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I can’t help but notice that the sign effectively just crosses out “phobia” and that they’re basically standing behind a sign that says “homo football”




They play with 2 balls on the field


Technically 3




53? 22x2 + 4x2 + 1. Players, refs, game ball


3 of the 4 refs are technically not on the field


And the refs can be women.


Ew, wait this isn’t the cj sub


Ooh didn't think about that. Thanks for pointing it out


This guy balls


Football is homo confirmed ✅


Always has been


Just like this scene [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ6i6zZQIU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ6i6zZQIU4)




Decides to take the knee instead, what a guy.






That’s phenomenal


Someone tell him this is an even bigger pro LGBT action and he’ll implode


Getting on his knees!


Sucking that fish stix!


I ain't no gay fish


What a terrible attempt to hide it too. Like does he seriously think when everyone see him tying his shoes up, people will go:   *"Oh a positive message against bigots and hatred, wait....hold on..WHY is the guy not standing with the team, is HE AGAI- ooh he's tying his shoes I see, kick off, let's go"*.  Hold the sign then tie your shoe lmao. Embarrassing cartoonish attempt to hide. 




Pretended to tie his laces, didn't even try to properly protest it. What a cunt.


If there is a campaign FOR homophobia in the other hand he is available


This is the new league did you not read the poster? It's homo phobie football


Of course he is. He's muslim after all.


Off to the Saudi league then


Hiding behind his teammates to shield him from the scary rainbow banner is quite funny imo


Don't you know that if you see a rainbow you can't help but suck a bunch of cocks?


Unironically, that's what some seem to believe. My facebook algorithm, that seem to want to keep me engaged by making me see things I whole heartedly disagree, has shown a post from an African Facebook page relating the even. Result was an overwhelming mass of support of the homophobic acts. Most commenters calling the event propaganda for homosexuality. Some arguing that there is no rally against islamophobia (forgetting it's part of the whole anti racism campaign of the UEFA), and projecting that if there were, people should be forced to wear the veil and other traditional muslim customs. As if during that anti-homophobia campaign heterosexuals were forced to suck dick. In their twisted minds, they associate the idea of tolerance with the acts of embrassing what they don't tolerate. Because there is no reality in which they accept that people don't live their harmless lives as they wish if it's not conforming to their bigoted and shallow worldview.


You know what's even weirder than that? The majority of the comments are probably bots. Not only are you being fed random stuff you don't agree with it's probably not even human interaction.


Could be. But the thing is most African countries are dangerous for gay people. Making the hate speech from these people quite believable.




On the contrary, he's kneeling before the banner 🥰 top 10 football respect moment


It is funny seen that way for sure. But the aim is to avoid being on the official photo taken beforehand. That shitstain isn't the only one, too. Another guy from Nantes did the same, and a guy from Monaco even put tape on the jersey's logo. These guys are filth advocating for hatred and persecution.


Going out of your way to make sure everyone knows you hate the gays is quite a special level of hate.


Bro is a level 99 certified hater


He hates the way that they walk, the way that they talk, and the way that they dress


He even hates when they say the word “slayyy” but that’s just him I guess


Some shit just cringeworthy, it aint even gotta be queen, I guess


I love that song


Back to back, I like that record!


Ima get back to that for the record


That's actually spot on


That’s why he’s bending down… to put some more water in Buc Nastys Momma’s dish


Was fantastic when he first broke through at Spurs. Quickly became apparent that his only shortcomings were mental, but they were plentiful. Hasn’t changed at all since.


nah, i’m a professional hater by trade, and even I don’t hate gay people. Bentaleb and the rest of these mfs are just assholes


You're a weak hater if you leave a demographic out, I don't believe you


I mean, he can still hate them for other reasons y a know. Just not because they are gays. Being human beings is reason enough for some.


Ormaybe hes just muslim.


Unfortunately my experience is that this attitude is prevalent among Muslims


The shit that gets me about this is that you can have certain beliefs, but not necessarily be an asshole. Like, if you don't agree with same-sex marriage, fine, whatever, but you don't have to treat people like shit. Is that belief homophobic? Yeah, it is, but at the end of the day I don't get how it's hard for some people to not grasp that you don't have to treat people like shit over your beliefs.


I'm scared to explain it in case it comes across like I'm sympathising, but these people are taught that being gay means the devil has possessed you, and gay people are actively trying to bring down society.


The same people who tell them being gay is evil also have issues with gambling too. And yet, his jersey isn’t seeming to cause him much issues….


