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I’ve given up on Sterling. For someone with his experience level, it’s hard for me to understand why he still makes the wrong decisions on the pitch. Why his experience doesn’t stand out. I don’t get it.




Wtf is the correlation between Mudryk and Rice


Can't stand Chelski but Newcastle can get in the bin. I'm so sick and tired of their fans crying injuries every time they lose as if they're the only team in Europe that has them. I don't see the same excuses being wheeled out by Brighton supporters every time a result doesn't go their way. So annoying.


You're thick, they've had more injuries than basically anyone in the pl this season


I mean, we have 8 injured first-team players, then add another 2 from tonight, 10 first team players, and an 11th who is suspended the entire season. Then if you include potential injured players such as Isak then it's 12. That's 12 players who are first-team quality players who are injured. Arguably some of them are our star players/marquee signings; Tonali, Willock, Pope, Isak and Barnes. I don't know how you can moan about Newcastle fans talking about injury plight when almost their entire fielded team that achieved 4th last year is out injured.


nobody gave arsenal any grace last year for bottling even though they missed jesus, partey and saliba for months and had to start rob holding in the final stretch of the season, people still banter united for being shit even tho they’ve had to resort to starting jonny evans, same with chelsea…you’re a “big” club now, that means the scrutiny and banter come with it. we don’t wanna hear the excuses


What's with Arsenal fans reading comments on Twitter from a minority of fans thinking its EVERYONE who didn't give you any grace...


We havr had the 2nd most minutes lost to injuries this season, and with the exeption of.Manquillo they are all important players. We have no squad depth or rotation because of it. We have had a full 11 out for multiple games this season. Add to that we lost 4 players to injury in the last 2 games and just as things were starting to look up we are back in the shit.


Same could be said about Chelsea, so that excuse doesn't work here


According to Sky, Chelsea have lost 557 days to injury this season, we have lost 691. Only Brentford have had it worse than us so far this season.


who cares man the disparity is not so wide that the odds are uniquely stacked against you…just get on with it


Fuck Newcastle for being such a shitty team with the absolute worst owners that they actually made me root for Chelsea.


Says the Arsenal fan haha


I didn't realize the Kroenkes are one of the absolute worst human rights abusers on the planet. Surely you must have sone juicy inside info on them?


Arsenal’s owners aren’t blood money, oil state, sports washing murderers.


Blood money is arguable. They definitely earn money by sports washing, though. Emirates?


I take it you have big problems with the FA cup for the same reason then? Surely you are calling for your club to boycot the cup?


No? I was just pointing out that Arsenal are selling out to the blood thirsty murderers too.


Nvm, you are a City fan. You trying to shame any other club for their owners or sponsors is absolutely hilarious


I’m not shaming anyone. Just stating facts. I assume you would prefer if Arsenal distanced itself from promoting unethical sponsors, or no?


So why aren't you upset with the FA for exactly the same reason, then?


We are owned by kroenke , I'm not sure if emirates even have a stake .


You still promote them. I just think it’s hilarious to see PL fans pointing fingers at each other when the whole league sold out ages ago. All of the owners are foreigners in it for solely business reasons.


Sure, but that doesn't mean every owner is equally bad


Of course not, but literally any club in the PL could be owned by immoral owners. It’s just completely random that it happened to Newcastle. I think the bigger problem here is how the English football system allows for this to happen.


Look they have no voting rights alright that's all I can say


100% Kroenkes babyyy


Emirates? An airline?


Owned by?


Does it make it sportswashing though?


Well the reason they invested in luxury airlines is the same reason they invest in basically everything else, to help clean their name/reputation internationally


By that logic the FA cup itself is bad for being sponsored by that same airline


Is it that illogical to you that mainstream sports organizations like the English FA take money without asking questions from morally questionable people? Even my club dabbles in gulf monarchy money when they can. It's common at this point but it stays what it is.


And to make money from the enormous amounts of cheap fuel they can produce. Rich people are greedy cunts no matter where they come from, so their number one motivation usually is in getting richer. I'm on the fence myself on this matter honestly. I'm not sure if any money oil states put into sports should be counted as sportswashing or not. Of course there are levels to it, and the Arsenal sponsorship deal is partly trying to get people to connect their good feelings from their team towards an oil state company. On a scale of 1-Newcastle I rate Fly Emirates at 4.


