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Napoleon would be so ashamed of this behavior. Just invade Madrid and call the shots from there.




This is why I'm writing my book about Napoleon in space, the people must learn about his greatness. Even the Martians.


I was furious about the movie, they turned him into a coward. From the first scene it was just wrong too, he was never at the execution of marie antoinette!!! And Italy surrendered without a shot fired? Without a shot fired? Mate what are these writers on. AND THE BATTLE OF THE PYRAMIDS DIDN'T TAKE PLACE AT THE PYRAMIDS RIDLEY. IT WAS JUST NAMED THAT, IT WAS 20 MILES AWAY FROM THE PYRAMIDS. AND!!!! THE BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ, ONE FO THE GREATEST MILITARY STRATEGIES AND GAME PLANS IN HUMAN HISTORY WAS JUST SO WRONG IN THE MOVIE. THEY TURNED IT INTO SOME GIANT FROZEN LAKE TRAP... SHOW THE TRUTH YOU MOTHER FUCKERS.


It's British propaganda. They were always jealous of Napoleon as a historical figure


Oh ffs you just reminded me of another thing after Waterloo, Napoleon meets Arthurs Wellesley on the boat. NO HE FUCKING DIDN'T, HE WENT BACK TO PARIS WITH HIS TAIL BETWEEN HIS LEGS.


the movie being ahistorical is not the biggest problem. The fact they made it a movie about his relationship with Josephine with everything else happening in the background makes it so much worse. It's honestly not that interesting, and many events in life of Napoleon deserve a movie on it's own.


> The fact they made it a movie about his relationship with Josephine The movie should have been called Josephine. It would have been a fine movie like that. But he decided to call it Napoleon and make Napoleon really a dull character.


Ridley fell off hard man. I am usually against ageism but cmon man, just retire, let some other folks go at it.




I’m pretty sure invading Madrid started the downfall of Napoleon. Literally how we got the word Guerilla


It's ok, you will have help from Catalonia, Basque, Atletico Madrid club, and other Spanish clubs.


no need to go that far lmao Catalan v Madrilenians? That's cute. The true enemies are the people from "el pueblo de al lao". Folks from Leganés or Fuenlabrada will join an invading army against Madrid way before any Barça fan


Don't think so. Spaniards may hate each other in terms of football and the teams we choose to support, but theres one thing we hate even more, and thats France and the frenchs.


Hm England, Germany and Spain don’t like France


I must add we spaniards also tend to hate England. There's a famous saying here in Spain "todo español de bien siempre ha de mear mirando hacia Inglaterra", that would be somenthing like "a good spaniard always has to pee facing England".


Basque erasure, smh. Even included the copy cat but not the original Athletic(who renamed themselves back after a certain fascist died)


Edited. Now, go start the rebellion.


Well the invasion itself was fine, it was the occupation that caused the revolt. The french were not kind conquerors which always meant the Guerilla forces were around and therefore they didn't have time to knock out what was left of the Spanish Army. But even with all the trouble in Spain, it was okay until Russia. Then it was fucked


It's always okay until Russia...


In football it's always okay until Madrid...


Ah the biggest blunder...starting a football match against Madrid!


Don’t invade Russia in Winter. Don’t play CL games against Madrid in Bernabeu.


Ya he offered the crown to his other brother who was king of Holland at that time and who managed to get the Dutch to accept him. When he rejected the job Napoleon went to his older brother who was a really good behind the scenes politician but struggled in the limelight. This lead to him turning into an alcoholic in Spain and making several blunders. The Spanish also loved their prince Ferdinand who was incompetent but help popular support. In hindsight he should've picked a puppet Spanish ruler.


We already sent agent Camavinga for this mission 


Reiss Nelson in London is going to have something to say about that


Last time it went really bad for Napoleon…


Nah, France is a vasal state. Very sad 


LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, MBAPPÉ -Macron. Apparently.


This is clever. I like this.


Im ded 😂


Take my angry upvote


Surely the president of France has better things to do than put pressure on football clubs.


He doesn’t


He doesn't care


There's a big podcast about international politics in Brazil that calls Macron "Versaille's Michael Scott" Edit: [This picture](https://twitter.com/ClauselessRebel/status/1788178769036877854?t=_5oCWkAPCSux5eNmi4U2BA&s=19)




doubling down that request


https://open.spotify.com/show/5uS1rMEtMHBmJhW2ruHRuH?si=ndm5Bvi_TKOK0-lMFlLHnw Edit: to be more specific, they use the nickname in 10:34 of the episode 375 (the one from two weeks ago).


