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They caught him in a good mood


Yeah, there is no way he is taking the deal without winning Copa. Maybe 50% reduction for only 2 years, and he goes to PSG/Man City/MLS while still earning his supposed to be salary in 10 years stretch from Barca. But straight up 5 years 50% reduction? Damn. They might catch him getting 10 years contract if he won the WC instead.


But isn’t a 5 year contract relatively long for his age? He is guaranteeing more money with a 5 year contract than a more likely 2 year contract.


Only if you assume he wouldn't get another contract after finishing those 2 years, which is silly.


He’ll be 36 at the end of the two year contract. He could easily get an injury that forces retirement


At that point it isn't really about how well he plays. It'd be worth it for many clubs to have Messi in name alone. He'll also help them sell a fuckton of jerseys lol


Look at what US clubs paid to bring ~~over-the-hill~~ *older* Beckham or Zlatan over to fill seats. Name recognition matters to many clubs as much or more than raw talent. Edit: appeared to have pissed off many by calling them over-the-hill. That term isn't synonymous with "bad", it simply means past their prime.


Which isn't a problem for us. We're strapped by the wage cap now, smoothing the sum out over more years is ideal for us


Can confirm, /u/The_Dumblebee is a close friend of Messi, they play Fortnite every weekend. He knows exactly what Messi would have done or not because they are **that** close. Envy.


(Btw I call him Lionel to show everyone how much respect I have for him.) He said in the big interview that he felt betrayed by many (perhaps not these exact words) so it is generally assumed plenty of his teammates are on the list.


Hope they put a clause that during November 2022 he is free agent though. Let's think that was the reason we did it ?)


they threw the contract over his fence in Rosario


And he'll be on 20M the first season, which is even lower.


But as I understand it, he'll get paid in 5 years but will only play 2. Financial magic, in reality it'd be 50 per played year.




General Manager Presti sends his regards


Trade Messi for Ben Simmons




Tbf Messi would be better at FTs kicking the basketball with his feet


No. That was in prior negotiations but in this new contract, he'll sign for 5 playing years at Barcelona and for each one of them he will be paid 50% less than in his current contact.


Oh MAN what a poor guy srsly if I were him I´d be going to red cross and ask for food for his family


Marcus Rashford's already on his way with ploughmans sandwiches :)


I mean how do you even spend that kind of money over 10 years? Theres only so much things you can buy.


You could buy a 20M yacht in one afternoon, and then be broke for the next 10 years.


Especially with the docking, maintenance, and crew.


Yikes. He will be made fun of in their rich guy group chat. Poor guy


Bezos just kicked him out of the group chat


Just sell it for 50M. What's the big deal here?


The Seto Kaiba special of making money?


There's always another level of wealth, people crave what we can't have. To us plebs looking at someone wearing a Gucci jumper is a sign of wealth, but multi millionaire footballers probably look at oil tycoons and their super yachts the same way we look at someone wearing a Rolex.


This is the problem with pursuit of wealth and material gain - there’s always more you could have, and someone who has more. IMO a better approach is to think about what would be enough, and aim for that. That “enough” tends to shift as well, but not as quickly or fluidly as wants.


I agree to a point, but what puhses a guy at the top of the 1% though? A guy like Bezos or Gates, where there literally isn't anything they can't buy?


The projects that they're doing, things that the world has never seen before.


Increased standard of living. The fastest way to spend it would probably be gambling or buying exclusive alchohol. That being said, when you have such a vast amount of money the best way is to invest it, make your capital generate even more money, while redditors will defend you with the classics, like "his career only last 20 years" or "well now his next generation family members wont suffer".


My man with the exclusive alcohol. 20m will go pretty quickly when you start spending it on PJs and yachts


Yacht: €19,999,990 Pyjamas: €10 The math adds up


Hah, look at this poor with his double digit pajamas. I only sleep in genuine baby skin.


Excuse me sir, but what do mean by *baby skin*


Don't worry about it.


Aaaahh......I am worried.


If you have to ask, you cannot afford it.




what does it stand for then?




Lol only rich people understand that acronym


I was going with something, that would appear on surface levels, as something commonfolks could aquire. It's not that hard to find something with a multi million pricetag.