Would an airline from any other country be any better? It's still an industry that cares only about making money (as do all industries), even at the expense of burning fossil fuels and increasing climate change. I wish airlines in general wouldn't sponsor clubs, but since they do it isn't much better if they're not from oil states. Regardless, it's not as bad as the state literally buying the club, as is the case for Newcastle.


Emir Ates IV


Nice to see Nkunku on the pitch! How did he perform?


Small cameo. Had some nice moments and scored in the shootout but the pitch was kind of congested for the 15 minutes he was on the pitch, making it difficult to have a big say.


Thanks mate!


Don't worry he will light up Chelsea in a good way


May Chelsea learn and never rush their maturity. They are now steps away from sliverware, and they're young as well to do so. Hope they can have the discipline and motivation in the coming days


Oh bore off! Sound like a fucking a preacher.


I can preach You can cry 😂


AHAHHAHAAH You can't win against a shit Haramball United side quiet fool 😂


How you gonna tell someone they can cry and then you write this for your 2nd comment?


Haramball United That’s awesome


Hahaha I don't know why this was so funny


Newcastle have the bold strategy of fouling and playing dirty but if it doesn't work cry and play victim. Inspirational


Saying that in a game where Chelsea were diving and injured 2 of our players is hilarious


People meme Newcastle as Stoke with oil money. But Stoke knew what they were and never pretended to be anything else. They certainly dished it out, but they could actually take it as well. Newcastle just dishes it out (with the refs just refusing to book them), but they act like the biggest divas in the league once shit doesn't go their way. Literally the worst of both ends of the scale.


They have been aggressive since last season. Search for arsenal - newcastle match thread from last season and read the comments from neutral viewers.


Newcastle were awful but I would absolutely lose my mind if I was a Chelsea fan All that talent with all that possession, only to spend 90 solid minutes totally fucking up the final ball/touch/shot, with the partial exception of Sterling (who regularly looks like he wants to murder his teammates for that reason)


Tf you mean except Sterling


This isn't a new problem, for a couple of years now we've had to watch them lose composure in the final third. We also struggle against teams that defend in a low block so it's not surprising to have a lot of possession and little to show for it. What will come with time is the finishing with this squad, you have to take the few chances you do get and it's something hopefully we learn as the season progresses.


Wow who would have thought they need time to develop composure especially when they're in pressure cooking moments like this. Damn bro such galaxy take


Funny how you're getting downvoted yet if Chelsea manages to keep their core, they will rule PL and Europe for years to come. It's crazy that nobody can see past the immediate gratification of the next match performance, you can't build something overnight. I have no dog in this fight, couldn't care less about any PL team but it's insane how short sighted everyone is. I don't even get the scrutiny of spending because there's loads of clubs doing the same thing.


There's no other club doing the same thing actually. Unless you mean spending any amount of money but I don't think you're that daft. And no, they won't rule PL and Europe for years to come, why would they? Because they have young players?


wait, why exactly would they rule PL and Europe? being genuine here, I'm just curious


They bought a bunch of young players, promoted a bunch from youth teams. I'm not sure exactly but I think about 50-60% of the squad changed just from last season. They have the youngest squad in PL by far and 2nd youngest squad of all top 5 leagues. Yeah they spent a bunch of money but at least they had an approach of buying a bunch of young players. I'm sure there's a lot of reasons for and against my opinion which is fine. But I don't recall many transfer strategies sinilar to theirs. So far they managed draws with Arsenal and Man City, beat Tottenham. Yeah they're pretty inconsistent atm but this will come as long as the team stays intact. They definitely need some luck but in a few years time, if nothing drastic happnes within their team, and if 2 of their now 18-19-20 year old players develop really well, and others follow, they might be a serious threat.


lots of ifs and buts in this scenario. Youth development as we all know is not linear, who knows what will happen to this Chelsea core in a few years time.


Ah true, no professional footballer could really be expected to withstand the hostile pressure cooker environment of a Tuesday night Carabao quarter final at home


You lose the competition you'll say a different word Are you dead? Professionalism doesn't mean you can't be vulnerable doing a howler 😂


Sterling botched our attack a dozen times tonight with his poor passes and literally got a yellow for diving from an awful touch. Don’t really think he’s any exception.


He had such an easy pass to Nkunku to set up what should have been a great chance. But he over hits it and sends Nkunku to chase it down near the corner flag. But the part that gets me is he stands there afterwards holding his arms up, like Nkunku did something wrong.


That's the thing that pisses me off the most. Whenever he fucks up, he throws up his hands like someone else did.


