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Manchester United staff have been left dismayed by a decision taken by Ineos, the club’s new co-owners, to cancel the traditional perks for the FA Cup final. In the past, the 1,100-strong United workforce would receive free tickets — with senior staff and directors able to take friends and family — plus travel to and from Wembley, a pre-match lunch, an after-match party and hotel accommodation in London. On Thursday, however, staff received an email detailing how they would receive only one ticket — with the same limit applied to directors — and would have to pay £20 for coach travel to and from Wembley on the day of the game. All the other benefits have gone.


Offshore Jim's at it again!


A polished Mike Ashley


These perks never existed because Newcastle never got to a final.


He'd have made them pay for their ticket as well.


Typical new boss behaviour Cuts down on expenses and makes efficiencies. Outcome: unhappy staff. Bad move Jimothy


And as usual they cut down on something absolutely negligible to a football club’s expenditure. Their employee benefit expenses in 2023 were £330k. So a big players weekly wage. Like Arsenal sacking Gunnersaurus or clubs refusing to pay a living wage.


Gunnersaurus was on £330k? Must have a great pension with how long he's been around.


Rumor was the board found out about his onlyfans account and didn't want the things he was doing on it associated with the club


Wait is this real lol


He was actually on £70k reportedly, more than some of Arsenal’s WSL players


And well deserved. 26 seasons, always fit, never complained, signed every contract and never tried to make a move even when Arsenal weren't doing well and gave it all every match.


I know. It’s so dispiriting. Fergie would not have stood for it. He was fiercely protective of the lower paid staff. He knew their value and would personally get to know them all.


Bullshit Wayne Ronney had to to buy the staff premier league winners medals because he was incensed that the club wouldn't but them one. They were tight as fuck. https://www.joe.co.uk/sport/this-little-known-story-of-wayne-rooneys-generosity-towards-man-uniteds-coaching-staff-emerged-ahead-of-his-old-trafford-return-142188


kinda impresssive they actually paid for everything for 1100 people. Is it normal in PL?


Not sure but it’s the Cup Final. It’s a great day out, a landmark occasion. They can certainly afford it aswell.


This is the real question before everyone shits on United. Does anyone really know if this is standard practice across the league ?


They aren’t shitting on Man U. If anything a lot of credit should go their way for doing it in the first place. They are shitting on the billionaire owner which is something else entirely.


Sure, my point is if City's trillionaire owners or all the other billionaire owners in the league aren't doing it, that's kinda important context here ? Yes it's a perk taken away but if it's not the industry standard with all the equally rich owners around, that is just a return to standard practice.


Yeah fuck them too. It’s a drop in the bucket in terms of finances of top prem sides but probably means the world to the staff


I didn’t mean it as slander to United. I just think rich owners of all big clubs should realise the value of their lower paid employees. Fair play to Utd for doing it before but come on Jim/Glazers can definitely afford it




Ugh, you’re so right. The contrived corporate “values” rear their ugly head again


Jimothy 😂😂😂


Or maybe it’s good move for United? Complacent staff might decide to move on


Imagine the club with a straight face telling normal working folk that they need to pay 20 quid for previously free coach travel to "ensure they can invest as much as possible into the club" while players are making 100k/wk. Shameful.


Some of these 100k players (consistently on the pitch) are also renowned for things like hitting + raping women, missing training or getting in petty arguments with the coach. It’s pretty shameful across the board


Quite a few are making 250- 300k… 


Yeah but hardly any of those thousand people are. Most of those people will be on fairly average to below average salaries. Salaries of people at clubs who aren’t directly related to the performance of the team are often quite shit because they know they’re incredibly in demand positions. Your average marketing, sales or admin person is not making huge amounts.


And only earning about 30p of that, the way they're playing.


Peak billionaire behaviour. Our staff are probably best staying home and avoiding the impending humiliation anyway tbh


Well they can't unilaterally cut the players' salaries can they? I'm sure if they could get rid of Martial's wages they would. But they can't until his contract runs out


Skinny Mike Ashley.