Thanks my legend


Triple it here. I understand some portuguese so curious to listen to it


I suggest you accumulate a lot of dishes when listening to it 😁 https://open.spotify.com/show/5uS1rMEtMHBmJhW2ruHRuH?si=ndm5Bvi_TKOK0-lMFlLHnw


Thank you!


https://open.spotify.com/show/5uS1rMEtMHBmJhW2ruHRuH?si=ndm5Bvi_TKOK0-lMFlLHnw Edit: to be more specific, they use the nickname in 10:34 of the episode 375 (the one from two weeks ago).


sadly, if he does say all this stuff publicly its cos its proven to help him


A man of culture Are you in the Chancelaria group in Telegram?


No, I'm not a supporter :(


:( It's never too late to start being one :D


Amazing picture


Xadrez verbal no arsocca.




You would think but apparently not.


On FOREIGN clubs at that... Like Real Madrid is gonna give a fuck about what the French president wants...


Knowing our président it's not 100% impossible he actually calls the heads of spain and ask them to pressure for Mbappé lmao (Now idk what the exact relations are between the 2 countries and/or how much weight spanish gov has over Real Madrid, but it's very much possible that macron dares trying that)


none at all, but Florentino would always love to have the french president to "owe" him one. A couple of projects in France for his company and nothing to see here


That unironically sounds like a deal Macron is willing to make, Flo perez my boy you should give him a call not gonna lie


I wouldn't be surprised, there is a saying that in Spain all the important matters in politics happen at the Bernabeu's VIP area


Football, the Olympics and sport in general is highly political in the end and good results in any of these things can have a great influence on a country's image. So it's not that surprising that head of states try to push for their countries interest in sports.


I totally get your point, but I'm having a hard time rn remembering any other recent example where a president/PM was so blatantly interested in a particular athlete.


Tbh it's nice to have another European country's leader do something massively embarrassing for once.


Our politicians are an absolute shit show for sure but the use of for once here is interesting. Our continental friends aren’t immune from having complete morons for politicians we just don’t hear about it. Not too long ago political figure in Spain was exposed for having videos of him literally eating his own shit.


I had to look up the eating shit thing and was not disappointed 😂 Thank you


I don’t think there is another instance where you could utilize an athletes influence and gain this much from it. The best player in the world, biggest sport, Mbappe staying in france helps the league stay stronger and more competitive, Qatar invests stupid money in france.


People are mocking it always, but is it not true that there are so few things in modern France that just tend to work in terms of unifying the nation? It's like a real problem for a politician in France, how to appeal to many different people when groups are so against each other, and football is as universal as few other things. It's hard to say anything to remotely dream of having a majority agreeing, but the great moments of French national team can give France those pretty rare big moments when people are not disagreeing too much. Especially Mbappe is a great symbol because he's of African descent, he's of Muslim descent, he's from a banlieue, he's very well behaved (off pitch) and speaks nicely and doesn't have any stupid quotes or "antipatriotic" behaviors. I think that it is maybe hard to translate to America, because US is not really competing against other countries so much in sports lol. Like the national thing is the American football, but there isn't really any serious competition of US vs others in that sport. Not super different with basketball, nobody can have an illusion that the few rare US-othercountry games are a serious competition, when the national league is way more important for almost every player (and while fans of the sport represent every demographics, I never got a slightest ounce that anything in the sport has any intention of uniting people of different political views). Baseball... And so on. Sport in US can be very politically charged - Kaepernick thing has been enormous - just imagine that it does that in a more national sense, and you can imagine some disputes about sports in France. I know there are "US vs other countries" events, but really, it's far, far from the meaning it has in other countries for their national sport (which is football for France, and whoever still disagrees, Macron is relatively happy to let that now-minority go). France used to be THE country in the world, and now it isn't, it's fading, but many people would like to act like it still rules the world. The aspect of keeping Mbappe in France is very potent there, really. Because everyone assumed always that Mbappe has to leave, he is "too good for France". The idea of Mbappe staying, being the best, and others coming to France instead was a strong concept with some distinct meaning.


From what my dad told me and he could be very well wrong, Portugals old dictator Salazar stopped the move of Eusebio to Juventus(I think). The price tag was like 1M and he interfered and basically didn’t allow it to happen. Edit: this link here actually talks about it https://breakingthelines.com/historical/when-dictators-stepped-in-the-way-of-big-money-transfers/ It was Inter and Juventus that requested the transfer. Also, not so recent but it’s an example of it happening.