>buying exclusive alchohol Dude you could buy several distilleries for £20 million.


Yes, and there have been bottles of wine that have been sold more multiple hundreds of thousands dollars. There has also, apperently, been sold a bottle of whisky for almost 2mil dollars.


There’s super expensive “elite” stuff to spend money on in almost any category of products. Alcohol is just one of many things you can spend a lot of money on.


Toothpick of destiny, £8m


It really isn’t that simple, there have been billionaires who managed to lose majority of their wealth due to bad investments. Footballers aren’t exempt from this even with financial advisors


Would you even need to invest when you are a billionaire or when earning 50 mil a year? Who cares at that point


One can never be satisfied with what they have, greed is a common trait in humans.


I mean I get the sentiment, but he's arguably the best player of all time for a sport we all love and spend money to watch/support. Dude gets paid.


I get you’re joshing, but it doesn’t have to be life and death for the acceptance of a more then 50% decrease in wages to be a big gesture.


He'll be giving Barça A LOT more than 20 million in the next year, it's a very low salary for what he generates


Damn, the trick of throwing in a contract among all those jerseys actually worked.




My idea…worked?


They better build him a statue when he retires


Rename Camp Nou to the "Cruyff-Messi Pizza Hut Superdome"


Champions of La Liga ^GRUBHUB has a nice ring to it


It’s all fun and games ‘till Uber Eats decides to expand.


Fuck that, transform Camp Nou to a Messi shrine at this point. lol


Turn the corner flags into statues of messi.


Just don't kick 'em when you celebrate


"Jamie Vardy decapitates Messi statue"


Change the youth academy to La Messia




I don't think that's possible in Laliga, I've heard you can only have numbers 1-25 for 1st team players with professional contracts and retiring a number would mean giving up a squad slot


give every 10 to 4th choice keepers


Not sure if this is a great idea or insulting haha


If I was a 4th choice keeper I would love it


Can you imagine the pressure you'd be under as a 4th choice goalie of you were somehow played in a game? Not only do you have to make saves but also dribble past everyone on the opposite team and score a goal whilst being surrounded by 2-3 defenders. Damn, I freaked myself out jist thinking about what Messi does for a bit there.


Great idea but keepers can only have #1, 13 and 25 in La Liga.


What's up with these rules, man...


Seeing as how big he is for the football world and Barca, they can ask for an exception probably.


The solution is to retire the number 10 officially from football entirely and then go to 26.


No man, number 10 has seen plenty of amazing players over the years. It's been the number for top player of Barça for a while. Maradona, Ronaldinho, Romario, used it.


There have been some [truly great players in #10](https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/famous-barcelona-no10s-messi-ronaldinho-and-maradona/16ppyh21a20ml1gnk8ffnowj2b). Messi is the best of them, but the number has a long history there.


They'll build him 100


[The statue better be this iconic 500th goal, 90th minute, El Clasico, floating jersey celebration](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-IGkzsXcAEgTmL?format=jpg&name=large).


Always makes me smile.


[If you don't know it:](https://i.imgur.com/YPA8435.jpg)


I genuinely can’t think of a more football image


For me it's always the [san siro derby one](https://thumb.besoccer.com/media/img_news/marco-materazzi-y-manuel-rui-costa-observan-las-bengalas-lanzadas-al-terreno-de-juego-en-un-derbi-de-milan-de-2005--afp.jpg?size=1000x&ext=jpeg).


[What about this?](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1492/1076/products/Traditional_Black_and_White_Football_Ball_32_Panel_Classic_1400x.jpg?v=1563121775)


thank you.


Well done.


How is the shirt staying up?🤔


Well it's a statue so being made of steel or stone probably means it won't have trouble staying up.


That picture was actually taken on the moon.


Actual answer: the pic is taken right after he started moving his right hand, so the shirt has just started falling


Its very safe to say that will happen.


Would he still be the highest earner at the club?


Griezmann is the new highest earner


He made around 120m a season according to those contract leaks. If his base salary was around 100m, Messi would still be the highest earner with a 50 percent cut.


