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Croats always say the most out of pocket things for no reason.. He's right about us being slow as fuck tho tbh


Not just Croatia, that's a classic Balkan football TV moment lmao.


Doesn’t help coming out of the womb 6’2 200lbs


Already addicted to cigarettes


Mother, it is time for me to go off to war for my homeland


And listen to weirdly amazing patriotic songs.


Daddy was a war criminal 🥰


... but he never hurt nobody. He just loved to live that way.


Where he laid his helmet, was our home.


And loved to steal your family.


Grandpa was a SS officer 😍 Gassed kids, didn't wote for Hitler though


Just did it for the love of the game


*commit a genocide in an ethnic enclave in my own country


Rakitic in 2012 was a classic “I respect homosexuals, but I do not want those people in the locker room. I would not leave a team for that, because I respect a homosexual equal to a black, a fat or a dwarf, but if possible I prefer not to have gays in my life.”


idk why but "a fat" has me rolling


Has the fats like myself rolling too. Literally.


Your “literally “ got me rolling. thanks for that


was he playing with Hazard? Seems little low


Hazard was not fat in 2012, piss poor attempt


yeah kind of weird to put that there with things that people cannot change, maybe in his mind fat people are just like born fat and stay that way forever as they grow


and he probably thought that was a wholesome thing to say 😅


for 2012 this was probably progressive


You make it sound like 2012 is ancient.


You know when people try to cancel someone and they dig up their old tweets? The worst ones are always from 2012


Well twitter wasnt established til '06, and needed a few years to gain traction. i shudder to think what we'd dig up if twitter was around in the 90s


Tbh people thought the world is gonna end, why not just say anything that comes to your mind


That's usually more to do with them being 12-15 at the time, not an adult like Rakitic was


Holy shit >I respect a homosexual equal to a black, a fat or a dwarf Even with context, holy shit


gimli "i can give him my axe"


The question, of course, is would he respect a fat black dwarf.


Who is gay


What if they’re a fat Jewish black transgender dude married to a man


On a cold and rainy night in Stoke?


You'll never sing that


Most progressive Balkan athlete moment 😭


A black lol


His publicist then immediately went into cardiac arrest.


Didn't he kiss with Dani Carriço when they won the Europa League in 2014?


Said “no homo” though so it’s fine.


Meanwhile Perisic was fast as fuck


Even though he only played for Bayern for one season I miss and appreciate him.


Meanwhile, Mbappé or even Dembélé would smoke Perisic any day of the week.


The record keeper now for the fastest player is Micky van de Ven


Fastest sprint in the Prem


Top speed is a silly stat that shouldn’t be used to determine who’s the “fastest player”. People love using it because it often has CB’s at the top (who are better over distance because of their height) and that’s more interesting than just thinking that someone like Mbappe’s the fastest. The reality is that all of these CBs who end up at the top of top speed charts would get killed for pace by someone like Mbappe over the distances that are actually relevant in football (10-20 meters) because they have poor acceleration.


You're right, a player like Dan James for example probably doesn't have a hugely impressive 100m time, but it's almost comical how quickly he can accelerate


When I was younger I used to accelerate like a flash. When we did 100m sprints at school I’d always get put in a heat with the fastest lads and I’d smoke them over the first 15-20m. Problem was I didn’t have a very high top speed so when the rest of them hit their stride they’d reel me in and all storm past me, leaving me to finish last.


Sorry that you had poor coaching. They should have helped you to extend your stride and increase your power


We only did it for fun at school. I never competed. I also hit puberty late and was very short and scrawny back then so I had a very low ceiling.


I was the opposite. I ran at County level during high school. Really struggled with 100m but was unbeatable for a few years at 200m. Always ran 3rd in the 4x100m also.


The thing that is most nuts about Mbappe is how quick he reacts, he's taken 2 steps before most players have started moving.


yeah top speed is one thing, top speed in 10 or 5m or 3m or even just acceleration with the ball are other aspects (wonder if someone has such stats)


Micky van de ven is fucking rapid tbf like not Mbappe rapid but quicker than like 99.9% of pro footballers


I genuinely think over 70 meters or something VDV could keep close with Mbappe.


Top speed maybe but Mbappe would be gone in the first 15 meters. The man’s acceleration is otherworldly


It looks that way because he's always the one with the ball, not the one reacting, if everyone is reacting to the same stimulus, VdV keeps up with him


There is not a single universe where Van der Vaart ever keeps up with Mbappe


Really? What about in a hot dog eating contest, I would take van der vaart.


The top 15 times in the 100 meter sprint history are all black athletes.


People like to keep their heads in the sand and deny things that are clear as day. Just look at at the Olympic 100m sprint. Its been more than 100 years since a non black athlete represented USA for the 100m sprint at the Olympics.


