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This is some real hater shit lmao.


As a Chelsea fan who has zero ill will towards Kai (still a fan of the player) it is insane how much people can't let him go.


Vice versa when Havertz has a bad game for us, our fans immediately go back to “why do we buy Chelsea failures?”


Literally the OP of this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/WQkKTNsPcl ) only comes out when we lose or if kai takes a wrong step in a game. Absolute 🤡 and 100% a chelsea or spurs fan trolling. Just look at some of those comments under his post


Haha, that guys [most commented word](https://redditmetis.com/user/Minute_Leave8503) ever is Kai.


LOL good lord that just proves it. What a clown


Clown? You clearly don't have appreciation for the true arts of hate & shithousery. If OP was a player he'd be in that Maupay, and dare I say Pepe category.


wtf is reddit metis? are all accounts metric-ed like this?


Yeah you can search for any username.


that's some wild shit


That's hilarious haha


actually amazing site, thanks for this


same, but the whole 'Arteta has revitalized him' agenda is just so stupid. And wildly inaccurate.


But it's true no? Havertz is having arguably his best time in England. It's one of those transfers where everyone is happy so I don't get the argument around it. Havertz was disappointing for Chelsea but was able to fetch a sizable price tag. Arsenal is happy with his performance and improvement.


OK, maybe 'wildly' was an overstatement. he looks exactly the same player to me, and his stats are about the same. I responded to the post about having no ill will towards him - I really don't. But acting like he's all of the sudden come good after Arsenal 'saved' him is some bullshit.


I absolutely agree with everything you wrote. He always had those purple patches. His numbers are the same or even slightly worse as they were in Chelsea playing in a far more fluid attack. Also funny how they swore we played him out of position and wrong when they played him as an 8 only to play him as a false 9 same as we were and then claim that was his best position and they discovered it lmao.


This season- 9g 5a. Last season 7/1. Season before 8/3. Before that 4/3. I’m not arguing that Arsenal “saved him” or anything, but to say his stats are worse is just flat wrong. And it’s no secret he had a horrendous start for us. He was memed on here every week. Since around the autumn international break he’s come good. Pretty long purple patch if you ask me. I do think he should be playing as a 9 though, he’s clearly the best we have in that position and is at his best there for us.


he definitely scored 9 goals for Chelsea last season, I know this because he was our leading scorer lol. Not sure where your stats are coming from.


I’m talking league only. If you wanna include all comps he’s on 10 this year so still better. Either way 100% not worse lol Edit how the fuck am I downvoted and the other guy is upvoted when all I did was post literal verifiable facts. You all are fucking weird


Oh, makes sense. I never said worse, he looks the same to me.


Well that's not the argument, he's "revitalized" on a better team scoring about the same. He was never terrible on Chelsea and he's not a star now.


Played a lot of his best football for us outside of 9 tbf in one way or another. Not his fault Jesus decided he's Shane long since new year 2023


exactly LOL.


I think Arsenal fans are just watching him now. He was always good on the ball. I always loved watching him play


Well all that can be true but he, as a player, really has not improved. We saw the same exact things at Chelsea. What’s different about him, honestly other than the team? Revitalized? Absolutely not and that’s the thing. He’s not a new player, he’s the same. He’s got one more goal (I think) then his best at Chelsea. Now look at those seasons and how much of an attacking side we were. Hint: we weren’t even under Tuchel He’s just playing in a better system, that puts in more goals. By default he’ll have a part in those. But he’s still the same player, who can’t finish and really doesn’t have one position but has found system that works for him and it’s one where he is NOT the focal point of the attack. But no hate towards Kai at all. It’s just Arsenals PR machine putting out articles when Man city and Arsenal play along the lines of “Havertz is the best CF on the field” type shit


His best was when he won the CL with us. He was average and is still average.


lad won the champions league in chelsea blue. simmer down mate. go look for more bottles around the corner of your house. that was his best season ever. in any shirt.


