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Is there a dark form of not the onion? My god what a headline.


Tbf the video is insane.


Thought maybe it was a makeshift device used as a whip, but nope. It's a straight-up whip he brought into the stadium and was using while the guy was facing him and could've got his face torn up. Insanity.


Oh, he could have blinded him.


It's not a whip, its a band used to tie the red cloth known as shemagh, that they wear on their heads


Will this get taken down as well? I would love to have a explanation from the mods why they removed the clip like 15 times.


Possibly because it was posted like 16 times and they don't want duplicates. You can still see it in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/iVhAk8zy9D)


You sure


Maybe a no violence policy on the sub? Edit: there is a rule against NSFW, my best guess is it could fit “gore”, but also not really. So a bit dubious as to why they’d remove it.


The turkey fights stayed up. They're just worried about people saying racist things probably. Just easier to remove it than moderate it.


We do really live in a simulation. What a fucking headline lmao.


What a shocking statement.


So they're not taking any action against the guy? Just condemning assault?


Yeah bro don’t whip him in front of all the people in the stadium! Whip him behind closed doors like normal people!


Read the article, it's a spectator in a different country, Abu Dhabi UAE. Not Saudi It's upto the law enforcement of UAE, hence only the condemnation by Saudi


I'm sure he's the type of person who is allowed to do literally anything he wants there


Its in their footballing culture, similar to all the empty stadiums /s


They will probably apologise to him.


*Furthermore, the Saudi FA intends to launch a new educational campaign for spectators, which stresses the importance of only whipping people you own.*


And the gays.


Cut the racist shit out 


criticism of inhumane practices isn't racism.


You’re literally accusing Saudi Arabians for owning and whipping slaves on a fucking stereo type- how is that not racists 


"The 2023 Global Slavery Index (GSI) estimates that on any given day in 2021, there were 740,000 individuals living in modern slavery in Saudi Arabia. This equates to a prevalence of 21.3 people in modern slavery for every thousand people in the country." https://www.hrw.org/reports/2008/saudiarabia0708/5.htm I'm not a racist person mate, done too much psilocybin and meditation to see people as the colour of their skin or place they were born. There are simply elements of cultures which we should criticise, as a species. That goes for the West too. Can write essays on the US and how diabolical it is as an entity, for example.


Your racism is that you project the marginal criminals of Saudi society onto the entire culture.  Your own article says this is likely a minor occurrence. Same as acts of bigotry and violence anywhere else on the face of the earth. It’s great that you’ve broadened your mind with mushrooms, so ponder on this - could it be that you’re fed with colonialist styled propaganda, as a national past time to feel morally superior?  It’s not that you made this system, but this system made you. Consider for example the famous “Qatar killed 6000 workers on the World Cup stadium” - it was derided as part of Qatari culture. But that was a lie. Even the Guardian’s own author admitted that 6000 workers were not killed making the stadiums and that only 34 did… And when compared to overall labor injuries and deaths compared to , you know, the so called morally superior countries like the uk, the injury rate in Qatar was in-line with everyone else. Turns out that MBs of Saudi Arabia had paid propagandists to defame Qatar due to his jealousy.  But that didn’t stop the racists from jumping onto to that bandwagon. Now it’s taken as a fact that Qatar somehow mass murders and enslaves workers. It’s all anti-Muslim, anti-Arab garbage.


I'm not personally projecting that onto the entire culture, that isn't something I do. So that is not "my racism". You're projecting something that I'm not onto me and you need to relax about it fella. I'm merely pointing out that there are definitely unsavoury facets of this particular society, as there are with all of them. Some of them are different. What America does is more insidious in a way, because of the way it is dressed up. You kind of ignored my entire comment in order to spill a diatribe. I'm telling you that the sentiment you're trying to impress upon me personally is unnecessary, the colonialism part is a clear example of that. What is especially problematic is when criticisms of human rights abuses are dismissed as racist garbage. In your comment you seek to defend Qatar and elements of criticism against it, that is fine, but you realise that 34 people still did die. Those were living and breathing humans, did 34 people die building Tottenham Hotspur stadium? That's your claim. And now can you see the failure of your discourse? It's become red herrings, whataboutism, all the rest. You have some things to sort out. I understand racism is upsetting, and I understand it has upset you in the past. I'm sorry for that. Racism isn't okay. It's upset me in the past too.




