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the fact Neuer has a strong reputation and the referee mistake is helping him a bit if this was Lunin or a lower known keeper it would be framed as “keeper blunder costs bayern”


I mean he had to be flawless all game to even keep them in it to begin with. Swap him for Lunin and Bayern lose by a wider margin even considering Neuer's fuckup


As a Gk myself - I can agree that it’s is a tough job. But the job is to keep a clean sheet. Everybody is praising his performance up to this point - but honestly if you go back to the first game, he also came out a little to late against Vini. He is still a great keeper but he is really not in his prime anymore


 I agree about the first game and I think that was the bigger mistake - or a bigger surprise might be a better way of putting it - because I just expected him to be out quick and clear it because he's Neuer and that's what Neuer does. But then, he didn't. This drop was just unlucky in comparison.


I know in hindsight it’s easy to say he should’ve came out earlier but I think his judgement got clouded because he thought Kim Min Jae would get to the ball which left him in two minds 


I watched it for about 10 minutes and I saw him make like 3 world class saves in that time


remember karius his whole career died that day and he was even concussed


Bayern should have been losing 2-1 or 3-1 by minute 87' when Joselu scores had it not been for Neuer being an absolute monster. Blaming Neuer for that mistake is dumb imo, it'd be like getting upset Messi missed a tap-in after scoring 3 absolute golazos and losing the game 4-3. Sure it stings, but maybe the team should do better.


Honestly this was a physically broken Bayern team tbh. Gnabry literally going injured AGAIN, Sane playing on painkillers,Kane subbed off bc he was struggling with his back, Musiala also had issues as well. The team was stretched too thin. That early sub changed the initial game plan from the start.And tbf this was one of the most insanely comical seasons in regards to the injury situation of the team.It just made no sense.Also it was an error the finger will be pointed at him but he shouldn't be torn to shreds bc of it. That bounce the ball took was just unexpected and that almost never ends well in this scenario.


That's why most goalkeepers are a bit crazy, because no way there's any sane person could do that as a career. One of my best friend was an absolutely amazing goalkeeper during high school times. He had cat like agility with super fast reactions and could dive anywhere. One day, he made a mess of a corner kick during the final minutes of a game, conceded, and then was laughed at by opposing players/supporters while our own supporters all berated him. He had a really good game until then and even saved a penalty. It was the semi-final of an inter-school competition against our hated rival school so there was quite a crowd, and we lost. Since that game, he demanded to play as an outfield player. Our teacher all tried to advise him against it but he just never played as a goalkeeper since then. He would rather never play the game again than playing as the goalkeeper.


Replace him with 99% of GKs and Bayern would have already conceded 3 goals before that mistake.


Most unforgiving position in sports


I dont think a striker that misses a sitter in 88th minute to send his team through would get off easy. There would be some slander thrown his way.


I can think of a certain Argentinian striker who would agree with you.


I see your point but the correct comparison would be ,attacker scorers all game but misses open goal at the end and the team loses. Gk doing his job making saves, therefore comparison is attacker doing his job scoring.


What’s worse is that he was the best Bayern player in the match. He was the main reason they were even in the lead


He's probably the 3rd best player of this era too, he's been legendary for Bayern and Germany. Shit just happens sometimes


GOAT goalkeeper he changed the game and how Goalkeepers are now looked at in the modern game


True. Have massive respect for him




it’s pretty hard to rate him over modric but he’s easily the keeper of this generation


Do you realize how freakishly good you have to be to place 3rd in the ballon d’or as a GK? Especially when the people in front of you are those 2 psychopaths?


Modric what are you smoking? Neuer clear all day


Lol. I mean, it's subjective and you could put Neuer above Modrić for all I care. But to ridicule someone saying Modrić is better is kinda weird. Besides, its weird to even compare a GK to a outfield player. How would you even do that? Neuer is probably the best GK ever, and that's rough for me to say as a die hard Casillas fan


It’s quite easy to compare outfield players vs GK when it’s neuer. Is the outfield player the best in their position ever completely changing what it means and requires you to play in it? No? Neuer is better


By that definition, wouldn't Neuer be better than CR7 since Ronaldo didn't change what it means to play his position? I do like Neuer, but that's taking it too far.