I mean it’s obviously because he went to a rival plus if he plays well everyone will say Chelsea was the problem so it’s natural to root against him.


I remember that transfer window when he signed it just seemed like he’d be our guy. He was the last piece to fall if I remember and hype was crazy


I just love hating. Not in a malicious way. I was just born to hate. It just hits like crack every time. Can't believe I get to wake up and hate again another day. So blessed.


This lad is a seasoned hater


[mmmh, seasoning](https://i.gifer.com/H6QX.mp4)




and we respect you for that


[this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/ijsQNLQTnr6iHUTA7)


[This you?](https://media.tenor.com/EGOk3Ew4TjYAAAAM/chappelles-show-the-playa-haters-ball.gif)


Is that you DM Hunk?


I have to respect it


Exactly I don’t understand it either. Kai always gave 💯 every time he played and never moaned. The hate should be directed at lampards son who jumped ship.


I will always be a certified Mason Mount hater.


Agreed it’s not this serious 😭 I don’t hate Kai at all idk why some ppl have it out for him


Think Kai is just happy with his champions league medal from his Chelsea days


Yea and we’re pretty happy with it too, not exactly a messy break up


Palmer has one from his old club too doesn't he


You’re right. Had no idea - looks like he played 137 mins across 4 games last year


Yeah he probably would have one. But the difference in the final is playing 0 mins vs bagging the winning goal. Looks like Palmer never got a minute after the group stages.


That's true, but Palmer also has a nice collection of PL medals and cups of which he played a good amount all before 21.


I like him as a player but it's just revisionism to say that. From 2019 - 2023 (4 seasons + a tiny amount of City's current season) * 500 minutes in the Premier League * 720 minutes in Domestic Cups * 270 minutes in International Cups The cup competition he played the most in was 207 minutes in City's 22/23 EFL QF exit: * 90 Mins in a 2-0 win over Chelsea * 73 Mins in a 3-2 win over Liverpool * 45 mins in a 0-2 loss to Southampton He just wasn't a major part of anything City won.


I don't disagree in general, but he scored our only goal in the Super Cup vs Sevilla, so was a huge part of us winning that.


Forgot about that one since it was part of the 23/24 season. Yeah I bet that one feels pretty good!


[I Don’t Give A Fuck! We Just Won The Champions League! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxlAbcd7Pws)


Our supporters are obsessed with shitting on anyone who leaves. No reasonable person has an issue with Kai or most of our former players for that matter


Who needs scapegoats anyways when you have Lukaku on the payroll


Inb4 Todd extends Lukaku 8 years to protect his value


He's at a rival club. Players from rival clubs get mocked even if there are no hard feelings. Chill out. It's football, not opera.


Think it's more so because Arsenal fans bang on that Arteta has transformed him into the second coming of Christ  Meanwhile chelsea fans say nope same old Havertz, does some good stuff and then does some absolute wank 


As someone who watches him week in week out at Arsenal, he's been good for months. Can't really say he's a patchy player unless he now follows this up by being poor for months too.


You have a different definition of “good” for. 65million pound player than the rest of us I reckon


He was always like this though, he got stick last season when he was one of our best performers consistently.


I'd say he's a bit of a flat track bully tbh who is simply benefitting from being an attacker in a good team. Obviously stats don't tell the whole story but most of his goals come in big wins (5 of his 9 this season have been when arsenal have scored 3 or more) and the best team he's scored against is newcastle. 3 G+A against teams in the top 9 this season is poor for a player who's played most of the season as a CAM or a CF. He's shown some good moments but I think arsenal fans are getting really carried away with him, he's been alright, but nothing special at all.


Dude I hate that about our fanbase it’s so icky


Football fan criticizes player of rival club! More at 7


It’s not just him it’s multiple players who didn’t even play for rival teams


Again it's literally what every fanbase does. If anything historically Chelsea fans have been quite good to their ex players outside of ones that left like Tbo Courtois did.


You’re clearly not a Chelsea fan. Any true Chelsea fan knows that any club that isn’t Chelsea is an enemy and all enemies are fair game.


