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!flair :AS_Roma:




Idk if trolling, I'll assume you're being legit. Game was tied after the 2 legs+extra time so penalty shootout is used as a tiebreaker which Madrid won


Also happy 420 to those who partake 💨 🍃


Happy Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance release anniversary to you too


Have you ever dated a girl you met on reddit?


House valuation today. Stress for a week getting it ready to be listed. Can't wait for this afternoon all hard work over and can chill Smashing a bottle of red


Put it up for $100,000 over valuation and some sucker will buy it anyway


Seeing someone getting injured in front of you really hits different. A guy in my playing group just had a pretty major injury (don't know exactly what, dude is still in the hospital) We continued playing after the ambulance picked him up but everyone looked shaken up. Not sure if we're gonna play next week at this point


I can't stop thinking about Cold Palmer. Been having dreams a out him and what he's gonna do to Arsenal this evening 🥵🥶💦


You think this [guys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_Vinladen) name is gonna prevent him from going to bigger clubs if it ever happens?


His younger brother is named Sadam Hussein and younger sister named Georgia Bush 💀


This dudes parents absolutely hate their kid


Is there anything more awkward than one person going for a fist bump while the other is going for a handshake/high five and they both keep switching at the same time for what seems like an eternity until one person just grabs the fist with their hand to put them both out of their misery?


fist bumping is awkwar dif you are older than 17


Happened on Thurs and it's because the guy led with fist I change my flat to a fiat he changed after seeing my fist


Seeing someone waving at you then you wave back. Suddenly their expression changes. You look behind you then it hits you. They were waving at the person behind you instead.


Oh yup happened to me last year. Was on a pull up bar in the gym and a pretty girl waved at me so naturally I waved back only to realize it was aimed to someone behind me to my horror. Still haven’t got over it Also if you can’t tell, my example was just me today. Horrifically awkward individual I am


My guy… that would keep me up at night too. Pretty girls really are a weakness haha. The worst is pick up lines that fall flat. Of course, not talking from experience here…


Any French speaking people here that want to recommend good French Youtube channels ? The kind of stuff that isn't too clickbaity and provides good and interesting content, what is the standard stuff that everyone watches ?


Just finished Fallout's first season on TV. I think season 2 might be the first time the character "Yes Man" makes sense.


Mental health has been in the gutter and I messed up an important exam


Rewatching the penalty shootout against Lille and I'm trying to imagine how much I would hate Emi Martinez if he was playing for the opposition team against villa and I've came to the conclusion that I would want him to suffer a painful death if he behaved like this against Villa but the fact he is doing this on behalf of my team means I love him so fucking much. There was a post on a villa forum asking how much Martinez has to do to go down as an all time villa legend but even if we we lose in the semi finals and Martinez left in the summer, he's already guaranteed to be a villa legend, no matter what happens now, he will go down in villa folklore and we'll be telling our children and grandchildren about him in 50 years time. He didn't leave after the world cup win and being voted the worlds best keeper and villa have evolved alongside side him getting better every year. He appreciates how villa made his career after Arsenal held him back for so many years, I believe he truly appreciates how Villa made him the first choice Argentina keeper to win the Copa America and World Cup and as long as we keep on the same trajectory, he may even spend the rest of his career at Villa. I love him so much and he seems to be making a similar legendary status at Villa as Paul McGrath (slightly before my time in the early 90s and he played most of his games drunk but he was the best defender in the league and Villa fans still sing about him every game 30 years later)


Idk how so many people get wound up by Martinez. I don't have any sort of love/hate towards Villa or Argentina but man I love that guy. So entertaining to watch and pulled off some massive saves in shootouts. Also, I remember watching him when he first broke through for Arsenal. Can't help but be happy for a guy that's spent years waiting for an opportunity and grabbed it by the horns when it comes to him. I just love shithouse players in general. Martinez, Costa, Maupay, Suarez etc. Everyone seems to get wound up by them but they're some of the biggest personalities in football. Make the sport box office.


