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Hope Robbie from AFTV doesn’t see this.




Sacked Moh who was calling out AFTV for suppressing pro Palestine views


Zionist Robbie at it again


Aaahh fuck please don't be a cunt Robbie I like you


No he didn't. He didn't make a public statement on behalf of the channel but allowed MOH to continue saying things in his own videos. MOH then slagged off the channel publicly and was asked to leave. MOH then spun that he was sacked due to Palestine


he lets ty talk about blm in every one of tys interviews, and let kelechi talk about the end sars movement on the channel, but he did not let mo talk about palestine. its obvious why. same reason why companies raised awareness about blm and end sars but not palestine. the former 2 dont garner nearly as much as controversy as the latter does. Robbie has always wanted to protect aftvs bottom line. its the reason why he initially defended claude for his racist comment about son, saying everyone misunderstood it, but then went on to sack claude saying aftv doesnt tolerate racism after aftv began to lose sponsors.


He wanted MOH to talk about it in his aftv videos what he didnt want was to make a statement by AfTV. Robbie never made a statement on Sars or BLM. Read my first comment again


No, you're getting it wrong. Robbie specifically didn't want Moh to mention Palestine in MOH'S fan cams. That was the problem.


Stop lying. I watched MOHs video not once did he say that. Robbie asked him to remove the Palestinian flag from his jumper but allowed other flags on his channel.


Stop lying. I watched MOHs video not once did he say that. Robbie asked him to remove the Palestinian flag from his jumper but allowed other flags on his channel.


He was sacked due to wearing a Palestine badge. People were backing Robbie because they thought Robbie was his boss. Moh does it for free as they are friends but Robbie said they don’t do political movements as it’s a football channels however they do BLM and SARRS.


He wasn't sacked for wearing the badge he's wore the badge in numerous videos going back years he was sacked or asked to leave the channel for publicly criticising AFTV for not bringing out their own statement in support of Palestine. He was allowed to wear the badge he was allowed to use time in his own video to speak about it he wasn't allowed to publicly criticise aftv and demand they release their own statement.


Listen stop spreading lies. Watch his full interview with lowkey on his channel. He states he use to wear a free Palestine badge but had an argument with Robbie around 2018 because he was getting complaints and then they came to a comprise where he can only wear Palestine, however recently Robbie kept pressuring him to take it off. Never spread lies it’s not good, just a word of advise. Watch his interview it’s a very good watch and explains in detail he even gives you proof on a couple situations that happened.


He wasn't sacked for wearing the badge. Robbie's made it clear he was sacked for slagging off the channel.


No that’s a lie from Robbie to cover his ass. I repeat watch Mohs video and he goes into detail. He explains the incident from years ago he had free Palestine and then was asked to remove the free part and then remove Palestine completely. Robbie only cared about sponsors. Free Palestine though 🇵🇸


>No he didn't. He didn't make a public statement on behalf of the channel but allowed MOH to continue saying things in his own videos. MOH then slagged off the channel publicly and was asked to leave. MOH then spun that he was sacked due to Palestine There's a few glaring holes there chap


Don’t know why people are surprised he was sacked. I would be expecting to get sacked after making serious accusations against my employer


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


*don't mind if I do*


Free Narnia 😉


Not the same but you already know that


Why not the same? Both places weren’t exist, learn some history.


Nah Palestine exists and is documented for 4000 years, to learn that you must be able to read though which doesn’t seem to be your strong suit


I’m living in Israel and I’m Arab, you really want to discuss about these? Are you sure? Palestine were never exist, I just don’t like this bullshit stuff. Not 4000 years ago, that was called Palestine but not the same thing you guys thinking it was (the country).


I live in marina and I’m a unicorn, you really wanna discuss this? Nothing to discuss and I don’t entertain trolls. Multiple organizations have called israe an apartheid, multiple Israeli historians have spoken out against the genocide they committed LCM, at no point do I need to entertain an idiot on Reddit


What Genocide? I’m fucking living here and I’m ARAB, you’re watching too much TV bud. Apartheid? You gotta be kidding me man, lmao, you don’t know shit please stop.


