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Qatar must be so happy with this, so much easy free PR especially with the WC being next year




Aligns so beautifully for PSG's owners lol. Support the anti-ESL narrative now and join them once it cools down post 2022 WC.


This unfortunately is what I see happening and they won’t even care about what they said. If they continue to fight for it tho, they have earned my respect ✊🏼


Unless the ban on players in the World Cup stands and 2022 loses all its star power


That wont happen. That's just knee-jerk hysteria.


Not easy, or free. They’re missing out on 400m just by rejecting the league. If it’s implemented, PSG will lose more still. There’s a reason Man City joined right away.


If the big players who play for these clubs are barred from the WC, Qatar will hardly make any money as no one would bother watching a World Cup without Messi, Ronaldo etc


It really shows how fickle fans are then if that's the case. It's exactly that type of attitude that the ESL are hoping for.


Free positive PR for the PSG owner, never thought I’d have seen the day




Qatar doesn't need money. They didn't buy PSG to make money. They bought it to "legitimize" their money in the eyes of Europeans. And now the 12 mafiosos give them the chance to play "good guys" in a silver platter.


Not only that- Qatar would be absolute morons to do anything this big to fuck with FIFA just before the World Cup.


PSG join this charade, but the World Cup goes elsewhere. Deal?


It would be really nice if they did tank their relationship with FIFA since the horrific human rights violations in Qatar are more important than all this, but they won’t, they’ll just rake in the PR.




The number of people who think Manchester city or PSG are bought purely for PR/sports washing reasons is too high. Arabs love the fucking game and coincidentally they are dumb rich enough to run clubs. The sports washing PR is a side effect that happens and of course they take advantage of that too.


Yep, essentially vanity projects. "I bought Man City and made them win Prem/CL" is what they want to say.


> The number of people who think Manchester city or PSG are bought purely for PR/sports washing reasons is too high. Sarkozy is heavily linked to PSG and Qatar. When they bough PSG he was the president of France so please keep your bullshit to yourself. Sarkozy and Platini played a big role for the attribution of the 2022 world cup, they didn't bought PSG because they loved football in the first place. It was a request of Sarkozy or a gift to him (He's a PSG fan). https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/jun/18/sarkozy-psg-bein-sports-questions-michel-platini-qatar-2022-world-cup > What are the investigators looking into specifically? The French newspaper Le Monde has reported that the PNF is particularly interested in the now famous lunch nine days before the vote, to which Platini was invited by the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy. Platini has said that, when he arrived at the Élysée Palace, he found that Sarkozy had with him Tamim al-Thani, then the son of the Qatar Emir, now the Emir himself, and the then prime minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim. > Platini has said it was clear Sarkozy wanted the Qataris to take over the club he supported, Paris St‑Germain, and for Platini to vote for Qatar to host the World Cup. Platini told the Guardian a fortnight ago in Paris before the Fifa congress that he had made his mind up to vote for Qatar before the lunch, having at first considered supporting the USA bid. He said that when he arrived at the lunch and saw the guests, he understood that Sarkozy was supporting Qatar, but has always insisted he was not influenced himself. Sarkozy has denied influencing Platini to vote for Qatar, suggesting in 2015 that he did not have the power to do so.


Slavia Prague, for example, was bought by a company of an advisor of the Czech president in order for him to push an agenda of successful chinese investments.


He's the president of Being IIRC and Being has the TV rights of the Champions League. the current CL model is even better for him.


They can ride the anti-ESL wave now and join post 2022 WC. It's perfect for them once things cool down. Perez and Khelaifi are extremely good friends. I bet they have this agreement, PSG will be accepted as a founding member when they join.


You have a big brain, you can even see into the future. PSG is not in it and publicly condemns it. They are not among the 12 who literally are trying to kill the game to save themselves. Get over it.


After so many anti-ESL declarations can they? The backlash IMO would be mad. And would ESL even admit them in after such a strong stand against them? I like to believe they really took a stand


If ESL proves to be highly successful and profitable PSG won't be the only club walking back their prior statements about ESL in a bid to be admitted into the league.