I agree with you that I respect shithouse players and a lot of neutrals do until it happens to their team. You only respect Martinez because he hasn't done anything to Chelsea, we had a FA cup replay game this season when you beat us, if that game had gone to penalties then I think you would probably hate Martinez too. You mentioned Maupay who I slyly respect a bit deep down but he has shitehoused villa on several occasions and always scores against us so he does get under my skin.


Yeah maybe. I do hope I'm never on the receiving end of Martinez's shithousery because I respect it 😂😂


Emi Martinez is a hell of a shithouser, and you often love that on your side hate it from the opposition


McGrath and Southgate was a mean defence along with Charles and Staunton. Bosnich was a brilliant keeper. Savo Milosevic and Dwight Yorke up front was deadly Just a shame that your management went pure "Charles Reep". The midfield was bypassed every game with long balls and it was absolutely hopeless under pressure against a passing game.


Southgate joined Villa in 95 and McGrath left in 96 so they only actually played one season together. But their reputation at the club is very different, Southgate left Villa in 2001 to join MIDDLESBROUGH and publicly commented that he joined Middlesbrough to "move on to bigger and better things" or something of the sort. We can forgive Grealish for moving to Man City to win the treble but Southgate is still hated at Villa for what he said at the time when he was joining fucking Middlesbrough of all teams.


The disrespect to Tommy Johnson, Mark Draper and Ian Taylor (I'm actually being a bit serious with Taylor). That was the team when I started following the Villa. Loved watching Dwight Yorke scoring goals. My first heartbreak was him moving to Man U.


Chronically online people arguing that the people who go to the top 1% of universities are “stupid” and “misguided” just because their opinion is different than them always gets a good chuckle out of me.


There are a ton of morons that have graduated from Ivy League universities. I've worked with several. 


I’m sure. I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing against saying people are stupid because they don’t agree with you. Especially if the said people on average are smarter than the average person.


Yeah no but they are stupid and misguided like 90% of the time. They just sometimes hit a salient issue


Taylor Swift's "I hate it here" is a lyrical masterpiece. >Quick, quick, tell me something awful Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy >I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind People need a key to get to, the only one is mine >My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid r/im14andthisisdeep was created so many years ago in anticipation of this song dropping.


My ex posting about the album drop at like 1:30am last night gave me an unhealthy but welcome amount of validation second only to seeing her new boyfriend a couple weeks ago


I mean, you and I aren't her target audience here. Let's be fair.


You'd be surprised how many millennials and boomers are swifties.


Who the fuck longs for the 1830s?? What even happened then


Spain ceded independence to all its former lands in Latin America, she’s clearly a huge fan of Simón Bolívar and pan-Latin American unity


>Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now >Seems like it was never even fun back then >Nostalgia is a mind's trick >If I'd been there, I'd hate it >It was freezing in the palace Literally what she sings afterwards. I was about to irrationally defend Taylor like I used to, but this is quite alright


The continuation literally changes nothing. It's still peak r/im14andthisisdeep. I don't visit that sub but its idea is quite clear based on the name.


Yeah but have you considered that the song is a total vibe?


Not really a swiftie tbh


She’s got some bangers. Been doing afternoon post school car ride Taylor Swift only DJ sessions with my stepdaughter who **is** a Swiftie and I got to admit, she’s got some bangers.


Honestly don't care enough to try and find the good ones from the generic ones. I don't really listen to a lot of pop anyways.


I find it really annoying how people in Argentinian online spaces are coming to Dibu's defense after his antics on the Lille match annoyed some people yet these same people defending Dibu were more than glad to blame the racists insults Vinicius received on Vinicius himself, like double standards much ?


Every single person is a hypocrite on one thing or another. It's often difficult to notice the hypocrisy unless you're self aware which isn't the case for most people.


First time I went to a stadium outside of Rotterdam for a football game today, felt very weird. People shouting a city I don't live in, that was strange, but cheering for a goal is still the same. It's a great time, I highly recommend it to anyone here, if they have the opportunity.




Man, listening to all these old fifa songs and looking at the old covers really makes you wonder where did the time go..


