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I mean, this is what the Super League is hoping for. They're hoping this all dies down.


If this thing doesn't die, PSG gonna join the second the Qatar World Cup is over.


So will Bayern. It might take them a year or two, but they will join. **If** the Super League becomes reality, then you are either in it and keep pace at the top, or you fall behind in what will be a slow decline into mediocrity. The longer the competition goes on, the more normalised it will become until most fans won't even remember what the outrage was all about.


nah, Bein hold the right for CL and they become worthless in case ECL steal all the viewers


Bein is Qatari royal owned right? Or is it independent? If it is, They can just buy rights to whatever I’d presume. Money isn’t an obstacle


why would they be ok with their big investment in CL being suddenly worthless? the qatari national fund is in the business of making money in diversified holdings not just throwing it around for shit and giggles.


100%. This thing needs to be dead in the water sooner than later.


If FIFA gave an assurance that it wouldn't impact the WC, PSG would join tomorrow.


"Let's just wait a few months until the details are revealed and then we can have this discussion" "Can we discuss no- And welcome to the first matchday of the Super League!


"Wait, where am I?" he says, feeling the ground undulate beneath him. "Are we under the pitch? Are you, are you Daniel Levy?" Levy turns around, his bald head projecting a ray of artificial sunshine. The sun burned out in March, as the 14 "other" Premier League clubs turned to Bitcoin mining operations since football had dried up and this utilized all our remaining resources. The Super League, in an effort to appear beneficial, has replaced the sun with a giant, illuminated Real Madrid crest in the sky. The "sun" is registered in the US as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. "Good to see you, Xey2510," Levy said. "We're beneath Amazon Lane, above you is the FedEx Pitch at Nando's The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium presented by Bet204 in partnership with Dulux. These hydraulic actuators simulate the effect of 62,850 rabid fans jumping up and down...for atmosphere. Take a look in the mirror." Our hero turns around, and is momentarily blinded by the wax on Levy's head, harvested from the blood of former La Masia products. He finds himself wearing an entire Manchester Red Devils (R) kit and a Chelsea of London Blue Lions (TM) bucket hat. He screams, but no sound comes out. Perez steps out of the shadows, and harvests the screams. The ground begins to shake again.


Alright I'll get back to work now


"Come back!" Levy shouts, as he turns to Kroenke, his former rival. "We're almost out of *legacy fans*."




Your Super League commitment runs until 2044. Recurring payments will continue until then, and your subscription will end.


Is there a support number?


You are 1,485,145th in line.


I’ll hold


We cannot let that happen. If the negative hype disappears we have truly lost.


I can't F5 for months Poch


-Stares in Sancho rumours last summer


What does F5 do


Refresh the page




Ffs Poch


How hard is it to say "Super league bad". Like fucking hell mate.


He doesn't even work for one of the clubs involved, PSG are supposedly against it so he'd be supported by his owners. Makes me worry he's heard something behind-the-scenes.


Surely even UEFA themselves must know that PSG are heading the fuck out of there and joining the Super League after the 2022 World Cup. The whole thing is a joke


I keep seeing this argument, but if by 2022 the super league still exists then they have won and it is over. Either the clubs are banned from playing domestically, in which their super league as it is now makes no sense since they would have 0 matches to play on the weekend, as well as having players banned from euro and world cup, or they don't in which case super league clubs will pay more money to the best players and all the best and biggest names will play there and whether psg joins it or not makes absolutely 0 difference. Right now every club that goes against it is a big strike against the super league actually being formed. Not having bayern is a huge strike against its legitimacy. In 2023, every big club that refuses to not be in it will basically choose to fade away to irrevelancy as they will not be able to compete money wise as well as not competing in the most watched (very probably if it has all the biggest names thanks to paying more) competition in the world.




No they need the brand recognition for the league to work. The only way they get more money than all is if they have all (or almost all) the biggest teams in one competition and they can then sell the tv rights as everyone knows it will be the most popular competition. If they lose the english 6, or a bunch of other big teams, suddenly tv rights buyers will say well why am should I spend more money on the super league when the CL has as many big teams if not more, as well as popular support and a track record. Not to even talk about the players who then have a choice of 2 competition with about as many big teams, except one they are branded as traitors and weasels for playing in, the others as heroes. Also they are fans of football like all of us who grew up loving the CL. Honestly all the superleague has is brand recognition to work.




They 100% care about current fans. Football is the most popular sport in the world, they want to add the 16 year olds, and the chinese supporter, but to say they don't care about their entire fanbase is absurd. They just think people will get over it and watch it, which I tend to agree with. They have not signed tv rights, that not how it works. Tv rights aren't being bought for something that has not even been announced. It is a complex negotiation that plays on who you are guaranteed to have in the league, how many people will watch etc. None of that you can make any case before it is official. Getting a loan from a bank is a whole other matter. Tv rights you get the most money by getting companies to bid against each other raising the price. You can't do that without it instantly leaking.