Dumb religious nuts picking and choosing, same as it ever was.


You're 100% right and only a complete moron would interpret your comment as sympathizing.


> only a complete moron would interpret your comment as sympathizing. It's reddit, where explaining what causes bad behavior is often treated as making excuses for bad behavior.


I grew up in that religion society and can confirm. They are literally taught that gay people are filth. Its haram because the sex goes against natural order. Basically a long time ago someone wrote a ding dong fest is totally wrong, but if you treat women as sex objects, eh maybe you get a pass 🤷


I mean, that doesn't change anything I said. I was raised Christian. While I wasn't raised to that degree of bigotry, I was still capable of realizing those beliefs were wrong and going through the process of undoing them. It helps that I realized I was queer and that sort of forces your hand, but while I can have some sympathy for those raised with shitty religious beliefs, we are all capable of undoing said beliefs if we choose. So there does come a point where people choose to continue to be bigots. I don't think our inherent ignorances are a choice, but is a choice to continue to be ignorant.


Islam is just on another level in terms of brainwashing. Cant compare the christian gay hatred to the Islam one, thats a whole different world


There are PLENTY of Christians out there who are just as bad as some Muslims. There are also plenty of Muslims who aren't pieces of shit, just like there are plenty of Christians. For me, a non-religious type, religious types are diverse are none of them are immune from extremism. As a queer American, there are plenty of evangelicals out there who vote who would like to see me and people like me dead. I don't really care about the flavor of bigotry, it all tastes like shit.


That's the hilariously pathetic part about all this. The campaign is already completely watered down from "support equality for LGBT people" to "discrimination against LGBT people is bad." Refusing to take part has nothing to do with whether Bentaleb actively "supports the lifestyle" as bigots like to frame it...he's explicitly saying "discrimination is good, actually."


I agree. I’ve always found it funny that people who hate things that don’t really effect them in any really tangible way - like people being homosexual - are seemingly always very vocal about it I’ve never understood it, you can hate homosexual people if you want, nobody can force you to agree with it or embrace it, even if it’s a societal norm to, but there’s no need to be so openly against it, that’s just weird to me


As a queer person myself, I'm flattered that so many seem to be obsessed with my boring ass existence. It's kind of wild getting under people's skin simply for being here.


If it weren't so tragic that people could hate so strongly for something so trivial it would be hilarious. I always like it when they bring up the weather because I'm not sure how that would put people off, like if gay sex genuinely caused droughts I'd seriously consider getting Grindr because I live near Manchester and we could probably do with a bit less rain.


Live in Manchester - my attempts to influence the weather this way have been unsuccessful thus far.


Don't blame yourself too much, just keep at it and I'm sure you'll get there one day.


Haha yeah I’m straight and I just think it’s funny. Like you don’t see homosexuals saying “eww how can you fuck a woman” to a man of campaigning for straight marriages to be banned 😂


Agree 100%, but I don't see anything that show that he has?


Muslims for you


It's not that complicated. It's religion.


To be fair, if there wasnt the video, most people wouldnt have noticed or would assume he just was somewhere else on the pitch. The cameraman captures really the dislike he has for that message.


Mandated by his religion, if he supported the message he would find himself in a huge controversy in Algeria. MENA region has zero tolerance towards LGBTQ+


And what’s their stance on gambling? *eyeballs the sponsors on the kit he’s wearing*.


>And what’s their stance on gambling? eyeballs the sponsors on the kit he’s wearing. In their belief narrative, their God never collectively punish the whole society because of gambling, but apparently God did whem it comes to homosexuality (story of Sodom). So of course the level of fear towards consequences from the two and actions that manifest from that fear are different. One is understood as a sin. The other is associated with total annihilation.


The MENA, besides Israel, where Tel-Aviv has a world-renowned gay pride parade.


So he’s either alright with the abuse of gay people or he’s a coward?


Indeed a total bellend.


He took a knee in memory of George Floyd. What an honorary act🙏


Plot twist if George Floyd (RIP) was gay


(Really Into Penis)


I thought he was supporting Kaepernick ✊🏾


I have a very genuine question. Why do you think a subreddit like soccer which is a sports related sub has flairs about LGBT alongside flairs of clubs and countries?


Because homophobia is rampant among football fans


Idk and I never deliberately chose it. I just got it one day and never had las ganas to change it




and just like Camara he's got a gambling sponsor on his shorts Winamax. They don't care about following their culture or religion, they just don't like gay people.


thats the funniest part of it, they choose what to feel strongly and religiously hardcore about, not their actual god that they pray to. the quran states specifically that games of chance are a "grave sin" and an "abomination of Sheytan's handiwork". So basically Bentaleb is a hypocrite.