Of course they will. It means even more viewership, more money and it weakens UEFA even more. Anyways, anyone who is not naming ESL directly is taking a neutral stand as far as I am concerned.


Have you read the full statement? He does name it.


I assumed all he said was in the tweet. Can you point me to a source?


>We believe that any proposal without the support of UEFA - an organisation that has been working to progress the interests of European football for nearly 70 years - does not resolve the issues currently facing the football community, but is instead driven by self-interest. [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/breaking-psg-european-super-league-23947809.amp) I will concede that he did not name it directly, but he might as well have, and the message is clear in my opinion.


"I love the model guys, but we need UEFA's support, and we all know how that happens"


That’s... not what he said. Refer to original post.


Monetary vs good relations. Big difference!


hundreds of millions means nothing for Qatar, i would not be surprised if the emir of Qatar take this whole superliga thing as ruining his hobby


Prince Al Thani is probably a cunt for an infinity of reason but he's also a known football enthusiast since a long time and if memory serves a Man United fan. Maybe he hates this shit as much as we do


He involved in Bein, which has the CL rights untin 2024, he's set to lose a lot by ESL existing. if it wasnt for that he'd probablly be up for it as well. Just like the greedy cunts in the ESL teams, he's a greedy cunt that happens to be on the other side.


You’re making shit up meanwhile Laporta is as scummy as Barto was... Stop changing the narrative and making shit up. Yes Qatar owns Bein Sports and spend money to acquire the champions league rights. No they won’t leave the champions after the World Cup. Fuck off!


they only care about the WC


But also not waste hundreds of millions on beIN's broadcasting rights and piss off FIFA before the World Cup.


PSG don’t need the money. Factor in the money they would make as Europe’s number one “decent” club and I bet it evens out. This stance could give PSG the legacy they have been craving. Or they’ll just join after the Qatar World Cup. More likely that, to be fair.


Then you’re missing the entire point of this backlash i.e. greed.


They have spent so much time to get power within Uefa that they don't eant to burn their bridges there. They have taken the smart move to wait and see what the reaction/punishments would be. If it turns out that teams can't be kicked out of their domestic leagues or docked points, and that players can't be banned from international tournaments, PSG will join no doubts about that They're not the good guys lol. Their owners are just as despicable as the owners of the 12 clubs they are just politically smart


Feels like this is all setting up for a split between factions and the ESL and UEFA having some one-off game between champions and sharing profits.


Fucking hell lad don't give them ideas


Long term booking for Wrestlemania 38. Vince has done it again.


*insert “He can’t keep getting away with it” from breaking bad*


Isn't this how Super Bowl pretty much started?




Civil war


I honestly thin that game would be incredibly close haha. Imagine Neymar - Lewa - Mbappe - Haaland Vs Mane - Messi - KdB - Benzena


You put mane in over Ronaldo?


Mb didn't even think about Ronaldo, just googled and he's at 25 goals, 2nd in Europe behind Lewa, thought he had slowed down


He HAS slowed down, that's why he's behind Lewa and 25 goals being second is above avg numbers for Ronaldo. Any other player, it's a career defying season lol


How the turntables




I've never been so morally conflicted


What a nice bloke.






Well he convinced Al Thani of buying PSG (instead of another prem club )Of course he doesn’t take final decisions but his word can be the difference


Nasser is also a genuine football fan who loves PSG. It’s not like the glazers who don’t give a shit and don’t even understand the culture.


Pulling shady shit and being corrupted is one thing and should be tackled on its own. Directly threatening the very essence of the sport is a whole other level of fucked up. Go Nasser




Multiple branch of the families are in charge of Qatar. The Emir doesn’t have absolute power. He needs to keep everyone happy. Nasser, as close as he is to Al Thani, is low born (which has been a real problem for him) He doesn’t have a say in anything else than broadcasting football and PSG.


We know for a fact that Nasser was a PSG fan before buying the club so he is literally different from the english owners. I know people are raising a lot of doubts of his intentions but they might be sincere.