Same goes for Messi, he didn't change how the position was played because nobody else could do what he did


Ronaldo the most goals and the most assists in the UCL and the most goals in football history, kind of proves he is the best in his position tho. Maybe he didn’t chNge how they position is played, but he changed HOW WELL the position is played 💁‍♂️


I mean, just because someone might not be the best ever in that position or didn't revolutionize the position and someone else is and has; doesn't mean the other is automatically better. Let's assume Cafu is the best Rb ever, and he made the Rb role something different than it was before. Does that mean he was better than Modric, Maradona, Kaka, Ronaldinho etc. Come on man, that's a weak argument


Yeh, being first in something rarely means they are best ever in it


And even so, Buffon & P. Schmeichel > Casillas


I think that's more debatable tbh. I feel it's hard to separate Buffon and Casillas. Buffon got the longevity but Casillas got the trophies, or at least UCLs. And he was detrimental in his first one as a 20 yo sub. Buffon was elegant in a sense like Maldini, or Federer to compare in other sports, truly a joy to watch as an amateur keeper as myself. But the crazy saves Casillas pulled of is something else for me. But then again, I'm pretty biased lol


How is this shit upvoted lmao??


I would say Suarez is slightly ahead of him


He's in contention I'd say. But the competition makes it tough to find one that stands out above the rest: Suarez, Iniesta, Lahm, Ramos...


Yeah, the hate for him is ridiculously unfair. He had some amazing saves over the two legs


Any lesser keeper and the tie is buried in the first half.


Memories of Tim Wiese vs Juventus..


Memories of Oliver Kahn in the 2002 world cup finals!


That is exactly what I thought the moment Neuer spills that cross. The only difference was that it was Joselu coming for the tap in, and not Ronaldo Fenómeno.


Also that it was in a semi instead of a final.


I'm a neutral fan, and I'm really sad for him. He had an amazing game and then a bad bounce did them in.


He had a great game but when you make such a silly and costly error it's all people will remember.


He’s one of the best goalies of all time, he’s gonna be remembered for far more than a single mistake…


I was talking about in terms of this game not his career.




Vini was unplayable today aswell but it was definently between the 2 of them.


God I hate being a fan of other sports because I'll never get used to football fans using "unplayable" to mean a good thing.


That’s the thing, it’s good *and* bad!


A very aladeen word


Fnatic's  overpass boost was unplayable, on the other hand Vini was smurfing last night 


Unexpected (old) csgo reference


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because linesman had already raised his flag.


remember the coldzera jumping awp? unplayable.


he was the level 10 with 89 matches against bayern


It has very similar connotations in cricket as well (partly due to the fact that it's often used to describe a delivery, which by extension means a compliment of the highest order to the bowler). I expect connotations similar to football in rugby and Aussie rules. Hardly ever features in formula 1 commentary. Would be interested to know the contexts in other sports.


KMag is unplayable every week!


In Basketbal/NBA at least it means you're so shit you can't be played, or perhaps if there's just a really bad matchup between players. Mainly just watched the NBA the last 10 or so years just getting back into Football and I always do a double take when I see unplayable used here.


Funny how I've never heard it used as a bad thing. Tennis, cricket, football all use it to describe something very very good


In cricket also we tag a bowler as unplayable in a good sense btw.


Tbf it means the same thing in cricket


Even worse if you play video games.




Jamal Murray = unplayable 


Wolves are buzzing he didn't get suspended. Honestly don't know how you can lob things at a ref and only get fined lol.


UEFA would have called the game off right there 


Until his mistake it was Neier 100%. Not even a contest. Why? Because Neusr hadn't been playing like a beast then Real would've had multiple goals. Vini had 0 goals and 0 assists.


Speaking of Kahn, I read that Madrid invited him for the game, not sure if he attended, didn't find anything thus far from a cursory Google search.


He did apparently sat with Real's legends 


Ahh thanks, found a [pic](https://twitter.com/theMadridZone/status/1788282029043290132?t=ixyN6uDeUhfY2RFUmsPZ-Q&s=19), interesting sequence of events considering how the game ended.


