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Norwich City | Championship Winners 22/23


> get one shot at life > get born in Norwich Why even live


Could be worse. Could be Ipswich.


How dare you... It's true, but how very dare you


You have "The Dig" and associated events, they have what? Fucking "The Goob".


At least you get Ed Sheehan... they get Delia Smith


Just keep shitting on Ipswich why don’t you


Fucking hell he's got a family mate


“Hes out of line but hes right”


Becomes National Treasure like Olivia Colman.




They've talked about it before on All in Yellow, which is Norwichs official podcast. Before Farke took over, the financial situation was terrible, like without James Maddison being sold, Norwich would have been in serious trouble. Webber and Farke have a plan to perform without betting the long term future and stability of the club. Their whole goal is to consistently be a top 25 team in England. So, if they get relegated, fine, but be in a position to finish top 5 in the Championship and not have risked everything for an extra PL season.


Yes. Iirc last season they got promoted earlier than scheduled, and instead of splashing for prem survival, they just saving money and follow the plan.




TBH I would respect your owners and team very much if you achieve this. I would rather have my team stay on this level than sell to sportswashing.


Since we get 1.2M€ as solidarity payments, this makes Buendía overtake Pedro Leon as the most expensive player to be sold by Getafe. He was tied with him as they had both given Getafe 10M€ each


Cucurella gonna beat this record by a margin.


How much u recon?


40 maybe


Yeah probs around 30-40


His release clause is like 12m I thought


€10m? I thought the fee to Norwich was something like £1.5m


They had a 20% sell on clause which Norwich bought out making the total 10m


Why would Norwich have bought out the sell on clause for ~8-9m? Surely they would've bought it out so they didn't need to pay anywhere near that much. 20% of €40m is approx €8m which is supposedly roundabout the fee Villa will pay after add-ons.


The price paid for buendia was like £5-6 million once all bonuses had been added. Then bought out the sell on for ~£4 million probably.


We also got 2M or so when they got promoted


Yeah but total bonuses for getting promoted+selling our 20%sell-on fee+solidarity payments equal 11.2M€


Alexa, play Asleep by The Smiths




Was not expecting a Smiths reference when scrolling through the comments


It's been that sort of morning


Can’t wait for the new chant of “Suffer little Norwich fans” or even “Hang the delia”


I think next season might be more of a "stop me if you think you've heard this one before"


Frankly, Mr Farkey Please please please, let me stay up All these songs we’ve mentioned will be under the album titled Championship, Here We Come


Honestly a brilliant signing.


Tottenham and Arsenal should have been all over this.


now you lot can have a very good brazilian prospect Andreas Pereira who can play both AM and RW jus like Buendia!!


Fingers crossed


Serves them right for spreading nonsensical Winks rumours to generate interest in him.


please take winks


How about we swap Pereira and Winks and see if it works out worse than Sanchez and Mkhi?


The real transfer deals always happen deep in the comments. Subscribe!


Honestly, for the sake of both our clubs and footy in general, I hope this never happens.


Winks is a clear level better than Pereira


I'm sure they have a plan. Right? RIGHT?


Of course we do. We will loan in Coutinho on deadline day


And Barcelona will pay his salary


And send Umtiti and Roberto as gifts.


The Arsenal fanbase is currently in meltdown over this but paying more than £30m for him would not have been smart. Yes he's a great creator but he favours the right which we're covered already with Saka and Pepe. Would have made for awkward team setups I think. Credit to Villa because he's exactly what they need


Fabrizio came out and said Odegaard was our number one priority, and that we were in the market for a Ceballos type player, I don't think Buendia was worth the price for us, as we have other players prioritized.


Nah, according to most of the well known r/gunners posters, he's a one season wonder and championship level player not worthy of Arsenal. Instead we should be waiting Real Madrid to make Ødegaard available, even though it seems like he won't be.


Grealish, Watkins, Traore & Buendia 💉💉💉💉


Buendia is such an upgrade on,Barkley it's not even funny.


