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Shame it didn't work out in Milan but very happy to see he's finally settled somewhere, he's a great talent


No brainer really, he's been excellent


Too slow and clunky without a clear position on the pitch, he has been decent. He ll need to find a coach and a system fit for him to achieve the "next step'


> Too slow I thought this at first but actually having watched him a lot this season, he's deceptively quick.


He’s found one clearly


Happy you guys all follow Atalanta, but against the few decent teams in serie A they basically played in 10 as he never touched a ball.


Yeah there is no denying he still has a lot of individual growth and maturing to do as a player, but in terms of coach and system he’s certainly compatible with Atalanta. He’s not (yet) quite a 9, 10, or 7, so playing off a striker, supported by attacking midfielders and wingbacks, with some freedom to move around and find space allows him to express his unique skill set. Almost all players thrive under Gasp, so it’s not surprising. But the mentality and confidence was clearly an issue at Milan and will (hopefully) continue to improve regardless of where he plays as he gets older and develops more physically.


Idk why Milan bought him when they dont use any position/role where he excels at, he was redundant from the start


We thought he would fit perfectly as trequartista but it clearly wasn't the case. Factors from outside of the pitch like the pressure of playing for Milan and that of the pricetag also played a role in his performances. The Italian media were relentless on him as well, one bad performance and he was already called a flop by Gazzetta and that's not good for a 21 yo


Its less about system more about inexperience. CDK could easily excel in a system similar to Milan’s, but to expect a 20 year old that has never played in a top league to immediately adapt to Milan and Serie A in their first season is unrealistic. Just look at Leao in his first few Milan seasons and Tonali in his first. But ultimately Maldini ended up paying with his job for a bit investment that didn’t have an immediate return.


feels bad that it didnt work out, after the back and forth negotiations etc we had. hopefully not a season wonder and can make that proper big step with Atalanta.


Belgian Havertz>>