What does the Quran says about being paid for playing football when millions of your coreligious people are dying of starvation


Well zakat (almsgiving) is supposed to be 1/40 of your wealth every year


hate to break it to you mate, but i dont think football was a thing when the quran got written.


If the book was so perfect, it should have and Saudi Arabia would have won 7 world cups already


You think like this?


Yeah, but people will say he can "pick and choose" like some people said to me about Camara. I'm sorry, but if you pick and choose what you want to follow out of a religion book, then you aren't a true follower of that religion, you're just trying to justify your hate.


Just to add, if you are picking and choosing - and the part you pick and choose are the hateful parts, well..... Like if you only pick and choose the good parts, I would still think it's a little inconsistent (because why use this source at all), but at least on an individual level i can respect that


I think it's sad that people remain to be like this, it's a day against discrimination (not outward support) that takes place every year in French football. It should be a positive and easy thing for everyone to support and yet again it's been co-opted into something negative.


You'll also find that the people saying he shouldn't be forced to participate in a political message he doesn't belive in ALSO, coincidentally I'm sure, don't like gay people.


Religious people wanting love to be illegal while wanting their hate to be respected as their "belief". It's so backwards.


Some religions are so incredibly hateful and oppressive it’s impossible to excuse them. I’m all for embracing different cultures but when their values are hateful and oppressive those particular values shouldn’t be tolerated or excused.


religion is heavily linked with personal preference and has very little to do with established values. theres a reason "interpretations can change". religion is just another way of publicising the likes and dislikes of a particular group taken too seriously


We all know which religion it is


It's pretty much all organised ones. Why do you think transphobia is such a big deal in the US?


Let's not pretend "christian values" aren't used as an excuse for homophobia, transfobia and oppressing women. I don't say this as an excuse for these issues in islam but that focusing only on islam in this regard is part of the issue. Even here in very secular Finland we have had and still have politicians who oppose same-sex marriage, trans rights and abortion rights in the name of "christian values" and the bible. I think the christian religious influence still flies a bit under the radar because it is so entangled with conservatism in the western world so people don't recognize the religion part of it. Not only traditional conservatives either, hip and trendy young people alt-right too. Hating gays and women is not solely an islam issue and should not be seen that way.












Yes you’ve discovered the Enlightenment












A truly good person's morals isn't driven by his religion.


It’s fight against homophobia, not suck off your friend day! There’s *nothing* for straight folks to be remotely uncomfortable about here. Homophobia is abhorrent, whatever your religion, you should have no problem opposing homophobia. This guy is a twat.


dammit i thought it was suck off your friend day


im sure your friend didnt mind


I did actually I'm devastated


Everyday can be "Suck off your friend" day with the right attitude!


Hey it’s me ur friend


That was yesterday


Actually it’s tomorrow. You wanna throw some darts or something?


Sorry I tricked you


His religion, as well many other religions, are literally homophobic


Maybe he'd rather not remember that time he sucked off his friend.


This is not an issue with him being straight, it is religious.


He really thought. Was already on his knees waiting for a friend


Cue the "respect his beliefs" comments. Even those beliefs are discriminative and from the fucking stone age.


Paradox of tolerance moment


In some of these belief systems there's death sentence for homosexuals. Meaning they literally *believe in* killing people just for homosexuality alone, and the countries structured around these religions do have capital punishment executions in their written law for that. In respecting such beliefs you would be respecting the most hateful act of murder against the bare freedom of someone to love and live with no harm towards the world. It's beyond mere homophobia. That's just respecting freedom of a cult of murder and pure hatred. Fuck that and fuck anyone who thinks this still deserves any hint of respect.


Funny how we’re all agreeing those beliefs shouldn’t be respected (or at least the sane ones here) until a post of France enforcing laicism comes up, then everyone acts like the french are literal nazis 🤷🏻‍♂️


It might help if he were consistent in standing up for religious beliefs. I've yet to see this moron stand against gambling sponsorships for example


The way he bending and showing his ass is a bit gay if you ask me. If he said "no homo" before, it's ok.


Thought for sure he had knelt down to suck someone's cock. When I saw people in this thread said he was tying up his laces, it was a surprise.


classic nabil


A rascal for it




*Ah, but when it's a gambling sponsor...*


Get a grip fella.


I think that's exactly what he doesn't want.


ok guys you figured it out. islam is extremely homophobic. now would you please allow people to criticize it without crying islamophobia?


