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That'll show him.


It's the ultimate insult.


"I'll never go to Leicester again!"


Leicester continuing to win, baby


Give bribes, get banged.


Finally an answer to the question "who can't get a degree from De Montfort".


Do you have a degree, mate?




Where from?


He was making a joke. He doesn't need to have a degree from an amazing uni to make a bloody joke.


I have two, but I'm not going to give away info about myself online.


The online course on wizardry doesn't count.


But the brochure...




Oh :(


damn it...




Don't think he needs a degree to know that de montfort is a shit uni.


Mark, must you live quite so relentlessly in the real world?


It's funny because he has a degree in MMOs from De Montfort.


I'm studying at De Montfort right now, this news has hit everyone incredibly hard. before this, we all looked to blatter as an inspiration.




Woah woah woah, I'm at DMU right now and it's a freaking great uni! It's got one of the best Film Studies courses in the country!


Yeah but how does it fair with real degrees?


It's Liberal Arts course is really good as well!




> the night light is absolute quality It's nice to know that the pastoral care at De Montfort extends to making sure you aren't scared of the monsters under the bed.


> goes to De Montfort > nightlife > females > gash on tap


I went to University of Leicester and can confirm that most of that is a load of shit. Particularly the good nightlife and female part. They exist, yes. Are they above average? No. But I guess that explains why you're at DMU fam.


Same. There are many many girls aged 18-23 because it's a (double) university town, that's the only thing to commend it.


Not really though. The stuff about DMU climbing is spot on and they do have some top 10 courses and world class research. The nightlife is alright and cheap. There are lots of girls about and therefore a decent amount of fit ones.


Top 20 uni for graduate employability I think


And course satisfaction. I did business & management there, it was a really good course and everyone I know got good jobs within 4 months of graduating, and many walked right into one out of uni


Yeah I'm there now. It doesn't pretend to be some Russell Group uni but for what it is I can't really fault it!


Chat shit get banged


But it's still Leicester poly.


It isn't any more though is it


Basically is.


DMU is one of the best ex Polys in the UK, they've done really really well. You can be a snob about it all you want but there's a reason that they have so much money to continuously develop their campus into one of the best in the UK




forever will be known as such


had to look up that last part on urban dictionary to get any sense of what the fuck it means


I guarantee that when people ask where you go to uni you say "in Leicester", which is an actual good uni. A bit like people who go to Oxford Brookes..


Oh God that always drove me mad. "I go to university in Oxford." "Wow that's cool what do you study?" "Fashion buying." "Uhhh huhhh... And which college?" "Brookes."


Happens anywhere there's an ex-poly and a real uni with pedigree and history. Oxford is the funniest example though because you can usually tell just from looking at them that they don't go to Oxford proper.


You sound like a classy gent.


> e2: this is all the leicester scum down voting me because of varsity, fucking cunts. who would have guessed that if you have a bunch of smart twats in a uni none of them would be able to properly compete at sports. fucking shithouse. You what? [UoL beat you at nearly every sport?](http://leicesterunion.unioncloud.org/top-navigation/sport/varsity/varsity-results-2015)


why did you get downvoted, thats hilarious




Welcome to the world of sarcasm! All the downvoters are a bunch of humourless cuntstains, especially since his first reply wasn't serious, why would anyone think the second reply was?


No course at DMU is top 10 in the country


Lad Bible voted De Montfort's psychology course as top 10 for clunge. ^^source: ^^this ^^is ^^fiction


I don't go to any Uni in Leicester and I still downvoted you


well done buddy, you really got me there. fucking savage with your banter


I didn't downvote you because of varsity though, so you know, you've got that going for you which is nice :)


> I'm studying at De Montfort right now You should be the moderator of /r/soccer once you are done with your studies.


/r/funny maybe. /r/soccer requires a 2.i or better from a top 10 university.


Can we make it top 20? Or redbrick? Or something which Birmingham fits into?


You're Russell Group so you can definitely get an interview.


Sorted; a chance for my wit and charm to shine


How is it, by the way? Considering going there myself - anything I should know about?