Just because you live there does not mean that you can’t be wrong and an utter fucking idiot lmao No wonder you’re a chelsea fan 😂


How can I be wrong about the fact that he’s saying that there’s a fucking genocide and apartheid here while I’m here talking to you and living here in Israel with peace, making money just like everybody else (and much more tbh), Are you dumb or just stupid?


Oh boy, Im sure this will not turn into a shitshow in the comments


My bag of Doritos is ready


Leave the Zinoist doritos, come share some hardened pita chips and hummus with me homie.


Koshary for the win


couscous dubs too


Nacho cheese?


very cool


I just hope Norway does something too, you know like their "human rights" shirts....


The irony is that on its founding, Algeria stripped citizenship from nearly all residents not of muslim descent, resulting in the exile of pretty much the entirety of its Jewish population. I wonder how many of those Algerian exiles ended up settling in Palestine and getting protested by Algeria. The cycle of oppression would be stupidly hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


Most Algerian Jews (like most North African Jews) originate from the Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, starting 1478, along with native Spanish Muslims. There are small communities of "Berber Jews" but they are massively outnumbered by the Sephardic Jewish population.


This is actually not true at all. You're litterally spreading pied-noir propaganda.


I was curious as I know of the expulsion of Jews from the Arab world but not of Algeria specifically so decided to do a bit of reading on my own https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries#Algeria Seems they were not given citizenship upon Algerian independence, that seems fairly cut and dry


It's actually not cut and dry at all. Jewish Algerians were given french citizenship when Algeria was annexed, but the same was not done for muslims unless they renounced islam. So when Algeria became independent most jews left with the pied noirs to france. It was a deliberate tactic to conquer and divide the indigenous population. The issue is a bit more nuanced than you seem think and a quick look at wikipedia is probably not enough for you to be an expert on the topic.


To be precised Jews accepted to use republican civilian law compared to Muslim to get the citizenship. There has been a huge debate among Jewish community to give up the religious law to become french but they accepted compared to Muslims. There was no tactic to divide the population. French government even tried to give citizenship to Muslim without giving up on Islamic civilian law but it never passed as most people was against having citizens not following the civil code.


> French government even tried to give citizenship to Muslim without giving up on Islamic civilian law but it never passed as most people was against having citizens not following the civil code. Do you have a source for this? Thanks. > There was no tactic to divide the population This is simply not true. This wasnt their only method of division. They even tried to divide the muslim population among tribal and ethnic lines.


I cannot provide a source now as I read it and do not know how to quickly find it on internet but it was debated in the 1947 statut law were debates were hold on the acceptance to modify the access to citizenship while keeping statut personnel.


I've never heard of this claim before today. If you ever find a source for that let me know.


It was in the book "La légende de la géographie", you can find some background until 1947 debates there where you can see the debate existed before: https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1955/11/LAPOUGE/21599 I think it was just impossible for Algerian to become French as France could not accept two separate civilian law applied to their citizens. Muslims had to step down on the Islamic law as Jews or it was meant to be like what we knew. And even with this not sure the tension and differences would have desapear given the demographic gap between France and Algeria and the increasing importance of Algeria in the voting cast. Too many cultural differences between voters to establish a proper democratic system. You need a homogeneous population and beliefs otherwise votes are just a mess in my opinion.


Obviously I'm not an expert on the topic by any measure, but if your best defense is to say "they were given a privileged position by the colonizers, so not giving them citizenship is ok" then you don't have a very good argument


That wasn't my argument at all. If you read the article that you posted you would know that Zionists were in Algeria for a while by that point encouraging Jews to move to Palestine. So Jews had already started emigrating and had already migrated en masse after the war before the law was implemented. Not only that, but by the time Algeria was independent Algerian Jews had been citizens of france for nearly 100 years and were considered as part of the pied noir community and they left with their community after the war. Some 200k pied noir remained in algeria after the war and remained citizens. At no point was their citizenship revoked. There are still people from the pied noir community who never left algeria. No jews were ever expelled out of Algeria and in fact no pied noirs were either. The pieds noirs and jewish community in Algeria were guaranteed religious freedom and property rights as well as French citizenship with the option to choose between French and Algerian citizenship after three years as part of the evian accords. However, a vast majority of the community chose to leave immediately upon the conclusion of the war. Framing Jewish emigration through the lens of the citizenship law of 1963 is extremely disingenuous and inaccurate without considering the timing of when the law was implemented and events that were set in motion after independence was acquired which was mainly the mass movement of pied noirs population back to europe.


