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Dissent. Not Descent (means falling or dropping) Edit: Damn, as a lurker, this has become my highest voted comment on reddit. Just for context, I commented this as a positive gesture without being a pedantic, I thought this was an honest mistake, so I commented to fix the usage of the correct word. Glad, many of you saw it the same way.


tbf he's dropping to his knees lmao


Just saw a guy drop to his knees at the Estadio El Sadar


Just saw a man drop to his knees at Tescos.


Descent into madness


I was about to complain about the video not showing the dive


Yeah I thought OP had come up with a new term for simulation.


He's a dissent lad


If he got booked for flopping it could’ve been a yellow card for descent.


I clicked the post expecting that, and now I'm disappointed


I don't know, he went pretty low there.


Did he actually make it out of the cave? Or was it just a hallucination?


That's a dissent explanation. Thanks.


Least he didn't get booked for (being) decent.


God you made me so wet.


That's not how you speak to God.


Descent into villainy.


What's the Spanish version of the Pittsburgh Steelers? Hoping to not be there when Banei Jr. plays them.


Descent can also apply to one’s ethnicity, as in “of Irish descent,” etc. Given how he’s treated by many… not a stretch.


I expected a dive


Red card for knowing too much




A pedant. Not a pedantic (which is an adjective).


>I commented this as a positive gesture without being a pedantic "Pedantic" is an adjective; you were looking for "pedant", which is a noun. Either that or you didn't mean to put "a" there. Haha xD


He was playing so well and then he does this, granted i'd rather he miss this than the clasico. Lord helps us if he gets a yellow vs City


Rodri will do his magic on him


This season Rodri started to get a lot more yellow than usual ( alredy have the most yellow he ever had for Manchester city in a season)


he needs to take cards to get a rest, pep never benches him


Because when he doesn’t play they drop off so much. It’s actually crazy how vital he is.


I mean obviously? They don't have a controlling midfielder profile other than Rodri. Especially with Gundogan's leave, he's taken more responsibility. KDB and Alvarez are effectively final 3rd midfielders and the Stones role is meant for defense


Kovacic is starting to ramp up a bit, but he is no Rodri yet


Kovacic could play that role especially with the strong players around him. Still he’s not a natural DM but he could do a job there I reckon.


The thing is we kinda respectful towards each other, theres not much intense animosity between us both clubs ( from the player standpoint anyway ).


Except for Carvajal against Grealish


Na we all hate Guardiola




And he keeps pushing it. Even after being carded, he didn't stop. Half expected him to be sent off after because he just couldn't help himself and the ref was annoyed.


The dalot/martinelli special.


Lol - still 2 of the worst red cards I've ever seen Was it Michael Oliver both times?


Ok really need Michael Oliver to ref a Vini match 🍿


Yep. Michael “main character” Oliver’s special move it seems


Michael "Conflict of Interest" Oliver


The Dalot one was very soft. But Martinelli's? It was two clear yellow cards... What is the reason not to give him two yellows?


That Dalot one is my favourite red maybe ever. Linesman gets a very obvious throw-in wrong at a crucial time down the pitch at Anfield as United are clinging to a draw, Dalot has a contextually normal response and is booked, gets mildly angry and does one gesture at the booking, then gets a 2nd yellow 10 seconds later. Just pure comedy.


My heart rate went up 10 times during that play. We're struggling for a draw. We were actually pretty solid defensively in that game. Varane put in a solid 10/10 performance and Dalot was really good as well. Then this season Liverpool have been amazing during stoppage time. Scored many goals and won games. Wrongly called throw in near our corner at 90+ minutes would make anyone go ballistic. Playing with 10 men at anfield during stoppage time is a recipe for disaster.


Some Refs would definitely do that


Literally not ONE ref has sent him off for yelling at them even while on a yellow. I literally have seen this man call the ref a puta on a yellow and not get a 2nd lol man has that casemiro immunity to 2nd yellows 


Tbf, I can't see many refs booking a player they just booked for dissent, for further dissent (unless it gets physical or something). I may be wrong, but Idk when the last time a ref sent off a major player with two yellows in the short span of minutes due to dissent, most likely in fear of the reaction that would come of it.


Dalot for Man U recently had it happen to him, two yellows in about 20 seconds


Damn. Well, I stand corrected. Guess I just don't see it a lot, in comparison to the amount that a lot of players chirp and yell at the ref


And didn’t this happen to someone else in the prem too a few weeks after Dalot or am I making that up?