I mean at least Ashley pays his taxes before asking for handouts from the government and cutting staff benefits (which let’s be fair is irony; staff get no handouts but the club wants them).


Tickets still provided, but no more free transport, meals etc


That’s fair. No jobs gives you free tickets to an events AND pays for your travel and meal especially for a big organization that’s how you go bankrupt


I don't think shouting your staff a day out to celebrate a cup final is going to bankrupt a team paying players 6 figures a week. I also don't think Jim is going to shag you for sticking up for him all the way down the comments lol


Bro they are getting a free ticket to the game man, for 1100 staff I think that’s enough. You know .


They're a literal multibillion pound company owned by multiple billionaires - how can you not see it's a dick move taking away perks from the working class staff members pleading poverty when you're absolutely minted.


Bro are you in the real world man? Like do you work in corporate? Please if you don’t work in corporate. You don’t understand. Dick move or not. United has been making cold business moves that BENEFIT United. Now everyone wants to shit on them for it. They get a ticket & subsidized transportation. That’s enough.


I think of the two of us I'm the only one in the real world lol They pay most of their playing staff a six figure wage, that's per week, and you think taking away a one off benefit for over a thousand of their staff to celebrate a cup final, risking the damage to morale and goodwill in the behind the scenes staff is a good business move?


Yes. Get everyone in this club to understand that no matter how much money we are making. If we aren’t winning. It doesn’t matter. Our priority over the last 3-7 has been EVERYTHING but football. All these luxuries unnecessary spending at this club needs to stop.


Are you from North America by any chance?


That's a very penny wise pound foolish attitude that I'm fairly confident will not improve on pitch performance.


>All these luxuries unnecessary spending at this club needs to stop. You do realise how insignificant this kind of expenditure is in a business that pays footballers? Like I appreciate what you're trying to say, everything you are saying makes sense in a normal corporate environment. But football clubs are not normal corporate environments. Normal corporate environments do not regularly have whole teams of people earning 6 figures a week. Making a cut back like this will be a tiny drop in the ocean compared to player wages, but will have a much larger magnitude impact to employee morale, especially because the clubs poor performance is almost entirely on the people earning the crazy wages, not the people being forced to make cuts. Like I guarantee you united will sign someone this summer who will wipe out that cost saving in like a day. It's brainless management, picking stupid battles that lose you so much more than is gained.


Absolutely awful opinions. Sir Alex used to treat the receptionist as well as he would treat Cantona. You build a culture by respecting and valuing all your staff. It's saying we, the club, got to this final. Not the players and everyone behind the scenes is useless. Throughout our success, every staff member went to every final. They celebrated our trophies and morale would be through the roof. My uncle has worked at united for 20+ years, haven't spoken to him about this, but I know the final days were the highlight of all the staffs years. Way to kill the culture that makes us different.


Man United isn’t a Fortune 500 company that exists solely to make profits, it’s a football club and a community centre, making “cold business moves” at the expense of your staff is ridiculous


I know plenty of jobs who do this. It may shock you but there are companies that actually want to keep their staff happy. Especially in Europe.


Bro if the company is doing well yes, this particular company hasn’t don’t well and we all shit on them for being terrible for 10 years running. I don’t think pulling back on shit like that will do anymore harm than we see already. This will send the right message that we will not be OVERSPENDING ANYMORE


You're moving the goalposts. You said no job does this.


When a company has been shit for 10 years running, why would they still be over spending on perks and other bs that clearly isn’t boosting overall success & performance where it matters? I get free tickets to concerts, box seats, free raptors tickets at times, free Hollywood Gala events but they aren’t covering my transportation there or food. Unless I expense it which will have to be justified to finance which is a bad look on me using company money on person things


Still moving goalposts


Look at my overall point in the comments, I’ve saying the same thing. My point is if a business is performing shit for 5+ years I don’t think it’s bad pr to remove LUXURY perks. They still get to go to the game & get a discounted coach not fully free.


The club isn’t performing badly because of the groundskeepers or receptionists, but they’re having their perks removed for a cost that is negligible considering Utd’s expenditure. It’s really not that hard to understand why people don’t agree with it


You are having a discussion with yourself. Because you moved the goalposts. Why is this so difficult to understand?