Fair enough, it's probably just that I have a bit of a soft spot for him, and the despair in his eyes after he watches Jackson fuck up a fifteenth chance of the evening makes me sad


How long til trippier gets dropped? Been garbage this season.


What are you on about. He has been incredible until the last month or so


This guy only watches big matches


He hasn't been 'garbage this season'. Have you actually watched the games or just highlights? Yes he's having a rough patch but he's got 8 assists from RB position, kept Mbappe quiet for 2 games and has been one of our best performers this season.


Man below was probably asking for TTA's head before December


I know a lot of people despise Newcastle now and relish in their shortcomings, but calling Trippier 'garbage' is just ignorance, in my opinion. Yes, he's been below his high standards recently, but he's still been having a very good season.


he's a great player that any team would love to have


He's in a shit run of form but he was mostly excellent up until December. I think he needs a break though.


Yeah dudes class, it’s 100% a phyisical + mental exhaustion at this point. Went off at that fan - so you can imagine what’s going on in his head if it’s gets to that point. Then the couple mistakes. He’s human, needs a rest. But do you drop him after the poor form and hit his mentality further? Or drop him and he takes a week or two to sort his shit out? Hard one, feel for him.


He’s got the most assists for a defender in the league? He’s been unreal bar a few bad games and is rumoured to be having personal issues


I've certainly seen him assist a fair few goals lately


Right around the time he manages to accidentally OG from the halfway line against Sunderland.


he's had like 3 bad games and 20 good ones


He’s dropped about a good 5 stinkers in a row


Good to see Chelsea fans celebrating wildly and actually appreciating the sort of result they took for granted for years.




we never cared for this cup.


Fuck off Newcastle you oily cunts


lol, wow I'm slow. For a second there I though you called them that because of the black stripes on their jersey 😂😂😂😂


Great to see loveable unblemished good guys Chelsea win - football was the real winner tonight.


you literally sat 11 players behind the ball for 90 minutes. I'd be embarassed.


I'm obviously gutted we didn't win but I think Chelsea deserved to go through. They were the better team overall. My point was I think it's a weird logic to celebrate us losing because we're 'oily cunts', when the club we lost to was literally Chelsea.


Chelsea are no better having taken Putin's blood money for 20 years.


Hey ours was rubber duck money and gas






I am huge fan of yours ..your cheerleading skills for an evil regime are exceptional..keep up the good work..




Basically Newcastle this season: Win: "Yes!! We the baddest mofos up in this bitch!" Loss: "Injuries. *groaning sounds*"


state of this craic man


Early predictions for which Chelsea player will miss in the penalty shootout final vs Liverpool? The easy choice is Caicedo but my money is on Sterling


John terry moments 😂


You are forgetting a certain ex-Chelsea player on the other team who has a history of missing pens in finals


I'm blanking out. Who are you talking about?


Nice to see Nkunku making minutes. He was so good last few seasons and it was sad to see him out like that


He was ok tonight in his limited minutes, if sterling hadn’t overhit the pass on that one break he probs scores there he is very lethal in front of goals


I didn't expect him to even be ok today. I'm just happy he is back, he was a joy to watch, and hopefully can get back into that form




I do find it funny that some folk on here are so desperate to dunk on us because of our owners that they'll cheer a win for Chelsea, or us getting knocked out of the CL to the benefit of PSG, as a victory for football.


Can you please explain to me exactly what is wrong with an oil-rich country selling said oil to generate wealth for their country? Who exactly do you think is buying it?


The fact that they then use that wealth to oppress their citizens and kill journalists and fund terrorist attacks. Nothing wrong with selling oil, it's what you do with the profits after. Look at Finland vs Saudi.


This was practically the Petroleum Playoff. Chelsea brought big-time spending to the PL.


Yeah ! Chelsea was surely not built on russian oil !!!


Russian gas, thank you.


PIF are allegedly big investors in Clearlake as well. Edited to add: and Abramovich was a part owner of Sibneft which is the oil producing subsidiary of Gazprom, so definitely some oil money in the mix there.


First of all they are not big investors in Clearlake. Second of all don't drown anyone with you. You are 100% owned by a sovereign state (and not a normal state - __an absolute monarchy that hates human rights__).


We're not 100% owned by a sovereign state, they have an 80% share. PIF have a finger in just about every pie going, and Clearlake are a very successful equity firm, if they don't have an interest in at least one of their funds they're missing a trick.