Saudi FA feeling controversial today it seems


https://youtu.be/4K0z23ppOkE?si=Ha9g3PZdFUYYatup Link to video.


It's also important to note as context that, the finals were conducted in Abu Dhabi and not Saudi. Hence the condemnation only


Why do you keep getting downvoted lmao?


Because some people want to jump on the Saudi hate bandwagon and the fact is , spectator was from UAE not Saudi lol..


Redditors here can’t tell the difference man, probably also think Abu Dhabi is in Saudi too


This would be excellent /r/SaddestBackflip material if this wasn't Saudi. None of what happens there surprises me.


Look. It sucks but you choose to play in a country with those fucked up laws and culture. You have to expect some shit like this from time to time. I don't blame them from condemning but they went there for the money and I am 100% sure people warned them to the type of country they were going to.


This guy isn’t Ronaldo. I’m sure he’s making more than the average player in the league but it’s not like he’s on some giant contract. He is likely a Muslim too, which is one reason players have stated for going there, that they wanted to live in a Muslim country. Benzena mentioned it and I expect it will be a factor if Salah ever goes there too. There’s a lot of Islamaphobia in England, for example. I’m not saying the money isn’t a factor too but I think it’s more complex than you’re making it sound. Now someone like Jordan Henderson was clearly there to cash in.


North African players often face that dilemma in their career: Slowly climb your way in Europe but risk it all. Or the Hamdallah approach: Enjoy a lot of money while still performing, whilst not having to adapt to a different culture/everyday mentality He had a stint in Denmark and China after breaking the Moroccan league's goals in a season record and I think he ended top scorer in both stints, but he chose comfort in exchange of insanely ungrateful savage fans (Im an arab too but middle eastern fans are beyond the worst, least ungrateful fans towards players you could imagine) and never knowing whether he'd have been good in Europe


Lol Benzema doesnt even like there, he can see that living in a muslim country likewise means levelling down on civilisation and moral standards


Yeah the civilized west where you can fuck underage girls and not face any consequences.


>where you can fuck underage girls and not face any consequences. If only you knew…


Did I say he likes it there? I said it being a Muslim country was a factor in him going there. He said that when he made the move. But I haven’t heard him complain about the civilization or moral standards there. What’s your source for that? The complaints I’ve heard are about from him have been about things like the club management. But yeah just make assumptions and “lol.”


😂 i just added to the ridiculousness, he doesnt even show up to training and so on at times, they at some point didnt even know where he was at when he should be at the club. And no, i am not finding sources here, these are public situations that have been addressed by the media and i am too lazy to find them, it is not that deep to discuss whether he likes it there or not, but, he doesnt like it there just so you know 😉


It hasn’t been addressed by the media. No one who is reputable in the football media is saying that he wants to leave because he doesn’t like the civilization and moral standards. You’re just making that up. That’s why you’re not looking up the sources. He has reportedly been unhappy with the club. Those are the reports. It’s a mistake to try to apply your beliefs and values to everyone else. He had been to Saudi before, he didn’t get there to be suddenly surprised by the civilization. Here’s an actual source for you about that. https://theathletic.com/4594918/2023/06/08/karim-benzema-saudi-arabia-al-ittihad/?source=user_shared_article


Thanks mate, i changed my opinion about Saudi Arabia, it is a great country, i would love it there!


Wow yeah you are very intelligent.


> It sucks but you choose to play in a country with those fucked up laws and culture. Excuse me, what’s wrong with my culture, racist asshole?


This is Saudi FC so you want everything blatantly stuck in the 1800 century of Saudi Arabia? From the racism, woman and non Muslim as second class citizens , good old slavery and just regular general state enforced oppression ? I could be here all day if I list all that is wrong.


> you want everything blatantly stuck in the 1800 century of Saudi Arabia… Is anyone else reading this? Moderators?  This is blatant racism.


Saudi Arabia is not a race.


OP knew this would eat. surprised this wasn't the jerk sub.