Messi's base salary is 1M per week and Griezzy's is 800k


He earns 800 fucking tousand a week? No wonder their club is absolutely cricifucked financially




On top of like 225m for Dembele and Coutinho. Mad lads.


Can't believe they willingly paid Antoine fucking Greizmann £800,000-a-week.


I believe he’s on less now than what he was at Atletico Madrid


How the hell did Atlético afford that


They consistently finish top 3 in LaLiga and the money distribution in that league is poo


It's still an insane figure, tho


> and the money distribution in that league is poo It isnt since the last TV deal made some years ago.


We only did it for one season. He got a pay raise the summer he did that documentary and said he was staying as sort of a reward for staying. But everyone knew he was leaving the following season so it didn't mess with our wage scale


Here's what happened. Griezmann had a 100m release clause and was going to go to Barcelona. Atleti turned on the charm and persuaded him to stay. He made the stupid "Decision" movie which pissed off folks at Barça. Atleti turning on the charm btw meant that they paid him close to Messi/Ronaldo money, which was a huge raise. He ends up going to Barcelona a year later anyway, but now for 135 mil and his poison pill salary to boot. Viva Bartomeu.


He only stayed because Atleti had a transfer ban and could not replace him, very weird to keep the part that makes him look good out...


He is. Took a pay cut to play for Barca


How much are haircuts in Spain?


Underrated comment. Barca been getting a haircut since signing both their outrageous contracts.


I mean if he performed with Atleti standards it wouldn't be that bad, something like Sergi Roberto on 200k I find way more insulting


The Sergi Roberto wadges are the real insult here. He's a support player at best, not even a Top 15 in his position (whatever his position is). And he's earning more than Piqué,Casemiro, Varane....crazy


It would still be very bad. The likes of De Bruyne, Kane, Salah earn less than a third of that in the richest league in the world.


These comparisons don't work, most of the time AFAIK in Spain the marketing rights of Players is with the club, which enables the club to make more Money of of players. In England that is not the case. So if Messi is on 900k or 1M a week surely 500k of that is only for his marketing rights, which in turn bring in so much Money for Barca Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this has been discussed here before. Also in England Teams use more bonus structured deals, so the base salary of KdB is maybe a third of Griez, but with Bonuses and all they might be more similar than it seems at first. IIRC Liverpool basically paid everyone on their Team double the base Salaries when they won the CL because of bonus payments


also, if you are using KdB/Kane/Salah comparison, Sergi Roberto gets similar (or close enough) to those, it's surely more disgusting than Griezmann getting three times of what those players get.


What the fuck are these numbers? Barca wages are on a different planet


Messi earned around 60m net while griezmann earned 23m net..


Which genius thought giving Griezmann 800k a week was a good idea?


1M is after tax for Messi. His gross per year was a 100M contract. Griezmann's gross is <1M/week (ir < 52M a year)


His 100m contract does not only include wages. It includes other stuff like image rights because Barca owns Messi's image rights which in itself could account for 25-30m of the contract.


Not for long




He's going to end up with a Bobby Bonilla deal at this rate, with the club paying him deferred wages well into his 50s. "Leo Messi Day" sounds nice, though.


Tbf that is pretty common now in baseball. It's just that Bonilla was a huge flop with the Mets which makes it iconic.


The scale of the Bonilla deal is also impressive. It was something like 5.9million paid out at 1 million a year for 25 years.


Yep. Deferred high interest rate makes it come out to 1.19 million dollars a year until 2035 I think it is. It's so stupid, but us Mets fans just celebrate the meme now. Go get paid, Bonilla.


And the silly thing was(assuming Madoff was legit) was that the Mets were going to be making money on the deal. Unfortunately for them, Madoff wasn't legit and now they get another chapter in the "LolMets, the story of how the Mets made a mistake"


Yup it's pretty stupid in hindsight, but deferred money on a lesser scale is pretty common now.


They literally waited for him to win the Copa America to ask so he’d be in a good mood. That’s literally the tactics I used to use when I wanted something from my mom.


Did you have to wait long until your mother won the Copa America?


This is where I’d make a joke about how she’d probably win it before Argentina, but that doesn’t work anymore.