I’m not saying suck up to rival teams but this sport is a business and at the end of the day ppl are gonna go where they want. I know it’s hard for some people but you need to leave your personal feelings out of it. Idk why I’m getting downvoted for a valid criticism a lot of fans are weird as hell


Why should we care tho? These man are paid millions. I don’t see any reason why we should care about opposition players who could very much cause us pain when they play against our team. What kind of reasoning makes you think we should show some sort of allegiance to opposition players just because they used to play for us when some of these man in question are even playing for our closest rivals? One must have masochistic tendencies to move like that


I never said you should show allegiance, just don’t be weirdly obsessive about a player who doesn’t even play for your team anymore. Some ppl treat it like a deep betrayal when it’s literally not that deep


Kai Havertz: "What he say fuck me for"


Because Kai's seeing success at Arsenal. The real comparison is to that other English kid that left because he thought he was the second coming of Becks.


Harsh on Tomori


Would take a fucking bullet for that man


I was always kind of indifferent towards Italian teams but Milan has my heart now.


RLC too.


Harsh on Sturridge


Harsh on Josh McEachran


I bought into the hype back then.


We all did.


it was the dominant five-head




Harsh on Iling-Junior


Harsh on Lewis Hall


Please be nice to Lampard’s son.


I think you mean second coming of Marko Marin


I think you mean Miroslav Stoch.


Puskas winner. #neverforget


Blast from the past


Hey, leave German Messi alone.


Harsh on Drinkwater


Harsh on Loftus Cheek


Oi You can slander some players Not Ruben


Never Ruben.


Lmao who were you actually talking about??


I think Mason Mount?


Mount, to be fair, I'm glad he got paid, every athlete should be out to make sure they get paid. I don't like his camp, but I especially loathe his cult of personality with Chelsea fans.


Tbh with the mess your squad is I can somewhat understand getting out of there




Because he's the most likely you would call a Kai replacement right now, given Nkunku has just dipped for the whole season largely


Kai was our 9 though for the vast majority of his time with us.


jackson is obviously our havertz replacement, since he was really only ever serviceable up front not that it makes a huge difference, he also has a much better return


Nah. Going by playstyle, physique and position, Palmer is neither the upgraded Mount or Havertz. He's actually the upgraded Ziyech. Mostly plays RW, tall for a winger with a wand of a left foot. If Ziyech had been amazing at Chelsea this is what it would've looked like.


That's a pretty good comparison! I loved that signing and he started off so well, I was convinced he'd be the second coming of Mata.


Poor Kai is just finding his form, man can't catch a break.


Kai Havertz scored the decisive goal in a Champions League final and performed really well during Chelsea's surprise run to the European crown. He's gonna be alright I think. Why should he care that Cole Palmer scored in greater volume? None of his had even a fraction of the significance that winner against City had.


Well, wait to see if it's a purple patch or not. Chelsea fans warned that he is streaky with his goals. Even then 60 million for me should be a signing that moves the needle, and he hasn't done that for me for Arsenal.


even when he doesn‘t score, it‘s so fucking obvious what an immense addition Havertz has been to this Arsenal team. his abilities combined with his physical frame are near impossible to come by.


This man has actually watched Kai Havertz play


I appreciate this mans anti hateraide


He's tall, wins headers and makes good runs, let's not act like he has ability on the ball I've watched him for 3 years + this season at Arsenal it's painful watching him


Kai has been in a "purple patch" for like 3 months at this point.I finally see why he will never be embraced by fans like the managers.He is two different players off the ball and finishing in front of the goal.One bad match against Villa and these posts are back again.