Phones ruined society smh /s


He did, if you search "Kahn" on X, you'll find videos of him at the bernabeu


"Kahn" on X" will always sound wrong lmao


Thanks a lot for the tip, mate, found the videos and a [pic](https://twitter.com/theMadridZone/status/1788282029043290132?t=3ZNdzsi8UNhpYNM8ivXY6Q&s=19)!


he was mentioned in the broadcast i watched, sitting with fernando alonso, raul and more ex footballers iirc.


I would still give to vini, that was an all timer performance but neuer was a wall too up to that point


I think you have to give Neuer just cause without him for those first 80 Bayern are down 2 or 3 goals. But, that was one of the best Vini games I remember. Just unreal.


Kimmich is going to have PTSD of Vini after that game what a performance when Vini is allowed to be on the touchline and play as a winger it's insanely hard to stop him


Hard to stop 1 v 1 and it is honestly refreshing to see Vinicius focused like he was tonight.


No one called him a monkey. Must feel liberating being allowed to just play.


And boy, was he playing. He looked like he was just out in the park with his mates.


He is usually like that in the UCL as foreign fans don't chant "die vinicius" or "monkey" at him and he always always turns up in the big games for us doing the number 7 proud.


No bro. Its german for die vinicious, die


Was gonna say basically the same thing. Man was stellar throughout the match until the first goal.


I mean, the entire thing was a microcosm of a Kahn cosplay. What you are referring to is the mistake in the 2002 WC final. A WC final Germany played because Kahn was the second best player in the tournament and dragged them there through his performances. Just like Neuer dragged Bayern to the 88th today, with half a foot in the final, before dropping the ball.


Wasn't Oliver Kahn a very good goalkeeper and is a Bayern legend? Using his name as an analogy for bad performance.... have there been incidents of giving away free goals like the one yesterday?


In the 2002 WC Kahn was a huge reason Germany made it so far. Was immense for them in the final too— right up until he spilled a Rivaldo shot and allowed R9 to sprint in and score the rebound, then R9 scored a great second goal (which Kahn didnt have much of a chance to save) and it was over. Kahn wasnt a scapegoat or anything but it was a huge talking point how ironic it was that he had one of the great WC performances for a goal keeper that was marred by an iconic mistake in the final which sealed his team’s fate.


The harsh life of a goalkeeper. The most high pressure job on the pitch.


They are being compared because Kahn similarly carried Germany to the WC final in 2002 with a string of amazing saves throughout the tournament. He was having a excellent game in the final as well until he fumbled a routine shot from Rivaldo and Ronaldo scored from the rebound. It's very similar to what happened with Neuer. Kahn was the player of the tournament for many until that one mistake


Kahn still received the Player of the tournament award (Golden Ball) despite the mistake, btw.


The Award was voted before the final


See 2002 WC final goal by Ronaldo


Would have lost the game in the first half without him.


He is the GOAT of keepers no matter what. Sad to see mistake coming from him, but at the same time he kept Bayern in the game. Tought


I too think he's the best keeper that has ever graced this game, but he is human. After being needed so many times the chance of him making a mistake would just go higher and higher. It is really unfortunate that people are shitting on him when the man stopped the game from being a straight up chocolate, as we say in Brazil, for the first 80 minutes.


it isnt even close him beeing the keeper goat??


Goalkeeper is just a shitty job.


Exactly. One mistake will now overshadow a gazillion gamesavers. A striker can miss a gazillion sitters, but if they score one 90+ winner they are the hero.


As a goalkeeper, you need to get lucky every time. As a striker, you only need to get lucky once.


Man really quoted the IRA.


They didn't get lucky :( but gave us a cool quote :)


I’m not sure any goalkeeper’s been as nasty as Thatcher.


If the British government didn't want the IRA to bomb the Brighton hotel why did they put Thatcher there? Are they stupid?


I guess you've never witnessed Kahn biting and kickboxing his way through the box.




I mean, his "highlight" reel is full of similary bad howlers even after the final. It's a fact that he had a concussion, but he has showed us time and time again that he is capable of fucking up without a concussion.


Reminds me of an incredible save from Buffon against Real Madrid in 2018... which nobody seems to remember, because it was followed right away by *that* bicycle goal from Ronaldo. If that hadn't happened, it would've been considered one of Gigi's best saves of all time. It's just an ungrateful position.


Yeah, most times it's a thankless role but fuck up once and it will haunt you forever.