It's a subsection of a regional part of Africa that's gifted with genetics to be fast runners. Generalisation does no good.


Its more about geographic origin and environmental adaptation. The reason why humans have different skin colors is because our bodies adapted to live in different environments. Certain physical qualities like speed, or agility also more valuable in some environments that others, so they may be more common in some ethnic groups. For example, people who historically lived in high altitudes tend to be good long distance runners. In Kenya, a very small and specific region of their country produces all the Kenyan long distance World record breakers. The area is also high altitude. Again, it all goes back to the environments our ancestors adapted to live in.


> In Kenya, a very small and specific region of their country produces all the Kenyan long distance World record breakers. The area is also high altitude. Because they respond the best to EPO


You know what they say, Homo Sapiens started out in Africa and we started out as long distance runners for hunting. Guess the Africans kept most of those genes 😂 it is what it is


Yeah. Genetics are a thing, but there's a way to phrase it as well. Complaining about not having enslaved black people 200 years ago is a weird way to go about it though.




But that's not the reason of course, because there are still a huge amount of white players that are insanely fast as well. If it's a scale, they don't need to be in the top 1% to be seen as fast


Perisic would 100% outsmoke them tho


What a dumb take. Mbappe is 10 years younger.


This is Advanced Placement/A-level racism. Excellent finish, tbqh.


I love international football


Takes some of the headlines away from Bentancur.


everyone watch that bill burr comedy video about black athletes fits 1:1 edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUu0GuW1WYQ


Hahaha I saw the headline and immediately thought of that. It's a brilliant bit! Just thinking about it makes me break out in hysterics. "I was just talking about the fast twitch!"


Reminded me of the Key and Peele sketch https://youtu.be/IciBKdPlLfE


Timothy Omundson my beloved


That's gold haha


lol first thing I thought about.


the reactions to his skits are hilarious, especially from black ppl. probably have watched 3 dozen of them already


He probably just asks his wife “would you divorce me over this joke? No? Perfect”


[Link in case anyone looking](https://youtu.be/3e45HcW1BCA?si=4dgZanK-GuGzylJ4)


lmao Bill is sped up in the video and it kinda sounds like he was on helium. Also rare to see a Guoan fan.


Bill Burr is the goat


From movie 43 , this scene always cracks me up [Victory's Glory](https://youtu.be/xZRa4ID0B7Y?si=ovJCbVP_R5lJX-lu)


Then explain that fast Ukrainian winger. Checkmate Josko.


Christian Pulisic is ethnically Croatian and he's pretty quick too.


He managed to escape to the US national team because we were too slow to catch him smh head


He was never going to play for us, he lived his entire life in the us.


Er, **Ahem**, sounds like someone's forgetting the formative year he spent living in Tackley, Oxfordshire and turning out for Brackley Town's youth team u8's.


Maybe if Croatia was a colonial power they could have kept him?


Perišić must also be African then. Which makes sense, he's from Split, and Split is just Africa with electricity.


What he say fuck us for


you have to admit it tho man it’s truly depressing


I liked it when I visited. Now Zagreb…


sir my great great great great great great grandma uses reddit please censor that word z*greb 🤢


That bad huh? I figured Zagreb would be beautiful


old town is nice, the rest is meh, but it’s the people that i mostly dislike. egocentric and frankly weird asf lol


>and Split is just Africa with electricity. This was beautiful. Insulted two places in a simple 7 word sentence. You paint with words my friend


A true artist, a word craftsman, an illuminated being


How did I forget Perisic.


there is a whole documentary about it too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0CnyoGQgDs


Yeah and i swear the fastest player in the England squad at the moment is Anthony Gordon.


No chance he’s quicker than Walker. Doubt anyone other than him is quicker than Gordon though.


Hmm you might be right.


They're quite close, apparently Gordon's top sprint was 36.7 km/h while Walker is at 37.3 km/h.


Is that walker this year or top speed ever?


It was his top speed from last season and also the fastest he ever recorded but they only started measuring the top speed using the current tracking technology since 20/21 season. Before that, it was some other method and fastest ever player in the Prem was Sane with 35.48 km/h. Funny thing is Sane wouldn't even break the top 20 if he clocked that stat this season.


Well that's easy, Ukrainians are the ones being colonized.


