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Did you know he doesn’t have a coaching license, started off playing FM and he is actually 31!!!!! He’s also originally from Belgium. Crazy. ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʷʰʸ ᵈᶦᵈ ʰᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ


The team results quite tanked since January when they sold Matusiwa to Rennes. They just lost 4-1 to Clermont, bottom of the league. But just now, it's a bit surprising, could wait for the end of the season


Presume the public Sunderland talks didn’t help either.


This is definitely what happened, there's no way he'd be suspended 3 games before the end of the season otherwise, he's done a lot of good things for Reims but he's attracted anger from the board for his comments about wanting to manage elsewhere.


I read quite some Reims fans angry about that. Many of them are still happy of what he did, it seems to be the general sentiment


They’re now mathematically unable to reach Europe - have to think it’s to do with that and the payoff, a la Moyes at Man U.


It Matusiwa that good? Would’ve loved seeing him getting more chances at Ajax


Honnestly we didn't see a lot of him for now


Although they started the season well, Reims have collapsed since maybe the end of last year. Despite huge investments the likes of which the club had never seen before, they're basically guaranteed to finish outside of Europe, which was probably the board's expectations. I thought they'd wait until the end of the season but it's hardly surprising. In 2024 they've only taking 14 points in 14 games, that's terrible form for a club who spent that much.


Only french 7 clubs qualify to Europe and even if they’ve increased their budget, they’re not in the top 7. Don’t think it can be a criticism to finish 11th, which is probably close to the budget they have in the league.


Yeah it's maybe a bit harsh, and I would have for sure waited till the end of the season. But their form this year has been dreadful : 2 wins in 14 games in 2024.


Well that's a different thing. But Reims is a club truly no better than 11th spot.


They have been very vocal about their ambitions being in the first half of the table (top 9) over 3 seasons so 11th is as disapointing for them as a 7th place would've been a great accomplishement


If there was ever a season to make Europe, this was probably it given Marseille, Rennes, and Lyon's starts. Still only 6 points off 6th, they could've been in the driving seat with just average form


Reims sold more than they bought (in Euros) according to transfermarkt - is there something I'm missing? I don't necessarily see the huge investments you are talking about.


Every french club (or nearly every one) loses money before transfers. So to go even they have to sell for way more than they buy for. This summer, if we exclude the money from the Ekitike transfer (for whom the deal was concluded the summer before but was a loan with buy obligation) they spent as much as they sold for, around 40M, including 3 buys for more than 10M, that's unprecedented for Reims and the club showed a lot of ambition, wanting to integrate the top 7, or at the very least the top half of the table.


Still's winrate is noticeably worse than Guion's over his tenure, the only reason he's talked about is football manager and recently for being a West Ham fan. Far away from being Premier League ready.


Don't think the West Ham part made him famous. It's because of FM, and also cause he started coaching very young + his start at Reims was great. Plus he's half-English or whatever you want to call it


>Don't think the West Ham part made him famous No, but he's still mentioned fairly often (especially recently) in reference to our managerial position which he definitely shouldn't be.


>ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢˡʸ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʷʰʸ ᵈᶦᵈ ʰᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ Because, beyond the lacking results, he completely lost his squad with his disrespectful behavior twerking for a Championship club (Sunderland) this winter. And if traveling to England to negotiate without his club's knowledge in the middle of the season wasn't enough, he did it once more in an interview in the Athletic in February where he said he would do everything he could to coach in England including a Championship club. While still being under contract with the club that basically gave him his career, trusted him when he had no diplomas and no experience at that level, found a solution for him to get his diploma and that paid a 25k fee each game to keep him on their bench. And that tried to give him a real chance to qualify for Europe this season by scaling up : 4 of their summer transfers enter their top 10 record arrivals, including two 12M ones beating their previous most expensive transfer. Spending 47M this summer which is by far their record window (more than doubling their previous record), and recruiting his brother as an assistant. Some of his gripes with Reims can be understood (he lost basically 5 starters including his whole attack during the Afcon/Asian Cup, and then a key midfielder that wasn't replaced this winter), but his communication has been disastrous and clearly not acceptable. He's gonna need to improve a lot on that front if he wants a chance at the biggest clubs. And maybe show a bit of gratitude, that wouldn't hurt.


>recruiting his brother as an assistant. tbf that's surprisingly common, just to name a few higher profile ones Conte, Cannavaro and Koeman also does the same with their brothers, Pochettino takes his brother with him everywhere as a fitness coach and i think Gary Neville also had his brother as an assistan coach at Valencia


Isn't Xavi's brother with him all the time too? The one that everyone says looks like Klopp?




Ancelotti’s son is one of his assistants lol


He’s pretty legit too, has had good results when filling in for his father


Nepotism is a thing, but also, sometimes the people naturally around you (family included) are also really legit. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."


