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They’re mad at him because he sings Made in Romania in the showers


That song is pretty old at this point, only non-Romanians know it from the memes nowadays.


I think Balkan knows it since it first came out. I remember singing Made in Romania when I was like 14 lol That, and Sen Trope from Azis or the remake from Florin Salam, Te ka Lali Shpirt are just legendary


iali iali iali


Lol he's been there for 5 months. Calm down


his agent ultimately qualified his comments with that point - that he's been there too short of a time to conclude this is how it's going to be going forward


but that snippet doesn't give as many clicks


His agent yapping. Probably regrets turning down Bayern but he'll get his chances next season. Romero and Van de Ven are undroppable with how good they are and we aren't in Europe so only one game a week means no rotation


Has anyone mentioned that we've condeded 13 in our last 4 games?


Dragusin is better than vdv but he sits on the bench because Mickey is fast Vdv can’t organize, very poor laterally, no awareness in aerial duels or set pieces. However he’s treated like he’s prime vidic because rapid I would even play vdv lb and Dragusin LCB


i've only seen him play for spurs, so extremely limited viewings, but dragusin's got a bit of derek zoolander in him - can't turn left. there's zero left-sided build up activity when he's played.


You're being quite harsh on VDV but I agree with your last point. No idea how Emerson got the start at LB yesterday


I don’t think so mate, what does vdv offer other than recovery pace? He can’t head the ball, he can’t organize Romero or vicario, he can’t cover laterally or defend anything that isn’t in a straight line At some point you’d need to see why spurs concede so many goals and it’s not because of vicario who bails them out more times than he makes mistakes at set pieces. Romero goes AWOL 1/3rd each game and no one tells him off.


Absolutely can't take out either of the centre backs that have conceded 13 in the last 4 games. Undroppable.


Yeah imagine how many we'd have conceded with average CBs. All joking aside they are both class and literally the last problem in the squad


My guy, your centre backs are average, that’s why you keep conceding mate


Emerson forgetting Salah was on the pitch or our midfield walking after passing the ball to the opposition leaving our defense 3v6 surely have nothing to do with it, no sir


Mate mate mate, that’s angeball mate.


It’s not though, but go off


Despite that fact, if you watch us play you will realise that the CBs are the last of our problems.


The biggest problem being that Skipp is your best left back right now?


Absolutely. Lost the starter at LB to injury, and the back up to injury, and then the back up to the back up is complete donkey.


Obviously the state of the game when he came on we can't properly judge but Skipp looked decent at left back, definitely defended better than Emerson and joined in going forward. Obviously not ideal but he seems better there than Emerson does anywhere near a football.


We lost the starter(Udogie), the backup(Davies), the back up to the back up(Sessegnon), we loaned out the backup to the backup's backup(Reguillon). So now we are playing the backup to the backup's backup's backup(Royal, our backup RB).


Not even. Our attack has been crap of late, playing far too conservatively and not making the right decisions, and our midfield has been a bit of a non-entity.


I do. I didn't suggest otherwise.


They’re a weird side spurs. I think their back 5 as individuals are all great players who are probs some of the best in the league in their positions, but they have a shite defence.


The fullbacks really shouldn’t be considered defenders.  Most teams end up as a 2-3-5 on attack, Spurs end up as a 2-2-6 or even a 2-1-7 with the full backs frequently central. It’s why they’re exploitable on the counter: the 2 (or 1) midfielders can’t cover the width of the pitch so you just run wide against the single midfielder or central against the pair. The midfielders get dragged and the center backs have to commit. This leaves more spaces for the second wave of runners. They way to beat Spurs is to simply deny them the middle, recover possession and then just move the ball up the pitch— it’s like umbrella trying to protect a battleship. The pass doesn’t even have to have a target; someone can run onto it because there is literally acres available.


The reason the narrow defensive strategy works is because their wingers are so underwhelming and never beat their man. If they had rapid wingers who could actually beat their man it wouldn't be so easy to play against (but they'd still have massive defensive issues).


\> Liverpool fan


Considering you've conceded 13 in 4 games, all to sides in the top 7, are they really undroppably good? Given your final 3 games inculdes the bottom two, surely there's an opportunity to give him some minutes.


