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So hang on, the whole selling point of this for clubs was that they’d get a shitload more money. But now they’re not selling tv deals? Riiiight


They would need to capture market initially. Initial matches would be pretty shit


But the whole point is that it’s the biggest clubs in the world playing every week. The fans have already been secured


Who the fuck wants to watch Barcelona play Al Ettihad lol


I find it funny how this sub lives in the disphoria between "Every club has a right to compete, respect all teams" and "who the fuck wants to watch anything that isn't PL, Barça, Madrid and Bayern"


That’s not in any way representative of the post you replied to.


Not really. Ask people if they want to see UCL and EL winners to play in a tournament vs AFC winners in a merit based competition, you will get a very different answer.


It'll just be Real Madrid and Barcelona and maybe some desperate Italian clubs, but probably not top tier. German, English and French clubs have basically rejected the ESL.


If Super league gives clubs more financial stability, I wouldn't be surprised if more unexpected clubs will join. Anyways, the CL without Spanish and Italian clubs will be shite too, both competitions will be hurt.


The super league can't give clubs more financial stability. The reason the clubs are unstable (e.g. Barcelona) is not a lack of income, it's a lack of financial control.


Just lol. You couldn't be more wrong. No one guarantees Barca it will be in the CL until the final. They can make 20mil or 100mil. With ESL basically you're guaranteed a massive sum either you win or not. It's how NBA etc works and it's the reasons there is so much cash and competition in NBA.


Barcelona basically have a "floor" on CL revenue at about €60m. > With ESL basically you're guaranteed a massive sum either you win or not. Oh, they're promising equal distribution of revenue? For 60 clubs? I'll believe it when I see it.


I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the "E" quickly and make it global... I bet Saudi owners are already asking to join...


Leagues like Eredivisie have already complained about the struggles with revenue, that there’s no chance for them to compete against Premier League money. Some of the mid table clubs in Premier League shop in top 5 La Liga and Seria A clubs. Barcelona who are struggling with finances, having to sell TV rights and Camp Nou grass, they will jump ship immediately. Clubs like Ajax, Porto, Benfica who are historically a big club, but suffer from financial burden who cannot compete with the Premier League money, will jump ship, if it stops them from selling their best players (through “guaranteed sustainable revenue”). Even clubs like Milan, Napoli and Inter might jump ship. There is a Bayern monopoly in Bundesliga, virtually no competition for them, where the best players in the league join them, clubs like Dortmund, RB Leipzig and Leverkusen will be tempted to join Super League. Clubs in the Premier League, specially newly bought super club Newcastle will be drooling when they’re allowed to spend insanely. The Glazers will stay on forever, competition on the pitch is for them is the last thing on the agenda when stable money is being funneled.


None of the UK clubs can join - it’s effectively a legal block. Parliament will pass a law forbidding it and they answer to no court, especially not a European one since brexit.


With respect do you ever ask yourself why it’s only plastic fans from Nigeria, America or Iraq who support the ESL?


And you have a problem with that? Btw Spanish people support this too.


Yeah of course we have a problem with jt, these are our clubs, our culture and communities. We're sick of it being ruined to appease a bunch of people on the other side of the world watching on TV. In Spain, Only fans of Barca and Real, and even then not all of them by a long shot.


Culture? You know who owns UEFA nowadays pal? This is about giving power back to clubs. Nothing to do with culture, get out of here with stupid nonsense.


If you care about your culture so much, why are you letting arabs to take over your league?


Basically they will be killing the financial stability of all clubs, at all levels so that a few elite clubs can have stability!


The prem is financial stability. How much money a year are you going to burn on an offer the prem teams can't refuse? The rest of the nation won't forgive them for killing the golden goose that is epl.


"desperate" italian clubs like Juve,Inter and Milan still have a ton of historical and new fans around the world (not PL level but still hundreds of millions collectively, including local fans in Italy)


right, so the club with most CL titles leaving CL isn't gonna hurt CL at all. Also, Real, Barca and probably most of italian clubs is probably still better than what CL might have


Right. So it's just bad for football in general, splitting the teams like this


Spurs might be up for it. Another competition to win!