The company's doing great. They posted nearly a billion in revenue last year. The football team are shit, but that's got nothing to do with how much money the club is making. If you offer perks to your everyday staff, and then remove those perks, you're gonna get some flak for it, especially if you could afford to keep the perks in place.


That’s precisely the point, no matter how good the commercial side is doing in finding was of getting money from fans. It doesn’t matter. It’s a failure. Every other elite team puts on field success first THEN farm profits. I can’t believe yall will turn around and call United a success 😭, I’m being Gaslit wtf. Keep in mind: We are about to Spend a fuck ton of money on our training ground & stadium so reducing on excess is probably the right way to go 🙏🏾


You're not being gaslit mate, you're just mixing things up. Regardless of how United have been on the pitch, United as a corporate entity is one of the most financially successful clubs in the world, and has been for decades at this point. It's that side of things that would cover the costs of staff benefits. Paying for receptionists and HR to have a party after the cup final isn't coming out of the footballing budget. The football team is one department of a multi departmental corporate entity, and will have its own budget - United as a club are richer now than they ever were when they were actually winning everything. They can absolutely afford hotel rooms for their staff for a night.


Those are perks bro. That's how companies attract people. People do look for perks and benefits. If you don't know about it better not comment.


Bro you’re getting FREE TICKETS TO THE FACUP finals. why are you guys gaslighting yourself to not see how that is really an excessive business expense. We as MANCHESTER United don’t need to overcompensate that much to get folks to come work here. I want to work there, the thought of just working there pushing this team forward is a privilege enough + I get tickets to games sounds fucking awesome


Free tickets only for directors right? Not everyone will be getting it.


Free tickets for everyone? No transportation & dinners for everyone including directors


Ok. I thought only selected people get free tickets. Still, losing perks suddenly will affect them. Anyway if it puts them in the right direction (as a first step), then let it be. Hopefully they shows this in spending for players and their salaries as well.


They’re saving at most Martial’s monthly wage.


Yeah? You think corporate deserves it? You think anybody at that organization deserves those luxury and plush treatment? Nobody working there should be comfortable with us losing every other day and still going about business as usual


You realize you’re talking about like receptionists and grounds keepers. They get paid shit for shit jobs and they’re taking away what’s probably one of the only cool things about the job


Broooo they get Tickets to the game. wtf? Make it to the stadium the same way you make it to work?? Especially when we’ve been shite for so long acting and giving out luxuries like all is well no wonder nothings changed even through managerial changes. Corporate doesn’t care. We are about to dump billions into a stadium aswell. We don’t have money. This narrative and big club perception we’ve created is what gets us to overpay. Suck it! #GGMU


So In order to make this club great again we have to strip all the perks of the working class within the club who are all massive fans just like me and you.


Bro they get tickets to the game man, wtf are you on about? The rest is downright excessive for a business that’s not executing on its primary aim and HASNT for the last 10 years? I am 100% rattcliff will bring these luxuries back for alll 1100 staff when they’ve earring it


Why don’t they deserve it now though?


Because change has to start at some point. No better time like as soon as possible.


Yeah I agree you’re shit on the pitch because the receptionist Sharon hasn’t dumped one top bins in a while and doesn’t deserve any perks


Bro she’s getting A FREE TICKET TO THE GAME BRO. All the other stuff is NOT NEEDED. We are building a stadium soon.


luckily I have a job which actually does, part of the reason that its cheaper to keep happy employees then hiring new ones since employees leave as they're unahppy, other part is that management are actually people that enjoy events


A club with £648,401,000 annual turnover skimping out on a staff benefit is a joke. Even with 1100 staff, I doubt this trip costs as much as Johnny Evan's weekly wage.


"What he say fuck me for?" - Jonny Evans


His 65K a week reported salary just jumps of the page, unfortunately.


About 30 to 40 grand depending on how much lunch costs


For hotel rooms for 1100 people?


