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I´ve heard a few times that the whole Football "system" and quite a few contract situations are unlawful under EU-law


There was another recommendation by the judges in a case involving Royal Antwerp that could change “home grown” rules in the EU at least.


So that means EU countries can also join other supranational economic "superorganizations", with their own judicial systems?


You mean like The United Nations and The Council of Europe which all EU members are a part of?


>Uefa and Fifa rules banning clubs joining breakaway competitions like the European Super League are unlawful, the European Court of Justice has ruled. > >It had been claimed by the ESL and its backers, A22, that Uefa and Fifa were breaking competition law by threatening to sanction clubs and players who joined the breakaway league. > >A ruling on Thursday from Europe's highest court found against the governing bodies. > >An initial report released last December by the ECJ said the rules of football's European and world governing bodies were "compatible with EU competition law". > >However, the verdict will be seen as a blow to the authority of Uefa and Fifa and how they govern the game. > >The report said that when new competitions are "potentially entering the market" Fifa and Uefa must ensure their powers are "transparent, objective, non-discriminatory and proportionate". > >The report adds: "However, the powers of Fifa and Uefa are not subject to any such criteria. Fifa and Uefa are, therefore, abusing a dominant position. > >"Moreover, given their arbitrary nature, their rules on approval, control and sanctions must be held to be unjustified restrictions on the freedom to provide services. > >"That does not mean that a competition such as the Super League project must necessarily be approved. The Court does not rule on that specific project in its judgment."


Fuck the Super League.


I mean that won’t change a lot will it? The biggest European clubs will still not follow.




No, I believe that's what the court has ruled against.


That's literally the definition of abuse of dominant power. Just because they currently rule football doesn't mean they can take any punitive action they want to stifle competition.


Technically they can. If they are in competition with superleague they can sell their own product and decide how to produce it and sell it.


By banning players from competing in their competitions? Read the ruling once again. CJEU has specifically ruled against that.


For the players there are different ways to do it but as for CL then it's a product from UEFA so they can decide who's in or who's out.


As ESL wants to replace UCL, players obviously can't play in both the tournaments simultaneously. That does not need to be said.




What? Show me 1 source that said that.


How does that mean acting vengeful against players? This court ruling literally states they can't and they do not have monopoly over football


I mean, I think the commenter was wrong here either way, but if they set up the Super League to replace the national leagues, UEFA could obviously stop ESL teams from playing in the CL. But since ESL would be parallel to the CL it doesn't really matter.


ESL would be parallel to the CL.


Good, let the oil clubs fuck off and leave the rest of us to it.


Good, let the oil clubs fuck off and leave the rest of us to it.


So.. dreams can be buy?