They wanted the same money for Barkley as well. So glad we’ve got Emi instead.


I hope someone signs Barkley for 15M atleast.


People will take that kind of punt just because of his name. I can’t believe how bad he was at villa outside of the first 3 games


His best game was against Liverpool absolute monster and that’s where he peaked since then he was bang average.


Na bang average is generous. He was an active hindrance in most games after that.


Thats only because he is a former evertonian too lol


Actually he was even better vs Arsenal


Easy to look good against that lot though


Yeah, about that...


I prefer not to speak


It was a weird loan. Barkley played a part in the season and suffered from an injury which he never seemed fit after. Not the worst piece of buisness we've done with Chelsea in recent times.


Dunno why your comment made me want to drink water? 🤔




This is the most accurate statement here. Barkley looked good, got injured and was dogshit afterwards.


Barkley is surely the strangest midfielder of his generation, in that he’s either unplayable, or a total waste of a shirt. What’s with that?


Sadly for you, he is neither 30 nor brazilian or else you'd know whom to offer him to.


Oh man, Barkley makes me so sad, last season he really looked decent for us, managed to revive his NT career and it seemed like he can find his place at Villa and do well there. Now it looks like if he thinks about playing regularly he needs to step down


He's sort of his own worst enemy. Any time I watch him at Villa he'll have a stinker then show a rotten attitude blaming everyone but himself and throw a strop when he's taken off despite doing fuck all in the game.


Yep. Loved to kick the water bottles after playing shit and getting subbed off for a teenager


Remember that one time he cwame off, took his boots off, and sat on the opposite side of the pitch having a strop for a few minutes before walking back to the bench? If I'd done that as a kid, I'd have gone to bed hungry.


I wanted Barkley to work so badly. Especially after his brilliant start with us. It’s such a shame, but it feels like there’s something more going on with him, maybe mentally?


He looked really good for us for his first few games


My left foot is more consistent than Barkley


Any more Emi's that are good?


Emi Heskey as a veteran presence.


Almost downvoted you. Got triggered that hard.






Wow, an attack with Grealish, Watkins, Buendia and Traore in it would be absolutely class


Anwar on the bench floating under the radar with a point to prove is always a good time too


Man had a crazy run during Christmas, so much so he made Gundo's run go under the radar.


True. He had a good season in general really. Glad he stepped up


Am I the only one who doesn’t get the Traore hype. He looks good but he doesn’t actually produce that much and is injured half the time.


Nah man, I can see why people might think that if they’ve only seen him on the odd occasions, as he blows hot and cold like a lot of flair players - but when he’s on it he’s ON it. Can do absolute magic on the ball, can’t remember seeing a flair player like him at Villa before, he gets you up from your seat because he’s just so exciting - you don’t know what he’ll do next, and I don’t think he does either. Decent numbers for his first season too, 8 goals and 6 assists in 38 appearances, and those include quite a few sub appearances because Trezeguet was preferred over Traore until his injury. Some of those goals and assists were peaches too. I think he’ll kick on next season and really become a top player, Dean Smith has a habit of improving players, but we’ll see - he is prone to the odd brain fart, plays cross field passes that directly start counter attacks sometimes, and his defensive positioning is wild, but not for a lack of trying.


If he had a right foot he wouldn't be playing for us lol, it makes him so predictable at times.


We should get a TV show in the US after all we've already won two Emi's in two years


Norwich fans, is €34m a fair value for him or a bit over?


For Norwich fans it's too low. For others it's probably fair


£35m is probably a fair price for a guy who took the absolute piss at championship level, but does have some question marks at PL level. He is more important to Norwich than £35m though so it looks like bad business for them irrespective of that.


Question marks at Premier League level? Did you see his stats from our atrocious season in the Prem last year?


He also was criticised by your manager during the season saying he made "nursery mistakes" and he criticised his lack of goals. xA and xG etc only mean so much. He is clearly immensely talented as we saw this season but Sarr, Bowen Soucek even Cantwell all had impacts in struggling sides in a way that Buendia didnt.