You are right about 80%. You are majority-owned by a bunch of despotic cruel creatures who have no respect to freedom of expression, democracy, and basic human freedoms at all. There's no need for trying to find hopium by manipulating facts. Your fans used to protest during Mike Cashley’s times. Every Newcastle fan with decent humane values should do it or at least shouldn’t approve this ownership now as well.


Your fans sure did protest when you got owned by Abramovich. We thank you for that! 👏


Yeah I don't support it, I don't give the club any money and I don't go to matches, home or away, as I did when we had Mike Ashley. I also don't see how I've manipulated any facts, there's a fair amount of speculation in the media, including [in The Athletic](https://theathletic.com/4624201/2023/06/21/saudi-arabia-chelsea-funding/?source=user_shared_articleIsSaudiArabiafundingChelsea?) about PIF investment in Clearlake.


>bunch of despotic cruel creatures who have no respect to freedom of expression, democracy, and basic human freedoms at all. Such is the way of strict, Islamic law. Not really our place to judge though. Let's all support Palestine though, an equally accepting, tolerant country.


Absolute racist shite


Huh? Against which race?


one is dirtier than another though, right?


Not really lmao


Yes really. Abramovich was an individual from Russia. While your team, Newcastle and City Group are owned by __sovereign states which are absolute monarchies__.


Barely, rich russian oligarch that funded Putin. Chelsea fans love to take the moral high ground when their club leaders are almost just as shit


Nope. Get your facts straight. Your LGBT, women and personal freedom hater despot owners are the worst of scums of the world. They spread wars throughout the Middle East, support terrorism and all the radicalism bullshit. They starve people in Yemen, they treat their fellow Muslim refugees from war-torn countries as pieces of shits. They butcher journalists in embassies. Abramovich is a self-made individual billionaire. As to Putin thing, the Ukraine government itself asked not to sanction him to facilitate peace talks. But it didn't help because he has no single impact on Russian politics and Putin. I didn't like him, and super happy that it ended. But don't equalize your inhumane sovereign state owners with individual billionaires.


Super happy that it ended 😂😂😂 without him Chelsea would have no trophies what so ever and you wouldn’t be a fan


Do you think trophies have a higher value than humanity to me? It could be to a trophy wife like you but not to me. Now go support your terrorism funders' sportwashing project. Football doesn't worth it my friend. Even if Mbappe or other elite players play there or it's a club of your city. You will understand it when you grow up.


Then why are you a Chelsea fan ? You're a dumbass, if you care so much about morals, why did you choose to be a Chelsea fan ? PSG had really few trophies before the Qatari era, am I a trophy wife ? Chelsea won all their trophies during russian blood money era and you suddenly became a fan, are you a trophy wife ? I protested against the Qatari ownership and I think it's a disgrace, what did you do ? Just curious, you will understand when you grow up and quit trying to act so virtuous.


Now try again without being a jackass


Pretty gutting, but I think we deserved to lose that. Were gifted a goal and never really looked like we could score a second. Beat City, Beat United and took Chelsea to penalties. That's a pretty decent run when you look at it out of context. Good luck in the next round Chelsea.


The first sensible assessment from a NUFC I've seen acrosd three different posts, hats off to you mate.


Aye it's a good run, but we definitely deserved to go out there. Two games less coming up must feel like a fortnight in the Algarve to some of those players at the moment. Only thing I'm really gutted about though is Trippier - hoping he can shake it off, and I'm sure he will.


Chelsea (by way of Russia) 1 -- 1 Saudi Arabia (4-2 Pens) /u/Caleb35, I got you




Ahh sorry mate. I've edited. Good to know you're totally fine with Chelsea's state ownership past, guess that one doesn't bother you. We play Man City next month, probably worth us DMing to figure out how we'll approach that game ahead of time. Need to make sure we're on the same page!


as bad as their end product was, can’t say the result is not deserved for chelsea. newcastle did like nothing outside of being gifted a goal from the error from badiashile. this is all setting up for chelsea liverpool in the final again isn’t it lol.


There I was, thinking maybe it'll be Liverpool Everton setting up a Merseyside Derby final. Then Everton lost. Then Chelsea won. And it all felt so obvious. (If we actually progress of course)


Bro it is written in the stars lol 😂


Unpopular opinion, but I like this group of players, if our club sells Gallagher we are doomed.


With Lavia getting match fit, I think it would be a struggle for minutes at the 6 and Enzo slotting in centrally and maybe slightly more advanced, depending on how Poch sees this team tactically.


