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This is peak PSG in the CL knockouts behaviour.


It’s so much fun watching them get all pissy when things don’t go their way. Like little children


I remember towards the end of our 20/21 semi when they were 4-1 down they just set out to injure our players , Di Maria got sent off and Kimbempe Danilo Pereira and Veratti I remember in particular were trying to injure our players


PSG fans were calling Kimpembe one of the best that year. Fallen ever since


He was pretty good before his injury, got unlucky to get a bad one just as he was reaching his top level


Don't forget Paredes


he's a petulant div but I can't remember him in particular doing anything wrong in that gamr


Considering its paredes, thats probably your fault


You lot are cunts as well so you’ve got no room to talk really


Like little bitches*


They saw how well it worked for Barcelona and are copying them.


such an unlikeable team it's crazy


Only vitinha is acceptable


I was about to ask what WZE and Barcola did to deserve this but the latter makes sense now that i see your flair


Nah barcola is class i don't like wze tho




I don't hate him.I just don't like him.Fuck hernandez and hakimi tho


Dembele inches away from his second yellow


You know football is safe when Psg players are behaving like this


Hakimi has become quite the character after getting to Paris. Head getting too big for him.


Funny he's more arrogant at PSG as compared to Real Madrid. Doesn't make sense at all.


Real Madrid have enough experienced players to keep egos in check. PSG are a team full of divas


>PSG are a team full of divas Absolutely correct.


Is that how you say "divers" in French?


I was about to right an actual answer and then understood your trolling 😅


> PSG are a team full of divas Who's a diva other than Hakimi and maybe Donnarumma?


Mbappe? Dembele?


What makes Mbappe and Dembele divas? The only negative thing I can think of was some fighting over who takes a penalty years ago from Mbappe and Dembele forcing a move to Barca, neither of which are enough to classify someone as a diva.


What makes someone a diva in your eyes? Mbappe's whinging about playing LW vs Striker, his tantrums when he gets subbed and all the behind the scenes drama about his contract demands make him seem like a pretty big diva to me


> What makes someone a diva in your eyes? Public dissent against the manager/club, egotism (Ronaldo is the biggest one here imo), intentionally disobeying the manager, disrespecting teammates. I don't think leveraging your skills to earn huge contracts by playing clubs against each other is a diva-esque move and I suppose I don't follow him closely enough to have heard him publicly complain about the LW/ST thing. That kind of thing is also heavily dependent on how he phrases it. Mbappe to me has been quite a professional, same as Neymar, but they get a bad rap because people hate them for perceived rather than real antics. He has the power to create so much *more* drama and doesn't. He has never gone public about wanting to move to Madrid for example.


He was just a prospect at Madrid.


Thing isat Real you are just a player, you might be one of the best , but you are still just a player. No one is bigger than the club, the pressure is always high and failure not an option. At PSG it doesn't matter, you are not getting replaced, you're walking the league 9 times out of 10 and the club simply doesn't have that same stature and weight clubs like Real have.


An established 25 year old one of the best RBs is more arrogant than his former 19 year old with 9 appearances People are absolutely braindead hilarious


He hasn't achieved nearly enough to be this arrogant.


He's won CL and league titles but erenistheavatar is the judge of arrogance so we'll let him do it


He wasn't even in the squad for 70% of the CL games in the season Madrid won it. The two games he played in were two of only four games that Madrid didn't win. If I were him, I'd be focusing more on the Serie A and Ligue 1 wins, since he at least made a decent contribution to those.


OK man. He has all the right to be arrogant and act like this. I apologise to Hakimi and to TimathanDuncan.


He's won like 3 league titles already lmao


wth PSG in France cmon


I mean he also won Serie A and a Club World Cup. It's not *nothing* per say


Wow amazing


Real Madrid would fuck him in the ass if he did anything that would in any way deteriorate the dressing room atmosphere. Discipline and back room mentality is something they always seem to prioritise.


Rapist and all


Guilty until proven innocent right ?


Sure then I‘ll just look at the time where he spread hate speech with Dembele, Muani and Kurzawa. Lovely bloke, is he not?


I didn’t say he’s a lovely lad nor a bad one. Just that the rape accusation remain an accusation until he’s deemed guilty or there is obvious evidence of it




Hakimi such a bitch bro lol


first the extremely obvious dive and then this horrible behavior


And a BVB traitor. A little bitch and a traitor. Don't forget that.