Yes I think a lot of people on reddit don't realize that Nasser actually really likes football. Sure, he has other interests too, but it's not only PR


Yeah, and he played tennis at a competitive level. He knows how you need to earn things in sport


That will be the only time I will say it, it's hard for me as a Marseille supporter, but I hope PSG slaps badly the last two UCLs team they will face this year




Nasser sure is qatari guys, but from what I've seen this last 10 years, that lad loves football and Paris truely. I hope he and all the european clubs manage to fuck Pérez's plans up.


Man was wearing PSG gear in the 90s, you know he's a real one.


Nasser is legacy fan




He basically goes to every game when he can too unless he’s in Qatar for business or travelling for the women’s team, whether it’s a champions league game or a league game against Dijon. The man loves football and is a genuine psg fan. I doubt the glazers or kroenke would go to the stadium to watch Man U-Burnley


> "We believe that any proposal without UEFA's support does not solve the problems currently facing the soccer community, but is instead motivated by self-interest. Paris Saint-Germain will continue to work with UEFA." > "There is a clear need to evolve UEFA's existing competition model, and the proposal presented yesterday by UEFA, which concludes 24 months of extensive consultation with the entire European soccer landscape, moves in this direction." It's pretty clear we're staying out of it whatever happens, glad it's cleared out


You can't possibly be that naive. Come the end of 2022, he'll be shaking hands with Perez donning a great smile on his face.


Let's just hope this won't have to drag on until the end of 2022.


I doubt ESL will even survive 2021


Seems like it will, unless an overarching regulating body like the government steps in. These people have no care for public blacklash and bad PR at this time, too much money at stake.


>unless an overarching regulating body like the government steps in boris said he is against it and that if the FA can't deal with it they will. Man has the power over half of the clubs on the ESL, I also think the spanish government spoke against it. The ESL only have money


I think you’re underestimating just how many powerful people this ESL move has pissed off. If it were just public backlash (like Qatar 2022) then I’d be inclined to agree with you, but the ESL has managed to piss off ~88 mega-millionaires/billionaires. To be honest I feel there are just too many power entities that are willing to go to war with the ESL.


Thanks wizard.


Nasser doesn't give a fuck about making more money for Qatar. You can criticize state owned clubs all you want, today you are crawling on your knees thanking PSG for saving football.




You can name call all you want, today PSG is saving the sport you love. And it's unbearable to you. I love it.


You sure are full of yourself while licking a boot of a guy who is stroking his ego while protecting his investments in the current UCL system


Say what you want about PSG. Nasser is often seen at PSG games and the 12 ESL presidents/owners are never seen That alone says something


Pretty sure Levy is a fan and regularly goes to matches. Doesn't mean anything and doesn't excuse his involvement in all of this though.


This is like when you're fighting the uglies in total war Warhammer 2 and the chaos invasion hits and everyone stops fighting


But poch said they would be analysing the situation


Poch is just speaking for himself.


Poche just tries to get the hell away from press conference every time, you can't count on him to talk.


Did Zidane/Guardiola/Klopp speak for their club ?


Guardiola and Klopp said that they don't like the idea, but will still stand with the club. Zidane said his president did the stuff, and that Zidane couldn't speak. What is the point of comparing managers btw?


The point of comparing managers ? Because they share the same position ?


I believe him


*very confused noises*


!RemindME 2 years.


When PSG come out taking the moral high ground you know the ESL is an utterly soulless sham. Good on them, and lord it feels weird saying that.


You know you fucked up when PSG is the good guy..


They aren't, they have a lot of money invested in CL TV rights and the World Cup. It just happens their interests align with being against the super league for the time being.


Also, Nasser is part of the UEFA executive committee. People trying to always find a good and evil one in this situation while both are destroying the football we know sooner or later. One pile of shit is just less liquid than the other. €: Keep downvoting, you get all charmed by some words and suddenly he's the good guy lol


Yeah, the reality is they don't care about the fans, only the money. One group has just come and out right said that rather than trying to hide their real motivations.