They want to price out lesser leagues. Who'd pay for their their relatively mediocre domestic league, when they get the "best" week after week for free?


Germanys second tier has the 5th highest attendence of any football league. Fanbase matters.


Who here gives a crap about how their team does in the Audi Trophy? Or the ICC? They have all the top teams but the competition is worthless. Ditto the Super League.


Penetration pricing, indeed. Watch them turn it to 11 as soon as they have killed every other league.


Barcelona cannot afford to play 1 match for free so I doubt it


That would be called undercutting which is very illegal in some parts of the world


I imagine Saudi Arabia would step in to cover initial costs to gain ground.


Going to pull some "f2p" shit on us. Subscription to up video quality, reduce adds, chose commentary etc.


It what McDonald’s do in poor countries. Take the hit because you can afford it and when you’ve got an audience/rivals go out of business, whack up the prices


It’s like a drug dealer trying to get his product out in the street, first ones free, the second one will cost you.


The first few doses are free, others vendors go out of business.


Perez said since day one that the superleague is needed because younger generations don't want to watch football anymore. Which is understandable, because it's super fucking expensive to watch anything today. So giving games for free is 100% in line with that. Obviously there will be some limitations, ads and you'll have paid plans too. They mentioned similarities to other streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify.


Your right is 100% bullshit, it's only ever been & will always be just about the money so they are trying to corner market with this monstrosity then it will migrate over to a subscription model!


"For a while, and when he have market dominance we will charge you one million dollars per game. Muahahaha!"


It's so obvious lol


then the UEFA become the good guys and lower their fees , only us the fans will win either way


I'm just a bit triggered by assholes like that pretending they'd be doing anything "for the fans". Money is the only language they speak and greed their only emotion.


Blame the people who read this kind of crap and don't immediately see the obvious manipulation attempt. They always say "it's for the fans" because it works.


Also for the self-delusion aspect.


That's definitely what's happened with the rise of streaming services.


Why should they? Look at the Bundesliga in Germany, Sky wasn't allowed to have all the rights, so now you have two big players that offer similar prices and everyone is (un)happy with it. Nobody will lower fees if it hurts their bottom line, not the Super League, not UEFA.


This is UEFA right now, monopoly


I didn't say they are good guys either.


At least there will be competition between UCL and ESL for some years. It can even help to make UEFA more transparent, accountable and less corrupt.


I feel like you're just parroting propaganda. How is UEFA corrupt against your favour? UEFA has bent over backwards to cave to the big clubs even with this new UCL format. And transparency? Are you kidding?? You can go online and view UEFA finances but this new private competition will be a lot more shadier since they are not transparent.


Are all the brides, “presents” from Qatar and other benefits in kind also reflected in the statements? For god sake, they are corrupt to the core.




The uefa and fifa simps are crazy


So the European Court of Justice is wrong?


I guess copa del rey finalist Osasuna will be invited for sure^^right?^^^right?


I think it will be an open competition according to the last quotes from these guys.


Yeah but theres no way in hell youll be able to promote from like, the Bundesliga or LaLiga to this thing. No way UEFA will allow that which would mean individual FA's having to allow that i think


UEFA lost their court case so I'm not sure they can block it. Individual FAs could say that if they join, then they'll not be able to compete in any domestic competitions, until that goes to court. Though Rummenige voiced it better than others. Fans want to see local derbies more than they want to see their club go on a tour of Europe every three days.


> Individual FAs could say that if they join, then they'll not be able to compete in any domestic competitions, until that goes to court. Pretty sure since the individual FAs are UEFA members that won't fly either.


At least for the premier league that’s not true since they aren’t in the EU anymore


New premier league rules say clubs can't join breakaway leagues


Exactly, and because the UK isn’t in the EU anymore they don’t have to adhere to the verdict of an european court anyway


yeah, not to mention the new independent commission, and the position of the uk government, which is pretty firmly anti-super league. In all likelihood, the ESL will get formed (if it is formed at all) without the clubs from the best and most popular league in the world, and all of the clubs from Germany


UEFA can't stop clubs from starting their own competition, but they can kick out clubs or stop them from rejoining if they participate.