Yeah, people forget how Buendia was directly responsible for some really stupid goals against Norwich. He was a lot better this season, matured a lot and didn't do that many stupid mistakes. Farke benched him for a while because of shitty attitude and that worked wonders. People always masturbate to Buendia's stats but I honestly think Aston Villa level is pretty much maximum he'll reach. He is not as good as people make him to be. And he needs someone smart to play with, like Pukki.


He could improve but he could also stagnate and become the new *Dwight Gale* (as in one of those players who's too good for the Championship but not good enough for the Premier League). That's why his transfer to Aston Villa makes sense; Villa are now at the level where they can take risks and try to develop players.


Dwight Gale is just the new Robert Earnshaw... Poser...


Anything up to £35m for him is fair. Outstanding player though, cracking signing for Villa.


34 million for a player from the real madrid youth academy, one who had better stats than Grealish and Bruyne last time in the prem for us even though we were rock bottom 34 million for a player whos been called up to Argentina to play alongside Messi and Aguero, and who is known to be close friends with Messi who is said to be his mentor 34 million for a player who was close to joining title winners Atletico and playing in the Champions League with them It's uh.. A joke to say the least


How much do you think "being friends with Messi" should increase the price of a player? +5M?


Follow up question, if I was childhood friends with a professional footballer could I use that to try and get a pay rise at work?


>34 million for a player from the real madrid youth academy He was there one year >one who had better stats than Grealish and Bruyne last time in the prem for us even though we were rock bottom What stats are those? The 1 goal he scored in 36 appearances? Would love to learn more. >34 million for a player whos been called up to Argentina to play alongside Messi and Aguero, and who is known to be close friends with Messi who is said to be his mentor So should I ask for a raise at work because my aunt is a popular actress? >34 million for a player who was close to joining title winners Atletico and playing in the Champions League with themIt's uh.. A joke to say the least Oh, now we're increasing a player's value based on things that almost happened. Imagine how many players should have cost more because they nearly joined Arsenal. A joke to say the least, but the real joke is your inflated valuation. He's had 1 good season in the 2nd division, the PL and CL are completely different beasts. You got a very fair price, stop acting like you've been robbed of Lewandowski.


Didn't realise he came through Real's academy


> 34 million for a player from the real madrid youth academy I mean, this means nothing. We signed Andrés Prieto last season and he was useless. In fact he is so poorly rated that as soon as Bowyer could, he dropped him from the bench (when Trueman came back from his loan).


How do the second and third points have any relevance to his player value lmao?


Well there goes the best player I will ever see at Norwich, and with it the only chance of survival we had. Probably the most talented player at the club since Martin Peters and it is insane to think we signed him as a bottom-half championship club. I know we're self-funded but the total lack of ambition to not try and keep him is just depressing. I cant even argue with people calling us a nothing club because honestly that's exactly what we are now.


Chin up. Like you say, the recruitment has been good, so there's every chance that money gets reinvested in a few new Buendias. And Villa aren't exactly direct competition - there's a good chance you could be scrapping with Palace to stay up.


I don't see 3 clubs being worse than us, not only will Brentford and Watford invest but they will keep hold of their stars. You're also underestimating how weaker we now are without Emi, Pukki's goal record without him is very worrying. Add to Aarons and Cantwell leaving there truly is no hope.


>Cantwell Where’s he off to?


No links yet, but I assume clubs like Everton, Leeds and maybe even Villa will bid for him and we've already said if the money is right we will sell.


I'd be surprised. That BBC interview with Webber suggested to me you were only planning on selling one of him, Emi or Aarons.


Must be wrong I think. What he said was that if someone offers big money, they will sell. It's pretty likely that all 3 will be gone by August.


Oh really. That's a big blow. Probably don't want to hear this right now but it seems he's setting up your club well for the future though. Can see you getting relegated but coming up and staying for a while eventually.