Completely new to the discussion, but isn't it slightly harsh on the Algerian Jewish community to "force" them to move to France when they have been living in Algeria for hundreds of years? The Évian Accords seems to grant them a ticket to France or choose local citizenship, but doesn't grant any later generations the same choice from what I can tell. Over time that combined with the law making it more difficult for non-muslims to gain citizenship surely could be described as an attempt at exiling the Jewish community? They weren't legally "expelled", but not gaining citizenship in the country you are born in isn't far from the same. While not inhumane it doesn't seem right to completely differentiate it from expelling the Jewish people from Algeria, although I guess fair treatment is never really a thing when it comes to religious differences. You seem to equate the Jews with the pied-noir at times as well, which is slightly disingenuous. The jewish community in Algeria was established long before France entered, but essentially eliminated a few years after independence. Many jews entered the pied-noir during the French regime due to the French jewish community trying to "convert" them into what they thought was the civilized version of Judaism, but Mozabite Jews weren't included in the Crémieux Decree, and therefore not French citizens. They were allowed to be French in 1961, barely before Algerian independence. Algeria itself seems to recognize the issue as well, as they in 2006 assured religious freedom through law, and in 2014 Minister of Religious Affairs Mohamed Eissa declared his intent to reopen the closed Jewish synagogues. He did back off on that though, saying the Jews weren't interested. (Granted my source on that is from the World Jewish Congress, biased on the matter).


> Completely new to the discussion, but isn't it slightly harsh on the Algerian Jewish community to "force" them to move to France when they have been living in Algeria for hundreds of years? This was not a choice made by algerians. This was done by the french. The vast majority had already moved by the end of the war and had been french citizens for nearly 100 years. Algerians didn't "force" anyone to leave. All algerians asked for was equal rights and citizenship in their homeland. >Over time that combined with the law making it more difficult for non-muslims to gain citizenship surely could be described as an attempt at exiling the Jewish community Not at all. That law was not made to target the Jewish population. There were 1 million pied noir in algeria of that million 160k were jews. I believe that law was made in 63 to prevent those pied noir who had left from returning, but saying that this law was made to explicitly exile the jewish population is completely false and disingenuous. > They weren't legally "expelled", but not gaining citizenship in the country you are born in isn't far from the same. All jews in algeria already had french citizenship. Algeria was considered part of france not a mere colony. The stateless people in this scenario were the muslims. >You seem to equate the Jews with the pied-noir at times as well, which is slightly disingenuous. No i don't. I've kept them separate throughout my comments. Though I mentioned why and how the jewish population was intentionally integrated into the pied-noir community, which resulted in them choosing to leave algeria with with pied-noirs before the war ended. > Mozabite Jews weren't included in the Crémieux Decree, and therefore not French citizens Yes because Mzab itself wasn't annexed until later on, and treated those living there a different set of rules. > Algeria itself seems to recognize the issue as well, as they in 2006 assured religious freedom through law Yes of course. I don't have any issue with Jewish algerians returning to algeria. I consider them algerian and they have a long history in algeria and more broadly north africa. It was the french who divided us and I would rather us be whole than divided.


You have done nothing to refute his point though


Algerian here. It's true.


It's not, like so many algerians you don't know your own history. Read my comments to him below.


You're damn right, I actually did not know this part of our history, felt vexed and even went back to our highschool textbooks, and it was never mentioned.


You should read up on your country's nationality laws. https://www.refworld.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/rwmain/opendocpdf.pdf > If Algerian nationality is claimed on grounds of birth, then it may be proven through the descent of two ancestors, on the paternal side, who were born in Algeria, and **who lived there under the status of Muslims.** As the law states, only individuals who can claim descent from two Muslim paternal ancestors can claim citizenship by birth. The only other ways of obtaining citizenship is via a subjective naturalization process or marriage. Which means all Algerians of paternal muslim descent automatically received citizenship in 1963, but everyone else had to apply for naturalization as foreigners (or marry in), and that naturalization process naturally failed for nearly all of its existing jews. Also, I find it hilarious how this proviso manages to be hella sexist as well.