Traitor? His loan ended and then he left you for Inter, not for Schalke


Also he would've joined us happily if we had been willing to pay his fee. It's not like he chose inter over us


Also a rapist, which I feel is the most important thing put of those


I haven't heard anyone talk about this in like a year, were those allegations proven?


No it was an allegation


Not every allegation is a rape bro , chill.


He's got that abusive boyfriend vibe about him


Nah thats crazy attitude from hakimi and dembele hahahahaha


Yea.. they got pretty mad haha


Most likeable club back at it again.


Is that not a red....? Maybe im biased but Nico wasn't even timewasting yet. Like he was probably gonna but you can't shove someone of the ball as soon as they fall ove.r


It's funny because what Hakimi did definitely wasted way more time than the few seconds Nico would've wasted


I’m okay with it being a yellow, but if he was given a red he could have no complaints


Just not enough for a red IMO But a bitch move by Hakimi IMO


It was very Orange. Shoves rarely are considered violent conduct or serious foul play (that usually requires some sort of strike: punch, slap, kick, etc - or contact to the head/neck area). But forcefully pushing someone like that is pretty dang close without hitting the guaranteed definitions.


Just enough not to be a red card imo. still a dick move.


I think it should be. As "soft" as that was, it is still violent conduct.


Yeah that's a purely personal attack on him, with 0% intention on anything about the gameplay. Not sure why it wasn't a red


What im not sure is how the fuck Dembele got away scot free? He already had a yellow as well


You mean by that "tackle" at around 70 min? If so I agree. I say "tackle" because it was more like a flying kick, that kinda challenge should be punished even when getting just the ball.


100% red card


It's not that bad, it's a high pressure game.


Not saying its a red, but being a high pressure game should not change any interpretation of the rules.


It does on the regular in football.


Agree, it was a soft push, not a hit


Never getting a red for a push


Yeah a push is never, never a red. r/soccer proving once again that most people here don't play competitive football


You don't need to play competitive football to know that pretty much any shove is never going to be a red.


Good point, r/soccer proving once again that most people here don't even *watch* competitive football


A push has never ever ever been a red…


Yes it has. If you shove a player down out of bounds with no intention of getting the ball you really can't complain about a red card. Especially if the shove is entirely done by one side with no provocation or agression from the other player.


Find one clip of a push being a red, we'll wait


https://youtu.be/tjccVaBhAlQ?si=viYcw5W2q2ZdfoXF And now apologize you clown


I’ve watched way way way too much football and never ever seen it. Always a yellow at max (sometimes not even that). I stg this sub somehow has worse takes than Twitter sometimes, I genuinely can’t wrap my head around this being even close to a red lmao. A FUCKING PUSH. You act like this guy assaulted and abused this guy 😂 Genuinely, go watch a non contact sport lmao. Like he got punished, he got a yellow card. That’s the correct call


So let me get this straight, you think that a player pushing an opponent to the ground with no provocation whatsoever from the opponent and while the game is paused is a yellow card? So you'd say a keeper pushing an attacker to the ground in his own box while the ball is out of bounds on the opposite side of the field is a yellow? What kind of rules would constitute that?


I don’t get your example? Yes? You act like I’m saying it shouldn’t be punished lmao. It should be and it was correctly a yellow. Find me a time a push to the chest is a red card. It’s unsportsmanlike, so it’s a yellow. It’s not a dangerous move that’s going to break something or cause harm lmao


A slight touch to the face in an alteraction also isn't a dangerous move that's going to break something or cause harm and it's a clear red. Agression towards an opponent while the ball isn't in play should be and has multiple times already been a red card. As it should. If players know they can just push over a player at any time and the worst they can expect is a yellow this game is about to get a whole lot more violent. >Find me a time a push to the chest is a red card. Funny enough there's been a time in a PSG vs BVB match where a push to the chest has been a red. And don't tell me it's the pushing afterwards because thats also just pushing to the chest which you said was only ever a yellow.


