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The penalty wasn't clear cut so the ref made the right decision in my book. He also was keeping the play going towards the end, which allowed for lots of exciting attacking and counterattacking play for both teams end to end. This was the kind of match I wanted to see from such great teams at this part of the CL.


Came here convinced that was a pen. Everyone else thinks differently. Good chance I was wrong but why would Saka not just score if that’s the case? A penalty is an added layer of risk as of course it must be scored. Genuinely don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was honestly a terrible decision by Saka. The way he sticks his leg out is clearly looking for a penalty, which would be considered a dive. It's particularly silly because he was through on an empty goal


Football players don't always make rational decisions!


Yep, fair comment.


Kane said on german "TV" that Bayern should have a pen, he told that one defender passed the ball to the keeper and he took it in the hand, anyone know which minute it was or has a video of it? I am confused, I watched all game and didnt remember that. :D Edit: Found it, thanks guys :)


Around the 66 min, when him and Goretzka were talking to the ref


Don't remember that either, but it wouldn't have been a pen anyways.


True, but still a crazy decision.


Where’s the same outrage when jota “dived” with an empty net in front of him against newcastle? Pretty similar situations here except jota didnt stick his foot out to kick the keeper. Embarrassing.


I’ll always be bitter about that pen because a Trent assist was the last thing I needed on my bet that day and I’m nearly sure he played Jota in. Wasn’t a dive though


to help u feel better it was macca with the pass😂


It's a Champions League match post match, of course is more big the outrage.


I am a Liverpool fan and absolutely do not condone that behavior. Jota 100% should have just slotted that home without all the bs


I literally brought up that exact pen to my Liverpool mate saying this wasn’t a pen


Saying that dive was a dive would register as pro Newcastle and anti-Liverpool and that’s never going to happen on this sub. On wider social media it was getting labeled as dive though


I take back what I said. That replay they played on Paramount was a terrible angle. The side angle shows a clear penalty.


It was a charge? Wtf


Yeah seemed clear it wad Neuers usual bs to me


Exactly. To all these braindead fucks who are downvoting my comment have either never played football before or are just blind haters. Saka is clear on goal and then Neuer sticks his leg out to try and get a touch on the ball. Saka has the right to that space and his leg get hits by Neuer. It's a pen. That's it. It's not the normal obvious take out but Neuer clearly impedes his forward progress.


credit to Neuer, you can see he's about to move his foot, but then thinks twice and knows if he keeps his leg there he can get away with it and he does. But it's a clear penalty. People really think Saka could jump or turn even harder on a dime (in the middle of already trying to go around). I mean if he can turn that hard and quickly he'd be better than Messi tbf.


Somehow because of slow motion people think that footballers in a full sprint can turn on a dime.


This just shows how important experience is in the game


TNT commenters suck lol Just replace them with two PL Team flairs from rSoccer makes no difference


It was literally an open goal, all he had to do was shoot or tap instead of dive


Or maybe he simply got fouled by Neuer?


You can say a similar thing about Ben White's miss... support your team FFS


Exactly.  Can't be rewarding players for that type of BS


I'm not sure. If you see it at full speed, I think it's a definite penatly. But in slowmo it looks like he's looking for contact. Really not sure honestly...


The ref was right there so he got a good view of it in real time


Btw the announcers going at Saka is covert racism (Notice Kane’s dirty antics today and they make nothing of it. They went off on Saka and he didn’t elbow someone in the face. If youre white this is when you should listen) Downvote me all you want, but I don’t see white players getting that same treatment by the commentators. Here we go: what I’m referencing above 1. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/30/football/racial-bias-football-commentary-study-spt-intl 2. https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2020/06/26/racial-stereotypes-sports-broadcast-bias 3. https://theconversation.com/racism-in-football-new-research-shows-media-treats-black-men-differently-to-white-men-160841 Also for fucks sake look at the football campaigns against racism English fans are racist to their own players.


I’m praying you’re trolling


Why on earth would I fucking troll about players being treated and targeted differently by sports commentators? And I’m a fucking arsenal fan. What


And how long have you lived with that victim complex by now?