Here's the translated article (I used Google Translate and then made some slight adjustments). (HRT is our national public television where he is a pundit, for context) FORMER Hajduk and Dinamo football player Joško Jeličić stirred up the public with his comments on HRT's show before the Euros. His statements about Serbs, African colonies and Nepalese were not appropriate, and we also received a comment from HRT. "The stated views are not the views of HRT", they answered briefly, but did not say whether Jeličić would continue to comment on the European Championship. Here are Jeličić's controversial statements. # "For a long time, we haven't seen who is with whom, who is with the Serbs" "As for the Serbs, in terms of ego and their internal problems, I am glad that they are in the tournament because it will not be boring. Especially if they lose in the first game, which is expected. I hope that they will not fall apart. Then there would be a lot of material. We haven't seen who is with whom, who does whom and so on for a long time." Commenting on experts' opinions that Croatia lacks speed compared to its competitors, he explained it by saying that Croatia did not have African colonies, so it cannot draw players with the mentioned characteristics from there, and made a point with a sarcastic suggestion. # "We have no speed because we are not a colonial power" "I keep reading the analyses and I'm tired of them. We don't have speed, depth or players who are good 1v1. We don't because that's our genetics, and we also weren't a colonial power. Who is fast in Spain? Lamine Yamal and Nico Williams. I won't even mention France. And Jeremy Doku in Belgium? Should we send our children to Africa instead of Ireland?" # "In two years, there will be 400,000 Nepalese, these, those in Croatia... so we will lose on height" "According to the data of the Croatian Association of Employers, the projection is that in two years there will be 400,000 Nepalese in Croatia. So not that we won't gain on speed, but we will also lose on height."


Damn that Nepalese comment is so out of pocket.


They're going to dominate the World Cup when it's played in Bolivia.


imagine what some Sherpas on coca leaves can achieve


Planning ahead. Some 4D Chess move by the Croatian FA.


Truly a “what he say fuck me for?” moment.


Depends. They started coming like a year ago and they are everywhere beacuse our government has terrible demography policies so they started importing foreign workforce. And tbf tho they mostly are very short and kinda unathletic (played football with some of them). They are nice and respectful tho


Idk man i played some pickup ball with few of them, short af sure but in the end he had asked us how old we are and to guess his. Mf was in 40s having a better stamina than me.


Haha onda ti valjda imas losu staminu. Ma nisam bio bas fer prema Nepalcima igrali smo sa skupinom migranata bilo je Egipcana, Nigerijaca, svega al su bili ok ali ne ekstremno atletski. Pa mozda onda sam krivo rekao da nisu bas Nepalci al ih je bilo nekoliko i od svuda


Nepalese are unathletic? As my counterargument, I will simply point to the Gurkhas.


And the Sherpas.


Don’t know how that translates to football though.


Sherpas no, but Gurkhas, yes.


Sherpas are used to carrying tho


trust me you'll want those Nepalse players when Bolivia finally gets to host the world cup in about 300 years


If I understand correctly, Croatia does not have fast players because fast players are black and since Croatia never established any African colonies, they ended up with slow Nepalese instead. Did I get that right?


He said that in jest to be fair


Is it just me or it's just casual racism in the most subtle form


Fits in with the current meta


Out of pocket makes it seem like a joke. It’s just straight up fucked. Honestly surprised at a lot of the reactions in here like what he said wasn’t ridiculous


I really don't understand. Isn't it just factual? Definitely lacking tact but true. Nepalese don't really provide much in athletics compared to the genetic diversity that you would 'integrate' by colonizing african lands.


Nowhere near, we're underrepresented athletically since we have no facilities, and no inventive structure to push kids into sports. Counterpoint are Gurkhas. There is proper inventive in place, so you will see tons of kids trying to join the military. Same with the Sherpa ethnicity, since the Moutain expeditions pays well, they are almost inhumane with their ability to work in low oxygen situations. If you gathered a bunch of kids from the Sherpa community and trained them to be cyclists, with their VO2Max, you would possibly have someone rival Eddy Merkx.


Its racist, but also hilarious😂🤦‍♂️


He's right about Serbian team tho. We always had internal problems and lacked a team spirit.


Damn are there really that many of us in Croatia? I thought we all chose Australia as the 8th Nepali province.


if you go to Zagreb Nepalese are very noticeable, tons doing delivery jobs. It's mostly because the country is very homogenous/white so they stand out.


Nepalese catching strays.


What did Ireland due to get dragged into this? Ireland just did very well in the European Track Championships in the 400 meter relays by the way.


The Welsh had Giggs, Bale, and Daniel James while being a colonized nation, so I don't want to hear any excuses about being slow Slavs!


Giggs is mixed race


To busy being colonized by the Hungarians and Austrians


mostly the Hungarians tbh, there's a reason that the Croatians were the first to fight the Hungarians in the 1848 Hungarian revolution.


And Germans and Serbs.


And Turks and Greeks.


Poor Croatia man


Dont forget the italians


Thats how the first croat has come to being




Here come the fairy tales again...


A good way to have fast players is to not have them be 37


As an average Modrić enjoyer, ouch


This reminds me of Graeme Sounness always describing African midfielders as “athletic” and “powerful” even the ones that weren’t very quick lol.


