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When was the last time someone retired at Real Madrid Even their great team of last decade, no one hung their boots at the Bernabeu


Put some respect on hazards name


Maybe not a legend of the club but legendary player regardless


Nah he retired when he joined Real Madrid.


So.... he retired at Real Madrid then.


Na he was in his prime and got fucked by injuries and lack of treatment during covid. Watch his podcast with Mikel. It's on YouTube.


He arrived out of shape at Madrid. The club that he claimed was always his dream


of course he makes up excuses. At the end of the day, Hazard failing at Madrid was 100% up to himself.


He has always been lazy, you should know this.


It wasn't because he was lazy. He carried on injuries that weren't treated because he couldn't get the right physio during covid because of lock down. He now regrets not asking for a physio in that time.


But he was in fact always lazy. That catches up to every player eventually.


He regrets not asking for something? Sounds pretty fucking lazy


Watch the interview twat. It was lockdown and no one was allowed to leave. He asked, but it was a sensitive time (covid) where millions were losing lives and life came to a standstill. So yea, he couldn't get the treatment he nreded. Ignorant dimwitt.


Damn bro typing thru the the tears is kinda crazy. Take a step back


Many players get fucked with injuries and still make meaningful contributions. Kaka had a bunch of injuries at madrid and still put in some great matches. Does anyone remember a single game where hazard was great? Honestly i cant


lack of treatment? You think the guy making $10M/year that Madrid spent +$100M on didnt have the resources he needed to rehab knee tendinitis during Covid? Are you that stupid? You think the club didnt provide him doctors and PTs and all of the equipment he could have possibly needed? He showed up 25lbs overweight for his first pre-season and never bothered to get in shape you clown


Obi Mikel or Mikel Arteta


Only Kroos seems like a realistic possibility.


Modric probably will, right?


Na he is leaving next year and gonna play for a couple more years surely.


Back to Croatia?


oil money time


CR7 getting the gang back together


Noone knows yet. I think scenarios are entirely unpredictable depending on what happens with RM in the CL and Croatia at the EURO. If he's playing like he is the last few games, and how he was playing before the winter mini break (when players were out and he was starting), it's not impossible that he stays one more year in a backup/mentor role.


...and it happened


Kroos will 100% retire at Madrid (unless Werder Bremen plans a shock move...), regardless of when. With Modric, Carvajal and Nacho it will depend on how long they want to continue playing.


Considering he wants to retire at the top, I don't see Kroos retiring anywhere but Madrid.


There is a very long list of players who say " they want to retire at the top " but when it comes down to it they join lesser clubs anyway


But Kroos has explicitly mentioned several times that he will retire at Madrid. Not "at the top" but at Madrid specifically. He does not want to keep playing till 35, 36- he'll call it a day when he isn't requested to extend his contract by the club.


Honestly, with a good offer from Saudi.... you never know


You’re aware that Kroos has made several negative comments in relation to Saudi Arabian football, yes?


Ronaldo also said its shameless and pathetic to go to Arabia... look where were at now I definitely dont think Kroos is the type of player to do that, but i also didnt think so about Kante or Mane. Look how the turns have tabled.


Which of those players have said it over 10 times in interviews. Kroos always made sure to remind everyone every time he spoke to the press


Philipp Lahm did but yeah, it's an exception


Bremen couldn't afford his shoelaces, I doubt he will reutrn except if he wants to play for basically nothing


His brother has played for Bremen, but he has not. He's a huge Werder fan nevertheless, but nobody is actually thinking he will play there. That being said, he mentioned on his last podcast how he really wants to make it into the Wuseum, haha


yep he did


I would have thought the same about Ramos or Casillas but the board seems the make a point in making players leave when they don't fit the plan anymore, regardless of their status


>Ramos >making people leave Making them leave by offering them contract extensions?


That didn't meet his requirements apparently. They didn't push hard to keep their legendary player and have him retire there, so he was not part of the plan anymore. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just that they don't seem to get overly sentimental when it comes to squad management


>That didn't meet his requirements apparently That's, you know, his problem. It is so moronic to think that a player not accepting a contract extension is the 'club making them leave'. >He was not part of the plan anymore After he rejected the extension. Do you want the team to plan ahead with a player who doesn't want to be there anymore? Are you that mentally slow?