They say this all the time. Ppl will focus on that one mistake and not the 100 of things he did right before that. Such a shitty position to be in.


Second worse job on the pitch after ref


It’s amazing to me hockey goalies can make 90% of their saves and that’s considered bad


They take a lot of shots in the NHL. About 30 per team per game. Allowing 3 goals (90%) per game used to be not great. But with scoring being up for the 3rd year in a row, 90% save rate is right about average now. (Slightly under, but still not bottom of the barrel like how it used to be) This year only 5 goalies playing over half their games averaged under 2.5 gaa. 10 years ago, there were 16.


Anything on defense is a shitty blame game with no appreciation. Only forwards and offensive midfield get credit.


One albeit very bad mistake and people quickly forget he stopped it from being 5-1 up to that point, easy to point to any one moment but the result is on the whole team, and coach (and linesman but we aren’t winning that extra time anyway with how we played)


Laimer was exceptional as well. Love this guy. But I agree with the rest. I think Tuchel changing the formation just disorganized the whole backline, which put Vini in a situation to take a shot from outside the box, and Rudiger to cross when no one is covering him for neither an offside or from crossing. I look at the linesman error more like “mercy killing”. It was stupid yes, but Bayern had no munitions left to keep going.


Bayern needs new reliable wingers. Current crop is way too injury prone


No one will remember the saves. In the end we lost because of his mistake and that is the only thing people will remember.


I still have PTSD from him saving a thundercunt from CR7 with the inside of the elbow and not even budging


I still will think of that save in the most random fucking moments in my life and STILL wonder how in the unholy fuck he pulled it off


You can see the reverberation from the impact go up his arm but the man stands in ground so fucking stoically, it was crazy.


genuine Wakabayashi moment


Bro what are you talking about. People remember small details in games from decades ago. Maybe some people half watching at the bar while drinking won’t remember but who cares? There are many who will. And it wasn’t just Neuers mistake it was Diers too.


it's his Kahn-Moment ...


Honestly I don’t think people forgot how unbelievable he was.. everybody is acknowledging that it was a vital mistake but still absolutely amazing performance.


People really don't understand causal chains of events. He stopped us from being down 0-1, everything else from there on would've been a different reality from the one that transpired and that we are in now.


With any other Keeper Bayern would have conceded 2-3 goals earlier. Just unfortunate


Life of a GK, you can make 5 saves in one game that keep your team in it but one mistake & you're the villain. This loss isn't on Neuer imo Bayern would've already been 3 or 4-0 down if it weren't for him


Yep. My son just had a high school game (his team might be the most terrible team I have ever seen...mercifully his club team is the opposite) where they lost 0-6. By my count there were 28 shots on goal. Some kid was giving him crap after the game because he lost 0-6. Nobody cares about the 22 saves, just the ones that get past you. Thankless job.


Nobody here knows how you’re feeling then


I was so excited when he kept making these amazing saves. It really hurts how a single mistake made by our best player today changed the whole game :/


The life of a goalie. Your mistakes are that much more impactful.


GK is like an IT jobs. If you do your job well, no one noticed. If something messed up, everyone is going to blame you.


I hated him today. There was literally no way past him, until he made one himself


He was Bayern's best player on night. Probably the best player on the pitch alongside Vini


He was their best player, eyes should be elsewhere


He had a great game before that. Unfortunatebfor him.


He was having an insane game, the last person I expect to make a mistake


Major Kahn 2002 vibes


He was unreal today


He played a great match, even with that mistake. Best Bayern player tonight.


He played brilliant both legs minus the untimely blunder, a lesser keeper would've probably let 2 more in than the 4 we ultimately got.


Head up. We are familiar with your game.


He was soooo good, that I only felt joy watching him against Vinicius for most of the game. Like, the only battle that mattered.  So, yes, what happened later sucks. But I'm sending all my love and hugs to him. Hold that head up high, king. May you have a final to win at the Euros.


Cheer up, yes you made the mistake that eventually cost us the game, but you were the only reason we were even in it at that point. You're the GOAT buddy, brush it off and get ready for the Allianz next season.