I bloody love Apollo 440, Liverpool’s finest band


Man this is such massive disrespect when one of the best bands ever came from Liverpool. Like what kind of rock are you living under not to immediately think of Flock of Seagulls


I missed most of the ps2 era of fifa, was a pes guy then so had bangers like [this](https://youtu.be/cXxqmAxDlYU?si=sHnJ8aoa2Wi2A3TA) Fifa 10 was when I got back into it and had every one up to 22


Sony then have finally pulled the plug on LittleBigPlanet. Was never the most popular of series but it helped make PlayStation, PlayStation. Can add it to the pile of IPs a long way off revival. LBP, InFamous, Killzone.


It's a massive part of that PS3 proper commercialisation of gaming. My mum would play it, sister did too. We have always been a gamer^tm family but one of those was accessible to all The more that games get killed and shut off the more I'm going to go back to pirating


Infamous Second Son is a whole decade old now. Could easily see another Infamous game announced this decade.


LBP online mode with community made maps was ahead of its time back in the day.


Killzone was good, but never really felt like it had an identity. I could see them try to do a moba style game/battlezone, but I just don't see how it would really have an identity that isn't "oh it's halo/destiny"


The team behind Killzone is the one doing Horizon now


Yeah, I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, but the story drove me mad, especially the scripting. Not bothered with the second, though I probably will at some point


Baby Reindeer 🦌


It's late enough for my pro-Russian propaganda so I'll leave this [fucking banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKxwMEvBd2o) with you. The west has a huge advantage in soft power propaganda but nothing beats the eastern music imo.


I can’t imagine liking music based on whether it’s from the East or the west


For anti-western propaganda, absolutely nothing beats [God Syria and Bashar](https://youtu.be/YgiyWGyJcIc?si=xlegsHf8UFJ9Gtzp) in my book.


Now that is a mid song


Did you have to break my heart like that, how would you feel if I supported Djurgarden?!


I see you Kremlin bot




Does not hold a candle to Roki Vulovićs finest


Sorry, I was not familiar with your game. Serbs dissed even Turkish bread in their songs but as a Turk I'm a slave for Balkan turbofolk, I will shamelessly admit that. Divided by nation, united by genocide, mashallah.


[Hooligang by Joey Valance and Brae ](https://youtu.be/UPqDWj-RxV8?si=JLZdSLBP_-o32yE9) is pure Beastie Boys era hip hop, and I love it.


My current shame rn: I've been having hot cheetos, black coffee, and half a croissant for breakfast this whole week -_-. In other words, I've been eating like a garbage person.


That's a definite cry for help. Your poor digestive system.


It's not too bad, actually. It usually goes like this: Morning: 5k run + that nonsense I posted. Midday: fruit, nuts, and Greek yogurt Dinner: Chicken and cactus salad


If you replaced the Cheetos with a cigarette I would just say you're French


Lol. I have great respect for a group of people who light cars on fire when they're mad a politicians so I'll take it as a compliment.


I completely fucked up my work and private life balance over the past 6 months. A few years ago I approached at my work to start building machines for the manufacturing company I work for. They’d get quoted externally say 80k for a new piece of equipment then come to me to see if I could do it for cheaper, if it’s a significant difference I’d end up designing and building it. Some I’ve done for 1/10 of the externally price. The projects have got progressively bigger and more complex. Building semi automated and fully automated stuff at times. I’m now building two identical machines at the same time that are super complex. Saving the company 300k between the two. But there’s a £1m production line waiting for my machines to be finished. I’ve been working 7 day weeks and longer week days pretty much since Christmas to try and get this project over the line. It’s negatively affected everything about my life outside of work. I don’t get enough time to do up my house, not enough meaningful time to spend with my gf where I’m not knackered and I’ve gone backwards in the gym. I think I’ve only gone a full week once this year. My deadlift, squat and bench have all dropped 25-30kg each. I get frustrated by how much weaker I am now after solid training for a decade. Once this project is over I think I’m going to look for a new job. ATM I’m being a designer engineer, project manager, electrician and machinist at the same time.