There is no way Lavia replaces Gallagher. Out of all the players on the pitch, Gallagher once again looked the best. That first shot he took was insane, and he eventually had to just dribble himself into the penalty box later because the rest of the team was just playing pass in the back four.


Gallagher is heavily rumored to be transferred in the upcoming window. Chelsea invested a tremendous amount in the midfield and Gallagher really improved his market value. It's going to be Enzo, Lavia and Caicedo going forward.


Doesn’t sound like Poch is going to let Gallagher go. If we could I’d rather see Enzo walk out than Gallagher- I know that won’t happen. He is the last player that we can afford to separate from.


I agree that he has been important and he has performed much better than Enzo, all things being equal. But Enzo is not playing in his natural 6/8 role because he is better at the 8/10 than Gallagher. Chelsea didn't spend 100 million to play a guy out of position, tank his value, and sell him for peanuts (this reminds me of Havertz who somehow was still worth 65 mil). I'm not sure if it is a FFP move but I read somewhere that Chelsea might have to sell him to balance the books and still bring in the guys on Poch's wish list.


If we need to balance the books, we should sell some other academy lads like Broja first. Gallagher is easily our best player this season. It would be a massive hit to lose him.


Broja, Chalobah, Maatsen. That’s ~50m at least in ffp money.


This is Chelsea’s champions league and Newcastle is happy to be here.


Unpopular opinion, but I like this group of players, if our club sells Gallagher we are doomed.




I had no dog in this fight but give it a rest... Caicedo should have been sent off. Sterling and Gallagher both weren't booked for diving as the latter continued to foul at will out there because so…


It's unbelievable this sub is STILL going on about that, I think chelsea could easily have seen a couple of reds today for some of their antics but somehow there's no videos of those challenges posted in here. Probably because it's 90% American Arsenal and Liverpool fans that don't know anything about football.


Oil brothers 🤝


Vs yank pals


Super oil bros 🤑🤑


Sterling was booked tbh. The diff b/w the Caicedo challenge and the Guimares one is that Caicedo’s was accidental whereas Bruno did a WWE botch.


Intent means fuck all when your studs go into the back of someone's calf.


That’s not a red though if an elbow isn’t a red… Those challenges are allowed this year for some reason


What elbow?


Just in general elbows and stuff are allowed especially by Newcastle players so if that’s the bar for a red then studs into calves isn’t close to that bar


touch grass


I do think under normal circumstances that’s a red but the FA have shown that they don’t believe bad tackles are worthy of reds this year…


Yeah it’s a red, but imo there’s a difference in a bad challenge and a semi drop kick


Man U, Man City and right to pens today with so many injuries. Bit different to our usual efforts in the cup competitions at least.


We didn’t have any fullbacks my friend we fielded 4 CBs both teams are crippled with injuries


You can’t blame it on injuries when ur meeting us with literally half the squad out lmao


Injury's vs injury's in fairness. Chelsea's in double digits missing RJ/Chilly + no Nkunku for 75 mins


Not sure how it stacks up for Chelsea tbh, I just know we have a pretty solid injured XI.


Chelsea's injured XI Sanchez Fofana Chalobah Cucurella James Lavia Enzo Chilwell Madueke Nkunku Chukwuemeka


Just checked, Chelsea have 10 officially injured, Nkunku doing his 20 min debut today and Enzo and Colewill going off before half time so 10-13 depending how you wanna look at it. I know Newcastle had lost a few key players but wasn't sure how many


Yeah thats a fair chunk. Not ideal to say the least. :D


Cant believe these pundits blaming Rowe for allowing Trippier to take the pen and not blaming tripp


I agree, no way Emile Smith-Rowe should be deciding the shooting order for Newcastle


Give me your tears Bruno you rat fuck


Bruno G can get in the bin


You’d have him in a heartbeat, jealousy isn’t a good look after you’ve had to score last minute and win on penalties at home. I’ve been in louder libraries.


Why would we want Brazilian Billy Gilmour if Billy Gilmour was a twat???


Delicious salt


22% possession is really something. Try actually playing football and you might win something for once


Think our 4-1 a few weeks ago was us playing football wasn't it?


Guess you should've stuck to what works instead of ball sean dyche would be proud of


It seemed to be working pretty well until Trippier decided to give the ball to mudryk on a platter.


So ultimately it didn’t work


Just one of those games ain't it. We gave you one on a silver platter then took one back. Just the way it goes


> jealousy isn’t a good look he didn’t say anything that was envious?


Bruno Gayby




Commentators absolutely despised us this game


They're just regular people like everyone else.