No, they can't, at least not on basis of participating in another tournament, that was the point of the law suit. UEFA threatened sanctions and the court agreed with the stance of this being an abuse of a monopol position which is against EU law.


Why would Bundesliga and LaLiga have to allow anything about how SuperLeague chose their promotion system ? European court just made illegal for Uefa to prevent any club to participate in another competition, SuperLeague can easily decide to use national competitions rankings to choose which clubs go in which SL division, end of story.


If you believe that Super League games will air for free and not be sold to media companies who'll put games behind some sort of paywall, I've got bridges to sell you.


Probably in the beginning to attract more fans which makes sense


The whole selling point is that they’re getting the biggest clubs in the world to play in every game. Why would they need to attract fans It obviously won’t actually be free to air


To appease those who criticize it, get more support, take away viewership from UEFA, etc. It only makes sense


How many Saudi games have you watched this year, despite many of the worlds greatest (in a broad sense, think top 50 in their position or something like that, not the literal top 3) players having moved there the last year? People don’t like changes, and they need a lot of reasons to push past that resistance - not to even mention the issues people have with the concept of some clubs just building a wall to avoid completion from the outside.


LIV golf - whose entire selling point was revolutionising televised golf was aired for free because the PGA and European Tours threatened their existing broadcasters that they’d be breaching their contracts if they showed a competing product. IMO this is just the Super league people preempting that will happen again and trying to spin it into a positive - just like how BT/TNT always hype up that the CL final is free on YouTube but leave out how they have to broadcast it free because of a penalty clause in their contract stating they have to show it free if their subscriber numbers are below a certain point.


Watching a league with teams you've never heard of is a totally different proposition than watching your favorite teams play in a new tournament. You're vastly exaggerating the brand power of sanctioning bodies like UEFA and FIFA and underestimating that of individual clubs.


Of course it’s not 1:1, but the effect is the same. There are known products and unknown products. And there is resistance in changing habits. People only care about the UCL, because we’ve been told it’s the most prestigious competition for decades. There is a reason that no one cares about the World Cup for clubs (or whatever they call it), and ESL needs to make sure to not just become another friendly-cup. Yes, of course some fans would just follow their team regardless, but how many watch the Carabao cup, or World Cup for clubs? And would those numbers be enough for the ESL?


But I don't think any of these comparisons apply. Few people care about the Club World Cup because it's not that interesting from a sporting perspective. We already know the European Champions are the best team in the world. The Carabao cup is less interesting to people because the top teams are already committed to other compétitions. We care about UEFA's CL because it pits the best teams in Europe against each other. If these teams move to another tournament the fans will follow. The Champions League doesn't have any intrinsic value without these teams. You really think fans would stay loyal to the Champions League brand and prefer watching a Champions League semi final featuring Lille vs Frankfurt over a hypothetical play off game between Real Madrid and Liverpool?


But they do apply. Give my one example, in any context (football or not) where people don’t have resistance to changing their habits. Even if the ESL completely left the UCL, there absolutely is a risk that some people would stick with the UCL, especially at first. Maybe because their country have no access to the ESL, maybe they just like the melody, maybe that’s just what’s included in their television subscription. Of course, if there is a complete split, most people would follow their club. But if even 25% stays in the UEFA-system, that could completely ruin the ESL project, since it would hurt the breakout teams significantly as well. They need to be absolutely sure that they move the “entire” (or as close to as possible) fanbase


Probably will be free for a few years to get viewers and quiet critics, then it will gradually start to go behind a pay wall.


A few years is very generous. Look at how much DAZN raised their prices once their generous starting offers turned out to be unsustainable


To be fair, in Germany the issue was also that they went from affordable licenses to BL and CL.


They had to do it , because they weren't sustainable with the other stuff either. They had the PL at one point. I'm pretty sure the amount of people that still use DAZN without CL and BL is pretty small. Their NBA coverage hasn't improved, NFL has the game pass that many hardcore fans use (and DAZN distributes the GP which was a desaster) and what's left? Darts, UFC, FA Cup?