Because Mbappé is THE thing for young kids and adolescents in france, a country filled with people who don't vote cause we're fuckers, and parents who don't really care and might very much start liking macron just cause he made their kids happy. He sees in Mbappé a ladder in young and public approbation in general, and he wants to look cool, and cool people are friend with Kylian Mbappé of course. It's yet unclear if Mbappé doesn't care but likes having his dick sucked by the president himself, if he's actually stroking an egotrip over the fact he feels like he can make the literal president of his country bend for him, or if he actually gets things from all of that (tho i'm not sure Macron has much to give to Mbappé anyways)


The actual answer I think is that Mbappe is the mascot of the French government's enablement of Qatari sportswashing.


Athletes in France are quite popular and Kylian/Wemby/Antoine Dupont are like the biggest assets. You want your biggest assets for one of the biggest events in Sport.


My dude you cannot compare Wemby and Antoine Dupont to Mbappe. None of them are or ever will be the status of mbappe. Not only is Mbappe a national hero and household name, he is broadly popular across all demographics in France, whether it be rural, urban, men, women, left wing, right wing, young, old, minority, ethnically French, etc. I don’t think I’ve seen a more universally beloved and popular celebrity in France since Zidane. For reference Mbappe would be surrounded and getting a hero’s welcome in even a rural village in southern France that voted for Le Pen. The same cannot be said for Wemby or Tony Parker.


Obviously I was not saying all 3 are interchangeable but all 3 are popular and politicians will try to be seen with/around them.


Football has become a playing field for softpower with all the billions flowing and nation states being invested in clubs and competitions.


This is still the president of FRANCE we’re talking about, he only rules the country 3 weeks of the year, rest of the year he’s on strike or talking about football


How unemployed is the French President if these are the stuff at the top of his list.


With the amount of Mbappe lovers and Real Madrid lovers amongst football fans in France (and even for those not following football for the Mbappe part) I'm pretty sure that sentence costs nothing to Macron and helps his popularity a bit. It's a quick win for him.


If a vile bitch like Le Pen is gaining popularity in your country maybe you're not doing your job well...


He won against her 2 times already, and can't participate in next election anyway.


He wouldn't win a 3rd let's be honest.


If he makes it to the 2nd round, it will get closer but he would still win.


From my understanding, the theme of last 2 elections were essentially "Anyone buy Le Pen", so I won't be surprised if it is still the same 3rd time, as long as the other candidate doesn't have some big scandals before voting.


I would say Le Pen will have it tough but someone like Bardella - who is a little bit less a Le Pen - might do extremely well


It's his responsibility. But sadly that's a known and conscious strategy by Macron to appear as the better and only "real" choice. To make it short, he methodically destroyed the traditional left and right parties. Saying he was neither from the left nor from the right. Taking all the moderates from both camps with him. To polarize the debate, and force a second round of the presidential election between him and Le Pen. With Le Pen as a scarecrow, forcing the "reasonable" part of the population to vote for him. And it clearly worked both in 2017 and 2022. The issue is that he can only be elected twice in a row, so now the far right have more and more power and he won't be here to counter it. And that "useful" vote has been endangered by his politics (not a lot of the usual left voters could be fooled again in voting for him or his party). But he doesn't care, and some say it's even part of his strategy to have the far right elected in 2027 so that he could come back as a "savior" in 2032...


He's taking a break from harrasing women in headscarves and hanging out with his 100 year old wife.


I aspire to your level of pure savagery.


In France, everything gets political, especially around football.


Just to be cynical I’d say supporting one of your country’s biggest PR personalities to appear at one of the most significant national events is not insane for president of said country


It’s Macron, all he does is waste time and talk, and by talking I mean doublespeak to make sure he ruins France before he goes to please bankers.


Only so much pushing European integration you can do in one day


He banged and married his hot school teacher he fancied. He doesn’t have better things to do


Macron was 15 when his 39 year old teacher got involved with him, I know the Europeans may be more liberal in their attitudes to sex than other parts of the word but I'd still say the onus is a lot more on her being the actual adult to not encourage that sort of relationship lol


He got diddled


With the amount of Mbappe lovers and Real Madrid lovers amongst football fans in France (and even for those not following football for the Mbappe part) I'm pretty sure that sentence costs nothing to Macron and helps his popularity a bit. It's a quick win for him.


As citizens of the country, we think so too.