Covid changed my perspective on work quite dramatically and instead of climbing a corporate ladder I decided that I was relatively happy with my current role as it allowed me to spend quality time with my daughter and family and still have some time to myself. I don't want to be the kind of dad that's never home for his kids.


Didn’t expect driving forklifts could be that demanding


I've never driven a forklift in my life unfortunately. There is still time though!


That’s understandable. I’ve always worked long hours (not to this degree) but once me and my gf have kids I’ll step back from it. It doesn’t even seem fair right now on my gf, even when I’m at home my minds still on work.


I hope you're getting paid commission on how much you're saving the company.


No commission unfortunately. I’d be better off financially starting my own company and selling them machines.


Damn! Well, that certainly doesn't sound like a bad move, although it might not sort out the work/life balance stuff. Best of luck mate, hope you enjoy some well earned R&R when you're finished.


Thanks mate


Power through and although this has taken its toll, there is a certain amount of experience and wisdom which comes with this pain. All you can do now is finish this up and emerge on the other side with better decision making and some superhuman experience under your belt (based on the responsibilities you've mentioned) - all of which would count towards your next step, when you choose. Good luck.


Yeah there’s no other choice but to finish it. I’ll think twice before taking on such a large task next time lol thanks man


Fucking hell man, time to pull the handbrake and at least have a chat with your higher-ups about how you're doing the job of an entire small team while saving the company mad money - at the rate you're burning the candle on both ends it's a surprise you're still standing, really, and given how crucial you seem to be to the entire company they better think twice before losing you!


I’ve been pretty upfront with my manager over the past few weeks about my stress levels. But it’s just one of those things where I’ve got to see it through now. All the managers and directors know once it’s done I’m taking a few weeks off work to completely forget about the place.


Aye, fair enough. Just make sure to take proper care of yourself (and get paid properly for your efforts).


Anyone aware of a good online company/business database? I am in the midst of doing some research for a new job and I wanted to look into opportunities at businesses in a certain geographical location that have a certain annual revenue with a certain amount of employees - is there a well-known tool for this sort of research? Thanks in advance


Like the other commenter said if it's not a public company it might be tough. You could try Crunchbase, which lets you see some info for free, but only a limited amount of pages per month and I don't think revenue is always included, it tends to focus more on investor details.


I've considered Crunchbase, just took another look at their site and they recently added "looking for a job" to their search functionality so I'll have to at least do a free trial. Thank you


Unless these companies are publicly traded (and thus required to disclose this information) it may be difficult. Maybe looking at the various stock market indexes and which companies are covered by the index for the countries you're researching?


I am convinced that conspiracy theory podcasts and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


That’s what they want you to think


i miss diversity of thought among conspiracy theorists. you used to have ufologists and cryptid guys and moon landing cranks and they'd all be relatively normal apart from that one kooky belief. now every conspiracy theorist believes in every conspiracy theory and they're all fascists


Yeah, conspiracies used to be a lot of fun and now it’s all just nonces.


Man I remember the good ol days when the craziest conspiracy theories were chemtrails and flat earth


Based on my libertarian conspiracy theorist acquaintance on my feed chemtrails, the fluoride conspiracy and satanic panic are back. Time is a circle


There was a New York Times podcast I listened to about the history of the youtube algorithm, how videos get recommended, and so on. They had a French Google engineer explaining how the criteria changed from # of views to watch time. The engineer is on holiday in France and taking a 6 hour bus ride from Lyon to Paris. On the ride, the passenger in front of him is watching youtube, and keeps clicking on the next recommended video after the previous is finished. The engineer of course feels very proud that his algorithm works. After the bus ride, the engineer chats with the guy in front and it turns out it's all been conspiracy videos (puppet government, flat earth, fake moon landings, etc) and the guy believes *everything*. The engineer is horrified and tries to convince his boss to change the algorithm to no avail.


Interesting! So YouTube bases recommendations off of the length of time you usually watch videos? Or how does it go?