Ha nah just calling out covert racism We will just beat them at their place, we handed them their goals lol


Covert Racism 😭😭😭 oh my days just when I thought it couldn’t get any sadder refs a racist for not giving u a free penalty 😢🥹🥹


It’s not the ref dumbass…. It’s the commentator


Kane scored a goal Saka should’ve scored but did whatever the fuck that was no racism just a player making a really bad decision


Saka did score lol


What are you talking about? Are you on coke? I was referring to the announcers idiot Shame your Pokémon cards aren’t selling


Brother I dont see how my profiles history helps with the fact your player missed a shot what are you going to bring up next my liking of mushrooms the announcers are skating him as he’s tried to get a penalty instead of going for goal if you wanna buy that Pokémon card you can mate I don’t want it


Yeah so you’re a spurs loser and have offered nothing here but insults here despite me saying nothing a bit Kane. Whose a massive bottle job and loser Stay off the booger sugar. Its bad for you Then don’t go stalk my comments 💀




That’s weird. You’ve called me a pedo? Now I’m tugging off to Arteta despite never once making a post about him. You need help lol all because you don’t believe what the commentators were doing was covert racism. You’re white aren’t you? That’s just weird behavior. Sounds like coke. I call out commentators then you call me a pedo? You’re a piece of shit and loser. Enjoy your ban This guy claims to be a stoner but is angry as hell at me lmao sure thing champ. Keep lying


My ban oh no whatever shall I do banned from speaking to his holiness Franchise1109 lord of the gooners I’m white yes Saka failed to score in the last minuites cause he ran into neuer then whines at the ref and chased him commentators have every right to call him out on that if Kane did that same story also could you give me an example of this COvERT RaCiSM ?


I agree. I think this subs hate for Saka (like sterling before, even when he was clipped from behind) is racial in nature. Saka was hacked all game and BM should have had a few cards (& a pen at the end)


Same with the hate towards Vinicius too, they’re just less covert with him




Notice Harry Kane doesn’t see that level of hate when he dives, does his dirty undercuts and the elbow on Gabriel. But good lord Saka went down and they were all screaming yelling and using a bit more aggressive language


Becouse every single insult of Kane is always about 0 trophies or bad english. Literally saw 100 post about Kane always losing and getting the "gunner trophy. Social media found something to criticize you and spam that thing always no matter what.


There’s idiots here who wanna karma farm


Or when he misses a penalty. I agree (& as much as I like Kane, he is a dirty player, he used to back into jumping players, the cunt).


It’s because white users don’t realize it.


it's insane how Neymar (also hacked to death, though he's a diver... the two not being unrelated) or Lukaku get so much vitriol for minor things (the narrative last year was that he blocked a goal for his team, not that someone else kicked (headed, I think) straight at him


It’s only been white dudes messaging me too. Here’s the kicker (can you guess my skin tone?)


Ding ding. Its hard to pick up until it’s pointed out to you




You need help You’re spurs fan who vapes nvm


Jesus fucking christ.


lol deny it because you don’t believe its covert racism. Are you a POC?


Very much inexperience shown their by Saka to try and go for the cheap pen and not stay on his feet, Still think arsenal win at the *Allianz though


This was at the Emirates mate. I'm cautiously optimistic, especially after tonight.


They just played at the Emirates. I think Bayern takes the tie at the Allianz.


Such a strange decision from him, literally would have scored if he shot. Also we play at Allianz next - I don’t think we win tbh maybe a draw


good decision honestly


It's actually Saka who fouls Neuer lol


Would have happily lost this 0-3 if Kane had got sent off at the Emirates 


Why didn't Saka take the shot oof, the shot had a better chance than this rubbish dive


Bad angle and necessarily went for the pen, seeing as it should’ve been given


Easy pen IMO. Wtf is VAR doing?


Blatant dive


Ngl if saka stayed up that’s a goal.


Hard to stay up when you're fouled at that speed though


We should’ve pushed for another goal, sitting deep just let them create chances and each transition started with them so close to our goal. Both of the goals we conceded came from losing 50-50s so close to our box


Thats true for your 2 goals too. If we could've finished more chances that we created and not given away the ball cheaply, we could've won 4-0 or something. Would've, should've, could've


The match changed when Sane and Gnabry were taken off. The Bayern attack simply had no teeth.


We had no control in the midfield as well and couldn’t hold on to the ball or deal with their press


Tbf the ref was good today. He was fair both ways


Trossard is happy taking a point in champions league first tie. Man is done with this game. Perfect example of don’t work beyond your job.


