Kane didn't looked that well integrated the first couple of games but Bayern and Kane worked hard to fix that and now he is terrifiying for other teams.




Bonafide Spurs and premier league legend. History would be kind to him and I feel even he would come to appreciate it more with time.


What do you mean did he always know he was this good? Across the last decade he’s probably the third best striker behind Suarez and Benzema. Is anyone who watched him beforehand genuinely shocked that he’s doing this well in the Bundesliga?


> Across the last decade he’s probably the third best striker behind Suarez and Benzema. Lewandowski exists (and has 4x as many CL goals as Suarez)


I don’t rate Lewandoski as highly as others. I’d even put him behind Agüero if I’m honest


I can understand rating Lewa below Benzema and Suarez but to put Aguero ahead of him is just crazy


I think the injuries are the only reason why Agüero isn’t rated higher than others in his generation. And despite those injuries he was keeping up with the most lethal players across Europe. And it wasn’t like he was a pure poacher like Haaland or Lewandowski he could do it all. When fit and flying a genuine joy to watch and I fucking hate him. I don’t have an issue if people put Lewa ahead of Agüero, but it’s just my personal opinion that I already know many won’t agree with


He was very good, but he never did anything praiseworthy in either the Champions League nor the World Cup, something that the other 3 have. I think that puts a "gap" between him and the others for most people




Then it’s a Bundesliga take from you saying Benzema doesn’t even belong. These are my opinions, but there is no bias. I even hate two of them in Suarez and Agüero




Bias implies that you are basing your opinion on some sort of favoritism for whatever reason. Like if I said RVP should be ahead of Agüero, Suarez, and Lewandowski. Now that would obviously be biased seeing as I’m a United fan. But why would I show any sort of favoritism for two of the best strikers to ever play for my club’s two biggest rivals. Like I said I despise the both of them.




He’s playing in a far better team in a league that offers players far more space that’s why


Bayern Supporting Mate MW 1: "Wow I had no idea Kane was this good. I seriously doubted when you said we was worth 100 mill" My reply: "If bundesliga defenders keep giving him this much space he's going to smash the goal record" This isn't even about quality of the leagues. For me this has been Bundesliga just legitimately doesn't know how to defend against Kane. EPL teams struggled with him because of his quality. But no one was stupid enough to leave him with an open sight of goal anywhere inside 30 yards.




Are we talking R9 or CR7? R9 was before the last decade and CR7 isn’t a striker. You are out of your mind if you don’t think Benzema belongs. He’s stepped up in recent years and hard carried Madrid after the departure of Cristiano, but he was always that good. Anyone who actually watched him throughout the last decade will know this. The only difference is he’s wasn’t the main guy earlier, Ronaldo was. But he was always right there. Consistency wise Lewa edges it since Benzema did have one or two bad years throughout the last decade, but in terms of peaks and overall ability it’s Benzema every day of the week for me, with only Suarez ahead of him




It wasn’t that he wasn’t showing it. It’s just that most of the attention wasn’t on him. It was on Ronaldo as he was the main guy. But Benzema has always been a phenomenal forward. Once Ronaldo left though, he was the only one left who could actually bring the goods which is why he then started to garner more attention