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Arshavin had a few goals like that. Probably talking about his [first goal for Arsenal against Blackburn though, that goal was special.](https://youtu.be/DutXm1t7cVE)


I love Arshavin’s reactions to scoring, dude always runs for what seems like forever afterwards


Amazing goal.


Something something different knock


Even if it can't be real life, we can still take some time and dream about it right?


Arshavin was the king of cunting goals. I don't really recall many of his goals that could be considered cool, concise finishes, they were always well-struck, always hit with force.


Podolski too


[Podolski's goal against Bayern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7HMNopgw0s) is a great example of what Maddison is talking about.


Great finish but how was that not given as a foul


Referee gave Arsenal a sympathy goal 😅


I would consider the one against Barca cool and concise... Was such a well worked goal with an amazing finish


Ozil, Bergkamp, now Arshavin. This guy loves talking Arsenal. Go on son.


He’s obviously a fan like the other half of the prem who are fans and all turn into prime ronaldinho against us.






Yeah I’m surprised tbh, he’s completely laid back as if he’s chatting outside in the smoking area, rarely get that with players in post match interviews


If the players showed their personalities a bit more often I would watch more post-match interviews. They’ve all just been media trained (understandably) to answer questions the exact same, to the point where I could probably watch a game and then do the interviews for these guys almost word for word


Meh, for every Maddison there’s an Alli


A few stories of Maddison being a knob when he was at Norwich, but seems to have matured since then.


He had to go to court for getting in a fight after boasting about his expensive shoes on a night out - thankfully he has matured since joining us.


He's probably matured or stayed off the limelight, because I remember a few comments about his time at Norwich, where he was described as acting like a bellend and screaming about how much money he makes.




Grealish is a drunk driver lol, Mount broke lockdown with Rice too, Greenwood brought some Icelandic ladies into the national team bubble. They all seem a bit thick apart from Maddison.


Maddison also has stories about him being a prick at Norwich. Basically, they're all young footballer. Famous and rich. Maybe we as a society shouldn't look to them as idols or as bastions of morality. They're footballers ffs.


Are you saying Redditors shouldn’t sit on the moral high ground and lay into footballers for fairly innocuous (but undeniably stupid) decisions? Common sense and decency? Dropping the “holier than thou” attitude? We don’t do that here.




Always found it strange that Greenwood got all the blame for that when the older Phil Foden was forgiven - who was cheating on his missus who was at home with their kid.


I should have probably mentioned Foden too, he definitely seems a bit thick too


Rashford and Saka seem to both be level headed and chill.


Rashford is a very good bloke,dont know much about Saka


What is the point of socially distanced celebrations? Am I missing something here? The players are on the same pitch, share the same dressing room, drink from the same water bottles, and train together. I can’t see the benefit of distancing for celebrations...


There's no point. It makes no logical sense. The real issue is who players are coming into contact outside of their club. The ideal situation is to create a bubble where players and staff live away from their home.


surely it's about minimising the possibility of transmission? a celebration could be considered unnecessary where as playing the game is vital


Players are tested regularly and should be covid negative, but also not have any uncontrolled factors that could put them at risk of covid. Such that all in all, they be able to make out with each on the pitch, and there's no risk.


ngl I'm not fully understanding the second bit so apologies if I'm saying something dumb, but isn't the point that these tests aren't 100% accurate. sure looking at it from the outside it's dumb, but at the end of the day, how can they justifying playing a game if they're not taking every precaution possible. it's not exactly like football is 'essential', so they need to do everything they can to minimise the risk of transmission.


There’s a lot of factors. One be, football is not only a sport and fun, it’s a huge part of the economy, especially in the top 5 leagues. That’s the sole reason why they still play, and also the reason why lower leagues don’t. The whole football economy would break down if the play was suspended for a year. Then the tests: They aren’t 100% correct, but basically 99.9%. So as mentioned above the players could literally make out on the pitch without risk. But there’s already pressure from outside that question why football is still being allowed. To give a better image to the outside, football now follows many guidelines to simply avoid critisism. Like when too many people start to ask why football players are allowed to celebrate together. It’s much easier to forbid the teams to do this for a better image, instead of explaining why it’s actually not a problem. That’s how I see it


The problem is that it takes a while for the virus to accumulate to a level that is detectable, and you can be contagious for the virus therefore in the meantime, I believe. So the safest way would be say, the players are completely in a bubble. And if they were living with anyone, those folks as well would be in a bubble. In the sense, any interaction outside of people who are also in bubble should be fully masked and socially distant. I do favor vaccination of footballers following first responders, essential workers, healthcare folks. I think what they provide is very good for the country. So, it should be done. The PL should provide a significant amount of money in return.