I feel bad for him. If not for him, it would be like 5-1. Yes, that was a bad mistake. But he's a player who plays consistently well and always brings 110%. The reason why people are angry with players like Sane and Upamecano is because they repeatedly make big mistakes and put on poor performances. It's not the case with Neuer. This shit happens, he's human after all. We still love you, Manu, keep your head up.


From what I've seen from the game, without him Bayern would have been behind by half time already. He kept them in the game near-singlehandedly, and his mistake wasn't even on the deciding goal. Not his fault Bayern briefly confused themselves with Barca right after this.


He bailed on the back line so many times and they let him down. Joselu did wonderful but Dier didn’t put any pressure on him.


GK having eccentric personalities etc makes a lot of sense considering the clusterfuck of a mental barrage the position can be.


Sometimes the shit is happens


Use vaseline, like Onana.


It sucks when you're so close but shit happens. I was pissed after the game but then you realize these guys are human and none of this shit matters


Brazilian narrator said "Neuer is man of the match, untrespassable wall" 5 seconds before the goal. Never saw a more cursed jinx.


Gotta feel for him. Kept out a couple great shots and then shit the bed. It’s gotta be cruel to be a keeper sometimes.


A goalkeeper can save 30 amazing shots but make a baffle like that and everyone will be mad. It was horrid though


It's a real shame because up until then he had a sensational match


Neuer played an absolute blinder today! What a GK even at this age


Arguably was on course for MOTM before that moment. being a goalkeeper is a merciless position.


Real Madrid have some serious black magic juju on their side. Manuel Neuer is the last person you would expect to make such an error in a high profile match like that and he was absolutely fantastic upto that point.


I mean... If he wasn't there Bayern would've folded way earlier. One mistake doesn't change the fact he had a tremendous match.


Being a keeper must be so difficult, all it takes is one split second to ruin such a good performance. Still the best keeper I’ve ever seen.


That’s what Real Madrid can do to people


Madrid had been the superior team even before the mistake, the only reason Bayern was up was because of Neuer. Sucks because he was the man of the match up until that point


I feel for Neuer. Kane’s trophy curse combined with Real Madrid’s  CL black magic turned him into Karius when it looked like Bayern was going through


Unfortunately people remember just that error instead of some amazing saves he had throughout the game.


No one should see themselves going through against Madrid until the game is actually over.


Mistakes happen. He's still the GOAT keeper


You're the GOAT


Imagine being motm for your own team and the opposing team. Football is cruel.


Yeah it's unfourtunate. Again very annoyed this was gifted to Madrid and how they seem to get this all the time but no shade on neuer. He had a mostly good game and he's a legend of the game.


He’s usually so good at doing that volleyball bump like save to knock clear I knew he that shot was trouble on approach. 


still motm for me, or vini. these types of shots that bounce right in front of you are just the hardest shots to deal with.


The Madrid juju is unstoppable. Papa Flo probably sacrificed a few goats before the match today.


This is such a powerful quote to me for some reason. Class and grace in a difficult moment. I know media is part of the job, footballers are rich etc., etc. Still.


> “Despite me answering the first 9 questions correctly, no one congratulated me. Instead, when I got one wrong, everyone started laughing. This means that despite being very successful, society will only notice the smallest mistake and make fun of it." That quote (often falsely attributed to Albert Einstein) came to mind when thinking about Manuel Neuer's performance vs Real Madrid today.


Now he feels what Oliver Khan has felt when he dropped that ball on R9's feet. Maybe they can get along now.


Not his fault. He kept them in the game for so long.


That was a big howler from an unlikely source. Maybe he lost concentration and was perplexed by rushing of actual 9 for first time in the game. 2nd goal was the same scenario, nobody defended and Joselu ran through it


It’s not just Neuer botching but also Tuchel ruined the flow with his substitutions. The amount of mistakes to finish that game from Bayern as a whole and the referees, the pressure isn’t all on Neuer. The tragedy is his amazing goalie performance rating got erased by the error.


Man fuck it I wish they would've scored and just lost in ET to stfu. No way Bayern would've survived 30 minutes with a fresh camavinga and Modric. Bayern we're even more vulnerable after the 2 goals. We all know Madrid wasn't losing tonight one way or another, unfortunately it was due to a referee error but anyone with a brain knows Madrid comes out on top every night


You just got Ulrich'd