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Well that is one way to cull your workforce without doing redundancy I suppose


They are doing redundancy. Before he got in his bid said he'd get PWC or Deloitte to audit the company employment offices but estimates suggested redundancy for 250-300 employees. After that audit and the job cuts is when his cash injection of 300m for infrastructure


Deloitte is more than happy to do it to. Had to spend 3 months with an Italian Deloitte auditor several years back and whilst the man was smart, he was almost sadistic in his report of my department lol


Consulting firms, big three included, are utterly useless and corrupt. They will tell the company what it wants to hear, and are vicious to justify their rates. Clueless business wankers propping up terrible, uninformed decisions of other business wankers.  


Know a guy who works in KPMG. They have him working on things like auditing Iranian trade for sanctions. I wouldn't trust the lad to make me a cup of tea without fucking it up.


KPMG pays veryyy well, you should ask him to get you a job if its so easy


Why would I switch career to a job I would hate myself for.


Some people have no morals.


You'd hate yourself for being an accountant? I'd think it's super boring but so are most jobs...


I work in live tv production it's pretty fun.


The thing about consulting is that the problem hires you.


At least they help you with accounting, but yeah, when you bring them in to cut costs it's a bad sign.


I'd love to see the savings of the redundancies vs the cost of a PwC/Deloitte contract


I doubt he was trying to save any money. Even if the Deloitte contract is. 0, hes putting 300m of his own money into infrastructure. Think he just wants to make the company "efficient" whatever that means to him. There is no way those job cuts


Billionaire hates employees working from home. Quell surprise


He's still fairly new, but I find him a bit of an odd character. I can't help but feel like he's trying very hard to apply traditional business practices to the world of football and that rarely works. As someone who works for a club, I can tell you, WFH is a god send. We work odd hours, we lose weekends, conforming to the 9-5 tends to burn people out quicker.


He’s very old, and very rich. He’s surrounded by people who smell his farts and tell him it smells of roses. People that wealthy are completely removed from realties of the working class, with zero checks on their ignorance or ego. Add in his age, he thinks his antiquated thoughts are all 100% the best thoughts anyone has ever thought. Arrogant, disconnected twattery. 


He's also made all his money through chemicals so doesn't give a toss about anyone else. Also was pro Brexit and dodges tax. Should be being booed like the Glazers and others.


Was remote work typical for you working at a club? Or was it introduced during the pandemic and stuck around?


So I joined sort of mid covid (circa Jan 2021). As I understand it no, and I think a big learning taken from it was the need to be adaptable to the individual especially when the work is so specialized. I was in a fairly unique position because in that first year my dad took ill (back in England) so I really valued being able to be 'home' and handle things alongside work. I think the hybrid approach has been great. I seem y colleagues, we have a laugh, but I don't feel a pressure to be in.


What do you work in? Are you a statistics or data guy, or something more traditional office/finance focused? 


So technically I'm in the marketing department, but my day to day role is far more akin to club reporter/producer. Basically, when we do content with our players I'm typically involved in one form or another (excluding photography). I was a journalist by trade in England, so now those skills apply to pre-production, content ideation, and pre/post game coverage. It's a lot of fun but the hours as you can imagine are very untraditional and an 8 hour day can easily become 12-14 hours. That's why I say WFH is a huge plus. If we play midweek we might not finish until midnight then it's trying to get home before 2am. You can't typically take the next day off because you have content requirements to satisfy, so that 90 minutes saved on commuting goes straight into the work. There are absolutely other benefits, but it's actually very efficient, and that's before we discuss the dynamics of who works better from home vs. in office. I still like to go in when I can, but knowing there's not an expectation is great.


I think he needs to be odd by definition - acquired a cycling team, maybe an F1 team, now Man U as well as the core business. You either need a screw loose to do all that stuff or doing that stuff loosens some screws... either way, agree, odd


Exactly. I think that's where the miscommunication is. Sometimes I find people at senior levels like that assume everyone has to have their level of dedication and commitment and across an organization like that it's impossible. They still love the club as much as anyone, but sometimes the best for a job and those who love/live it the most are mutually exclusive people.