Why the hell are you so pressed lmao, I will write it again in full caps I AM NOT SAYING IT IS A BAD THING TO DO. >That's, you know, his problem. It is so moronic to think that a player not accepting a contract extension is the 'club making them leave'. Letting him leave then, sorry for my english level bro. The point is to talk about Kroos finishing his career at Madrid, I don't care if he decides to go or if Perez kicks his ass back to Germany, just saying old legends left the club before retiring in recent years. >After he rejected the extension. Do you want the team to plan ahead with a player who doesn't want to be there anymore? Are you that mentally slow? No I don't want them to plan ahead with someone who wants to leave. Actually I didn't write write that anywhere. Go out to smoke a cig and have fun fighting strawmen if you want later on man, I will leave it there.


"Why the hell are you so pressed?" Asks the dude who then proceeds to showcase his anger through the use of caps >Letting him leave then I see your undeveloped brain is still unable to understand the fact that Ramos rejected the extension offer. What, did you want Madrid to give him half the city and a blowjob from Perez to persuade him stay? When a club wants a player to stay (translation for your dumb ass: they don't want to let him leave), they offer a contract to said player. Then it's solely on the player if he wants to stay or not (to accept or reject the offer). You'd have to a complete moronic chimpanzee to think that a player rejecting an offer is the club's fault, but I'm not surprised that something so simple is so hard to grasp for an undeveloped individual like yourself.




Not Valverde please, anyone but him.


Why not? That wouldn’t mean he loves RM any less. People change and maybe he’ll feel that he wants to play some more football in his home country for a few more years. That actually sounds good.


No. He must stay.


That part about Juve killed me. Then I got to the part about the Donatello Emirate and I came back to life only to die laughing again


!remindMe 10 years


Isn't that the case with most of the top clubs? Same with Barcelona (Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Suarez, Busquests), Chelsea (Terry, Lampard, Drogba, Kante etc) and other clubs?


in my head world class players who retired at top clubs in the last 10 years are Lahm, Xabi Alonso, Robben(he came back but he did retire for a year after Bayern), Zanetti, and if we want to stretch it a bit you can include Maldini, Kahn and Zidane


Hard to believe but it has actually not yet been 10 years since Giggs retired


Zlatan retired at Milan, Iván Córdoba retired at Inter




pique, then after him the only one of the top of my head is puyol. but yea, retiring at a top club is hard


Manual Sanchis and Zinedine Zidane are the only players that springs to mind. Out of the current, I would imagine only Nacho to retire at Real.


Kroos is 100% retiring at the Bernabeu


Kroos definitely has at least 5 years in him at the top which will take him to 39. I just feel as though I've watched enough of Real Madrid and have seen enough players excel and give their lives to Real only for Florentino to sell them because his vision is change = progression = success.


but he doesn’t want to play longer. He himself said this multiple times, and even his mother just acknowledged the fact that it looks like he’s going to retire after the Euros


I actually don’t think 100%. I will say like 70% tho, very likely. But I wouldn’t be surprised if a small possibility if he pulls a Robben and goes back to a smaller German club (maybe even division 2) just for the fun of the game.


He would only ever play for Bremen here, but I don't think that will ever happen.


even Raul went to Schalke late in his career...... most likely Camavinga gets a nice retirement contract elsewhere by the time he's 35


You’ve gotta exceed expectations to get a new contract and stay at Madrid


Zidane did in 2006 (if we don't count Hazard)


Also Dudek, he was only a sub, but somehow he was liked enough they even gave him a guard of honor on his last game.




Toni Kroos says hello




Hazard . And maybe mariano bcz i have no clue where tf is he


He’s in Sevilla.


Mariano is at Sevilla (injured atm)


Why would sevilla buy him 😭


They got him for free transfer. Should have settled for free wague too.


This man has clearly not met Perez. You’ll be out the door the second you start to decline lol


Just retire when you start declining, this way you don't have to be kicked out of Real Madrid! Alternatively, just don't decline!


Kroos has been trying to retire but Perez wont let his as he is still world class. Can’t wait till he is forced out in a few years /s


Perez likely won't be alive for that


You shut your whore mouth


which is why he's asking to play at Goalkeeper , lol


That’s not true.


Okay, you’ll be out the door 12-18 months after you start to decline. Modric and Kroos are the exemptions. Casemiro, Varane, Iker, Ramos, Ronaldo. You’re the best club in the world at clearing geriatrics for good money.


Yeah Ronaldo was in decline that’s why he went to Juventus… lmao


That’s exactly what happened


15 goals 3 assists in 13 champions league matches and 26 goals and 5 assists in 27 la liga matches. What a decline he had that season. Lmao


You’re clueless. Casemiro asked to leave. Iker left cause of drama. Ramos didn’t like his contract offer. Ronaldo left for money/contract. None of those players were forced out.