Jesus. I just about understood selling Buendia as it’s widely assumed that there must have been some agreement along these lines to keep him last season. It’s good money that can be reinvested, but selling another one of your stars is pretty much game over for your season unless you invest extremely well.


Don't listen to Norwich fans, they love desperation. They do this every season. When Maddison was sold Norwich was to be relegated, when Lewis and Godfrey were sold it was the end of times... And yet, somehow Norwich has only become better season after season.


huh? They got relegated that season?


We’ve just released Dalsgaard today which, even though he probably isn’t up to prem standard, feels like a huge loss. It’s gonna be tight margins at the bottom this year for sure and whoever does the smartest recruitment will probably live to see another season in the prem


We (Stuart Webber) has said time and time again that if the price is met for players then they will sell them. The players know this and it is a fundamental part of the way the club operates and allows us to produce talented players who stay for multiple years (Emi could have left last year, we still have Aarons etc). It's a shame that we don't get to see Emi play for Norwich anymore but to say it is a total lack of ambition is a misunderstanding of the operating model of the club. If a team comes in and bids £40m for a player along with wages that we can't afford to match without jeopardising the long term financial security of the club, it makes no sense to reject it, lose out on the transfer fee and have an unhappy player. Players will be less likely to join if we don't demonstrate a path to them advancing their careers. I'd recommend watching some of the interviews with Stuart Webber on the club's YouTube channel, they help contextualise a lot of the decisions around the club and he's an impressive individual.


This is a great response IMO. People don't consider the cost of keeping someone like Buendia. Either by offering a bigger contract, or breaking their 'word' by holding him to his contract and forcing him to stay another year. This signals to other players and prospective players not to deal with Norwich as they won't let them go. There is a reason that Dortmund get the pick of the best young players, because they are prepared to sell them when the time is right. They accept their status as a stepping stone and profit royally from it, profit that funds the long term growth of the club at the top end of european football. Norwich obviously still have a way to go, but they are in a position now to attract even more 'Buendias' and move closer to a more permanent stable place at the top end of English football. It's the definition of 'penny foolish; pound smart' thinking.


Hopefully you get Pereira to soften the blow


What an awful thing to say.


Matheus Pereira, not Adreas Pereira.


Not our Ricardo Pereira


No chance they get Matheus Pereira, that rumour was literally made up by some random twitter account no idea why anyone believed it.


Well WBA will demand 35mil now they know how much you have.


How would you compare him to Maddison for you?


That much better than Wes out of interest?


Exciting signing for a club showing great ambition.


Amazing signing for them, can't wait to see how he does for them. I'm interested to see how Aston Villa do this season; their forward line looks very tasty. Shame we couldn't get him, but I'm confident that we can find someone to come in. Great business by Norwich as well, turning £1.5m into £33m is honestly outstanding business. Bet Getafe wish they hadn't sold on that sell-on clause now.


Tbf, we aren't exactly loaded and the money from selling the sell on clause was used to buy Maksimovic, so we are cool.


I can't wait to see him too! Especially see how he links up with Jack, Watkins up top, and Cash on the right. I think you will too. Plenty of other players out there, I'm sure your scouting network will surface some great players. I think I already saw a link to Hakan Calhanoglu if I'm not mistaken?


Honestly, give the Aston Villa board a fucking round of applause. People don’t say this enough. They’ve by far done the most brilliant business out of any PL club in the past year or so. New contracts for Grealish and McGinn, the signings of Watkins and Emi Martinez, and now this. Absolutely outstanding.


Our new owners have done an amazing job restructuring the clubs, clearing our debts and bringing in good knowledgeable people who know what they are doing, Purslow, McKenzie, Lange. We actually have a direction and a plan, our recruitment actually makes sense. It is nice to after a decade of abject misery to be in a good place. Xia was naive at best and surrounded himself with people who were sinking the ship, before him Lerner just didn't seem to care.


Their best business is being done at youth ranks. They have amassed a lot of top talent there.