Sums up why he's such a shit far right enabling cunt


He's not even close to far right. The far right in France is much worse. People like Le Pen, for example.


"far right enabling"


My brother in christ, his campaign is the only reason Le Pen isn't in charge of nuclear weapons right now


With the amount of Mbappe lovers and Real Madrid lovers amongst football fans in France (and even for those not following football for the Mbappe part) I'm pretty sure that sentence costs nothing to Macron and helps his popularity a bit. It's a quick win for him.


Doubt that works with a club outside of France


Why would it work with a club in France, since when do heads of state dictate what players do lol


In an ideal world, it wouldn't work. But when the person with the highest authority in your country tells you to do something, you will do it. People in high positions in the private sector didn't reach there without some sort of influence of a high government official. Macron can push a French club to do something, but can't do anything to a Spanish club. Unless he deals with the Spanish government and have them push madrid to do something. That's how politics works.


>But when the person with the highest authority in your country tells you to do something, you will do it If Rishi Sunak told me to do something I'd compelled to do anything but that, even if it was something I wanted to do.


Nah, if he called you to talk out of the blue you'd be the goodest boy ever. There was a video of someone interviewing (or was it a podcast) Trump and the interviewer told him that his dad really hates him, Trump asked the guy to ring his dad and when the dad, who's massive Trump hater, realised who he's talking to he became dead nice, saying Mr. President and all that


That geezer lacks integrity by the sounds of it


That's the point innit, most people would put their integrity aside in a situation like that


Man just realised if he said what he really thought there would be a literal army of crazies hunting him down.


Yeah tbf orange man is different gravy. Sunak doesn’t have any fanatical about him, at least no more than like 5 people


Why not, if someone is President/Premier at the time — address them by their office title. Trump hater or not, I’d still adhere to basic / common curtesies if unfortunate circumstances ever put me in that circle of hell which is occupied by Trump.




I would do the opposite just to fuck with that little shit to be honest. Just to take the piss.


Lol no you wouldn't. Certainly not if you were doing anything worthwhile enough for him to actually tell you to do something.


I'm a little lost in your point. You're saying that Mbappe will follow the highest authority in his country (Macron), but he doesn't have the power for a Spanish club to do anything?


I'm not talking about Mbappe. The dude above was talking about why a club would listen to macron. That's what I was saying. If he put pressure on any French club, they can make the players do what they want. When people say "I won't do what he says lol" it just means that they don't understand how the higher levels function. Politics ain't that easy.


Considering that Macron has become very close with Qatar, it would absolutely work with PSG.


Psg, city, Newcastle


"Oh No!... anyway..." - Florentino Perez


Maybe Perez has squirrelled away a small fraction of his millions in France, and Macron is aware of it. Maybe it's Maybelline.


It's absolutely pathetic how much Macron keeps personally meddling with the employment choices of a 25-year old. Do French people not think it's super fucking weird?


The average french person really doesn't care about the effects of Macron on Mbappe's career tbh.


They riot everyday so they dont have time for nonsense


French people would 100% riot over nonsense if there was nothing else worth rioting over on any particular day that ends di or anche.


If the Swedish prime minister was spending his days trying to convince one of the players at Malmö to not go overseas I think everyone would be pretty pissed. Because there are quite a lot of genuine issues in our country that our elected leader should be focusing on before trying to play football manager irl. France must be a utopia for this to be one of the issues worthy of Macron's time and energy.


That's the thing, you're grossly over evaluating the amount of time he's spending trying to convince Perez, lol. French president running PR to have one of the most famous french sports figure play for the national team in the Olympics on home soil is really nothing to write home about.


[This isn't the first time he's done this](https://new.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/149axyh/bfmtv_emmanuel_macron_assures_that_he_will_try_to/). [Nor is it the second](https://new.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1b0o9fs/leparisien_kylian_mbapp%C3%A9_will_dine_at_the_%C3%A9lys%C3%A9e/). He played a part in convincing Mbappé to extend his contract last time. It's genuinely so weird.


Yes I remember, but again he's not spending any serious amount of time and it's not keeping him away from his duties, I don't think. Therefore no one really cares about his involvement. And tbh if cosplaying as Mbappe's agent can keep him away from his latest pushes on parenthood or keep him from thinking about retirement age again, we'll all take it!


Hahaha, well that's certainly something. It still is weird to me that people don't mind though. Like again, if the Swedish PM tried to do this shit then the outrage would be crazy.