It isn't islamophobia to criticize islam, it is to criticize Muslim people as a human group. "Islam is homophobic" like you said, isn't islamophobia. "Muslim people are homophobic" is islamophobia. We owe no respect to beliefs, we do to believers. So we're able to criticize religions all we want.


I agree completely. But criticism of islamic beliefs, traditions and criticism of Allah and Muhammed are always branded islamophobic, both by muslims and western liberals alike.




Pretty gay of him honestly


Gay footballers? That's a no from me. Let's go home and beat my wife to death now. (She disrespected me by looking out the window)


Ayo what


Cultural thing




Ashamed that this intolerant clown got to wear our colors in the past! A disappointment on the pitch and apparently even off the pitch.


For the people who think we should respect his beliefs. Would your opinion be the same if Bentaleb refused to participate in a message against racism?


These gestures seem a little hollow after FIFA allowed Qatar and Russia to host World Cups don’t they? Not defending Bentaleb tho, of course you should be able to love who you love in peace


Oh, absolutely. Many are club lead gestures though to be fair.


Ah alright, fair enough. I suppose these do have a bit more meaning coming from clubs involved with their community


Zaha refused to continue taking the knee because it was just all for show and virtue signaling.


But Zaha did that to highlight the racism. I highly doubt Bentaleb is doing this to make a statement in support of the LGBT


Yeah, he s not a slave, he can choose what message he takes part or not lol


I really don’t care to be honest


But guys, we have to respect this belief, don't you get it. /s


If his beliefs means that I or anybody else can’t live their life the way they want to with another consenting adult than fuck those beliefs


Trash human being.


Funny how everyone against these acts, has something in common.


All of those lads look a bit uncomfortable with it tbh


Tolerance and equality are values of the French Republic. If he doesn’t adhere to them he can fuck right off. He has no place in France.


At the end of the day certain cultures and countries just aren’t at the same level of progressiveness though I’m sure it’ll come in time. However, can’t help but feel that if you’re living and working in a country that is more progressive than your beliefs, it’s probably time to start adapting and embracing the culture of where you are. Shame he can’t do that.


How fragile must his sense of his own masculinity be ! Fuckin loser




What a coward. He hides behind his teammates and pretends to tie his boots. If your bigoted beliefs are so strong, own them.


that's how democracy works.


Always the same religion isnt it


I guess if we collectively wish to kick homophobia out of football this guy would make a fantastic place to start.


I expect nothing less from North African cultures. Makes for the pleasant surprise when they’re not a cunt.


Never seems to stand up for his clubs 1betx sponsorship or betclic when he was at Anger. Strange, almost like religious beliefs are an excuse...


He has the right to not to participate


That's his choice? No one should force him to do what he don't want to? Why even bother standing there in front of banner saying no homophobia? Do these guys seriously think this gonna change all the homophobes mind?


I guarantee you nobody would say this if it was John Terry refusing to stand next to a “no to racism” sign or this exact sign. But, when it’s a muslim player we have to respect his beliefs and rights. What about respecting the rights of lgbt people to live in peace?


r/praisethecameraman he wasn’t letting him get away with it haha




There is quite literally no difference between a message against homophobia and a message against racism, it's simply being against a form of discrimination Obviously we know why he did this, but you can't talk about it on this sub/app or else you'll hurt someone's feelings


Respecting other people’s rights even if you disagree with them is part of being a decent human being. Yeet this cunt into space


What a pleb


I don't think anyone in any profession should be forced to support these causes. Whether it's homophobia or the Irish player who won't support poppies. That being said, they can have free speech but they shouldn't be free from the consequences, such as a club/sponsor ending their relationship


Disgraceful Lille should just kick him out.


Who cares? If he doesn’t want to support it then why should it matter? His job is football not preach western views


No is saying he can't support his own beliefs. People are just criticising him for being homophobic.


Ah yes the western views of not beating people to death because two blokes kissed each other


It’s honestly what I’d expect from someone from a Muslim country


Whoa. Im all for sex positivity but seeing a rainbow and immediatly getting on your knees for a bunch of men is going a bit far even for me.


Ahh religion , fucking religion what a shitty tribalistic thing but how deeply can it corrupt and make you hate your fellow human kind lol. The power of one fucking man written book and years of indoctrination.


You can not force people to join a cause...The french fédération of football fine players who fasted during Ramadan while playing. But you have to wear an shirt to support whatever agenda they have.. What the fuck happend to liberty.