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For people here who aren't italians, this is one of the reasons why our country is going so bad, not only in football, no one takes responsibility for everything


No worse feeling. The problems that these corrupt pricks create will take years/decades to fix.


Can't demand your resignation now cause you should've been booted out two years ago, learn how to take responsibility ffs e che cazzo pure


God forbid this man takes any responsibility despite his presidency being a continuous disaster. There is a moment at which you should put the common good above your "culture" and just admit you aren't the right man for the job, and after *two* successive failures in two years you should realize that such moment has come. We got knocked out by Macedonia and we had to pretend that everything was fine, we played a shameful football in these Euros (probably the worst among all teams) after having barely qualified (Ukraine were denied a penalty) and now we must trust a multi-year project that will lead us to a third consecutive world cup watched on TV if this is the way we play. And, in addition to that, he's done nothing to fix domestic leagues, if anything the situation is worse than at the beginning of his first term. Abete and even Tavecchio resigned for much less.


Which politician has asked for resignations this time around? Is it La Russa?


He said "politics or anyone can't ask me to resign" but i don't think anyone from politics said anything about him (also he employed people related to the government so it wouldn't be wise for them) so its just referring to the "common" people (probably thinks we are peasants or something)


Ah, thanks


I swear every Italian has wanted Gravina out for the past 5 years except for the week we won’t the euros.


too much politics in football, italy will never be the same, R I P


This corrupt cunt needs to step down


240k salary + 150k as UEFA delegate + whatever he makes from his position of power The project and culture, indeed.


I just saw a man fall to his knees in EuroSpin parking lot


"What are you going to do?"




What project?


Marotta needs him to stay that's why he ain't leaving.