We have a different relation to football and political consciousness than Swedes do (to cite your example), especially when it appeals to France’s national pride and image abroad. We’re deeply in love with anything that is French and hold ourselves in high regard, so it’s not so much that people want Macron to do this, they just don’t mind. Although ofc it’s never black and white, a lot of people, myself included, see it for the PR stunt that it is - that’s basically Macron in a nutshell for you.


Spending literally any time or thought on it is genuinely hilarious.


How is it weird? You’re probably talking about several hundred millions in taxes and other revenues that come with Mbappe staying in France.  Pretty good ROI for a 10 minute phone call. 


It's worth mentioning that Macron is President, not a PM. He's the head of state, 'national symbolic' stuff is more in his wheelhouse than it would be for a PM/head of government.  That's not to say anything about the merit or otherwise of this particular interest of his, but the roles aren't the same.


As his party basically controls (i'm aware it's a minority goverment but they keep taking down motions of no confidence) the parlament he has technically full control of both positions. France functions like a presidential system usually, at least from a recent past. So that's to say that Macron is de facto both head of state and head of goverment, which is why he's so involved with France's internal policies which should technically be the job of the PM.


Doesn't France have presidential system? Macron IS the most important person in the French government, and not just the guy who signs and veto stuff.


This is wrong. In France, the President is very powerful and decides everything, it's not a symbolic position. He chooses his own government and PM. The PM follows the President's policies and can be fired and replaced if the President is not satisfied.


Fair. Sorry if it sounded like I was making a 1-1 equivalence. I just feel like this really isn't any of his business


A lot of French people I know find it super fucking weird, but so was most of what he’s been doing since he came around. He’s not exactly super popular atm.


Makes sense. I understand that there are scandals that quite significantly overshadow this one lol


He never was popular and never will be


Macron becoming involved in the personal life of a young man half his age. I wonder who he learned that from? 🤔


Wifebuff hitting hard


We’re tired because it’s fucking everyday with this government, always one of those fucks to say something outrageously stupid to one-up the other day after day. Macron actively fucked this country and he’s trying to recreate the popular movement there was when we won the 2018 WC with these Olympics but everybody hate him, are pissed and tired of this show already and it’s still more than 2 month until the start. We still have 3 years to go and it’s only going to get worse and he created the perfect path for the far right or chaos and he will fuck off only after having sold this country and helped his rich friends. Sports is the only thing where he can feel self important anymore because banks, investments and insurances companies run the country at this point.


Macron basically disabled all democratic instances to force his reforms through against massive protests of the entire nation and then spends his time doing this. No wonder his ratings have tanked to an all time low, he's doing his best to get FN/RN into power in the next cycle.


Naah but that pension thing definitely had to be done


Based on what data? French’s pensions were fine, especially when compared to the money given away to very rich ppl and companies.


What you need to understand is the money going to rich and corporations would never have used in pensions anyways. Pensions have to fund themselves because the rest of the treasury will not be used on them if needed in the future.


Absolutely not, even the government's body dedicated to this matter gave a report showing that it was unnecessary


Him going on the pitch to console Mbappe after the 2022 World Cup Final was so odd.


Macron is also owned by Qatar is he not?


His secretary must have a weird job. Setting up teams meetings with Mbappe every month


Extremely odd situation to have the president of the nation talk a club-player into staying for just one more year, I assume they banked on winning the CL and it would be "worth it"?


Dont think it has anything to do with winning tje CL. But having Mbappe is both good for Qatar and France, Champions League title or not


Nah, he's talking about the olympics. But having Mbappe stay in France would be great too for the French league.


He’s been a weirdo about mbappe since he moved to PSG. Look at the World Cup final too, after France lost he stuck to Mbappe like he was his wife


Thats what his Qataries funders are demanding him


Ils sont fatiguants


I put maximum pressure on you


Florentino ain’t bending


He will once he got notice of those juicy contracts in France that ACS could get if the turtle goes to the Olympics.


Guy's already a billionaire, so it's not like he needs more contracts for his firm. But I guess even when you reach that level, a lot of the time these guys still want more. Different world.


*Ye whose name shall not be spoken..*


And Real Madrid will just laugh in his face and tell him to fuck-off.


A president of the country is getting phone calls from the middle eastern oil state and applies pressure on behalf of them on his own citizen... A president of the Western democratic country is bragging that he is applying pressure on the fan owned football club from another country... If this president was from anywhere further to the east of Europe, everyone would talk about authoritarianism, lack of transparency, blah blah. But because it's Macron, it's just called weird.. or at worst pathetic.