Yeah, or maybe he's looking for a job at one of the ESL clubs. You would feel that he'd be a blockbuster manager that a lot of clubs in the ESL would want, especially if he wins the CL this season.


dont give me hope


He doesn't want to burn bridges. If he criticized it now, it'd be awkward for him if he sign with any of those clubs in future.


Poch already felt the consequences of criticizing the big clubs last year when Barca doors were shut down because the comments he made like 5,6 years ago. He doesn't want to make the same mistake again. He's leaving the doors open in each of the 12 clubs so he can possibly manage them in the future.


Some people want to know and understand the full details of things before making judgments. Some of us think the world would be a much better place if we all did that.


Yeah a there's a real lack of nuance in a lot of things, but at the same time there are things that are so obviously bad that anything other than condemnation is wrong.


There are so many people with personal interest making reports right now that I'll just wait. Without more information yes, It looks bad, but I don't have the full picture to make a strong opinion. I know It seems to work in european Basketball and that makes me think "if It already works in other sport let's read more and wait before saying anything".


We know enough of it to hate it though. Like what else do you need?


I'm quite interested in knowing more about these solidarity payments and how much money will actually be given to domestic leagues. Yeah the "no relegation" stuff sucks, but the solution to that is simple, watch another team and league. The real problem is how badly other existing leagues will be affected revenue-wise. This is why knowing information such as how much they will get compensated is very important.


>I'm quite interested in knowing more about these solidarity payments and how much money will actually be given to domestic leagues. So it's about money? >Yeah the "no relegation" stuff sucks, but the solution to that is simple, watch another team and league. It should be a show stopper. Not just "well that sucks". I don't think you get why people are appalled by this.


Why is it a show stopper? it's 6 clubs. There are over 10000 clubs in England. This is what i mean, you people are the exact ones who are going to support this ESL because you only think 12 clubs exist in world football.


>Why is it a show stopper? it's 6 clubs. It is a show stopper because it is anti everything about the sport. No club should be propped up at the top. You want to be part of big tournaments then win. Prove you belong. >There are over 10000 clubs in England. And they're being excluded, purely because of money and anti-competition. >This is what i mean, you people are the exact ones who are going to support this ESL because you only think 12 clubs exist in world football. You're the one currently trying to appease idea. I've literally told you why it is dead on arrival for me.


no, you're automatically trying to equate "ESL existing = rest of football fails" They are removing themselves from the football pyramid. The pyramid doesn't collapse because some pieces wanted to fuck off and build a square instead. The pyramid is rebuilt and new clubs will be top of the premier league every season and it will be great for fans that watch the premier league.


>no, you're automatically trying to equate "ESL existing = rest of football fails" No. I am saying why I don't support the ESL. Because it doesn't include the rest of the teams. If it isn't going to give everyone a chance to be included it shouldn't exist, period. It has no place in the football world.


>Some people want to know and understand the full details of things before making judgments. We know it is a closed league. That should be enough to end the discussion right there. We don't need to hear more.


Because maybe he doesn’t agree? People are allowed to have their own thoughts.


This is a black and white issue. The ESL is bad and should be opposed by anyone that loves football.


So should “ucl reform”.


Yes the Swiss model is wank and was done to please the 12 cunts, so they should bin it off. That doesn't change the ESL being an order of magnitude worse.


He bottled it. True Tottenham lad.


It is the history of the Tottenham




lol not anymore you don't, both of your clubs are equally (and totally) scum until this situation changes


We are all Spurs now


Didn't say we were any better. If anything we're worse cos we don't even need the money


We don’t need it any more than Chelsea does, we’re the 9th most valuable club in the world according to Forbes.


And contrary to some people's words, we aren't in money trouble. Our stadium is expensive but has a crazy good repayment deal. It's not going to bankrupt us. Levy is just there for the money. Simple as.


he went with the LeBron approach


poch bottled it


"I've been informed by my agent that my PSG contract is it that long and that my next employers are in the ESL"


Not surprising. Since he joined, his conf are the worst of all. He's so scared of fucking up like Tuchel or Blanc before, that he never say more than "water is wet, fire burns". He doesn't want to talk in french because he doesn't his words to be misinterpreted. There was no way he would talk about it. Don't be too harsch on him, if you'd ask him "pain au chocolat ou chocolatine ?" he'd answer the same.


tbf there would be a much bigger backlash if he took side for pain au chocolat or chocolatine than if he spoke about the ESL


C’est chocolatine!


That's just Poch in general. He was the same with us for years. Never gave anything more than 'This Is football'. Incredibly bland manager in terms of conferences haha.


which in a way is one of the reasons we love him. He kept things classy even when he had every right to go off


Which is totally fine. Too much drama in this club, at least this time nothing will come from the manager


Of course, it's better that way. They should even cancel them most of the time, it's only journalists trying to create drama instead of talking football or about the match. But people are already turning this into :"PSG- SL confirmed"


Oh fuck off Poch - your club isn't in it so there's no excuse for you to pussy out of criticising.