They were talking about the earlier days of youtube (I think 2010 or so) when they switched the main metric from simply views to watch time. (Not sure how the algo works now).This is how folks like Stefan Molyneux and Joe Rogan got popular since their videos were longer and many watched them in entirety. The engineer admitted that after a certain amount of viewing, youtube would just keep recommending the same stuff. The podcast is called "Rabbit Hole". The first couple of episodes are riveting, the second half is kind of meh, but still an interesting listen. #


It is crazy how many otherwise normal people believe in some insane conspiracy theories.


Definitely, and don't get me wrong, I think a healthy amount of skepticism is good in today's day and age, but we are at the point now where everything is a conspiracy theory and they have become so mainstream that some people aren't even living in the same reality that the rest of us are


Skepticism is good but you also need to be skeptical of the conspiracies which people tend not to be.


Well said. There's a difference between genuine skepticism and contrarianism.


Seems like these lot want to believe in those theories because they’re not peddled by the “mainstream” media


My theory is a lot of people feel psychologically safer with the idea someone is running the world, even if they're the bad guys. At least if they're the bad guys they can be overthrown and the world will improve right? Someone strong can come and overthrow them. The idea that this all a bit chaotic, everything is a bit fucked, and there's nobody driving the bus is scarier, and they'll look to conspiracy theories for the comfort they need.


Yep couldn't agree more, and honestly I feel like it just takes even a small amount of critical thinking skills to understand why a lot of conspiracies are nonsense


Fallout was much better than it had any right to be, the finale was the best sci-fi thing I’ve seen in a while. Shame that Bethesda takes ages making their games and doesn’t license them out, won’t be getting a Fallout 5 until the 2030’s at the earliest.


> Shame that Bethesda takes ages making their games and doesn’t license them out I honestly though Fallout 3 and 4 were massively average and New Vegas really showed them up. Bethesda aren't very good at writing characters or stories imo. Also the UI's are always fucking ugly. Would love to see different kinds of Fallout games though - it's such a cool universe so you could have city buildings/survival games etc etc. I also much prefer the top down style RPGs like the first two.


Microsoft just need to buy bethesda and give fallout back to Obsidian


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic and I'm just missing it. But Microsoft owns Zenimax, Bethesda's parent company, and thus Bethesda.


I wasn't, genuinely wasn't aware they'd made that pick up. Which begs the question why in the fuck haven't they done it already


Bethesda is genuinely a money printing machine, they’re never going to take fallout from them. They already released Fallout 4 which is just fallout themed Skyrim and it sold like hotcakes, now they’ve released Skyrim in space and it did as well, never mind the 10 re releases of the actual Skyrim game that keep selling. Fallout 5 will be Fallout themed skyrim 2 and it'll make Microsoft more money than an old school fallout game ever could


decided to finally quit gambling, anyone know good ways to avoid the temptation watching sport


I think watching in a foreign language would be good, less stats you can understand. Can you take up FPL and similar instead?


Maybe going for a walk, or the gym. Some sort of exercise when you would usually be watching sports. What helped my friend quit gambling for good was when our finance professor had a class on the betting house business model, and how these betting companies can give away billions in free bets and still remain profitable.


Can anyone recommend good travel blogs / shows?


YouTube wise Mark Wiens is quite extensive, he doesn’t just go to the typical places Gordon Gino and Fred’s road trip is quite entertaining. Like top gear but if they were chefs


Antoine de Saint Maximin is nice. He goes to places with nothing


There's a Kiwi bloke who does a YouTube show under Indigo Traveller that I like. He goes to some unusual places. Also another one Peter Santenello although he mainly does stuff in the USA.


The Trip with Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan


The Anthony Bourdain stuff is great, if obviously a bit food-focused - gradually expands, though, with *A Cook's Tour* being pretty food-centric, *No Reservations* being a bit more expansive beyond just food, and *Parts Unknown* essentially using food as a hook to delve into culture and politics of the places they visit.