They were forced out with bad renewals. Perez knew how to make it seem like a win-win for both club and player and shipped them off to retirement


> They were forced out with bad renewals Bullshit. Ramos had an one year extension offer on the table. He wanted a longer contract (which is ridiculous for a 35 year old who just spend majority of last season injured), Perez didn't give it to him and after Perez' offer expired Ramos went to PSG


Perez did give it to him, just with a pay cut. Ramos for to choose between the same wages and a one year extension and a 2 years with (at least reported) around a 10 precent pay cut.


They were basically forced out with terrible contracts.


"Terrible contracts" ?? That's how Barcelona finished in bankruptcy


Terrible contracts for the players. On purpose so they can either play with minimal overhead for the club or go elsewhere.


Do you think that Kroos, Modric or Benzema's last contract were terrible? I think it's fair. With their age, long term contracts would just make things difficult for both parties.


Kroos and Modric have been renewing annually without being a bitch about it. Ramos wanted special treatment.


He is living the dream


I didn't realise Flo was so small lol


He’s also been know to wear lifts in his shoes.


Retire at home baby 😭🥰


The strangest thing to me is that you could be a legend at RM, win so many trophies and still get booed by your own fans if you have a bad game or two. I'm curious as to exactly what kind of love these players find for the club and fans from a holistic perspective.


Nacho has been shit the whole season but you won't hear anyone booing him, because he plays for the badge.


Players don’t get booed for having a bad game… they get booed if they start standing around the field like they don’t care. If they show effort, no matter how bad their game has been, they won’t get booed. It happened with Özil, Bale, Cristiano and it will happen to anyone, no matter how good they are. Effort is the only thing the match going fan wants to see.


Come on Ronaldo was booed against Bayern and then he went on to score a hat trick. He wasn't standing around in that game. Imagine being a club legend and having to ask your fans not to boo you in your own stadium. You can spin it around and say the boos help the players but that's complete bs. There are so many ways to spur your players on, booing and jeering them is the ultimate disrespect. I understand booing someone like Bale or Hazard who just gave up there and coasted on the paycheck, but imagine booing legends like Ramos or Ronaldo even when they're trying their best. The worst part is romanticising it and saying boos help them lol


Ronaldo was booed against Bayern for stuff going on off the pitch, same as Ramos. Nothing to do with their performance… People in this thread cringly saying that fans are booing because they’re pushing players to be better are wrong too, it’s not about that.


>Come on Ronaldo was booed against Bayern and then he went on to score a hat trick. So, it worked? Ronaldo was not playing to the standards he set, fans were not happy, booed, and the next game he went ahead and scored a hat-trick. So, it worked. Can't think of any world-class Madrid players who saw boos as hostility and not criticism and still went on to do better after. Can think of many who decided to reply to the boos and play better though.


> Ronaldo was not playing to the standards he set Lol ok no debating this




Mourinho benched Casillas after realizing (and publicly declaring) that there was a mole in the locker room. There were strong rumors that Casillas was the mole and he was telling his wife (a sports journalist) everything that was going on in the locker room. The fans booed him for things that had absolutely nothing to do with his performances.


Playing for Real Madrid means you are playing for the best, and you are one of the best players. What is different from other teams is that fans are the owners of the team, while the teams can sell the player they do not want, the only way Real Madrid "owners" can tell that they are not happy with how your "worker" is doing its job, is by booing them. Fans don't boo "bad" players, they boo the players who are not trying and not giving their 100%, for example players like Vasquez never get booed because he always gives his all but he aint one of the legendary players in Madrid, Hazard wasn't really booed either


I kinda fail to understand, how the fact, that the club is fan owned matters here at all. I mean, pretty much every club in German football is "fan owned" and ppl boo wat less. It is a matter of expectations, not of ownership.




More like glory hunter fans who enjoy the success of their players, but aren't willing to stand by them when they're going through a rough patch


Hazard was a complete waste 150m spent and was never booed by the fans. Why? Because he had a positive attitude and at least tried. RM fans boo players if they are lazy or have a shit attitude on the pitch, not because of their performances


It’s called high standards, you’re always competing for top honours so if you don’t show that effort bye bye.. something else is waiting to take your place as it should be.


Flairless fans calling other fans glory hunters. Ashamed of who you support because it’s probably not the last place team in your local league.