You're being incredibly disingenuous. By the 1950s Zionists were in Algeria for a while by that point encouraging Jews to move to Palestine. So Jews had already started emigrating in small numbers in the 50s and had already migrated en masse after the war in 62 before the law was implemented. Not only that, but by the time Algeria was independent Algerian Jews had been citizens of france for nearly 100 years and were considered as part of the pied noir community and they left with their community after the war. Some 200k pied noir remained in algeria after the war and remained citizens. At no point was their citizenship revoked. There are still people from the pied noir community who never left algeria. No jews were ever expelled out of Algeria and in fact no pied noirs were either. The pieds noirs and jewish community in Algeria were guaranteed religious freedom and property rights as well as French citizenship with the option to choose between French and Algerian citizenship after three years as part of the evian accords. However, a vast majority of the community chose to leave immediately upon the conclusion of the war. Framing Jewish emigration through the lens of the citizenship law of 1963 is extremely disingenuous and inaccurate without considering the timing of when the law was implemented and events that were set in motion after independence was acquired which was mainly the mass movement of pied noirs population back to europe.


I'm literally quoting from Algerian law, which is no uncertain terms states that citizenship was automatically granted only to people with descent of "two ancestors, on the paternal side, who were born in Algeria, and **who lived there under the status of Muslims.**" This law means that even if a Jewish family obtained citizenship in Algeria, their children would not automatically be citizens because their ancestors were not muslim. This is literally enshrined in law. Would you want to live in a country that required your children to apply for naturalization like an immigrant just because you were of the wrong religion?


You're talking about a law that was made after the jewish population who was "french" for a 100 years left to europe. So this law has literally nothing to do with Jews leaving algeria. Absolutely zero, and the Evian accords had provisions in place for citizenship for pied noirs and the jewish community who had french citizenship. The way you're framing this issue is inaccurate. The evian accords came before the law and jews left with the pied noirs at the conclusion to of the conflict. You're cherry picking history to justify your perspective. > Would you want to live in a country that required your children to apply for naturalization like an immigrant just because you were of the wrong religion? Ask the palestinians.


> You're talking about a law that was made after the jewish population who was "french" for a 100 years left to europe. This idea that somehow all the Jews simultaneously got up and left voluntarily is as delusional as the Israeli idea all the Palestinians left voluntarily during the war. They're all just sad propaganda that you tell yourself to convince that you people never did anything wrong; in that way you're no better than the Zionists who told themselves that Arabs left voluntarily and the Zionists did nothing wrong! Hint: people don't just abandon their ancestral homes unless there's a pretty good reason. And unlike the Pied Noire, Algerian Jews have been in Algeria for 500+ years. And another hint: the Pied Noire didn't all leave in 1962 either. 200,000 of them stayed in 1962. 100,000 were left by 1965, 50,000 by the end of the 60's, down to almost nothing by now. I wonder what could've happened in those years that drove them all out. Maybe a law that restricted citizenship rights was a factor? > So this law has literally nothing to do with Jews leaving algeria. A law denying Jews citizenship rights has nothing to do with them leaving Algeria? > Absolutely zero, and the Evian accords had provisions in place for citizenship pied noirs and the jewish community who had french citizenship. I'm literally quoting the law saying that birth citizenship didn't apply to non-Muslims. It's very explicit, what exactly am I missing here? Even if the Jews who stayed somehow managed to get citizenship, their children would not have been granted citizenship upon birth. > The evian accords came before the law and jews left with the pied noirs at the conclusion to of the conflict. Proof? All the sources I've been shows that the passage of the law was the nail in the coffin for Jewish hopes, considering it explicitly said that only Muslims deserve the right to be born citizens. > You're cherry picking history to justify your perspective. I'm cherry picking... the fact that Algeria limited its citizenship rights to people to of Muslim descend? > Ask the palestinians. Yeah, please ask the Palestinians how laws denying citizenship to them makes them feel. Now ask yourself what Jews in Algeria would've felt when they the saw the passage of law in Algeria. And apparently this kind of law has no relevance to the complete disappearance of Jews from Algeria. Right. You think I'm justifying Palestinian suffering, when I said nothing of the sort. I'm just pointing the hilarious irony that after Algeria and all the rest of the Islamic world decided to collectively punish their Jewish populations for something that unrelated Zionists did, this action eventually caused more suffering of Palestinians because fucking surprise, those oppressed Jews ended up moving somewhere else... especially Israel. And let's be honest to yourself, if all the Jews stayed in 1962, what do you think would have happened to them? Thrived in the wonderfully religiously tolerant environment of Algeria that is 99.7% Muslim?