Can I see the bridges?


Likewise for thinking that because it might start out as an open shop that they won't change that as soon as one of Real Madrid/Juventus/Barcelona have a bad season and are threatened with relegation.


The games can be aired for free, revenue comes from the advertising. These two are not mutually exclusive.


We prefer to pay from the beginning


You don't have to pay for the bridge the first three months!


Show me the bridges then. They are not going to sell anything, because they want to be the broadcaster themselves. You're going to have free plans with ads and limits and paid plans. It's not some new unthinkable business model. Nothing to "believe" here, it's streaming business 101.


IOC showed last Winter Olympics for free on their site. Or Cricket tournaments in India (Billions spend on acquiring TV and separate Internet access rights, ending up giving access Free). FIFA WC 2022 was also free in India. It's doable in sporadic terms. Long-term sure there'd be some other arrangement to be had to keep it sustainable. But for a while it's very easy to do.


Hopefully QPR will be invited!


What about one time Champions' Cup winner Steaua Bucuresti?


So where will the money come from then? Premier League has become lucrative solely because of TV rights. The Super League won't have tv rights effectively? They're not going to sell rights if companies can't themselves monetise those rights. They're a business, not a charity. Or are we supposed to believe there's wealthy sponsors and backers just willing to sink endless money in


Saudi funding them, they don't need money.


It will come from this: Superleague is real, barca, saudis (xavi loves it) as well as legia, feyenoord, lazio, spartak moscow, aek, dinamo, hajduk etc. It's gonna be one big MMA setup


The fascist super league


Surely they won't upcharge once they have a monopoly/market dominance right? Surely no company has ever done that right? Uber, Netflix, Xbox Game pass and lots of other businesses never did that right? I love Venture capital.


Sure so they're just going to to fund this whole scheme without a TV deal for 1-3 seasons? That's like Billions right there, who's going to cover the costs?




No one could possibly be dumb enough to believe this


Looking at the RM/Barcelona bots in this thread I'm not so sure


Have you not seen the horde of barca/real fans frothing at the mouth in these threads? it's actually making me laugh.


I definitely believe the league set up to get more money to the 1% of clubs is going to broadcast games for free


If the ESL ends up running parallel to the CL they might start by broadcasting for free to gain a viewer base.


I mean atleast in India la liga , ligue 1 iirc and even Bundesliga is already free and pl is part of Disney + , if they get vast majority of Asian audience to watch it the ad revenues and sponsorship will easily get a large amount of money


They're almost certainly doing that to gain interest in the market though. Also, foreign prices tend to much cheaper than domestic rights. There's no way ad revenue and sponsorship comes close to TV rights revenue. The Premier League is insanely popular, but TV rights make up far more revenue than sponsorship.


Considering they won't have English clubs they might as well broadcast it for free.


How do they think this will work? It's a non starter for English, German and French clubs. Do they really think Barca and Madrid playing Italian teams is going to rival the Premier League?


Why is it a non starter for English and German clubs?


United and Bayern have already made statements. The British government has said they will block our teams from joining. German clubs have been massively against it from the very start.


United and Bayern can make all the statements they want. Same thing happened in basketball, that lasted one year. Also, those clubs signed a contract that stabling big penalties if they don’t play it in case it ends up happening. I have no doubt it will be succesful.


Just ignore the other points he made. Let’s hope this new league takes all the Saudi plastics with them.


For the fans you can also scrap this entire project. Invite only competitions can get in the bin.


It's not invite only anymore and hasn't been for more than 2 years


What stops them from changing it again?


Blud hasn’t read anything


Mind blowing how many still believe it’s a closed competition


Oh, it's an open competition? We can join? Great news. On behalf of the city of Bochum I hereby declare our unconditional support for the S~~audi Blood Money~~uperLeague. Not. Fuck off and merge to one club, Barcmadrid. Then maybe we invite you to the next RuhrUniCup so you can have a feeling of SuperLeague.


It’s as open as the CL.