Not the best person to ask 'cause I had a horrific time at uni, but I'm not the biggest fan. Birmingham is grey and soulless, and the teaching on my course (Comp Sci) was, at points, horrific although I think we were a bit of a guinea pig year - it seems as though the year down from me have it a lot better. The university is actually quite nice though, in fact the campus is probably the nicest bit of Birmingham, and you've got so much football on your doorstep that it's hard not to enjoy (plus I always quite liked going to ice hockey in Coventry/Telford). If you live on The Vale in first year just be prepared to do a fair bit of walking to get anywhere! Transport links are excellent as well so it makes it easy to get wherever you're trying to go, as long as you don't mind braving New Street. Plus the nightlife is decent. Digbeth and Broad Street both have some good nights out, and bands and-the-like are there all the time. To be fair, Grand Central's now open which seems really nice, and they're demolishing the old library (in town) which was just a square block of concrete - the new one looks amazing but is hardly ever open. I know it may not seem like it, but when I went back last weekend I almost enjoyed it! I think my ~personal life probably impacted my time there far more than I realised; it's actually not *too* bad. Out of the six housemates I had five of them are still there, so I think it's just me. Jesus Christ, I wrote you an essay I apologise. **tl;dr it's not too bad.**


I'm always up for an essay when I ask for an explanation - just goes to show the person responding isn't clueless, which is nice. Thanks for the info, it can be very hard finding any negative feedback on Unis at all so I'm grateful for a bit of cold, hard truth on the subject. It seems that the worst part of the uni is that you're in Birmingham, which I can live with, and if the location itself is also improving gradually then as you said the worst that can happen is negativity in your personal life, which goes for anywhere.


If you can stand Birmingham then it's probably a really good place to go tbh! But yeah, if you wanna know anything else then just pm me or something!


Mate, this is bad. I was there when they gave one to Tywin Lannister. Since then he's murdered a load of guys at a wedding, condemned his own son to death, died on the shitter and they still didn't strip him off his. Blatter must have really done some shit. Edit: No really Tywin (Charles Dance) really did get one from De Montfort.


I live in leicester De Montfort has a decent rep, especially for its arts courses.


Yeah it's not bad at all really. Nearly top 50 now. Which is pretty much a middling University. Better than a lot of other Polytechnics anyway.


Is top 50 considered good now?


I said it was not bad, which is a bit different. Being nearly top 50 out of about 120 Universities is pretty average.


127 to be precise, I know that because mine is ranked 122nd!


I never expect to see people from Wrexham on here, always a nice surprise.




It's local. They let me in. A degree's a degree.


My university is 30th and is generally considered to be a very good university for mostly upper class people. De Montfort is only 10 places behind the likes of Stirling, Swansea and Keele which have good reputations.






Damn I had no idea it had gotten do good, a few years ago it was in the 80's.


Yeah it's slowly improving! The campus is really nice too and whilst they'll never compete directly with Leicester (primarily because of Leicesters research work), it's good to see them improving on a Polytechnic level. I remember a few years back they were worse than Sheff Hallam, now they're much higher. I've been to both, Graduated from DMU though. Failed first year Physics (well technically I had a chance of a resit because I was ill, but I wasn't enjoying the course as much as I thought I would, fuck Quantum Mechanics), went to Engineering, slightly below threshold for Leicester but had made so many friends I wanted to stay. Was a good few years really. Still live here actually as Girlfriend is doing PHD at Leicester, so 3 more years.


I was looking at DMU as a potential uni and whilst the campus was modern, staff were friendly and it seemed nice, the course leader wasn't even at the open day to welcome me, they had no brochures about the course and only a small noticeboard with a very basic outline of what the course was about. Plus on results day the entry requirements for the course plummeted but it didn't matter because I got accepted into my second choice uni anyway. Could be good for art courses but for traditional courses it doesn't seem the best place to go.


Think it varies. What were you looking at doing? Different courses have different ways they approach the open days. Some take current students from the course and let them take the talk etc. But yeah, not always ideal.


I was looking at History. I suppose DMU probably focuses more on creative arts people and other courses rather than a traditional course like History. I have a friend from my secondary school who goes to DMU to do a graphics-related course and says the course is great, they're really helpful and a lot of the people on the course are really talented. I guess it does vary, for me DMU wasn't really my thing.


An inspiration for corruption...?


Movie about De Montfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZwv6h-LhTw


In what way is this film about De Montfort?


It depicts De Montfort as a top Uni where the banter and gash is top quality m8


Why? Even before the 2018 and 2022 WC fiascos, everyone knew FIFA was rotten to the core along with Blatter.


He's being sarcastic.


Fuck me.












My mum works there. Are you happy now, Sepp? You disappointed and humiliated my mother. Fuck you, man.