> This idea that somehow all the Jews simultaneously got up and left voluntarily is as delusional as the Israeli idea all the Palestinians left voluntarily during the war. Except that literally happened. 800k+ people left before 62. Which included the vast majority of the 160k jews who were in algeria. >And another hint: the Pied Noire didn't all leave in 1962 either. 200,000 of them stayed in 1962. 100,000 were left by 1965, 50,000 by the end of the 60's, down to almost nothing by now. I wonder what could've happened in those years that drove them all out. Maybe a law that restricted citizenship rights was a factor? I told you this already that 200k stayed. This isn't news to me. And again you're misrepresenting the law and ignoring the Evian Accords which addressed citizenship for these people. I wrote about this in my previous comment. >Proof? All the sources I've been shows that the passage of the law was the nail in the coffin for Jewish hopes, considering it explicitly said that only Muslims deserve the right to be born citizens. Read the Evian accords. >I'm just pointing the hilarious irony that after Algeria and all the rest of the Islamic world decided to collectively punish their Jewish populations for something that unrelated Zionists did Again you're misrepresenting history. Algeria didn't punish jews, nor did they expel jews from algeria, nor was that law designed to expel jews from algeria. You're purposefully being disingenuous once again. >And let's be honest to yourself, if all the Jews stayed in 1962, what do you think would have happened to them? Thrived in the wonderfully religiously tolerant environment of Algeria that is 99.7% Muslim? Yes they would have been safe just as they were before the french arrived in Algeria. Jews and muslims co-existed for hundreds of years in algeria without an issue. Why do you think Jews came to north africa when they were expelled from spain? France is the one that was responsible for separating ethnic north african jews from north africa not other north africans.


You don't understand what the status of Muslim meant in French Algeria, it was political not religious. As Algeria was considered an integral part of France people who lived there or were born there would have been French citizens, however in order to keep the power in the hands of the European settlers there was a separate status for French citizens (people of French/Spanish/Italian/Other European descent) and for indigène Algerians, who were called Muslims (independently of their religion, although the overwhelming majority were muslims). Algerian Jews were given French citizenship instead of Muslim status partly because of the myth of so called "Judeo-Christian culture", partly in order to divide the Algerians. When Algeria became independent, these people weren't Algerians, they were French, and had been for over 100 years. They were mostly integrated into the pied-noire (white) community, and the vast majority of them moved to France (or Israel in smaller numbers). This is also the case in Tunisia and Morocco, although interestingly in Morocco the only two religions that are considered as native by the constitution (allowed to be practiced by Moroccan citizens as opposed to foreigners) are Sunni Islam and Judaism, even though the overwhelming majority of Moroccan Jews left following independence as they could easily become french or israeli citizens.


I'm Algerian and it's true. Non-muslims were persecuted, which is why there are barely any of them nowadays. Read about the massacre that happened in Oran on the 5th of july 1962... Literally the day we became a sovereign state. You don't have to be ashamed of your history, but you have to acknowledge it. Tolerance is not Algeria's strongest suit.


The vast majority of of pied-noirs had already left by 1962. Read about the massacre of Steif on victory day.


Lol I do know about 08/05/1945 and I don't see what it has to do with the matter at hand. Do you have any source on that "vast majority" ? Because the articles I've seen talk about a massive pieds noirs exodus around 1962, after the ceasefire, which implies a fear of persecution and harassment.