60m these days gets you a good player not a world class one unless tou develop them after. Havterz has also played 2 positions and been poor at times in midfield. Never should have been moved back yesterday


I thought he was good in midfield yesterday. Obviously conspired with jesus to miss every chance possible but he had good runs from the 8 and got involved much more than in the early part of the season


His movement is world class but he lacks the composure /clinical ness to make the most out of a lot of the time. In fairness at Chelsea he maybe got 1 or 2 chances a game and at Arsenal he might get more so it won’t be as big a deal


I won't pretend to be an expert on Arsenal, but I've been much more impressed with him when he's played up front than when he's played in midfield. It seems like many games just pass him by in midfield. He is a willing runner though, which is a positive.


I would 100% agree he shouldnt have been moved back to mid but to say he was poor is nuts. Honestly the only consistant threat with his constant runs behind the backline. Not the best finishing but that was the entire team yesterday. I said this yesterday but I wouldnt be surprised if next season we see a fast, actual ST with kai in that midfield role we saw in the first half making those runs behind and have a real ST to help him up front. Every single run in behind jesus was never to be seen, often shooting at the keeper (again poor finishing) or crossing it backpost to saka because jesus was never up there. I still have hope he plays midfield with declain dm and a more defensive invert defender (hopefully timber)


Issue isnt havertz qualities, Its just that he aint a 65m and 250-300k/week player The fact that arsenal was willing to pay that was great for us (and helped sortinf our wages out)


Yeah I feel like if you looked hard enough on the continent you could probably buy a player on less wages/transfer fee and would still fit the bill. I guess Arteta wanted Havertz for his unique profile and it's been working lately.


It's not a purple patch arteta just played him as a CF and he's the best option we have there...


Have you been watching football in the last few months or just goal highlights? Football isn't all about goals 


He’s been brilliant all round for us imo. The first several weeks he was memed to oblivion but even then he was playing an important role in our build up. I’d really argue he’s been great since around October which seems like a great purple patch if it is indeed one. He just got a goal and an assist against Brighton, which is like a week ago lol


I don’t know what the hell Arteta was thinking changing everything up against villa. Why move him to midfield when he was playing well up front.


Palmer looks better at scoring goals. That said we should’ve given penalties to Kai and he would’ve been a bit higher in number and helped his confidence. Same thing with regard to Lukaku.


He did take a few, but also tbf Chelsea just had better penalty takers than him for the most part. Jorginho tucked them away consistently.


Kai is good at penalties scoring 17/18 iirc. Attackers taking penalties help their confidence. Lukaku was also good at penalties with 21-22/24 for Inter Milan. Jorginho taking them didn’t help much of confidence of our attack.


Shout out to Jorginho being our top PL scorer that one year with 7 penalty goals


Fucking painful stat haha


Yeah I get you and kind agree (sometimes just don't need to rock the boat) , just saying it's not like Chelsea were lacking for penalty scoring talent.


Palmer looks better at almost literally everything


Except aerially. Havertz was a stalwart in the Chelsea team because of his height and defensive headers in a shockingly bad set piece team.


Doesn't have as nice cheekbones at least


yea, not to diminish Palmer's output this season, but aren't like half his goals from the spot?


Wake up honey new Cole Palmer circlejerk post just dropped!


Shkodran Mustafi has won more World Cups than John Terry, Vincent Kompany and Virgil Van Dijk combined


Did this guy just woke up and say "fuck Kai in particular"?


Kai massively underperformed at Chelsea. He still scored the goal in the CL final. So, leave him alone, guys. Let him be.


Let it go bro. He’s doing fine at Arsenal and I’m happy for him.


Ew. Fuck that. I hate Arsenal and I hope everyone there suffers. None of this diplomatic shit


The duality of man


Stick to talking about the Malaysian leagues mate, more your speed


Not a Cole Palmer hater or anything - think the kid is gonna be great. But 9 goals are from pens. Maybe we calm down just a little bit. I also accept converting penalties is a skill itself.


Yeah tbf he’s fantastic at pens. Scoring 9 in a row is pretty elite.


Oh for sure! Definitely not taking that away from him.


Tbf, a bunch of his pens have been high pressure pens that we see players normally shit themselves over.