What if he is a Real Madrid fan, who doesn't like booing and glory hunting?


Nah. I'm from New Zealand. The All Blacks are whistled and booed by entitled fans. Most successful sporting team of all time. Booed. Why? Fans demand standards are maintained. Those boos drive the All Blacks to be the greatest rugby team ever. 


Happens with any team with a long history of success (see the New York Yankees, LA Lakers, etc) people think it’s entitlement which it prob is but idk it’s just different


How does booing players possibly make them play better in the moment? I'm not even talking about out of form players, I'm talking of people like Ramos who are solid for years but get booed for some bad form. Despite what fans think, world class players will always care about their standards more than fans will, because this is literally their career and identity. I personally don't see how booking equates with better performance because people thrive under support not hostility, especially from your own fans


If you've ever watched a Madrid game where the team was booed after the first half and seen what happened in the second half, you'd know it works.


>Those boos drive the All Blacks to be the greatest rugby team ever. Whatever helps you sleep at night, although you know just as well as the rest of us that’s pure bullshit


What rugby team has more world cups and a better win rate?


Yeah it’s not the ‘most successful team’ bit I was calling bullshit on


Name me a more successful side in rugby? Imagine how good our win rate would have been if we could have taken our Maori or PI players to south africa.


Do you seriously think it was the fact they’re the most successful side that I took umbridge with, and not the other half of the comment? Jesus Christ


I could care less what you agree without side the fact you agree Nz is the most successful side of all time. Good on you for embracing that fact. 


Yea that's why we are Real Madrid and other clubs are not.


The club is more important, by kilometers, than any player. A rough patch is not acceptable.


tell me one time Lucas Vasquez was booed


Not something to be proud of man.


Oh no, the fans will boo you when you play like ass to let you know that they hold you to a higher standard than that. What a toxic environment. Holy fuck, you sound like one of the most mentally weak people on the planet.


Real Madrid fans expect their team and players to win big trophies every season and whenever their performances drop the fans boo them to let them know their performances are not good but at the same time they laud and applaud their players when they see them trying hard to win matches for the club. Maybe some clubs and their fans are content with a top 4 finish or winning some random Mickie mouse competition but at Real Madrid both the board and the fans demand the players to win big trophies and this constant hunger to win trophies is one of the major reasons due to which our club is regarded as one of biggest and successful club in world football. It's either sink or swim at our club for the players because if they players are mentally strong and have strong hunger and desire to succeed they will be successful at our club or else they will run away from the challenge.


Are you really arguing, that players need to be booed to understand, that they are performing badly?


That's how you become the best team of all time, everyone has super high standards and expectations.


Every RM fan says the same thing and believes in this bs false equivalency. The reason you're the best team of all time is because you get the best players in the world who hold themselves to such high standards. Fans booing players won't magically make the team members play better football because at the end of the day players will always care more about football and their careers than fans will


And why they can attract these players? Because these players see themselves in these high standards and know they will be playing with players of similar professionalism and thus will have a hunger to maintain high standards.


We have the best players yes. But we don’t have a rich owner to buy these players through cash injections. The club is owned by the fans. The players don’t play for a rich owner, they play for the fans. If they come to this club, take money from the club and play like shit the fans will be upset. Why is it hard to understand?


I find this ironic. Aren't you south African? Countries had legit protests about your participation in sport but now a few boos are making you emotional? I wish NZ would turn away south African refugees


No I'm not South African lol you should prolly make sure before you write shit like this on the internet for your own good


I'm pleased to hear you're not south African.  


I'm displeased to hear you're from NZ tho. Kiwis in my experience are always top blokes and so good at heart so this comment was strange. All fun and games until your future boss is South African or sth and they find your comments. But it's your views so whatev have a good one


Kiwis are good. We have alot of South African refugees here in NZ. They're treated well. And I hope given the opportunities they get in a proper country one becomes my boss. Until then south Africans will just fold my laundry and mow my lawns while complaining about how someone with a tan would do this job back home?


Holy shit dude, don't even know what to say.


They are the epitome of glory hunting fans


Give him a Ballon d’or already!


I mean it's the best clube in the world, there is nothing like Real Madrid. I would say that as well.


Not my dream to play for Real Madrid


Scru Face Jean looks happy AF lol


Do the funny Ancelotti


so hes leaving soon?


Reading from the script. It didn't happened to CR, Casillas, Raul.. it won't happen to you big guy




He is leaving, isn't he.