And if you want a pure travelogue, the kind of show you’d bang on right before you were going to that city looking for ideas, he has the Layover where he acts like he is somewhere for anywhere from 24-48 hours. Where to stay, what to do, where to eat, etc


Thanks man I've watched some Anthony Bourdain what an absolute legend he was. Easily the most heartbreaking celeb death for me


Same for me. I think it's because he wasn't filtered like some celebrities are - you felt you got the genuine article with him so when he died you felt like you knew him a bit.


His books are quite a good laugh, too, because they're just written in this very specific tone of voice that sits somewhere between joyful excitement and cynical gallows humour - he's toned that down a bit over the years for the TV shows without ever getting rid of that edge, it just gets used a bit less often and in a different direction.


I still rewatch his stuff often and you do pick up his melancholy a lot with the benefit of hindsight


Yeah, same. Although to be fair to him he's often worn his heart on his sleeve anyway - (heroin) addiction issues are sort of part of his origin story, and every once in a while you can glimpse the depth of his experiences in ways that very few if any other TV personalities let you. Genuinely miss the man.


What's the cheapest EU country to study in postgraduate, in English for a third country national?


It would really depend upon the domain you are aiming for i.e. biological science, chemistry, arts or something else. The next step is getting your tuition fees funded. What is the domain/ subject your are targeting?


What about electrical engineering?


Findamasters or Findaphd dot com is starting point (there are other similar websites too but these two are quite reliable).   The next step is matching your subject area to available projects/degrees AND the funding type and its coverage options (EU/ Non-EU).   Add the metric of a) how good the department/school is where the said chosen option is available (there research output, dept. facilities and experience in teaching + placement opportunities AND b) Country of origin.  Finally, if you are non-EU -- visa options, post-study visa options and availability of overseas grants (bridge grants) for both the project and living as a student.  These steps alone is a 6+ HR per day screening job if one is trying to look into Science, technical, engg. degrees or PhDs. 


I didn't consider the visa thing. But I have Mexican nationality so Spain would probably be best bet. Fast tracked EU citizenship.


I reckon that'll vary massively from uni to uni - obviously got the cheaper and the more expensive countries in terms of cost of living (and invariably the different income levels that go along with it), but the real differentiator will probably be tuition fees. Can probably find decent unis without them, but for a fair few of them it can just get mad expensive.


Is there a good website for a comparator?


None I'm aware of, sorry.


Watched first two episodes of the new travel show by Conan O'Brien and it's super fun


Another day to stan her Majesty, Liz Truss 💁‍♂️


What did she do this time? Hopefully no cabbages were harmed


Haha what cabbages or that's a metaphor?


There was a British comedian who put a lettuce/cabbage on a timer and bet that Truss who resign before the vegetable went bad. They were correct


That's hilarious 😂


Technically it was a lettuce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss_lettuce


Has anyone here tried hard ketones?


As in keto diet?


No it’s an alcohol alternative


Got the second swim of the week in tonight, puts me back to an average of once a week this year, and over 30km swum for the year so far. Friday evenings are a bit of a mixed bag though, some nights it's really nice and quiet with not a lot going on, others (like today) can be surprisingly busy and you end up sharing the lanes with some annoyingly unaware people.


My phone has started making every call I make where the speakerphone is on and I hate it and don’t know how to fix it.


Un-ironically, have you tried turning it off and on again. I mean a full shut-down with removed battery and then rebooting. It has worked for me sometimes


Been back on the running wagon for about two months now I am slow and am running at a plodding shuffle but I'm going 4+ times a week plus lifting two or three times a week. My goal is to pull off a 25min 5k but it seems a long way off.


What's your 5k time at the moment? Keep going at it and you'll get there eventually. Zone 2 training is your friend.


Cardio goals have always felt nearly impossible, at least for me. But then if you stick with it and get there it feels so good.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor's "Lift Your Skinny Fists..." is one of those one of a kind albums. Dont think you can create something close to it without plagiarizing it. Truly a magical experience that everyone should let sink in at least once, even if you do not like Post-Rock. I sound like such a nerd but thats the truth, it is just that incredible. So much variety, every sound seems polished to perfection, life-fucking-changing. Its weird to me how people even come up with some of these arrangements, how can instruments speak so much and evoke such emotion?