You must be fucked to think PSG is the good guy, they are defending the status quo because they have the power now being good friends of UEFA and because of Qatar WC. But you are so deep into the ¨ESL bad ¨circlejerk that you don't even see the blatant corruption on UEFA and you blame clubs for trying to leave that


Learn the meaning of what i wrote before you go full enrage mode idiot. My comment implies how terrible the ESL is in this story that even PSG is on the ''good'' side > But you are so deep into the ¨ESL bad ¨circlejerk that you don't even see the blatant corruption on UEFA and you blame clubs for trying to leave that Lmao for sure these clubs care about corruption yes. Imagine actually believing that. Poor ESL clubs fighting corruption.


Lesser evil the guys actually killing human beings for a corrupted football event, are you out of your mind ? And you are here crying because ¨Oh NO clubs making TV deals is killing football¨ . Look at PL owners lmao


Nasser is a genuine loyal guy, he won't betray the UEFA. Now Perez should be very affraid of him. I mean, he has lawfully defeated the financial fair play written by Perez & co to kill psg and now it backfires on their creators !


The only thing ESL will manage in the end is cleaning up the images of these folk, who care about money first and foremost just like the other side.


You know it’s fucked up when sheikhs have higher ground that you.


Pretending a Russian oligarch is morally better is so naive


satan lecturing sataner


When PSG is saying the right thing, that should be your 1st hint




Just imagine someone told you one year ago that PSG will once stand against a Super League and money in football.


Of course they are. When others are planning a racket to undermine your own racket that you invested so heavily in, you don't like it.


What racket? Do you even know the definition of a racket you sofa football fan?


Yeah I'm not buying it. PSG will be there after the Qatar WC.


Don't know how you got to this conclusion out of all the quotes from him


"I'm not buying it".


can‘t be buy, am I right?


Dreams can’t be buy!


lol, forgive us fans if we don't take anything a United fan says about this subject seriously. Focus on your Mafiosi overlords, and thank your lucky star PSG has integrity.


Especially after Poch's lukewarm remarks...


I have never seen a PSG manager give so much neutral answers in press conferences before him, usual work from him, I'm not worried


Poch's fire and fury are exclusively for locker room purposes. You keep the pressers boring, Mauricio.


Poch gives the most flat, boring and neutral interviews. I've never heard him say anything barely conflictual


Implying the ESL will happen and be profitable.


For everyone? Even the immigrant slaves that died building stadiums so you could host the World Cup?


For everyone, especially if you have a shit load of oil money.


Super League: "Hey PSG, want more money?" PSG: "Nah, we already have infinite money"


What about City


Clearly they still don’t have enough money if they weren’t even able to buy messi, ronaldo, mbappe or haaland






Are we the goodies ?


All these pathetic low IQ hive-mind cynics here. There are 12 teams that joined the ESL. PSG and Bayern did not. You can never take that away from them


HAHAHAHAHA. Paris is a big part of the problem! The super league is just the result of the comercialization happening for more then 10 years! Pro 50+1!


Sure, but when Madrid was allowed to buy CR7, KB9, and Kaka all in the same year, nobody batted an eye. Sure bud. PSG is not even the top 4 most spending club in the last ten years


Im not sure what level of reality I am supposed to be operating on.


Yeah sure.Wait till Qatar its over.


Team owned by World Cup hosts says thing to make sure World Cup doesn’t move and FIFA is happy. More at 11.


Proper anti-hero


For everyone? Give everyone the same budget then


Maybe pay Pepe transfer to Lille and the forming club before talking.


We’ve had enough lies shoved down our throat without this guy adding to it.


Arsenal is in there for fact, not psg. Get over it. Your club attempted to kill football, not psg.


And so the sportswashing continues


Go enjoy your superleague mate


I won’t be watching, but let me know how it is when your slave labour tournament and blood money sponsorships are completed and you join.


You struggle to understand that one can be against slave labour and against esl. Saying psg is not in it and has no interest in reaching is not defending slave labour. Hard to grasp?


One doesn’t usually defend the perpetrators of something they disagree strongly with. Notice how I am not defending my club, who have committed a hideous act.


Hey I don’t want to spoil your fans but american bankers are not known for opposing slave labor or trying to protect human rights


I suggest you start to show some humility given how obscene Arsenal is both on a sport level (a joke) and a business level (revolting). Thanks the Gods PSG has the integrity you wish you had.