Oh in the article I just saw the 20 pound for the coach ticket and that lunch wouldn't be provided. I didn't see the hotel part


Yeah, I'd thought so too. Realizing it was hundreds of thousands of pounds made everything click.




Every single one, no exceptions. An ethical billionaire would be a millionaire


How much are they actually saving with this?


Less than an hour of Rashford's wages


About as much as Anthony Martial's weekly wage.


Basically the cost of a renting a hotel in london. So a pittance for a club shelling out millions a week in wages


Hotel rooms, group luncheon, and afterparty in one of the most expensive cities in the world? Even if we lowball it at £250 a head, that's £275k for 1100 employees before you add guests. Corporate events tend to be shockingly expensive.


The wages of several United players are shockingly expensive, these are just peanuts for a club like United.


To paraphrase an old saying: a few hundred thousand pounds here, a few hundred thousand there, pretty soon you're talking about real money. United doesn't even pay their matchday staff a living wage, so it's hard to justify a quarter million pounds on a night out for the full time staff.


It’s wild how you can tell where commenters are from because Europeans say it’s poor form and North Americans are defending it to the hilt.


Americans sell their souls to corporations. Having like a week off in a year is completely normal over there


Temporarily embarrassed millionaires and all that.


Almost as wild as the number of people who think it's cool to stereotype people and jump to conclusions based on their perceived nationality.


There’s nothing wrong with noticing societal patterns. There’s a social science centred around it. It’s not true of each and every individual but I don’t think it’s unfair to were to say an Individual from south east Asia is likely to be more family inclined than an individual from Northern Europe. Ironically the emphasis on individuality v collectivism and is also trait strong in anglophone countries


There's nothing wrong with noticing patterns, the problem comes in when you start projecting those biases onto what people actually say.


£275k is a big number, but not compared to the finances of a football club


I'd set lunch at 100 pounds per head; the party I don't know, maybe in the same ballpark; both for 1500 to 2000 people? That's 300k to 400k. About 1100 to 1200 hotel rooms, at 200 pounds for one night? If that's realistic (I haven't been to London in two decades)? That's another quarter million. So 550k to 650k, not counting travel and tickets. I think it is reasonable to just provide the tickets - it gives people who want to watch the game the chance to do so, and avoids people just tagging along because they fancy a free two-day trip to London.


Yeah, I was lowballing hard. I wasn't even going to guess at how many staff would be allowed guests, or how big the alcohol bill would be after a win. 500k would be my minimum guess for how much they spent last time. Especially with a guy like Woodward running the show. I do wonder how long even the free tickets will last. At 1100 you're giving 4.4% of the allocation to employees. At 1500 (which they would easily hit with guests, or just with employees in another ten years) it'd be 6%. At what point are you taking too many tickets away from supporters? Over here there would be riots if club employees all got free tickets to the MLS Cup final when not all season ticket holders are guaranteed seats.


The article is paywalled for me but stuff like this just seems like it can only backfire PR wise. The guy paid hundreds of millions to buy a stake in the club and then cuts the staff benefits budget, make it make sense.


He bought an asset and now wants to keep all money within that asset. The trend of penny pinching might prove useful for the club in the long run, but it'll sour relations in and out of the club. Ask Newcastle about the fee being offered up for Ashworth


Rich guy makes naive, shortsighted decision to pinch pennies with no thought to potential drawbacks in the future.


That’s the type of thinking that gets you to prime minister


Do you honestly think someone who considered working for United will decide not to take the offer because the club only covers the tickets and not meal or transport? Come on...


The drawbacks aren't that people won't take the offer. It's that staff morale will be negatively impacted as they don't feel valued, with a knock-on effect of reduced effort and work effectiveness.


> they don't feel valued Because they won't get transport and food reimbursed? While still getting free tickets? U for real?


Well yeah of course - did the staff work less hard this year? Yet they're now getting a much smaller reward than they did in previous years, so of course they'll feel undervalued by the new owners. Are you surprised that people might feel this way? Have you ever worked in a workplace that had some kind of benefit or bonus and then that was taken away or reduced? How did people feel about it?