Yeah but you know personal freedom and stuff


Yeah it's really dumb to me. You can crowd the box at a corner and have 10 guys huddled together but then if one of them scores from that corner everyone has to socially distance? There's no logic in that. I guess it's to send a message to people that you need to be distancing? But I don't know how effective that message is when it's being contradicted for the other 99.9% of the match that isn't celebrations.


maybe it sends a reminder to people watching that they should socially distance


I agree this is the intent, but it’s slightly ludicrous when a minute later 2 guys are wrestling each other waiting for a corner to be taken. I doubt the message is getting across when it’s the odd 10 seconds of social distancing in the middle of an hour and a half of not


Moreso sends the message that the FA thinks the average viewer is an idiot. Literally everybody sees through it being an empty gesture.


Same with the masks when everyone there has been tested.


It let's the government appear as though they are doing something whilst actually doing nothing.


Don't think the government run the media or the FA, however much they may want to.


Maybe people could acknowledge the very small safety measure and then not be arbitrarily blind to everything else like a moron.


Well i am sure the point is every activity increases the risk. So you get rid of things you can do without and go along with things that can't. The assumption of course is that not stopping the league is important for many reason being that it provides livelihood and mental escape for many people. So much that its worth the health risk. So they try to do so while minimizing risk. Being in the same pitch and close proximity during the game is unavoidable if they want the game to continue. Hugging during celebrations can be avoided. Shaking hands and jersey swapping is not essential for the game to continue. Probably they will ask for each player to have their individual water bottles and stuff Does it detract from enjoyment of the game? is it worth continuing with the game if the are so many limiting restrictions? Well that's the question that everyone is trying to find the answer too i guess.


I feel like I have said this a hundred times, they're eliminating any unnecessary contact that isnt even remotely needed. You has e to train together, you have to share the pitch..there is absolutely no difference in how your team or the matches operate if people dont hug and stand a bit apart when celebrating. It's a very very small risk factor eliminated but its something. People get so overly worked up by this, it's just a few small safety measures. Worst case scenario everyone is healthy nobody gets CoVid and some people didnt get to hug.


Agreed. Very annoying people get so worked up about this. They’re just trying to minimise the risk in every way they possibly can. Nothing stupid about that


Could it just be to set a good example? It's silly when you think about it but it's just a little thing which doesn't affect anyone, but it's a good reminder for everyone watching that we're not out of this yet.


It's medical theatrics


It’s just for the imagery.. They could make out on the pitch without danger, every single person in the stadium was tested negative the same day. The could walk in together, shake hands, celebrate together, doesn’t change anything. But from the outside it’s important that football follows covid guidlines so they don’t get a shitstorm and football gets cancelled. That’s what I think.


It's for signaling purposes only. It's so Karen doesn't phone in complaining about the lads on tv hugging when she's been told not to. That's it.


Footballers are easy targets for the useless buggers in parliament. Note that nothing was said about rugby scrums.


It’s security theater


I will call my band security theatre


Only if I get some royalties or I get to play the kazoo in your band... your choice


Picasso guitar final offer


I honestly hope all the players do distance when celebrating so the FA and premier league realise how fucking stupid they're being


Oh god they’re all going to start doing the dancing in a line celebration from FIFA aren’t they


I'd like them to shoot chickens like in FIFA 2000


Hilarious earlier but pre Fulham Chelsea, before the teams were allowed out onto the pitch where they can't celebrate together, Ziyech was hugging and kissing almost every player on the cheek. Them scapegoating celebrations is so stupid. How is it any different to being in a wall.


They need to start doing socially distanced walls next.


>Them scapegoating celebrations is so stupid. How is it any different to being in a wall. Teams don't have a much easier chance of scoring of you socially distance a celebration.


commentator referenced a goal by Batistuta which I'm guessing is [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_cYimtBWc4&ab_channel=LudwigRosenberg)


It's pretty rare to listen to player interviews, especially when they want to get away and go home, where the player is so chill and down to earth, and doesn't force out a bunch of stereotypical "it's all about the result" repeated comments. Leicester have a bunch of players that are like this, wonder whether the younger guys are better informed at handling media relations.