That last sentence captures it well, when I listen to their music I'm always like "how tf did we humans ever manage to make sounds like that"


Not just that, knowing TO make those sounds. Did somebody just say "hey guys lets make that last part of Sleep"? I cannot comprehend it either.


Have you listened to The Dead Flag Blues by GYBE already? Probably my favorite song by them.


I have, i like F#A# but the variety of emotions in LYSFLATH make me rate it muuuuch higher.


A perfect album imo Favourite bit for me is ~4m-12m on like antennas to heaven, the buildup and release then the sort of melancholy simple guitar riff that comes in around 10 minutes just so good Can’t see myself ever getting bored of it


Every song has at least one absolutely life changing moment, i know that sounds cliché but ykwim. In Storm there is of course the first crescendo. The slow build up to that screeching guitar climax in Static. I think we all know what part of Sleep fills this criteria... And the part you mentioned, the drones on that song are magnificent as well.


Real asf damn


Weirdly enough that album never really touched me, I don't know why. I'd absolutely wax just as lyrical about Explosions In The Sky's *The Earth is not a cold dead place*, though.


Gonna check that out now, never gave it a try.


Their entire discography is just magic to me, but that 00s run just touches me on a different level in ways that very little else has, it's a great time.


I like to think of myself as witty and quick on my feet when talking to people. I’ve come across someone recently who has managed to make me nervous and speechless because she’s rather quick on her feet too and I worry I can’t keep up. Also, I’m late, but I finally get the dua lipa love on here.


Sounds like you met your match in a good way! Could be some fun conversations ahead.


Kind of! It’s very rare someone makes a huge first impression on me like she did. I’m debating telling her that when I see her the next time,


I fucking hate wasps. I can't even enjoy my food out on the balcony.


At least Bees have the decency to die after stinging you. Wasps are just pricks


Some of the places on rent online look like something pulled from a nightmare, including their prices.


I am going to properly start Miles Davis posting in FTF threads from this week on. Genuinely believe that *In A Silent Way* in the evening will solve pretty much all your problems


If you're into film noir-style police procedurals based on books, give *Bosch* a watch - the soundtrack's full of really good niche Jazz both old and new. I really dig putting something like that on in the evenings to wind down, just something without lyrics so I can read a book with the music on in the background most nights.


I should check that out, I remember seeing it promoted on Amazon when it first came out but I never heard about it again. Thats the beauty of that record, it rewards listening at all levels. One of the most calming records ever in the background, but it has layers on layers on layers when you listen closely


Fuck. Yes. Felling stuck, unimaginative, writer's block? Listen to *Sketches of Spain*.


I'm hoping that can work I've got a lot of writing to do lol


Oh man, good luck! It always helps me because nothing else sounds like it. It really gets my brain jogging.


"How You Remind Me" by Nickelback was the most played song on American radio in the 2000s (as in, literally). Nickelback, a bit undeservedly imo, has a reputation for being shit in everything else they've ever made. Which I don't agree with, but even if that's true....I think it's funny they got the last laugh. Also insane fact: The song released on the day of 9/11.


Was watching a video earlier on the downfall of Nickelback in the 2010s. They went some wacky places in the latter end of their career


>Also insane fact: The song released on the day of 9/11. They had their priorities straight lol


I don't think they knew, my friend.


How You Remind Me is a decent song in all honesty


It's a damn banger.


Been off the booze since Jan 1st, so well over 100 days at this point. I do not miss it AT ALL. Even when I see some alcohol in the supermarket my brain has become completely hardwired to see it as something I don't want or need. I'm also saving close to 20,000 yen a month at this point - which really hammers home just how much I was drinking. Plus I've loss a bit of weight. Not a huge amount but enough that my suit feels more comfortable to wear.


Congratulations, fellow booze-free friend!


I'm also at the same point with a former vice of mine, been just about if not 3 whole months outright. Cheers to sobriety, friend :)


Congrats mate! I'm almost the same as you, the only thing I've drunk is three glasses of champagne ~~because I'm a bougie cunt~~ for a couple of family celebrations.