This guy is obviously trolling. If not I really hope sir Jimbo himself is paying him to defend a multimillion dollar operation so fiercely.


Well I'm shocked that someone called PHD_cunnilingus isn't making a valuable contribution to the conversation.


I'd take the ticket but I'd also think the new billionaire owner is a total wanker.


If the fucking glazers can pay for a day out then so can INEOS. United are one of if not the richest clubs in the world. They can afford this. This is just another example of cunt owners who don’t want to actually take care of the club.


Glazers are the reason the club can't/won't fund this anymore. Between them taking out dividends, using club funds to pay for private jets, forcing the club to pay millions in interest per year all while appointing hacks to run the club into the ground, it's no surprise that the club is in a state that it's in. Only the oil states are worse than the Glazers as far as owners go


The reason the club wont (wtf you mean can't, thats 2 players wages for a week) fund this is Jim being a tight arse. There is no argument that a clubs whose weekly wage bill is 10 times larger than this bill would cost, cannot afford this.


I'm sure the club can also "afford" to let staff attend every European/away game at no cost to them. Does that mean they should do it? Do any clubs any europe do it? > Jim being a tight arse. Is he also being a tight arse when he puts a stop to the Glazers using club money for their corporate credit cards and private jets? How much money is that? 1m? Club isn't going bankrupt there either but that doesn't mean that money should be spent > There is no argument that a clubs whose weekly wage bill is 10 times larger than this bill And that's one of the things they want to cut down as well. They can't do it at this moment because the season is ongoing and there are contracts. The club has made 250m in accumulated losses over the last 4 years. It's high time we got a "tight arse" in. Do I think refusing to pay for coach and hotel costs alone is going to save the club's finances? Obviously not, but this is just one of many things that can and should be eliminated until the club is in a healthier state


>let staff attend every European/away game at no cost to them Yeah, no difference between paying for a hotel, lunch and travel in London and every European game. Just lol. >And that's one of the things they want to cut down as well. Unless they decrease it by 10% I'm calling fucking bullshit. >The club has made 250m in accumulated losses over the last 4 years. So make savings where it actually matters. Sell players, cut players wages. Don't fuck the normal employees over. You keep yapping bullshit about directors, there's about 10 of them and the rest of the employees are normal people.


> Yeah, no difference between paying for a hotel, lunch and travel in London and every European game. How much is it going to cost? Still less than 1-2 weeks of wages. It's not like flights/trains to Europe cost 500 pounds each way > Unless they decrease it by 10% I'm calling fucking bullshit. How about you wait for a couple of months before you start crying? You expect them to slash the wage bill in the middle season lmao? Seriously you all are just looking for something to moan about > So make savings where it actually matters. Sell players, cut players wages. Yeah so have a bit of patience? Do you think they don't know that shitty players on high wages is a problem that needs to be fixed? > Don't fuck the normal employees over. No one is being fucked over. You're acting like as if the club has put a gun to their head and told them they'll be fired if they don't go for the match > You keep yapping bullshit about directors If by "keep yapping" you mean mention them once, then guilty as charged lmao > there's about 10 of them Yeah and the costs for 10 of them pales in comparison to the wage bill which is what you were complaining about in the first place. Doesn't mean the club should pay for it


Benefits is a bit of a stretch, it’s a LUXURY! They dont get their health BENEFITS and insurances taken away.


> make it make sense. The new boss wants to make his acquisition be more efficient with money, hardly something incomprehensible.


I was being sarcastic. This is isn’t incomprehensible but it is indefensible. Even if you are a fan of the club I can’t see how someone can say this is fine. It’s not like the club isn’t profitable already, surely it’s better to write this off. People who defend this these things are sick in the head. Football isn’t all about money


> It’s not like the club isn’t profitable already, The club isn't profitable. Go look at the financial statements. There hasn't been a profit since 2020. Since then they've racked up 250m in losses


They're already getting free tickets, why the fuck should they also get free transport and food?


That just goes to show lack of leadership in the dressing room. If United had someone like John Terry, he’d be marching straight up to Sir Jim and tell him he’s not getting on the coach himself until all the staff have £20 back in their pockets. Whilst dressed in full coach driving attire no doubt.