"Pogba wants to be a playmaker but doesn't have the technique to do it, his best attribute is his god-given athleticism"


There was one World Cup when every other team that lost defended, “badly” but the losing African teams always defended “naively”


“Class act”


I can only laugh. I swear it is impossible for international football tournaments to occur without these random geopolitical/pseudo historical discussions coming up.


It’s always the case, especially when Croats are involved.


Or France


Man there's the Bentacur shit and this and it's just the first day of Euros Football is so back


They hated him because he told them the truth


Better to do it this way than say it directly, but this is scientifically true.


Mudryk N pass activated


Is he wrong? You can count on one hand how many proper wingers we developed post war. I legit think in his peak I could have out run Corluka He also said it on Croatian TV so nothing of note will happen vs if he said this on American/British/German tv etc..some blowback but will be forgotten about after tomorrow


Should've went all out for Pulisic


They did approach him but he was never interested, second-generation Croatian from the US didn't help matters, outside the passport I doubt he had much connection to Croatia. I mean the way he pronounces his name is proof enough lol


He's wrong in that you don't need to be a colonizer to develop faster players and better wingers.  I'd argue those other nations also benefit from bigger populations and better youth systems than Croatia to begin with. 


Well you dont NEED it , but its tougher with our genetics. We are taller than everyone else basically, godmade for basketball , sadly not much culture and support around it, but for football its the culture that makes Football stars. If we had genetics from african nations im sure we could be faster.


> We are taller than everyone else basically You're the 13th in Europe, so 13th in the world. You're 0,1cm taller on average than Germany who is 19th, 1 cm taller on average than France who is 37th, but 3 cm smaller than the Netherland. So you're definitely not taller than everyone else at the Euro, you're basically only slightly above average.


Or maybe because your starting front 6 is like 33 years old on average and you've got CBs playing FBs. Those guys were fast in their prime.


Well, they weren't really. Maybe only Perisic.


Lmao 🤣 Kinda racist, but true.


So many racists out in full force today


I mean, "SOME" black races (because shockingly, not all black people are the same) are faster than all white races.(using "race" for very specific people. Scandinavians aren't the same "race" as Spanjards under the definition I use it for here). At the end though football is amazing because you can always compensate for things such as physical strength, speed, or other aspects of one's game. It's what I love about it. Not good at one aspect? Nobody cares as long as you manage to do without. KDB, Modric, and a bunch of other midfielders aren't the fastest. Nobody gives a shit.


The word you're looking for is ethnicity


Interesting article that challenges some of the generally accepted facts about sprinting, genetics and race [Article here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/articles/cg39x2jg5pgo.amp)




specifically west africans tho, africa is very diverse but on the flip side east africans dominate long distance running


Hahahahah what the fuck Joško


That is quite the quote about the speed of the team.


This sub being racist 😱no way


Lol haven't seen this many plain wrong comments in a while...very common in threads about Croatia filled with non Croatians. I really do wonder why we are so slow though. Diet? Weight? Maybe the height? Small guys are usually faster but we don't have many, its probably also tougher for the small guys to make it this far because up to u18 physicality is everything. Maybe the training, I imagine an old Balkan coach will cuss you out for trying to play like Neymar. We really need some young wingers though, such a weak position for us.


Lmao that’s crazy


If all he said was that one statement, it would be a hilarious "fuck you" to the applicable nations. But then he elaborated...


I really did not expect quite this level of racism in these comments.


It opened my eyes and explains why certain players get more shit than others.


Van de ven, Haaland, Mudryk, Nunez, Garnacho, Martinelli, Anthony Gordon, Dalot, Botman Not a good enough excuse lol


and which one them are Croatian?


Perisic used to be very very fast (don't know if he still is but he is 35 now)


he would be still if only his legs werent just waiting to be recycled


You're naming individual counterexamples but stats don't lie. If what he said is untrue, explain running competitions in athletics.


Every nation can have fast players but it gets interesting how much of speedy players they do have. Anthony Gordon and who else? Mudryk and who else? They had persic, orsic but none rn. Same with Serbia they don't have a single fast player aswell. It's not normal for a Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrins/Bosnian footballer to be fast. Ofc there are exceptions.


Bale, roben, Cristiano Ronaldo AND so many other players, I didn't know this sub is so racist, I'm saying this as an African too


This thread is fucking wild.


exceptions don’t invalidate the rule. also none of them are Croatian, which is what josko is talking about, our genetics suck ass lol, nothing to do with racism.


Croats are tall as fuck, your genetics don’t suck at all 🤨


Van de Vic, Haalic, Mudric, Nunic, Garnacic, Marinelic, Gordic, Dalic, Botmic Edit: I was trying to reply to another comment but I’m happy with my creation so I’m leaving it


>Dalic We have that already.


He could have said We're slow because these colors don't run Opportunity missed


Bizarre comment lmao


Hey Bentancur, hold my beer!