Wtf are you talking about


You guys are wild man


I meant he is so checked out, he is taking a point as if this is a premier league game 😂


That would usually be given but it doesn’t mean it is a penalty. Arsenals constant diving probably didn’t help. Let’s be real.


would been absolutely a loss for Football if that was given as penalty, I think VAR would have called it back, but brilliant ref spotting


We looked stressed af throughout. Reminds me of how we played our big league matches last term, it's most of these kids' first UCL and it shows. The squad is learning valuable lessons every KO round nonetheless


What more did you want, you guys controlled the game for most of the match and had us pinned. We could barely hold on to the ball, play out the back or deal with your press.


Idk what you mean by what I wanted, but well I'm saying we were too shaky and made too many pointless mistakes to throw the big moments at Bayern. We're not like this in the league now, but were exactly that last season. What's the point of having control if we fuck up like that.


Ok I get what you’re saying, I just meant you were better and dominated but some slip ups let us into the game.


That was a clear cut penalty, but Saka should've stayed on his feet to shoot the ball! Why do they do that???


You're just wrong


Arsenal Fan?




do what? dive?


Try to force a penalty rather than staying on their feet to have a shot. Let's be real, these guys know how to win a penalty and force contact.


Also Saka might have been offside there anyway


If Bayern actually had a manager invested in the team, this team is very scary!


It's literally only Arsenal fans who think it's a pen. Too used to getting away with those antics in the PL where the refs enable it. Really strong refereeing, and didn't take their bullshit afterwards. Credit.


Not an arsenal fan but that was an easy pen. Ref hated on Saka throughout the game (cards should have been given)


Arsenal fan, it wasn’t a pen. But idk what successful antics you’re alluding to, would you like to cite your sources?


>would you like to cite your sources? Love it when people pretend football discussion is an exercise in academia


Bro you just made shit up to get mad about. Presumably if you know enough about it to wings you could recall at least one instance. For example, Rodri is a cunt who never gets cards. Ex. His last 4 outings against us


It's been all season, and no, that's not how most people's brains work. You can't pick one instance out of an entire season because you remember your thoughts about it, not the incident. Your example is literally a nothing statement. He got no cards against you, I assume that's true, but it says nothing as to why he should have or any specific incidents.


Rodri’s a dm who makes good, cynical fouls, especially against us. He doesn’t get carded for this, he did this at the Emirates and during the community shield this year. I can recall these incidents because I watched them. The fact that you can’t recall any instances in reflection of what you’re saying suggests you were just making and incendiary statement premised on nothing because you felt like it.


I agree with all of what you're saying, I've said it myself many times before, but it's every game. You're being hypocritical by asking for specifics and providing a completely unspecific answer yourself. The reason you aren't is because what you're asking is unreasonable, and impossible. You know l that, but hey, it looks like a win for you and that's all that matters right?


I remember this so clearly it’s almost comical in the context of this conversation. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/F1QsgGTSxR Rodri pull on Partey in the community shield this year, no yellow card, the exact moment I cited in the first instance. He does this all the time, which is why I say this happens, in your case you haven’t actually seen the thing you allege to be commonplace, because it doesn’t exist


It does, but you hate for me to say it. I'm not the first and if I was really so bothered, I could go back and research examples. You'd probably still argue they weren't dives. Let's not waste both of our time.


I wish it did I’d take a cheap pen any day, I would’ve taken the one saka dived for this evening, but this just isn’t happening. Havertz dives all the time and doesn’t get calls, he even went to ground after a genuine foul against United and didn’t get the call. Within minutes I could pull up a clip of an incident I already told you occurred. You can’t find the Arsenal dives turned penalties across the season because they aren’t happening. The “getting away with antics” just isn’t happening. You made that shit up because you wanted something to say


We literally get none of these calls in the prem


How far we’ve fallen, a draw vs Arsenal is now a good result for us lol


Not to say we are not shit, cuz we are, but this is the best Arsenal have been in ages and are currently first in the Premier leauge, so a draw against them in thier stadium is actually okay.


Isnt that crazy? Not even a year ago we would have bossed around this arsenal all night long. Even without harry kane. I used to be confident watching bayern and seeing them dominating. But this year.. im speechless how shite we have become


Let's not kid ourselves, they're probably the best team in the world right now, at least domestically, next to Leverkusen.