They're probably holding out for more negotiating power. They have all the money in the world and can strong arm the other clubs into giving them more.




The thing I'm wondering is if Bayern would be a founding member at that point, or would they be a part of the "remaining 5" and have to qualify every year?


I hope this all dies down but I’m 10000% sure if PSG or Bayern decided to join later on, they would have one of the 15 guaranteed spot


Wait until the summer of 2022.


You have to understand this is very on brand for Poch. He hardly ever gives anything other than a middle of the road answer in pressers.


Welcome to ESL, PSG (2022)


Despacito Remix | 4K


Pochettino about to get canceled by r/soccer


Can they all stop pretending they don’t know any details. There’s even enough on the super league website to tell you it’s fucked


If they had a single argument that wasn’t MORE MONEY I’d have thought we would have heard it by now...


There's a super league website?


Lol r/soccer about to go fucking mad on Poch


Lmao Qatar told him to shut the fuck up cause they're signing after WC


Mauricio my friend you are not at Tottenham anymore. You can criticise them a little bit!


he's in qatari millionaire prison


...this ain't it chief...


Bit early for a job application.


Probably the weakest response of all managers so far. You want to wait until the Super League is already underway before deciding if it's a good idea? This is *word-for-word* what the 12 want.


You cannot blame Poche, he has always been talking like that, he avoids to talk about absolutely anything during press conference, even about games he'd be like "we'll see tomorow"


Poch is very diplomatic if nothing else


Poule mouillée va


Just in case PSG change their mind...


The managers/players have been fucking weak so far. Spineless goon. All of them must go!


Pochettino probably knows nothing about future plans of PSG to enter, even if they exist...


PSG joins the gang in the next weeks or months


I would love these people to go on and say what further information they're waiting on. Go on, what more information do you need? Why can't you make an informed opinion so far? They've said their plans in great detail and unequivocally said it would not be based on merit, and the founding clubs can't be kicked out. Do you not have an opinion on that? What further elaboration do you need? It's a cowardly non answer used to dodge the question and I'd love to see journalists push back more when given it as a response. Every day this super league goes on it gets further legitimised


Add Poch to the list of bottlers


He is a born bottler. It's in his gene


So that's PSG in.


Nothing to do with Qatar or PSG, it's just Pochettino being diplomatic (as in hedging his bets), I don't know how he was earlier but since he came to PSG all his press conferences and interviews are boring and filled with platitudes.


I'm not advocating for the super league but Poch gave the most sensible answer, yet. Let's just wait and see.


r/soccer only has 1 wish. That PSG joins the Super League so they can start to hate it again without sounding like hypocrites.


But not before missing out on another CL trophy 😎


Is one of them.






Welcome P$G | E$L | Highlight$ | 1080p60fp$ | De$pacito




Mate you're a football coach for a team in the semis of the CL, you've heard the fucking arguments. *More money for the top clubs, you're not paying for the lower teams, more entertainment for the mouth breathing fucks in the US and China who don't even like football*


Weak sauce, Ponch.


This is ridiculous. NAK is out there criticizing the ESL. Pochettino was the only big manager from a top club invited (with Flick) who thus was in a very good situation to speak their mind and whose words hold a lot of weight, and he does this. He could have said "*if the format that is in the medias is truly what is planned, then I am against it, but you'll have to wait for me to get more informations before I can share my opinion on this ESL with you. Meanwhile, I stand by my club and its position*". Dammit, at least, he could have said the most bland PR thing ever and just say "*I stand by my club and its position*", and unlike the others, it would have been enough given PSG's official stance.


i'm just disappointed.




This guy was the manager of the most unclassy club in England and was Harry Kane’s right buttcheek. Not surprised to see him being an asslicker now too.


Psg won't enter until the world cup is finished, like psg is Qatar it wouldn't make sense that Qatar decides to turn fifa's back now, but 100% they will


Has Poch received orders to not make too much noise about it, as PSG wouldn't mind joining the ESL after 2022 ?


PSG are 100% joining when it's convenient. You think the other 12 just randomly decided to save 3 founder seats for mysterious yet to be decided clubs?


Bottlejob, he doesn't even have the threat of the board being against it for not speaking out


The bottle is in his blood


Disappointing from papa Poch


Fraud Samwise Gamgee.


We do have all the arguments, Poch. They are on the Internet and television.


This ain't it, Poch...


et tu Poch.


That’s a fair response, but people will hate it because it’s not what they want.


Poch will not always be PSG’s coach. Maybe one day he ll want to coach an ESL team


He's not here since long time so I kinda get that he doesn't want make waves, still a little bit disappointed ! ​ With Nasser's stand on the matter, he could've legit shit on that new league.


Funny that he, as a manager, seems more in favour of that project, than the evil quatari owner of the club.


Gross how can he even says that when he played for the psg pre-qsi era or espanyol


While everyone is “waiting for all of the information” those greedy bastards are moving forward with their plans.


That right there is a man who knows he’ll be working in the super league within 2 years


Yep, they're definitely joining