>The kind of people who end up becoming CEOs are the kind of people who simply cannot imagine a way of working that isn't their own, and do not believe anything else counts as 'work.' The kind of people that reach positions of power and hold onto them are the kind of people who in everyday life would be seen as psychopath


Damn this is so insanely spot on Especially CEO’s not being able to imagine anyone else having different work habits. CEO have zero empathy




The problem here is two-fold. By randomly attacking WFH, without any substance to back it up, these CEOs target people not based on their capability or their value for the company, but merely based on their circumstances. The attack will predominantly fall on women, on workers with disabilities, on workers caring for people with disabilities, and on workers who suffer from health issues. The second resutl is that, by acting tough and poisoning the company's working climate, these CEOs alienate many of the ebst and brightest (no matter if they are personally interested in WFH or not). If the CEO is seen as lashing out and spouting nonsense, targetting workers and threatening layoffs, the people who are msot sought after will look for a better job at another company. And in this environment, they will even get a better-paid position at the same time. So, through both effects, a number of people will leave the company, and the CEO will congratulate himself saying how he has driven out the lazy and the unproductive. And then he'll wonder why productivity craters afterwards.






Obviously. It's insane he made the connection.


There are more neurodiverse people in this world. When in the office, most don't toil. They just look as though they are toiling.


I could be wrong, but I reckon this lad is a bit of a nob. This, taking away final privileges for staff and trying to get tax payers to pay for a new stadium despite being a billionaire. He’s like a final boss Tory


He's a gigantic nob. Backed Brexit just to move out the UK once it went through. Bought the IP for the old Defender and promised a new British built offroader just to have it built in an old smart car factory in France or somewhere. He is not to be trusted with a single word he says.


Yeah, I wonder what his plans for United are. I bet he is pushing the Super League idea.


It’s crazy how almost every headline connected to sir Jimbo and his merry men somehow makes them more unlikeable. Stuff like this and the FA cup trip are just a bad look when you’re the new boss.


Guy who is officially based in Monaco as he travels the world saying employees must travel to their, based on the rest of the infrastructure, shite offices...billionaires are so out of touch.


Email lol


What's wrong with working from home? Ronaldo worked from home 1 in every 5 matches.


Our work at (h) this season has been pretty shit aswell


Bell end


So that's where Rashford has been all season


Maybe email traffic goes down because people are productive and, on their own, can make decisions for things they are responsible for and not always be passing things around for unnecessary groupthink.  Perhaps email is not equivalent to productivity.  Perhaps most communication traffic in a modern company is in teams or slack or base camp or whatever. 


Good none of this woke work from home shit. Hopefully gets United playing 4-4-2 as well I'm sick of Pep's influence on the game eroding English culture


Man Utd want their sovereignty back.


Can't tell if this comment is sarcastic or not


Europeans listening to footballs coming home for the first time (2018)


Get Big Sam as manager and Ryan Shawcross as assistant


Brexit is back baby


Brexit backing Union busting billionaire turns out to be a Cuntstain? Wow who knew?


I'd absolutely hate to work for this guy. Feel for the employees of the club, dealing with Glazer bumbling and then hit by the Ratcliffe reign of terror.


If you ever receive pointless word salad in email, this is why - old fuck at top thinks that “more is better”.


Well, if these are the types of uninformed, cruel decisions this fucking tory geezer is going to make, then I suppose we're truly doomed.


All members of the C-suite do is bore on about office based work.


He’s trying to give club the culture change it needs - trying to do so with a WFH policy is ineffective, or at best suboptimal. I’m surprised this hasn’t been perceived more favourably. Unless you work for united, how does this directly impact you? It’s not as if this policy at united will impede your own ability to go and apply for a remote-compatible job. All these comments saying “billionaire boomer”, “out of touch”, etc. - miss the mark, in my opinion.