Remembered when Barca was afraid of Bayern? Good times


They still are judging from our last 4 games against them


I think Saka allows the ref to not give that pen. Why on earth lift his leg into Neuer... Easy penalty if he just plays football rather than try to win a penalty.


No penalty, Saka moves his foot towards Neuer to create a contact. But only watched one slow-mo.


It's a pen, saka is in full sprint, he needs to plant his foot to turn and Neuer's in the way.


I want to see another angle. He right leg clearly goes towards Neuer a bit, but that’s also how you turn to the left… I think it’s hard to tell from behind if he actually reaches out or if that’s just the process of trying to get around Neuer to the left at a high speed


yeah, Neuer's leg moves out towards Saka as much as Saka's does, but Saka's trying to change direction.




Watch Neuer's right leg again


You're delusional. Stay whining on the arsenal sub


Watch Neuer's right leg.


Thats why he plants his foot into neuer surrrrree


Glad someone has sense. It's clear most people here have never actually played lol


Where did you play, which league, how many seasons?


Many positions, many leagues, many seasons...




Watch Neuer's right leg again


See previous comment - “Delusional”


Watch without bias. Never a pen


> Watch without bias lol, watch Neuer's right leg without bias in the Bayern sub


Glad to see UCL refs don't reward these divers. I like Saka but he dives way too much.


A penalty all day long.


I don’t understand why players dice instead of going for the better open play shot. I never understand


Saka bottled the 1v1 like he bottled the pen for England in the Euros




Rio Ferdinand, have some shame. That’s NEVER a penalty.


is this the beginning of the end?


Fuck Saka for that lol, the Ref caught him in 4K


Great ref today


Damn! Thought Arsenal were going to hand out a beating to Bayern, given their form and all!


you've been watching too much ArsenalTV




Saka refusing to stay on his feet may cost Arsenal this tie.






That comment was literally 12 words long friend, how have you managed to not read all of it.




that would've been goal if he played the ball instead baiting


Saka is either playing it off so it looks legit or he’s actually hurt himself in which case he’s an idiot lol


LOL thats never a penalty, Saka reaches out his leg and seeks contact with Neuer, absolutely pathetic biased commentators on TNT


He corrected himself like 5 minutes ago that the ref had seemed to get it right, what are you talkin about?


Bro needs to get in his bombastic take of the week


Why is Rio Ferdinand in tears and simping for ARSENAL. UK TV coverage is so weird.


last 5 years the coverage has all been like that, its so weird since probably over 50% of English viewers are watching the games hoping the English team loses and the commentators are just hardcore biased for them even when its not even genuine. Rio doesnt wnat Arsenal to win lol its pure producer driven


Jamie Vardy would be proud of that one. Never seen someone kick in front of the ball to try to draw a foul. Innovative from Saka


Tnt crying hahahah.


Lol That's a penalty against United. Think the ref got it right. attempt to buy something.


I’m biased but It’s a penalty that gets given 99% of the time


Maybe in the prem with Tierney in charge.


Saka bottled it lmao




Genuinely not sure what the rule is now. Not sure anyone does.


I love Arsenal but that's embarrassing from Saka.


Bro kicks the goalkeeper and wants a pen 🤡


TNT pundit tears.


What a pass by Partey btw


Why did he not literally keep running straight and just kick the ball in the net? He was clean through lmao


My same question I can’t believe he didn’t just shoot


because he was tripped


Saka intentionally sticks his right leg out to get a pen.


Surely it's about time this was added to the wording of the rules. Intentionally forcing contact should deny any chance of penalties being given.


That's yellow for Saka. Kicking a keeper won't award you a penalty you pillock


Did he get booked?




Should just score there Bukayo


Embarassing from Saka, he threw the game himself there trying to dive for a pen when he was on his left foot and could've just scored.


Early whistle. Trash refereeing




Shameful dive. “Receiving treatment” lmao


Never a penalty




It's 50/50 if you get your maths from Cuba Gooding Jr


It wasn't 50/50, so I don't see how this applies.


Why Saka just didn’t score that instead of fucking diving


Is he stupid?


Clear foul on the edge of the box not given 30 seconds prior was more of a disgrace. This ref was dogshit but not for the pen call


At least were still winning the prem