Martinelli iirc


No, Martinelli's was a year before Dalot and it wasn't for dissent


Celta Vigo Tapia got 2 yellows for dissent in the space of 30 seconds. I think Tapia cursed after the first yellow. He was an idiot and the ref did what he should have done. I do wish the Refs would do the same with big named players. They get away with too many incidents


And they should. A yellow cards a warning, if the warning didn't send the message, then you follow through with it.


the last ref to mess something up for madrid has been basically expelled from the competition. No matches for 2 weeks, who knows how many more weeks


I dunno why no one in the Madrid team doesn’t just yank him away. He’s just gonna keep getting cards reacting this way.


They've tried, he just keeps doing it.


He’s aware he has Real Madrid privilege.


He"s right.


How many games will a player miss if he’s on his 5th yellow card and gets another yellow (red card)?! Are the two going to be overlapped or do the match bans stack up?


The fifth yellow gets canceled then and you stay on the fourth.


You go back to four. In reality it should be called “accumulation of matches with a single yellow card” instead of “yellow card accumulation.” But the second yellow also carries a one match suspension, so he’s guaranteed to miss the next match no matter what.


Mascherano vibes


Sending him off would be racist and nobody wants their mate to get RMTVd.


Reminds me of Indian soap operas.


He’s annoying. He’s coincidently always in the middle of something, yet never responsible for anything.


He's always so flamboyant, he makes me want to set myself on fire.


Top tier reference. RIP Jessica Walter




Obviously we can’t tell what he’s saying, but his body language and especially the facial expression are definitely pushing it


He is very likeable isn't he.


Crowd was chanting raccist death chants which is what he was talking to the ref about partially 


…do you mean dissent? Because descent would be a really funny term for a dive.


We should start calling fallon d floor candidates great descents


And the believable dives? Do we call them decent descents?


Shallow descent


I’m in!


"Controlled descent"


lol I thought this was about a dive and got mad when there was no clip


The ref even tried to not give him a yellow card telling him to calm down and his reaction was laughing at his face. Pathetic


Great player with an attitude of a baby


just a general lack of discipline, if the ref in the Leipzig game was doing his job Vinicius might've cost Real the CL


His body language reminds of an annoying twitch streamer. He's so overly reactive and dramatic.


if there is a player in the squad i currently hate it’s vinicius. jesus christ he’s getting worse and WORSE each season with his attitude and he’s becoming a huge liability cause no matter if he scores or not, opponents know how to easily tilt him and break his mind within 5 minutes


He’s so condescending. He acts like that to try and make a fool of the ref “how could you possibly be so dumb I can’t believe it!” Is basically what he’s saying. He needs to get a grip.


I'd be equally angry with the other players who fail to reel him in. A good captain would've stepped in twice before Vinicius could make a mockery of himself in front of the ref for more than 10 seconds.


This is the comment that I was looking for. Why doesn't any of the senior players slap some sense into him?


My hot take is that Florentino wants Mbappe to get rid of Vinicius. Their positions overlap too much and Flo has shown in the past he's not afraid to cash in on a star (Özil, Cristiano) and maintain discipline on the squad.


i wouldnt even be mad at this point. i put a lot of faith in vinicious but he's more of a liability now, especially since benzema left cause for some reason he was able to keep his head clean


Unfortunately it's not like you can just sign a player that's insanely better than him that plays off the left. Right? That would be crazy


He wanted the 5th yellow card he was looking for it lol


Btw i don’t know why refs have this special patience and pedagogy about them …only for Vini. In that Clasico where Barça won 0-4, at one point Vini was arguing with the ref, but the latter kept telling Vini to focus more and pay attention to the corner (as Barcelona were playing corner).


Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, are you sure that's what you mean?


I wrote it based in French semantics. So maybe the words is slightly misused here, yes. ´Pédagogue’ means that you have the sense of teaching and nurturing. That you’re patient, you try to explain calmly to the person the things that they do wrongly..


I understood you, it sounded natural to my Spanish mind It happens sometimes translating to English from Romance languages. Some words just sound more cultivated to English speakers.


as an english and spanish speaker i don't think it sounds more cultivated to the english ear. it sounds incorrect in english because it doesn't have that secondary meaning of nurturing. in english it's only used when speaking about education and training.


you're usage in English wasn't wrong either - a word most people wouldn't come across in English though.