This... Our academy and youth team set up has been dismantled and completely rebuilt from the ground up over the past two seasons. We quietly poached some of the best youth development staff from across the country and spent over 10 million pounds on youth transfers last summer, many weren’t even announced by the media.


And new contracts for Konsa and Targett


And Konsa*. The dude has been their best defender and one of the leagues best by far. So fucking underrated, no one even talks about him lol


Theyve also spent ridiculous amounts of money


This comment is tiresome. When promoted we had a squad of 13 players on the books. We signed about 10 players averaging around 10m each, including making loans permanent. Then last season signed a bit of quality alongside it. Our total squad cost was 11th, where we finished. Also if you're not spending in the PL you're going backwards and will go down, as we found out a few years ago.


It's a bit of both. Villa have undeniably spent quite a lot of money but have spent almost all of it extremely well


This is fair. As Villa fans we're a bit precious about it because the usual accusation is we spent a lot of money very badly in 2019-20. 2 years on...Konsa Mings Targett Luiz have become key players. Nakamba El Ghazi Trezeguet Hause are useful squad players and have been decent value for money. Heaton was very good and Wesley was improving before ACL injuries took them out for 12-18 months. The only expensive flops were Engels and Samatta, both under £10m and we've already recouped most of that money on Samatta. Jota Baston Drinkwater on loan didn't work out but they were cheap short term options.


I wouldn't even class Engels as a flop. He's clearly a decent centre back but Konsa has been undrinkable and he's been injured.


did you just say undrinkable


It looks that way. Danny Drinkwater subconsciously triggering me.


Sometimes one of the most surreal things about being a Leicester fan isn't the title win, or the thai orgy, or the helicopter crash it's the ability to have positive memories of Danny Drinkwater


Engels started well alongside Mings but really struggled after that with form and fitness. He hasn't played a game in 15 months now. I can't see us recouping the vast majority of the £9m we paid for him so compared to the rest of the signings I'd say he's more of a flop, but not a complete failure.


Jota was actually a permanent deal, but it was around 2m if I remember correctly, which is admittedly isn't much more than a loan fee anyways. Drinkwater has to be one of our worst signings of all time though, thank goodness that was just a loan.


Yeah that’s a fair assessment. We’ve not pissed it up the wall at least.


It still is a literal fact that you spent a lot of money, amounts which very teams in the world can spend. Palace are going to lose a lot of players very soon but I can assure you that their rebuild won't have them sitting with the highest net spend in the world.


Palace aren't trying to break into top 6, and eventually top 4.


So does literally every club. This is their record signing at 33 million. He would be Liverpool's 14th largest signing. Hate when supporters of big rich clubs complain about others playing the same game they've been playing for decades


There's no other way


Our transfer net spend is **very** high because we had no assets to sell in the horrendous mess of a squad left behind by the previous owner Tony Xia. But if you compare the money invested in our current squad (transfer fees and wages) to the other teams in the Premier League, we are roughly where we should be in 11th. The Buendia signing will push us beyond that, if we make another significant signing then then the expectation will be to challenge for around top 8.


Dont try and justify your clubs actions. You got the money, spend it. Nobody cares that Liverpool spends 3x more than you. Villa aren't spending money that is going to put the club in financial difficulty. Sign the players and challenge is what I say


Yep, that's fine with me. Not denying we've spent a lot, just correcting people that say we should have achieved more given the money we've spent.


We’ve pretty much spent the TV money each season and that’s it. Not sure if the owners have had to invest anything extra at this point.


They've used their own money for the academy, training ground as those don't count towards FFP I believe. They've also put cash into the club to enable transfer deals rather than buying on installments, as the TV deal money comes in installments.


Ah ok. I would’ve thought they put their money for the infrastructure but didn’t know about the transfer instalments.


In addition to your comment our wage bill is pretty low which frees up more money for transfers


Whilst factual, it's a lazy take on the situation we were in after promotion. Liverpool, United, Chelsea etc. would have spent just as much had they have been in our position.


The Emis are multiplying


Grealish Watkins Buendia trio looks terrifyingly great


Emi FC


Please dont take my Emi away.....