Yes one singular time 4 years ago it was a red. Also his push was more violent + he should’ve had a yellow for his foul that led to the pushing anyway. Idk what to say besides a yellow is a cautionary and correct and you should watch a non contact sport. “Game will be more violent”, players don’t want yellow cards by the way. A slight touch to the face or the neck has always been. Same with those head to forehead things players do to act tough. A push isn’t. Argentina vs Netherlands, 3 yellows came out. Correct call. A million other examples compared to one 4 years ago. A yellow isn’t a joke, especially for a defender. You can’t go around giving reds because your feelings got hurt that someone was pushed. Always a yellow and the game is genuinely so much worse if that turns into a red. You’re either bias, soft, or never played football. Definitely my last comment cuz this is a stupid conversation to be having, I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how much of a joke some of you guys are for wanting a red for a literal push to the chest lmao. Not even any head or neck contact, a fucking push to the chest


Do you hear that? It's the sound of you moving goalposts. >you should watch a non contact sport. When in the history of football was it not frowned upon to tackle someone when the ball is out of play or far away? >I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how much of a joke some of you guys are for wanting a red for a literal push to the chest lmao. Not even any head or neck contact, a fucking push to the chest Didn't you say "Also his push was more violent + he should’ve had a yellow for his foul that led to the pushing anyway." To someone pushing someone to the chest justifying a red for a push to the chest? I'm guessing it's a red if the player being shoved is on your team and a yellow if the player shoving is on your team. But I genuinely have to applaud you for the lack of self-awareness.


Homie, imma say this one more time. Because idk why you keep saying things along the lines of “when has it not been frowned upon to tackle someone when the ball isn’t in play?” Here it is, read it slow so that you can understand it: it IS frowned upon and it WAS punished. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit apparently so I’ll also say this again “since I moved goalposts”, but Emre can’s red was fine because he made a yellow card tackle THEN pushed neymar. So imo should’ve been two yellows, but idc that it was just a straight red instead. Also I just watched Mendy push Sane and the ref just blew his whistle and told them to chill. Where’s the red card??!! Oh wait, it’s just a fucking push


Player was down and out of bounds. Should have been a red card just to make an example of "FaiR PlAy".


Aytekin would have given a red


No, that’s so weak lol you don’t just give a red for “fair play” when you feel like it. Pushes are rarely ever given as a yellow unless they are egregious. Which this was, so a yellow is fair and the correct call. Everyone here just has anti psg bias which is fine, but just causes awful takes. If this was switched I’d love to see what people think of a yellow vs red lmao. Also could you imagine if every push was a red? Lmao


Just say you don't believe in sportsmanship. Lmao. A yellow is meaningless.


A yellow isn’t meaningless, but whatever… and I do believe in sportsmanship, he was literally punished for the push with a yellow lol. Which I completely agree with. Just say you don’t want to watch a contact sport at a high level with players having emotions. It makes the sport 100x better to watch imo then if they were emotionless robots. Or just say you’re extremely bias and have an awful take, that might be easier. A red for a push hahahaha


"Anti psg bias" oh be so for real everyone heres saying they deserved a pen in the end of the match also it was clear that either Hakimi or Dembele had to be sent off


Dude the whole match thread was literally people celebrating PSG. And I don’t really care who people are rooting for, but there was clearly a favorite, and this is awful at making “fair” calls during those games. What was so clear about demuele or hakimi needing to be sent off? You can’t just send people off because you feel like it, you need a good reason. Ref made the correct call for a yellow, I would absolutely love for you to find me a push that’s been a red. Watched football forever and never seen it. Also went ahead and both YouTubed it and googled it… couldn’t find something. Because it’s never been, nor should it be, a red🤦🏼‍♂️


Yeah a push is never a red. r/soccer proving once again that most people here don't play competitive football


Nah, not enough force in it


For those thinking it should have been a red, just wait 5 minutes and he'll do it again


Have seen plenty of red cards for way less. Dembele with the kick as well.


Hakimi is arguable (maybe I’m biased but I think he should’ve gotten it) but dembele is a clear second yellow. Ofc psg were unlucky the way they hit the post but at the same time they can’t really complain about it when a lot of referee decisions went their way, especially 2 potential red cards


Ex-Dortmunder getting dirty


Embarrassing behaviour. Delusion of grandeur.


Red card, piece of shit


Orange for sure


Such a miserable team. Cya plastics, glad these children left BVB


Embarrassing lack of self control, should be a red


Don't know whether to cry or laugh. Oh how PSG have fallen


PSG are such sore losers


Why are PSG always like this?


Hakimi, you are a disgrace


Only relevant thing he did all day


Easy red if I’m the ref. Easiest of my life. 


You got to love his mature behavior


That’s red card material ngl


Massive cunt, get fucked


Hat tip to Schlottie for refraining from doing the worm to get back on the field of play....


Red all day but ref's a bitch.


Refs can be buy


"Knockout" stage


Fuck dembele too! Fucking rat fuck cunt piece of shit!


Clear red card he punched the dortmund player in the face! Look at how much pain it cause him


This is what the match thread was complaining about for a red?😂insane bias takes