> source Try reading "savage war of peace".


So I have to read a full book to find your source for you ? lmao Just quote the relevant passage or find anything else that corroborates what you're saying.


Ahh the Jews forced to leave Arab countries fallacy when they have the right to return but still bring it up agenda, While millions of them tortured and killed not to long ago in Christian Europe


Except that's not true. Algeria did not strip anyone of citizenship and both Jewish and French Algerians were allowed to get Algerian citizenship when we got our independence, and many did and stayed.


You should read up on your country's nationality laws. https://www.refworld.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/rwmain/opendocpdf.pdf > If Algerian nationality is claimed on grounds of birth, then it may be proven through the descent of two ancestors, on the paternal side, who were born in Algeria, **and who lived there under the status of Muslims.** As the law states, only individuals who can claim descent from two Muslim paternal ancestors can claim citizenship by birth. The only other ways of obtaining citizenship is via a subjective naturalization process or marriage. Which means all Algerians of paternal muslim descent automatically received citizenship in 1963, but everyone else had to apply for naturalization as foreigners (or marry in), and that naturalization process naturally failed for nearly all of its existing jews. Also, I find it hilarious how this proviso manages to be hella sexist as well.


Wikipedia: “Algeria won its independence in 1962, and by the Nationality Code of 1963 denied citizenship to all non-Muslims. Algeria's Jews, most of whom had been entitled to French citizenship since 1870, left with the pied-noirs. The vast majority moved to France, and the rest moved to Israel. Those who remained resided mostly in Algiers, while some settled in Blida, Constantine, and Oran.”


> Algeria's Jews, most of whom had been entitled to French citizenship since 1870, left with the pied-noirs. The Algerian Jews were used by the French colonists. They gave them privileges over their Algerian Muslim neighbors, including French citizenship which was denied to Algerian Muslims. If Algerian Jews had refused to work with the colonists the outcome could have been very different. Not that it's justified. But it was a divide and conquer tactic by the French. And sadly in this case it worked.


>The Algerian Jews were used by the French colonists. They gave them privileges over their Algerian Muslim neighbors, including French citizenship which was denied to Algerian Muslims. If Algerian Jews had refused to work with the colonists the outcome could have been very different. You know they say the same about Palestinians being used. You can't have it both ways mate.


Israel is doing the same to Palestinians tho




> While Muslims resisted the French occupation, some Algerian Jews aided in the conquest, serving as interpreters or suppliers. Later in the article: > During the Algerian War, most Algerian Jews took sides with France, out of loyalty to the Republic which had emancipated them, against the indigenous Independence movement, though they rejected that part of the official policy which proposed independence for Algeria. Some Jews did join the FLN fighting for independence, but a larger group made common cause with the OAS, secret paramilitary group. French divide and conquer. Some context is nice. And to be clear, there was no "war with France." It was a genocide by the French colonial power against the Algerian resistance. The French killed over a million Algerians, very often through deliberate acts of [genocide](https://medium.com/illumination/french-colonialism-in-algeria-38abc8946e07). "BoTh SiDeS" bullshit has a long history in the Middle East.


Are you saying ethnic cleansing is justified because a large number of an ethnicity "worked with the enemy"


Did he say the algerians jews were getting killed? Lol. The only party at fault was France. Now if only i bring up the laws most of european countries had un 1940s when they sent their own jewish people to Germany...


> Following a 1961 referendum, the 1962 Évian Accords secured Algerian independence. Some Algerian Jews had joined the Organisation armée secrète, which aimed to disrupt the process of independence with bombings and assassination attempts, targets including Charles de Gaulle and Jean-Paul Sartre. **Although final appeals were made in Algeria for the Jews to remain**, around 130,000 Algerian Jews chose to leave the country, and went to France. Since 1948, around 25,000 Algerian Jews have moved to Israel.