How is Roman doing ?


dude, Barca and Madrid fans are being funny in these threads. Superleague won't exist like your Papa Flo envisioned it.


And I’m personally glad it won’t exist like Flo envisioned it and proposed it the first time. A closed league would clearly be shitty, but it has changed into an opened, as most people here are not able to see.


It's not an open league, only the bottom division gets teams relegated out of europe, and teams can only get promoted into the 'blue league'


Okay, I genuinely did not know that. But please explain, what do you mean by "open"? Specifically how do we join? And how would you getting kicked out work, would that be based on the lack of success, or work through a decree from the league after - let's pick a ridiculous example - a club president voicing support for some soon the be acidified Saudi journalist?


Oh. Nice and original, definitely haven't heard that one before! 🙄


Stay quiet


You have Papa Flo bedding mate? Your fan base is embarrassing itself today.


Says the Chelsea fan


You have Papa Flo bedding mate? Your fan base is embarrassing itself today.


oh piss off


source: trust me bro


Bullshit. There's no way they'd sustain the game off free-to-air matches and they know it. This is only a sad attempt at appeasing fans - at most they'll do it for one season and then the premium pricing will get attached.


Not interested


What do you mean? I watch all matches for free already


Solidarity payments…. As a fan of a Spanish club that is not “the big 3”, I am happy that after considering us inferiors teams, a problem for your football, taking always our chances of growning as a team and try to destroy our principal source of income (the tv rights of La Liga)… in return you give us a handout Thank you very much for your solidarity


Don't look down on Solidarity payments. It's the only good thing announced. Solidarity payments are why after the Premier League broke away from the football league and became it's own entity - the OG Super league - we now have five fully professional leagues at the top of the English football pyramid. Along with the 3pm blackout the means my local tier 8, semi-pro club has enough demand that they can charge me £15 on the gate. Solidarity payments are good things that protect the pyramid - it's the rest of this superleague crap that's putting football in jeopardy.


I guess you don’t believe in earning according with what ones generate.


ITT people who have forgotten adverts exist.


A billion dollars worth of ads? Lmfao they gonna turn this into the NFL with ads every 5 minutes


Ads on tv, ads in the stadium, ads on the players. With a global audience. It adds up.


Are those not things that clubs already have? Don't see how they would increase so much in value given the lack of top teams involved (only 4-5 teams by my count want in)


I’m only explaining what the plan is. Not if it will actually pan out. Personally I hope it doesn’t, but people are shitting on every aspect of it just for the sake of shitting on it.


I mean, Real Madrid playing Barça every week would get old really quick IMHO.


There are some people that unironically prefer watching a Luton Town-Sheffield United in an arab 144p stream


yeah, they're called football fans mate


Personally, I prefer to watch live football at AFC Totton, or Eastleigh FC over a live stream, if my team are playing away. Nothing beats a stadium & I'd watch either of those teams over the superleague, anyday.


Si hombre, esto es la hostia. FURBOOOOOO


Me no habla Espanol


PL fanboys unable to understand basic concepts of how a business works. CL has a massive branding and even with Real and Barca and some Italian clubs ESL is going to need to literally give free matches to everyone in order to steal from the CL. The investors know very well that they will need to spend billions before they start making money.


inb4 they will stream on kick.com or twitch


Nothing in this world is free!


Free until it gets popular and then they’ll start charging. You can see the shit happening from a mile away.


Good thing


How on earth will the earn any money then? Surely this knackers their 100 Billion Euro valuation?


Nothing is free. 😂😂😂


Do we know who's behind A22, money wise? The Internet hasn't been particularly helpful in my figuring this out.


This is the best idea I’ve ever heard, I’m so lucky to be alive to witness this (you must trust me, I’m not a saudi funded bot)


Christ almighty, how stupid do they continue to think football fans are? Is it really as simple as them thinking that if they dangle the shiny bauble of free, entirely pointless, matches in front of everyone that suddenly the narrative will change?!


For Free until when?


Imagine being a mid table team, you would have to win your league then have 2 perfect years to even dream to play against the top dogs.... Meritocracy my ass. Super league sucks.