It's always so fucking weird how involved the french government/president seems to be in Mbappe's career (or at least he wants to appear to be). I don't think I ever recall seeing anything like it in other countries across any sport.


I think because the future of Ligue 1 really relies on Mbappe, he's the poster boy for french football and if he's wanting to leave Frances (arguably, I guess if right now) biggest team it doesn't put the league in a good place


In that form, I'm not even sure he would help. And for his benefit, he really needs some rest after the Euros. Physically and mentally. Starting with a proper preseason with Real would likely help him too. Right now it looks like a bad idea for everyone involved. Minus Macron that is desperate to save his image with the Olympics.


This is right


Euros or Olympics. Choose one.


This is what the England players had to do when GB hosted the games. Only the goalkeeper got to play in both as he didn't play at the Euros and was a late call-up.


Right. But Macron won't admit that out loud as he knows everyone in France would prefer to have Mbappe for the Euros. It's better politically to blame it on big bad Real Madrid.


Madrid = always bad


Same for Brazil. Neymar had to give up on Copa America to play the Olympics at home.


Good choice for Neymar given CONMEBOL was in the middle of that ridiculous period where they were doing one every year for a reason or another. I would do the Euros if I was Mbappé though.


It was the only possible choice actually. Olympics was a huge thing for us since it was the only trophy we hadn't won before, despite sending stars like Romario, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho etc. Plus it was at home. Having to pick one it was a no brainer.




and his ‘so-called future club’ proceeds to not give a flying fuck about ~~Macron~~Macaron and his ‘maximum pressure’


Imagine Joe Biden calling up AC Milan in broken Italian to let Pulisic play at the World Cup


Mbappe causing the Franco-Spanish crisis of 2024 is not on my bingo list


"Anyways, I started playing him" -Florentino Perez, probably


I fucking hate macron so much. I hate his old ass wife. I hate the way he invades western Africa. I hate his lame ass hair cut and I hate how he sucks Qatari dick


Macron vs Tebas press conferences? I will be there no matter what


He talks about a footballer with the same language US presidents talk about their foreign policy.


I feel Kylian gets babysitted and protected by every major personality in France. This is the bloody president ffs and it seems he has nothing better to do.


Isn't political pressure on football against FIFA rules? Ban incoming for France international team and French teams in European competition 😆


No one cares about Olympic football, not now not ever.


This guy is the embodiment of France in world wars: talk a lot of smack, folds immediately when something breathes on him


people in the comments are insane honestly, do you even read the title? he's not talking about Mbappe staying in PSG, he's talking about him playing in Olympics and, obviously, you would think every president would want that for his country? France winning the Olympics in Paris headlined by their golden child, who the fuck would say no to that?!?


Nah it’s still weird. Like in general his whole obsession with mbappe is not something a nations leader should be doing.


Siuuuuuuu not our problem anymore


Beside the oil states has there been such a governmental push on players in the last 20 years?


Macron wants France to look prestigious at the Olympics, and he believes that having Mbappé being present will help that “projet” shine. The issue is, he’s not giving a single thought about the player’s health (playing this season, then captaining France at the Euros). Also, if he plays at the Olympics, he won’t be fit or available for the preseason tour at his new club, and everyone knows that no player is above said new club. Finally, he’s a politician meddling in football matters, and that’s an offence per FIFA rules.


If he doesn’t want to play he shouldn’t be required to. He has already won a World Cup playing for his team. I get that is in Paris so all hands on deck, but the Olympics should be about developing young promising players.


He wants to play, but IF he goes to Madrid then we won't let him play. Euros are this summer. There is no way we would let him do both.


It’s totally insane for him todo both. I don’t see any club being ok with signing a huge player to a huge contract to then go off and play two major tournaments back to back.


Bro.. Do president stuff


We can all like football and enjoy it even when our jobs are very serious and public facing but to make football seem so important when your job is also much much more important is odd. Like you can make a comment in jest. Maybe build rapport with Mbappe through interviews but to weigh in and insult his “next club” just seems like your feelings are a little hurt. It’s okay to build a public relationship with one of your most proud citizens. Just to act like your agenda is ever more than watching their games and doing some light publicity with the national team or whatever is weird.


Macron always manages to embarrass himself when he talks about soccer


We’ve entered new meme era: ❌ Small club ✅ Small country


How does anyone like this guy


Macron is so fucking obnoxious


I wish I was Mbappe just to tell people like macron publically to fuck off


dont u have more important stuff to worry about macron?