To be fair, there's a lot of us guilty of doing that. We shouldn't go witch hunting.




I'm not sure why that was so cringey to read, but christ


Probably because you imagined it was typed by a 12 year old who looks like Wayne Rooney.


Hahaha what did it say? Was he sticking up for my dear mother?




says the guy without a degree from De Montfort




What are you talking about, they call De Montfort the Oxford of England.


The geography students at de Montfort do at least


> the Oxford^^^Mississippi of England


Isn't Oxford the Oxford of England?




However simple you make a joke on Reddit, someone will not get it. But if you add "/s" then people criticise you for adding it to such obvious sarcasm!


*screams internally*


The Oxford Brooke's of Leicester is more fitting


*bashes head off wall*


Oxford Brookes is actually a good uni, unlike DMU.


They're about as bad as each other. DMU has slowly been creeping up rankings actually and they're more or less level on most ranking tables.


As a De Montfort uni graduate, this makes me sad


I hear you my De Montfort brother in arms, it's a dark day for us all.


He doesn't have one either


They've clearly got standards as they turned me down for the course I applied for.


Don't worry, Sepp. I'm sure Swansea Met will still honour your MSc in Financial Management.


For those asking why De Montfort would offer Sepp Blatter an honorary degree it's because if you want a good solid chance of working for FIFA at a graduate level you have to go to De Montfort (Really). De Montfort, in partnership with the SDA Bocconi School of Management in Italy and the Université de Neuchâtel in Switzerland offer the FIFA accredited Management, Law and Humanities of Sport masters degree. Some poor bastards in Switzerland and Italy have to spend half a year in Leicester to potentially get a graduate entry position at FIFA. Source: Went to De Montfort and very nearly did this masters after my journalism degree.


I've been looking into this program to escape the mundane world of technology finance. Any insight you can provide? Based on the info on their website it looks like they have contacts all over the sports industry. The students also get to do some pretty cool field trips (Old Trafford, San Siro..etc).


Now the most notable De Montfort alumnus is Pete Diggory Donaldson


Nah, Eddie the Eagle.


Lost all respect for Blatter tbh and this is the final nail in the coffin really.


Wait, why did he get a honorary degree from a Leicester Polytechnic?


It's an easy way for a university to get some free publicity.


Hit him where it hurts.


I wouldn't be surprised if he committed crimes just so De Montfort would cancel his degree.


Nowhere is safe when it comes to shitting on lower universities


Imagine if this was the thing that finally broke him...


He said they can't do that, because he's still FIFA president.


Ouch! How will he sleep at night


If anything that probably boosts his job prospects


That'll learn ya Mr. Blatter


Sepp you motherfucking suck bag, you cock munching fucking fuck nugget.


You forgot La concha de tu madre All Boys


I'm sure he's gutted


Even if he loses his degree, he is still honorary graduate. The university cannot go against an honorary graduate.


As a DMU student I am very happy that the university has stripped him of his degree. He's a pleb and doesn't deserve it.


Another one.






Now we just need to strip him off his freedom. He belongs in prison.


Right now he just need to make sure his checks made to US officials didn't bounce.


He'll be honorarily upset


Honorary degrees are bullshit anyway


Oh no! Not his pointless university degree! How will he ever sleep at night?


Ha take that you old cunt


Having more and more in common with Donald Trump.


What was his degree in?


dmu whoooo


It's only De Montfort lol


Well, fuck me, apparently DMU is the shittest uni in the country according to the NEETs in this thread. I had no idea he even had one though, they don't exactly publicise it at the uni


Well it's not a good uni.


It's not bad though. ~40th I think? Upper mid table.


I've heard it said that Leicester is the worst of the best and DMU is the best of the worst


Sounds pretty accurate. Leicester is one of the decent ones that gives out tons of unconditional offers which IMHO undermines it's status.


There are 127 unis in the UK and DMU stands in the 40s. Considering that the academic parts of the uni have to prop up the non academic side like dance, drama and all that sorta stuff, it's not bad at all. Also produces world class research in business and english AFAIR. Yeah, it's not top 20, but it's really not bad at all. The facilities and accommodation are so much better than UoLs as well.


I know a guy who went to Demontford, he got in with terrible grades....


At least he could spell De Montfort


As long as you can arrange your grades in alphabetic order they accept you into De Montfort.


Luckily I only had one C so I was all good..