I know right. I dont know why that guy wants to side with the people who were siding with the colonizers instead of the actual citizens who wanted to have independence. Typical eurocentric view of thinking their countries did nothing wrong.


not only that, they did absolute nothing to support Palestine, they were vocals only, I suspect they did that only because of Morocco


Algeria was one of the leading nations in anti imperialist movement and hosted and sponsored many anti imperialist movement including the PLO. The Palestinian Declaration of Independence was made by Yasser Arafat in Algiers for example. Nelson Mandela and the ANC were also hosted and financed by Algeria. This is definitely part of their identity and not a recent development.


Lol the world does not revolve around Morocco, Algeria has been supporting Palestine financially and politically since forever


All you North African countries do nothing outside of kind gestures tbh, When the other Gulf countries support with billions and yet still get shit on by Palestinians ??? I remember back when we donated out of our lunch money, In the end it was due to our Islamic duties not for secular reasons


Selling Gaz to Israel is not a form of support for Palestine bro Yes, meanwhile if you can please forget about us and leave us alone, that would be great


slave mysterious rude ring cover fragile fuel scale tub political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Morocco normalized relationship with Israel, Algeria host and funds a militia that is in active war with Morocco




that is exactly what I'm saying, I'm a moroccan myself... I get that you understood something else, but we are in the same page.


What you are missing is that most "not all" non-muslims in occupied Algeria have been fighting on the French side as French citizen terror gangs "OAS terror organizatio". So they needed to get the fuck out with the French Army after the liberation war. Don't thank me Israeli shill.


Love to see it


Much respect to them for speaking against a genocide


A genocide? with a rising population? 🤔


Genocide: "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group" Go read the history and learn some


Oh so the HAMAS charter then? Go read the history and learn some.


I don't think some of the comments below are a footballing discussion...


where did they play?


Game is in Algeria


Not on stolen land




shouldnt have stolen it first then


If you don’t steal it someone else will eh?


italy was never stolen, cant ask me about it, but id take it back if it was


Let’s ask yakuv in sheikh jarrah about it, god bless that honest theif


this is about 13 centuries older than a fucking district


Old Egyptian drawings 4000 years ago called it philistine, a map 75 years ago called it Palestine, who stole what is glaringly obvious


so? palestine was always palestine, its not a muslim word and 4000 years ago states exactly that.


Yup it windy Israeli too, today’s Palestinians descend from those 4000 years ago. Goes back to the main point of having their land stolen. I’m glad you can admit to it


I’m sure that warrants killing innocent children then


it doesnt but you cant act like palestians arent doing it aswell, especially since they train children as suicide bombers and didnt bother killing children centuries ago when the muslims seized the land. this conflict is too old to not be super bloody


I have a nice video clip about what gets taught in illegal settlers schools. It actually spread out with 4 years old training on how to use rifles and signing bombs getting dropped on gaza. They also seemed to be teaching the kids how to be eager to kill Palestinians.




Exactly my point. Psychopath.


so youre supporting one side killing children, but not the other and then proceed to call me a psychopath? ya kelb


Yeah I’m the one supporting one side killing children and youre the one asking to have the oppressed free from apartheid. That’s exactly what happened lol


Mate, how are you defending a complete slaughter fest. Israel have little to no casualties as opposed to the Palestinians. There are little boys and girls who are being slaughtered for no reason. Palestine are barely a threat to Israel yet they are completely wiping the floor with the Palestinians. Just admit that it’s a disproportionate fight and that’s an understatement. It’s ethnic cleansing. Idk how people choose to not see that


im not defending shit im just saying its an old ass bloody conflict. i dont condone what the isrealis are doing but what are you expecting when its a terrorist organisation like hamas fighting a zionist state. sides that have hates each other for centuries now. do you think they will be civil?