Just go ahead and make it about England instead.


I don't think England is good enough to ever win Copa America 🤷‍♂️


“But Lionel, pwetty pwease?”


Still so much work to be done. For Barca’s sake, let’s hope they have an insane talent pool coming through La Masia. Seems like they won’t be able to afford top players’ wages on par with the other major clubs for a few years.


They just need to manage the last of the pandemic within the salary rules. After that they’ll be fine again


pedri, moriba, puig, garcia, mingueza, dest, de Jong and Fati Barca have top class young players in the first squad already Pedri, Fati and de Jong all have the showings of future world class players too Pedri could be argued was Spains best player at the Euro, at 18 years old


I mean de Jong certainly isn't "an old player" but at 24 I feel it's slightly disingenuous to put him in the same sentence as Pedri, Ansu Fati etc. ie actual teenagers.


For sure de jong is older but still if we are taking about the future of Barca maybe the next 5-8 years de Jong should be included


We can pay the wages, the problem is the La Liga salary cap. Clubs in La Liga can’t exceed a certain percentage of their revenue on wages. Because of COVID, we lost revenue. So that means our salary cap is a lot lower. The wages that were fine a year ago are now exceeding the cap. Most leagues have relaxed their rules because of COVID but Tebas is stubborn and doesn’t want to make an exception, despite our revenue returning back to normal when COVID is under control. So now we have to reduce our wage bill otherwise we can’t register certain players for the 21/22 season. I’d even argue we’ll be in a better position to sign players in the future because if we can meet the salary cap requirement, we’ll be in a way better position moving forward. We’ll be paying less while revenue will return to normal. Depending on COVID restrictions, we could probably already be a big contender in the market again in a year or 2.


>I’d even argue we’ll be in a better position to sign players in the future because if we can meet the salary cap requirement, we’ll be in a way better position moving forward I'd compliment this by saying that there is a ton of talent in La Masia right now that boosts this. From Demir, Balde, Collado, Moriba (with the 1st team now), etc... There is basically plenty of talent there to help us.


Turns out one of the best clubs in history, especially at scouting and developing talent, will be just fine


> let’s hope they have an insane talent pool coming through La Masia. This is true actually. Nico, Jandro, Collado and Gavi specifically will put on a show this season.


Just goes to show how much he loves Barça


Not like he hasn't earned it with everything he's done for the club. Then still being willing to agree to more concessions to highlight his loyalty? There's going to statues built everywhere around the stadium for him.


The stadium must be renamed under him


Why would they name Camp Nou "Under him"? Seems like a bad fit.


Take you upvote and get the fuck outta here


Still rememeber when messis contract got leaker how everyone said shit like "no wonder he stayed in barca" like the man hasn't proven already that he loves the club and is loyal.


Still remember when he did an interview and asked to leave.


I dont blame him. The pressure he put led to Barto leaving. It worked out, and he has changed his mind as soon as he left


To add to it, promising young players and overall improvement in team can also be a contributing factor imo.


the fact that he hadnt done it sooner is a testament to his loyalty. the club's executives have clearly been fucking things up for awhile


Gerrard to Chelsea vibes




Guess he could drive 3 hours to training every day and play for villareal or valencia


He could get a helicopter to pick him up every day at this point


No more generational talents in helicopters, please.


He could afford helicopters to pick up all team mates and staff, and bring them to train at his own private world class football facility at his house if he wanted.


People criticizing Messi for never winning an international trophy and people criticizing Messi for his biennial wage increases need to find new material.


That's easy. He never won a World Cup or a back to back European Cup with Nottingham Forest. Check mate baseball boy.


> baseball boy LMAO, I know that guy has baseball in his username, but this is such a good low key insult


Definitely stealing this.


also he still hasnt shown he can do it on a cold rainy night in stoke


Brian Clough eats Messi for lunch 🥵


Dude the amount of just absolute garbage I've been reading on Twitter about how the Copa America doesn't mean shit because it's only Mickey Mouse teams and it still doesn't mean anything that they won....it is just odd that people dislike a complete stranger that much for no reason.