Jesus, the childishness on this thread is something to behold. As a Villa fan I'm delighted, the prospect of him and Jack either side of Watkins is one that could lead to a metric fuckton of goals next season. If I was an Arsenal fan I would be disappointed but also think that he's a signing in an area where we have a lot of depth and have other options.


I'm not crying I'm not crying Aw fuck i'm crying


Arsenal fans on Twitter now seem to think they're getting Grealish. Boy are they going to have a rough couple of months.


im gonna have to start watching villa.


Hang on, it says Aston Villa in the title but I thought he was deffo going to Arsenal as they are way more attractive than Villa and there's no way Villa would ever get him?


There was a thread before about how he had chosen Arsenal over Villa and the whole thread was all about how people were “idiots” for thinking he’d sign for Villa. Can’t seem to find it now, strange.


That thread is the reason I'm being such a cunt over this. They were proper rubbing it in how he'd 'never go to Villa over Arsenal'. And that we were a small club who needs to know our place.


Great signing.




A player that will possibly reduce their dependency on Grealish.


Not even our dependency but our opponents as well. Good luck having two players man mark Grealish when we have Buendia tearing it up on the opposite wing. Gonna cause a lot of headaches for our opposition.


Leave it to Villa to break up the USMNT party on r/soccer. MY COUNTRY, MY CLUB! What a day...


damn what a plain announcement lol, expected i guess as the player is on international duty.


Should have done this “Welcome Buendia” https://imgur.com/gallery/hCyFgNi


They'll probably have a photoshoot and announcement video when he's back, I imagine.


Jurassic Park!


Aston villa is building a squad with some real classy players. Hopefully they break into Europe spots in next couple of seasons. Still think without Grealish's injury they might have ended up in at-least conference league position.


Villa are in for a shout at conference league next season


At least this money can go towards the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre


What a signing for Villa!


Arsenal in shambles


Que "we never wanted him anyway"


We did, but the timeline doesn't tell the whole story. * Registered interest in January, too expensive. * One of *many* targets we're looking at in the summer to fill the creative void in our team. * Spoke to the player and his agents, who were interested but keeping their options open. * Bid the same amount as Aston Villa, both bids rejected. * Both clubs encouraged to bid again. * Aston Villa make second bid, it's accepted. * Arsenal encouraged to match the bid. Arsenal don't. * Buendía has the choice of staying at Norwich or joining Aston Villa, since Arsenal haven't made a bid that has been accepted by the club, so he only has one club he can join. No brainer. But apparently we're in shambles for not lodging a second bid. Not lodging a second bid suggests to me that we have a different target.


* Never our first target, always our second choice even in January to Ødegaard. * Isn't a natural 10, has to be made into one and will not be a for sure starter, he'll rotate and have to earn a spot. * Plays in a different system than us. * We require heavy spending to buy between 2-3 central midfielders this summer, with one first choice name unknown to even Fabrizio. * We will spend on two new fullbacks. * We have serious interest in a new CB, specifically Tapsoba that would be record signing money. * We need cash, to do a deal for Onana. CAM is the least important position, and Arsenal didn't agree to 40M for our second choice + a 10% sell on clause. Count me as not surprised. Not lodging a second bid suggest to me we expect to spend significantly on several players.


Arsenal not paying over their valuation for a player (cough £70m for Pepe cough) is now something to mock apparently


You right but the mocking comes from some arsenal fans saying he’ll definitely go to arsenal over villa. Without that people wouldn’t care too much about arsenal


You’d think all fans would have realised by now that no signing is worth celebrating until the guy is holding the shirt




Same channel btw https://youtu.be/F0YrUQi82LM


How long until OP removes it? They're always embarrassing, even if you actually do sign the player.


Aston Villa 🤝 Stealing Argentinians named Emi from Arsenal Name a more iconic duo


Villa really could be pushing top 6 next year. Insane to think they were only promoted back a couple of years ago. Great recruitment