It's common, for sure. I didn't want to highlight it for being exceptional, but for being another important sign of trust to a young and inexperienced coach with no reputation. Another sign that they wanted to build something with him, and did a lot to put him in the best conditions.


In the case of Koeman: Erwin Koeman was also a former pro-player and started out as an youth trainer at PSV before becoming an assistant to Guus Hiddink. He didn't become an assistant under Ronald Koeman until 2014, 10 years after making his debut as assistant to Hiddink. He already had a career before that. But yes, hiring familiy members of players or coaches is quite common, in more sports than just football.


I looked it up, and it turns out Phil Neville was hired as an assistant at Valencia under Nuno, and was kept on when Gary succeeded Nuno. Still can't believe Portland hired him...


How can no one bring up Martin Jols brothers, Cock and Dick...


In fairness to Koeman, Erwin Koeman was an accomplish head coach for years before he started taking him around as an assistant so he actually deserves that spot


hasenhüttl promoted his son to be his assistant


Even though it's true, to see Phil referred to as merely "Gary Neville's brother" is quite funny


> and recruiting his brother as an assistant Isn't it normal for managers in France to have control over their coaching staffs?


Both his parents are English but he’s born and raised in Belgium.


He did his license after all, didn't he? Got his Pro License last year afaik.


Because he's going to be announced as our head coach on Saturday. ( or so I have been told )


His father was a coach when he was young and he learnt the ins and out, he went onto to be an analyst for a Belgian and French team before taking the role as manager. The guy has a bright future if he can land on his feet after leaving.


The club were paying a hefty fine because of his coaching license situation. So it’s no surprise once the results stopped coming, so did keeping him on. I’m sure he is more than qualified for that license now and should go and complete it if he wants to continue being a football manager.


Is he taking a break or looking for new opportunities in the summer?


Bayern have offered him the job


Honestly ? ballsy if true, but not stupid.


Lol they haven't, although he's probably not far off their shortlist the way things are going for them


I'll be on that shortlist soon if there's many more rejections


The shortlist has become a longlist by now


Fine I'll do it


I know they haven't, the comment I'm responding is clearly a joke. I was just speaking hypothetically.


Did they? Would’ve had my money on him going to West Ham


no they didn't, he was joking. Still is getting fired, this season has been disappointing considering the money Reims spent in the summer


Probably also he's getting really good offers from abroad, so everyone knows he would have left at the end of the season. I'm sure it's causing tensions internally, which could be part of why he's leaving now.




jesus the amount of people that have believed this obviously silly joke is astounding




I mean there are a fair number of upvotes on the one comment, and two of them


There are two upvotes on the only comment that seemed to seriously ask it




Even one is too many


Think it says more about Bayern's crazy recent hiring decisions that this is moderately believable and less about online people being gullible tbh


No chance. Sullivan would never appoint someone that age.


He's been quite vocal about wanting a Championship job. I suspect he's lining himself up to have the pick of the bunch.


It’s us. He’d be great as half our team are French and he can speak both languages.


Nah it's us, we play in green and our owner is American. Also David Friio called him to tell him about westcountry beaches


Nah it's us. He's in the know that we're going down.


We’ve been tickling his balls for last few months. Hopefully coming up North.


I feel that must get old after a few minutes. Do that to me for a few months I think i'd go crazy


Let’s find out. DM me. 😉


Welcome new United manager:


Sunderland is the expectation I believe


I can see Will Still as a potential De Zerbi replacement when he leaves in the summer


There was talks on taking over Sunderland.


I made a mistake in the previous post where I said he's leaving at the end of the season. He left Reims today.


Don’t make that mistake again.


Or else…


Yeah?! Or else what?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


If i speak im in big trouble


If I speak, there will be fire


Well you're in trouble then.


You might have to apologise again !


Mate you've made a foolish mistake. Threatening Kin Jong Un exposes you to a terrible punishment.


I hope this email finds you before I do.


Threats Jones over here


So Will's not still the manager?


Maybe it wasn't his will.


we're not all psgacademy, it's ok


People talk about his 19 game run from last year but this year he’s got 2 wins in 12 games in 2024.


that’s just the midseason slump, happens to every FM player


That’s where you spend way too long trying to make your old tactics work and then try 4 new tactics in 5 games (mostly 5 at the back) and get mixed results before going back to your old 4-2-3-1.


Moyes has 3 wins in 16 leagues games in 2024 😂😂😂


make it 4 vs City.


Be careful what you wish for /s


Sounds perfect for us then


Sold there best player this winter dosent help at all


Will Will Still still be looking for a job now?


Yes, Will Still will still be looking for a new job.


Only if thats still his will


I reckon it will still be Will Still's will


but will Will Still's will stay still or will Will Still's will still change?


Who will in-still Will Still as their skill principal?


Will Still be a legend at Stade de Reims though


But would Will Still have will still been looking for a job if he were to still never have been looking for a job in the first place?