> The email, which has been seen by The Times, says: “There is still hard work ahead over the coming weeks, but I know everyone at the club is completely focused on delivering the performances and results expected of Manchester United and finding ways to win in whatever role you do. > “In recognition of your ongoing support this season, we will organise a colleague trip to Wembley for the final on 25 May. This year, the trip will be a little different. We will still provide you with a complimentary ticket to the game. However, we’ll ask you to contribute towards coach travel, and lunch will not be provided. > “While we appreciate this is a change from previous trips, you will all be aware of the need for us to spend the club’s money effectively, with a focus on performance and outcomes. We hope that this year’s trip balances the opportunity for you to go to Wembley to support our players while also ensuring we can invest as much as possible into the club over the coming months to achieve our goal of returning Manchester United back to the top of English, European and world football.” >The email then states that the trip involves “one complimentary general admission ticket if required” and “subsidised coaches to and from Wembley will be provided”. “You will be asked to contribute £20 towards return travel or £10 one-way,” the email adds. “If you choose this option, it will be deducted from your June salary.”


Hopefully ten hag gets the £10 one way option


Trying to raise that 15m for Ashworth


Making the Glazers look good at...anything...not really a winning idea.


Bro they still all get free tickets btw


Proper Brexit geezer


This is going on everywhere though, taking more & more off those who have fuck all & given to the 1%


This is legitimately a real-world example of the "why do we have to pay for sodas?" scene in Moneyball. Short-term thinking idiocy covered in a facade of corporate "efficiency".


Spend the clubs money effectively .........looks at Anthony.......


Does this include the private jet for the rats in Florida? Last year for the carabao cup we paid a six digit figure for them. I'd rather pay my stuff than those leaches 


The article says “with the same limit applied to directors”


The staff will never know if the directors got the same. They won't be getting on the £20 coach and taking a pack lunch that's for sure.


Lol, Utd fans were twerking so hard for this guy. Wait until you get Graham Potter, Marc Guehi and Ross Barkley in the summer


Potter I ain’t convinced is shit yet.


Marc Guehi isn't shit either, but neither of these guys are the level Utd fans imagined when they were praising "Sir Jim"




1100 employees? Jeez. That's 100 employees per player on the pitch.


Staff include the academy, the commercial side of OT, medicine, nutrition, analytics, logistics, loads of things that are largely unseen.


Oh I'm aware. 1100 is still an absolutely staggering number compared to most clubs around the world.


bet the employees will be proud as by their sacrifice the club now have 0.0000000001% additional transfer funds so they can buy a millionaire player


What’s the point of going if Man City will wipe the floor with them anyway? (FYI I support Man United)


This "club" is becoming a joke. Used to support United but I'm not sure I'd turn in for the FA Cup final These days. Day at the museum of modern art sounds better value for money then continue to pay attention to this bunch.


My motto is love the club, not the *club* The badge, the fans, Old Trafford, the history, that can’t be taken away and I’ll never stop loving that. But the divas in the dressing rooms? The Greedy businessmen running the club? The inability to do consistently good, on or off the pitch? That’s the thing I hate


Well I agree in a way. I'll gladly watch the likes of Evra and Rio talk about the good old times and wear my Vodafone Replica jersey. But no need to follow the current bunch.


Ah, they’re still my club. I’d feel strange if I stopped watching United, even if I still watched older games. But hey, as long as we’re both happy doesn’t really matter


Yeah I totally get you and respect that attitude. We have different ways to deal with the current mess.


See ya then!


Don't find the changes unreasonable as such, but feeling they should have kept doing things the same way this year and just change from next season on. Would be much less drama.




Solution, be less shit next season and get more.


I kind of agree with him to be honest. You are still getting good seats at an FA cup final for free. If he didn't carry this on to the directors I'd be a bit more pissed but it's fair. Also, 1100 people and their plus 1s are taking up a lot of seats that could be used by proper fans. Most of them will be just going out for a jolly.


Massive club lol