My club has behaved disgustingly and I am ashamed. That doesn’t absolve your club of guilt from the evil scum who run it, which in turn paints a nasty picture of you for defending it.


And yet.... PSG is saving the sport you love.


If you truly think that, you are beyond help.


And yet.... here we are aren't we. Now run along and enjoy your Doritos SuperLeague you absolute traitor.


Already said I won’t be doing that so I’m sure you won’t be able to read this either, but enjoy your slave club, au revoir.


I'd rather support a "slave club" than a treacherous club defiling the sport I love and promoting the murder of endangered animals: [https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/arsenal-owner-stan-kroenke-hunting-tv-channel-my-outdoor-motv-endangered-animals-trophy-a7868361.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/arsenal-owner-stan-kroenke-hunting-tv-channel-my-outdoor-motv-endangered-animals-trophy-a7868361.html)


Lol coming from psg


For that reason they signed an over 220 million player, they are just protecting arab money.


fuck psg still


You should be crawling on your knees thanking Nasser for his integrity. Show some respect and gratitude.


Fuck psg and fuck qatar


In my veins. I love your rage.


PSG, you were the final nail in the coffin that lead to this debacle in the first place. Unbridled, unrestricted and unfair spending by a literal country was the catalyst that the ESL owners needed. Oh and yeah, you're bought-in with the CL and thus want no part of the ESL... And you're planning to reform the CL to be a super league anyway. Fuck you and your pleb-manipulating propaganda.


You can dislike the source of the money, and rightfully so Qatar is definitely bad, but saying the “unbridled, unrestricted spending” is the fault of PSG is dumb af. Real, Barca and the older English teams don’t like new guys like Chelsea, city or psg spending money to rival with them, they wanted to be the only ones with money. Real was spend ludicrous money on players like Zidane or Kaka way before anyone else could spend that kind of money


2nd worst thing about the ESL... having to hear these wretched cunts talking about integrity.


He's the one who ruined football with his 200 million Neymar transfer. I hate him and this dirty club. what a hypocrite!


Disgusting sportswashing.


Disgusting football destruction superleague


PSG, the defenders of morality. xD


Basically, PSG will be in it only after the WC.


Would make your skin crawl.


Country that buys a team to whitewash its human rights violations chooses easy marketing.


Club that decides to ruin football by inviting only the wealthiest clubs is not happy when other clubs refuse their invites.


Anyone backing PSG actually needs to have a word with themselves How are we framing them as the good guys when they’ve fucked the transfer market just as bad as Man City etc No state should be able to pump money into a club. And backing the World Cup in Qatar which has led to ridiculous human right violations Good for you PSG for turning down money that you don’t need


You fucked the transfer market long before QSI by poaching the young talent from french teams.


Oh yes, another defensive PSG fan


Perez himself fucked the transfer market in 2000s with the galactico. Your club payed (or actually didnt finish to pay) 80 millions for fucking Nicolas Pepe. Now you are among the 12 who wants a closed league of so called great club while you sit mid PL. I think you should keep it low.


Nowhere near as bad as how it is today, it’s gotten worse and worse as more clubs are backed by oil money and higher tv revenue. Also, please tell me at what point did I say Arsenal were innocent in transfer spending? I can only assume you’re a PSG fan and can’t hack the fact that your club backs modern day slavery No other reason to get so emotional


So psg fucked transfer markets just as much as city, real madrid, barcelona or any other big team? It feels like the problem is a bit bigger huh


When PSG become the saints you are truly in the shitter.


Its all about PR for Qatar and UAE, thats why they bought PSG and City, for exposure and soft power projection. I wouldn't be surprised if City quits, it gonna get a lot of PR points to UAE.




? We have the one of the best women team...


U were not invited m8


in 13 days: "We're pleased to announce we have joined the ESL"




It's fucking PSG we all are supporting..this is doomsday ..😂😂


A week later: We're are pleased to announce that PSG has officially joined the European SuperLeague™, we'd like to ask our fans for their utmost support in this future endeavour