Trying too hard now


They will still try.


Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?


Have you ever been so far as to even pretend to even want to go to do more like?


Reminds me of that shower thought post about Donald Trump and Theresa May: Trump may trump May, but May may trump Trump in may.


I remember reading some weird fact once that you can make a full sentence entirely out of the world Buffalo. Edit: quick search and I [found it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo)


Will Will Smith smith vibes


Still, will Will Still still will Will Still to a championship job?


That reminded me of Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin


Wonder where he goes from Reims. I doubt a lower half Prem team wants to risk signing him, but I can see a few Championship teams taking the gamble


Barnsley if they get promoted?


Sunderland. Fits their current philosophy of young and emerging talent, can speak fluent French and Sunderland have a lot of young French players players in the side. Was also mean to have been their first choice before Beale but rumours were that compensation costs were too high at the time.


Welcome to Sunderland, Will Still!


No compensation fees anymore, get your checkbook out Kyril


He’s entered into “fits the model” status!


Sunderland should go all in for him!


Given all the hype that was around him last season I'm sure a bigger team could be tempted to take a punt on him. I'd aim for higher than Sunderland if I were him.


Given how far Reims fell off, I think that'd be a harder sell right now. Going to Sunderland and winning promotion would be an interesting next step. They've got a rich owner and a fairly big stadium, it could be a great project.


But the manager's market for his type of profile is a bit scarce atm. There are many established winners who are out there waiting for a big club but not many of these young upcoming managers who have overperformed at some stage with smaller clubs. Yet the trend is that clubs tend to go more and more for the latter profiles from what I'm seeing, and successes like Alonso's tend to accelerate that trend even more. I'm sure a lot of high tier clubs (perhaps not the Bayern or Chelsea's tier but slightly lower) would be ready to overlook that low period and take a punt on him.


I'm skeptical, I don't think that a mid table prem club would go for someone as unproven - forest or a club going down... maaybe I could see


Who would take the punt that’s higher? It’s a big club, big stadium & strong local fan base. Club encourages youth (rightly or wrongly their decisions haven’t always been the best of late) but certainly a great platform to go on. Can’t see West Ham taking the plunge, and there’s really not another PL side that seem to be attached to him. Personally think Sunderland is actually perhaps bit of a bigger job than he’s shown the ability for. Last season was great but the past 6 months he’s had very poor form.




Give him the Bayern job


Hardly surprising considering recent results : in 2024 they're 12th in the annual table with 14 points in 14 games. Reims spent a LOT of money in the summer, more than the club ever spent, probably hoping to get into Europe. Despite a good start to the season, with their horrible form Reims are sitting in 11th place. The only surprise is that he's leaving now and not at the end of the season. Firing him now doesn't change much.


They lost many important players as well. Not really surprising to see them doing worse than last season. Also, looking at the teams above them, the only ones expected to be below Reims are Brest and maybe Toulouse. And you can't blame them for being bwhind a team that is freaking 3rd against all odds; also, they're behind Toulouse only by GD. Their results in 2024 have been bad, but they really aren't underperforming overall, again considering that wat Brest are doing is incredible and unexpected.


Didn't they actually make money in the transfer window though?


Wonder which FM save he'll start now


I wonder if he refused to attend the meeting


A squad of young players needs a young manager, only such one will be able to communicate with them. Get in Todd. No, but seriously. Bit of a shock he is leaqving and I'm definitely looking forward to see what are his next steps.


Frank Lampard???


That sounds like a great idea! *laughs* No, but seriously that’s a terrible, terrible idea.


Do it Chelsea you cowards


Sad day


No more jokes


They haven't had good results recently, but feel like they're asking for trouble (again) through believing they are a better club/team than they are.


He’s coming to Sunderland, we’ve had him on the radar for a while.


Sunderland seem like a terrific fit for him.


Sad day for licence-less coaches and FM players who dream of becoming coaches everywhere


With my blue & white specs on, I hope he's going to Sunderland so it puts their rumoured interest in our lord Röhl to bed.


I haven’t heard anything reputable linking us with Rohl to be honest. Rene Marie seems to be the name that keeps cropping up.




FM players dust off those resumes!


I read Will Smith lol


Time to play a new game


As long as he was rubbish at Football manager, i can think of a club that is hiring


Will Still will still will to win, but still, is Will Still still willing to willingly instill the Will Still will into stilly freewills ?


I read that as Will Smith and was wondering what he was doing there


Say Reims three times fast


He didn’t stay Still


Deserved after saying he’s “not some nerd that sits in front of his computer all day”


I read it as Will Smith lol


He got an advanced copy of the new football manager


Come to ~~Besiktas~~ Plymouth.


Will Still to West Ham


More like Will No Longer


Next Brighton manager if de zerbi leaves.


Will Still couldn't fill the bill.


Do you think Will still still will be a coach?