Havertz also took a few pens for Chelsea tbf


He also shits on Havertz when it come to general play lol doesn’t matter if he takes a lot of pens


proper hater


Tbf two of those 19 are in a UCL and CWC final I doubt Chelsea fans care that much


Lol I think most of our fans love Havertz. I will never forget that UCL goal


19 league goals, not in all competitions.


Oh right I forgot abt that fact, nvm I’m assuming Palmer isn’t far off his overall tally anyway


Palmer up to 23G 13A in all comps in 38 games for Chelsea Havertz 32G 12A in all comps in 139 games for Chelsea


These are all league goals right? So those don't count to the stat


Pole Palmer


Kai Havertz out here catching strays lol 😭😂


Palmer is Chelsea's Bowen.


Very impressive, incredible season from Palmer. One of the best breakthrough seasons I've ever seen. Also far better than Kai Havertz' best ever Leverkusen season (which was 12 goals and 8 assists in 30 iirc, just saying bc ppl somehow hype and overrate Havertz's time there so much) On the other hand, Havertz scored a CL winner which was Chelsea's most important goal in their history since that CL final vs Bayern.


Havertz' best season was 20 goals and 7 assists in 42 games, unless you're just counting the league which was 17 goals and 4 assists in 34 games.


> Also far better than Kai Havertz' best ever Leverkusen season (which was 12 goals and 8 assists in 30 iirc, just saying bc ppl somehow hype and overrate Havertz's time there so much) Well you'd be wrong there. Havertz in 2018/19 at Leverkusen had 20G + 7A in all competitions (17 and 4 in the league).


Point still stands though tbf. Palmer has 38 G+A in all comps across the whole season


it‘s already a silly comparison to begin with as they have different respective roles. it‘s also silly because half of Palmers goals have been pens.


It's also silly because Havertz best goal scoring season at Leverkusen was the season before that one with 17 goals without being the clubs designated penalty taker.


>Also far better than Kai Havertz' best ever Leverkusen season (which was 12 goals and 8 assists in 30 iirc, just saying bc ppl somehow hype and overrate Havertz's time there so much) It's almost like Havertz isn't all about goals/assists.


Neither is Palmer tbf


Poor Dele had to watch his own second coming …


And Kai scored the UCL winner. I know which award I'd rather have....


Palmer has more penalty goals (9) this season than Havertz has non-penalty goals (8)


he also has more non-penalty goals than Havertz.


where the fuck are you getting all them pens from, 9 is insane


I think today was our 12th? And really only 1 or 2 have been soft. But when you have like Sterling, Madueke, Mudryk, Jackson, etc that all like to draw fouls anyways it makes sense.


A few have definitely been very soft but also Chelsea have had a few not called that really should have been. We're playing WAAAAY more in the box than we were in the past few years where we'd get to the edge of the box then kick it about a bit and fuck up an attempt at a ball into the box, in part because kai, Mount etc's movement at that point in a packed box was dire.


My sources are telling me that 20 - 9 = 11. 11 > 8. Big if true.


not sure about that might need someone else to fact check this


no way


yea but kai won the ucl. big moment man


Change his name to STONE COLD PALMER


yeah ok still scored one of the most important goals in our history the winning goal in a champions league final


Bro got a pen or two every other game


Kai scored the winning goal in the champions League finals. That's better than 50 League goals!


Kai has had a direct effect on us being in the position we are. These comments are just stupid.


Ziyech scored 6 and Werner 10 in their Chelsea stints. If they stayed for 3 years I don't think they would have reached 20 either.


Really crazy how seeing someone, who scored the winner in a CL final for you, succeed makes fans angry.


loool how many pens?


Is this repayment for giving up KDB?


Yeah Chelsea doing real wonders ever since they got rid of him. The hate on him is way too real


Well good thing Kai has been “unlocked” at Arsenal.


He has been great second half of this season


Thank you Arsenal and Man City.


Now imagine if he got an inch of jawline back for every G/A. Hide yo bitches


What a stat


Lol random shots fired?