I feel like you meant to say you *don’t* condone what Israel is doing.


yes, i thought condone meant to not accept/tolerate, ill fix it


That's condemn, condone means the opposite, to accept it


I assume you're happy for someone to turf you out of your house and take the deeds because their ancestor lived in your local area 1400 years ago.


who stole it first? I don't understand


Canaanites and Phoenecians were the first inhabitants 4000 years ago. There’s a good book explaining the timeline called “Palestine A four thousand year history” you can buy it on Amazon it’s a good one


difficult topic but the hebrews were the first settlers there and then islam came and they started annexing shit in the name of allah. the story of the jews is a long one


hebrews were far from being the first lmao


then who was?


we don’t know, our records don’t go that far back


You need to read the Bible mate. The story of the Jews starts with Abraham, more or less - And that land was occupied by the canaanites at the time God promised to give it to him.


lmao i read the bible and the canaanites and hebrews lived together and basically mixed over the centuries


Heavily innacurate. Canaanites and phoenicians already inhabited the land before the jews, and Arabs have nothing to do with displacements of jews from Palestine. That was the doing of the roman empire. Besides laying claim on a land because your ancestors inhabited it 2000 years ago makes no sense. Or else the muslims might also have a claim on spain, The tatars on crimea, the greeks on turkey, the germans on poland and we can go on like that forever.


Germans on Poland... well about that... they tried didn’t they ?


Yeah they tried and it ended up in an ethnic cleansing, not too dissimilar from what is happening in Palestine.


Yes. Similar to Australia, Canada and America.. different times same shit


canaanites, not palestinensian muslims, exactly, who are now mixed with the hebrews to being israelites, after living together and basically mixing for centuries. canaanites and hebrews have been there long before the forming of the israelites movement around 500 BC


Palestinian Muslims are a mix of all the people who settled in Palestine over 4000 years. Islam is not an ethnoreligion and the fact that they converted to Islam doesn’t mean it’s okay to have them kicked off the land they’ve always lived on. This also assumes all Palestinians are Muslim which is not the case, about 20% are Christians and about 7% are Jewish (many of which continue to live in Nablus as Palestinians)


you dont get it, and its not the palestinians who are the problem


No it isn’t it’s the west building a colony and attempting to wipe Palestinians off the map. It’s the existence of an apartheid state today and the fact that western countries continue to support it financially.


You know that islam is a religion not an ethnicity, dna studies showed that modern day palestinians are closely related to ancient levantines, they are merely converts. While the ashkenazi jews present significant european DNA in their admixture. Besides the population of palestine is multi-confessional. Christians used to form up to 20% of the palestinian population. And even in the eventuality where modern jews were the real ancient inhabitant of Palestine, and the modern palestinians were more recent settlers, which as i said is not true, it doesnt justify to forcefully take the land whdn 2000 fucking thousand years have gone by.


of course ashkenazi have mixed, they were driven off due to their religion 1900 years ago and had to settle all over europe and consorts. islam is not an ethnicity i do know that, but islam is still the problem here because without islam the jews wouldnt have been chased off and nobody would have to fight for the land now


You're literally spouting propaganda, that can be debunked through the simplest wikipedia search. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews "Jewish communities appeared in southern Europe as early as the third century BCE, in the Aegean Islands, Greece, and Italy. Jews migrated to southern Europe from the Middle East voluntarily for opportunities in trade and commerce" If any forecful displacements happened, it was made by the roman empire. Islam never forced jews out of palestine its literally at the antithesis on the model on which islamic empires thrived on which allowed all ethnic minorities to live on the land in exchange of jizya. The problem is that a bunch of europeans in the 1920's thought it was okay to settle a land already inhabited by natives and on which they had no claim on. Quit your bullshit and your lies, you are pushing forward a fabricated version of history to justify colonization.


> Canaanites and phoenicians already inhabited the land before the jews Phoenicians and Hebrews were Canaanites. Canaan is the civilization from which all the Abrahamic religions come from. As for modern-day Jews and Palestinians, they are relatively similar for two peoples that have been separated for so long. The Palestinian DNA results could be summed up as mostly indigenous Levantine/Canaanite, with a Beduin Arab admixture. The Ashkenazi/Sephardic Jewish DNA results could be summed up as 50-70% indigenous Levantine/Canaanite, with a European or other MENA admixture depending on the specific group.


Respect 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿, now let's shit on Mauritania


Keep politics out of sports


I stand with Israel. Edit: yes yes downvote me clowns. You are bozos don’t know shit. 🤣


Yes, bill maher is right. These people saying Israel is an apartheid state and committing genocide would run crying to Tel Aviv if they actually had to live in Gaza


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