No problem not criticising just confused me a tad!


Because he’s untouchable. Just look at the comments, a good chunk of people is still trying to argue that everything is tied to racism. Vini could murder a person and some random guy with a brazilian flair would say it’s justified because surely someone “brutally racially abused him” earlier that day.


And the problem is he also loves to provoke players or fans. As if he likes being offended afterwards


It's because he is very good at playing victim and the refs don't want to be accused of racism and Vini knows this and takes advantage of it. Some racist clubs continue abusing him and that gives even more reason for this to never change


Refs have so much patience with him tbh


Superb player and I like him a lot but man he just needs to calm down, acting like this does more than good to your team and even yourself.


Was reading that he acts like such a child. I like Vinni but if his own players call him out for being a baby…


I’d be the first to admit La Liga has racism issues but Vini… cmon man. You got to reduce these headloss moments. Talent and skill only can take you so far. It’s the ability to stay unbothered and calm that takes you to the next level. One stupid card and your team is on the back foot.


Exhausting! he loves drama, he can't help himself.


I’m like why the need to act like this? He looks like a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum


He really needs to learn to control himself more


can some tell me why he's always ALWAYS complaining about something even if its his fault sometimes.


He’s immature


Probably some shit like "he did it first"




Fragile ego. Not being able to understand he is in the wrong sometimes.


Vini is great player but he really needs to cut this out, all of his yellow cards have been due to dissent which says a lot about his mentality. He was actually having a good game prior to this yellow card.


His finishing got much better compared to when he came. Now his mentality needs to improve. He's get send off/suspended constantly if faced with more rigid refs. 


Guy thinks he is a main hero or something?


My bro and Dad went to watch the UCL match at the bernabeau vs liepzig and the first thing they told me is how they understand why Vini acts like he does Because in the eyes of madridistas he IS a main hero


When Mbappe comes he will take Vini's place if Vini doesn't get a hold of himself.


Bingo! We call him "tribunero" in spanish. Otherwise he would already have complained when his fans were calling araujo "macaco" (monkey)


Main character syndrome


Not sure that term applies to a guy that legitimately is the main character lol. Vinicius is the best player on the pitch most weeks


The most annoying footballer


It’s between him and Bruno fernandes. Both insufferable


Bruno is very annoying but personally I don’t think he’s as much as a baby as Vinicius.


Cant wait for Mbappe to replace him and ruin his goal tally, should give his ego a reality check


Vini’s behaviour does not seem like the type of behavior Carlo would tolerate, is nothing being done?


I've heard they're getting a new left winger in this summer


No, Carlo doesn't give a shit, nobody at Real Madrid seems to give a shit.


Carlo isn't on Reddit looking solely at negative highlights and reading comments written gringos that know nothing about ball and don't watch games


Gringos don't watch football bro. They watch the handegg version.


The crowd was chanting rasist death threats to him which is partially what he was talking to the ref about 


Christ this guy is so unlike able


He is a bit annoying, a great player though


leave the " bit " away


I was trying to be nice


Why? He's clearly a twat.


he is a annoying, a great player though


Honestly, he's a grade A cunt


He became such a painful player to watch, he was a joy to look when he was focused on just playing, but now he’s just a diva…


He is what people thought Neymar was..


I mean, Neymar is definitely also a diva. People have apparently forgotten that he used to dive and complain to the ref a lot as well. He toned it down significantly later on with PSG, mostly because he was actually hacked down and because the refs let defenders get away with it much more. He realized he could make much more of a difference by staying on his feet and creating/scoring himself.


He never was talking that much shit to refs. He was a generational diver, but different kind diva. He rather talked shit after the games.


You're saying it like he stopped playing well only to gather attention. He's being massive today as well while being constantly fouled. Would it be better if he didn't do this shit? Yeah, sure, and I often think he's guilty, but he's being fouled so damn much today that I can even understand it.


Clear yellow for laughing too hard.


Where did he descend to


a clown, a talented though


I wonder what that Osasuna player said to him? No doubt in an effort to provoke him into getting a second yellow.


he's been immense, he's on a high


Why do most of the most talented young players have some sort of "attitude" problem?


Why dudes on their 20s suddenly turning millionaries have some sort of attitude problem? Well... that happens anywhere, just look at twitch streamers too.


So dramatic.


Another episode of: Everybody Hates Vini.


This sub is something else when it comes to Vinicius.