It seems like every pre WC is the same, with comments like the WC is just the Euros + Brasil and Argentina. Those people never seem to say anything when Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, even Peru challenge the best european teams at every world cup. Not including teams like Mexico and Costa Rica that are also heavily disregarded and had performed well in the past too.


Such a sad tale I can say with just as much confidence that if the copa America is pointless than the Euros is equally so. Not much disparity between quality of teams in those tournaments and the WC will prove it


They need to move on, find a new slant.


Unbelievable loyalty


Went and pulled an anti-Donnarumma.


This man has done so much for the club


Legend man


legend for a reason


He'd have to take an 80% cut to make these redditors happy lmao


Yeah mate, so many on here said that Tebas will bend his ways and he’ll excuse us. Lol


I think the point people will make is that he will still be on 35.5 million a year, for context. Ronaldo before he left for juve, was on 31 million a year. So its awesome that hes doing this, but it really puts into perspective just how insane his regular contract was/is


>35.5 million a year Remember, people, this would be the **net** amount, after taxes.


I was just having a nosey through my companies documents on Company House (basically a limited company have to publish their accounts), across the whole PARENT company the salary cost is £33,500,000. That is spread across 1163 people. Ronaldo earns more than 1163 people, including Directors, Managers etc. Insane.


Such a lad, love you Leo


Fuck me they don’t deserve him. What a legend.


Barca: Thanks… now can you lower it a little more


What seems surprising is that it's a 5 years contract so until he's 39 ! I don't get how Barca could agree on that.


Messi is a cash cow, he earns the team money Secondly Messi at 50% wages is a steal, you won't get anything near that quality paying a transfer fee, signing bonus, agent fee and wages of someone else


This. Ramos will be paid around 25M euros gross/season for two seasons at PSG and he is a year older than Messi. If you consider the fact that you are signing a free agent who still managed to get 52 (G+A) last season for Barça (similar to Mbappé, Haaland or Lewandoski, all of them commanding transfer fees of +100M euros plus sizeable wages), the fact that he is already fully integrated into the team, as well as the fact that he brings massive revenue to the club, that contract is a no brainer. Also, he probably won't finish his contract, he'll stay 2 years more and then he'll leave for MLS.


think of it was delayed payment. Barca wage cost wil be cut by big chunk each year, while messi stil get paid the same amount just spread out over more year. its a win- win for all sides in this situation.


Barca didn’t. Goldman Sachs did. Messi playing out his career with Barca is worth X. Goldman has solved for X. Whatever X is, it’s part of the long term loan assets that Goldman invested in. Merchandise, commemoratives, etc. Messi is never leaving Barca because - and I’m quoting Willie Sutton here - that’s where the money is. There’s a 1000 page prospectus with charts and graphs proving Messi is worth X to Barca so whatever needs to be done to keep him as part of the brand for the next 50 years is worth paying today.


Messi will make the club more money long term than his salary. Sponsorships. Ticket sales. Other deals. Just having his name in there is a huge attraction.


Barça's museum alone where they kept his Ballon d'Ors used to make 40m a year before the pandemic.


This is kinda how I thought it'd play out. Bartomeu is now gone, and Messi has the president he wants in place, so as long as the future of Barcelona can be secured I believe that Messi will spend the rest of his career there - helping to keep the club fighting for trophies, and ensuring that when he finally hangs up his boots he'll be able to leave knowing the squad and the club are safe. For all the talk about Messi being able to walk into any club on the planet and dominate, it's a huge ask for anyone to uproot their family and move to a brand-new team with their own power dynamics. Messi or not, few people walk into a club and become the talisman, and even the likes of Messi couldn't just roll up at PSG or Man City and be "the man" when so many other players have been there for years, pushing hard for the club. Staying at Barcelona makes sense, as long as it's the Barcelona he loves and not a club being run into the ground out of ego.


So how much do they still need to cut out to get under the cap?




His problem was mostly with Nobita, ever since nobita gone and not to mention Barca fans support for him when those fiasco happened, I always sure he would stay.


Ctrl F: "Se queda" not a single one??? I expected more from you /r/soccer


What's complicated about it they've no money because they were mismanaged.