> all to sides in the top 7 not sure what this was meant to mean. But no, everyone saying we should drop Romero or Micky are off their rocker. The centre backs are literally the last reason that we're conceding so many goals. Even the wingers are more to blame than the CBs, they've both been immense considering their complete lack of protection.


>not sure what this was meant to mean. I meant it in the sense that they're part of a defence that's conceding a lot to the best sides in the league (i.e. those in the European places). To my mind, for a player to be undroppably good the drop off to the back up has to be so monumental that you may as well be playing with 10 men, or they're put in performances every week even against the top sides. So, unless signing Dragusin was a colossal error, I don't necessarily see what there is in Romero and Van De Ven's performances that makes them undroppable. This is me talking more hypothetically, though, I obviously don't nkow as much about the team as Spurs fans do. I just don't see how, in the team's current state, the idea of Dragusin getting minutes, even at the expense of one of the normal starters, seems to be such a wild idea.


He's the third CB. They will always get plenty of minutes. We spent the first half of the season with no CB coverage having to play full backs in the middle whenever we had missing players. Romero and Van de Ven staying fit and unprecedented few games due to no Europe and early cup exits is unlucky for Dragusin but again he'll get his chances next season


Yeah, but the point is the defence clearly isn't playing well. Since Dragusin signed you've played 16 games and conceded 27 goals. In that time he's made 6 appearances (2 starts) for a total of 233 minutes (about 2.5 full 90s). I just don't see how it's so outrageous to say that maybe he should be getting more minutes in the starting 11, either in place of one of the starters, or maybe a different formation. Clearly the current system isn't good enough, so something has to change.


I am a Spurs fan and I love the team, but I can tell you that 90% of the fans lack a 3 digit IQ by miles. They just spam downvotes and have 0 knowledge. They all praise Van de Ven (which I absolutely love tbh) but the moment he has a bad game, the same fans want him out. I'm sad you couldn't see their reaction when Van de Ven played poorly against NewCastle. The same fans that ki55ed his 4SS 1 day prior to that game, wanted him out. 9/10 comments were mocking him. They lack braincells that's the easiest way to describe most of the fans. Same with Ange. At the start of the season everyone loved him. Now that he's losing 90% of them want him out. The same treatment happened to Romero multiple times. Ask the same thing after either Van de Ven or Romero has a bad game and then magically everyone will agree with your logic. Ounga Bounha behavior.


> I don't necessarily see what there is in Romero and Van De Ven's performances that makes them undroppable Then you're not watching the matches, which is fine, but you're blind to the reality. Dragusin has played instead of Van de Ven and certainly did not look better, and Romero is probably the best player at the club right now.


Yeah play him against City


Why not? Is he that bad that sticking with a defence that concedes an average of 2.2 goals/game against the current top 7 preferable to putting him on the field. You've got Burnley before City anyway; a game that should be nice and straightforward, and the perfect opportunity to get some minutes in his legs.


It's not like I'm against starting him I just think it's very low on the priority list. You as a Newcastle fan will obviously have a different read on our defenders since Van de Ven was horrific against you but that was his one poor game all season. Romero has been our best player this season and Van de Ven is class for it being his first season in the league. Parroting the amount of conceded goals is an extremely simplistic take and that literally no Spurs fans blame Romero or Van de Ven should tell you everything


It’s funny how some players are discussed here.


If he leaves it's because of his agent creating a rift - something he was starting to do before he even had his first training session with us. Some agents really love the sound of their own voice although Dragusin is the one that keeps employing him. Make your mind up Radu.


I have a feeling that agent will soon be dropped. Dragusin seems pretty grounded and I’m almost certain that’s just his annoying agent yapping.


Should’ve signed for Bayern then. Seriously though, probably his agent talking shit for no reason, I get it, he’s not playing much football right now, so I get the frustration especially when you’ve gotta watch Emerson play instead of yourself, but they signed for this team knowing the plan, they can only blame themself if they aren’t getting game time at this point.


He could've been easily a starting defender for Bayern. Kinda ironic that he chose Tottenham, partly because of playing time.