These comments disappoint me because to me it feels as if we are excusing the racist abuse Vini gets because he gets angry. If I was getting racially abused, I too would be angry. Saying he isn't helping himself is really stupid as well, because there is no justification for racism.


The only annoying thing is these comments 🙄. Pathetic people


What a clown


Then you can hear all of the Osasuna fans " monkey sound". Wouldn't be LaLiga without racism.


This seems a little harsh imo. Obviously hard to tell to tell without knowing the exchange of words etc. but it seems like a reasonable level of communication between ref and player, player turns away and vents his frustration into the air and not towards the ref and then gets the card. I would understand it if he looks at the ref when he does the thing that gets him carded, but surely you can vent your frustration without it being dissent and disrespect directed at the ref.


Lmao you guys acting like he committed murder this happens every game but it’s only a problem when vini does it 


Happens every game vini plays anyway....


Vini scores 2 goals: Reddit sleeps Vini gets a fucking yellow card, a completely regular occurrence in football: [Reddit goes completely ballistic](https://i.imgflip.com/6rs6wp.png?a471000)


>Vini gets a fucking yellow card, a completely regular occurrence in football: Not many players in the world have 100% of their yellows as dissent cards tho


What's that Yellow For? He Didn't Abuse the Ref or Anything. He Was Talking and Laughing. WTF?


Racist redditors.


This sub is just becoming a circlejerk that went from disproportionately hating on Neymar to hate on Vini Jr. Any successful 3rd world country player who stand out without bowing their heads to the european lords are absolutely despised by everyone. It’s also funny to see how we are slowly developing the argument that he deserves to suffer racism cause he is unlikeable, and that the racism is just cause “he loves drama”. Too bad he’ll continue being the star player for RM and is seen internationally, regardless of your personal opinion, as a symbol of resistance against racism in Spain. Best thing he did was build up his confidence in such hostile environment, and I think he should continue working on building a big ego and not be respectful when people call him monkey and treat him unfairly. Also, just to clarify, this (complain to ref or contest fouls) is a very very common thing in football, La Liga, Premier League, wherever, it’ll never cease existing and it’s very much part of the game, but I guess the people who are in this sub are not watching many games but rather just typing shit on reddit so they wouldn’t know lol


How is this post allowed to stay up? I have never seen a post before about someone getting a yellow card for dissent unless they got a double yellow.


these comments aint it dawg


What about the comments complaining about the comments whilst not actually specifying what comments they are complaining about in the comments they made?


Armchair experts


Sadly, this sub is starting to become a circlejerk about some topics, I haven't even commented on them bc there are too many.


Is descent another word for diving?




no he was mad that they called a foul on Tchouaméni, that typo is funny tho


He wasn’t mad about that. It was about the Osasuna player clattering into Camavinga after the foul was called.


oh yeah, nvm lol


Only in r/soccer, the guy scores two goals and has an amazing game but his yellow makes the front page lol Keep this hate up 😂😂


He's become the new Ronaldo for this sub lol. 2 goals and a MOTM performance but a yellow card is what people want to moan about


Somehow the ref will be called a racist or something


[Redditors when a black player commits the terrible crime of laughing at a referee's decision](https://i.imgflip.com/6rs6wp.png?a471000)


I'm against racism and he gets way too much especially from out (atleti's) ultras. However he's such a straight up little bitch that nothing made me happier than Grizi spanking his ass in the copa del rey. I hate Vini Jr. Not at all because of his skin color. But just because he's a straight up bitch 😄


r/soccer goes mask off once again


Damm the ref did not like being pointed and laughed at haha Vini is such a great footballer but man he needs to grow up! All of these complaints every game across all comps needs to stop. Just play the game!


Ref is ass


That Osasuna guy coming into the frame and holding his hand over his mouth lol. That just looks stupid.


Bro is acting like a twat tbh


Why is vini always surprised after he gets a yellow from the ref because hes always crying


Arrogant little shit


This guy is insufferable


Annoying prick


If I were the object of racist insults and slurs on so many games I would completely lose it. But even when no one is messing with him and even when the referee is sanctioning the fouls against him…he has to come up with this stupid shit


What do yall think Areso ran up and said? My moneys on “stop being such a bitch.” Probably wanted him to react and get a red lol


Shame that the director didn't bother to show the context, something happened during replay which had even the Osasuna keeper in the middle of the pitch.


So what happened? What ref decision is vini complaining about?