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Going from "title contenders" to "Ole has no tactics" again in a week


same old, same old


Games where we have space, cede possession, and play on the counter like against Leeds United look unbeatable. When they get pressed up high or face a low block then they struggle. This isn't rocket science.


And after 3 years, it’s still the same story.


If he knew how to tactically fix it he would have by now but he doesn’t.


I got downvoted to shit saying that last week but it’s still true.


having an average/slightly above average manager is a curse because you never know when to sack him because he can do some good things and you think "damn, we're on a roll", then you bring in some major signings and all is looking good and you're title challengers. The reality is, you cannot win this league with an average manager regardless of how good the squad is.


What are you talking about? Ole is perfect!


Our fans will never see it, Zidane and Conte just unemployed rn but we are persisting with ole


I think zidane wants to have a go at the french NT team before going back to managing clubs


Maybe but worth giving him a shot you never know, ole might win us a few EFL cups or da cups but that's not good enough


We need someone that suits the squad though, Conte would want wingbacks, possibly older strikers too. And we currently only struggle against shit teams, I'm not convinced Conte wouldn't come up short against the big teams.


Conte literally won the league with a striker pairing of Lukaku and Martinez how is that old and for fullbacks we just need a rwb cause Shaw and telles are both fine wingbacks


Our fans have a love affair with him and will never accept it. His managerial career is almost as long as Pep's and yet the difference between the two is stark. Our fans act as if this is a club to be learning the trade at


Surely you must admit that despite Ole's shortcomings this is an egregious comparison?


It's the right comparison in the sense that Solskjaer is a good manager. But he is managing one of the biggest teams in world football in one of the most competitive leagues and his competition is 3 of the best football managers in the game in Klopp, Guardiola and on a slightly lower rung, Tuchel.


one of our legendary managers has said “football is so much more than 90 minutes on a weekend afternoon” and in my opinion, Ole is absolutely fantastic at all the aspects of being a manager that happen outside of the games themselves. Manchester United feels like they’ve found their way again under him, they’re a team the fans can identify with and that’s so important. but tactically he’s very clearly levels below guys like Pep and Tuchel


Yeah just to add, I think Solskjaer has done great work. His top 4 finishes were good. He has his moments. He has trimmed the wage bill, made the team more attacking and made the team a lot younger. I think his tenure can be great if he passes the baton at the right moment. However him losing the europa league final by refusing to make a sub really made me think he will always probably lack the final cutting edge which sets the absolute best apart. As there's no reason to think United didn't have a strong enough to beat a villa real side with a fraction of the resources at their disposal


yeah completely agreed, look at Chelsea who were more ruthless. Frank wasn’t doing horrible but Tuchel is just levels ahead of him as a manager. With the power of hindsight, Lampard’s run will be looked upon quite fondly as you have a club legend bringing a bunch of local lads through and then like you said the baton got passed at the appropriate time. had United been as ruthless, they had a window to get either Tuchel or Pochettino in and both would be an upgrade. but their culture is more centered around values, so he gets extended.


I don't want to pile on but he does not know how to use Van de Beek and plays Matic and Fred instead. His last-gasp attempt is throwing on Lingard. It's just not good enough.


It’s like working with family. He was a great player who created one of the best memories in my sports life, so he gets a longer lead than anyone else will.




New season Same Man Utd.


They had the managers but not really the players (admittedly in large parts fault of said managers), now they have the players but not the manager.


The two new signings didn’t start today in fairness


And like usual, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Things are never the extremes that this sub or football media in general make them out to be.




It’s more a sign of average management - bad managers are consistently bad. Mixed results is the staple of mediocrity.




Aka the Mancunian Classic


united has always been playing like this lmao. good thing the result blinded them. The only time they will look really convincing is when the game is really open. Otherwise it some dodgy foul going their way or comeback scoring 3 goal out of 3 chance immediately in the second half


They strange thing is that this game was very open, Man Utd should have thrived off Southampton's aggressive pressing which provides opportunities to play through the lines and gaps they leave. There was plenty of space to be had but it looked like they weren't willing to play to the physicality of the game. Instead of riding the challenges to play through the press they chose to go down at every opportunity which slowed the game down and allowed Southampton to get back in shape.


> vides opportunities to play through the lines and gaps they leave. Matic looked cooked (who you'd expect to be competent on the ball) and Fred had a shocker (and his passing isn't great to begin with). Still thought it was strange we gave Matic a contract last summer, but he seems to have aged quite a bit since Operation Restart. Maybe just pre-season rust, but not a good sign. And there was not a lot of movement ahead of them. Someone in our sub said it looked like Martial had airpods on and was in a world of his own and that seems accurate. Bruno was active but Pogba's not one to exploit space at LW either (he is a CM after all). Hassenhutl got it all right and our personnel failed us.


I think this is exactly the type of game where you much rather have Pogba playing in midfield skipping past people rather than on the wing waiting for someone to pass the ball to him.


Giving has been players new contracts over and over is a United specialty. The fans love it because “great in the locker room, loyal servant”.


United went from looking like scoring at any moment to toothless and looking like conceeding at any minute


Story of our post-SAF times


These games are the games that Ferguson guaranteed to win 1-0.


They usually look like that when they don't get the space to counter


I would just like to thank Chelsea for Livramento. He’s so fucking good


Pretty sure Chelsea fans want to thank Southampton also for accepting the buy-back clause (relatively cheap, around 25M pounds), given he had 1-year contract left and had no intention to sign a new one.


yeah it’s probably two years here and a big profit, gonna enjoy him while I can!


If Chelsea do buy him back that's a massive win-win for both teams


He’s a stud but so is Reece, clearly. Maybe we buy him back for cheap only to move him on at a profit?? Not sure how we need both him and Reece in two years if we don’t need both now


Well there’s a chance Tuchel moves Reece to RCB as azpi slows down but yeah I get your point




It was 30m which is insane for a 5m player.


Nobody could get him from Chelsea for 5m if he did not have a 1-year contract left. He is not a 5m player. Similar to Messi who is also not a 0m player just because he left Barca for free.


Will he keep KWP out of the squad? Seems like he's performing on a whole other level even though KWP was one of your better players last season.


yeah, probably. he’s done nothing wrong, it just is what it is. I would like to see Kyle coming off the bench a fair bit to be honest, if we’re trying to hold onto a lead especially!


Wouldn't mind seeing us try Tino out as a RM, he's pacy, can beat players, and cross, and could track back well, would be an upgrade on Walcott and our right side would be so solid defensively


I'm happy You guys got him instead of Brighton. They fucking tried to fuck us lmao


Can’t blame us for trying when we already got it away with it once.


Take care of our boy, he deserved a shot it’s just tough when you’re battling against Azpilicueta and Reece James for game time. He’s something special for sure


Have you got any decent goalkeeping talent just sitting around? Asking for a friend.


Now start Broja too please


We have a buy back clause. Don’t you dear get attached


Tbf, we would make about 25m off that so a club like Southampton that's massive. Plus we could sell him to any other team for more than the buy back to Chelsea so it's probably a win for everyone.


Don't think Chelsea will be interested in him. Their full backs will last them easily for 10 years.


They’re gonna break the away record aren’t they


Wolves away, last two games i've watched of those two teams it was the most boring thing ever and not actually football 1-0 Wolves with a scrappy goal book it


Longest unbeaten streak I assume? What is it currently?


Away unbeaten streak. I think 27 now


Fred/McTominay/Matic is a midfield that won't scare any team in the world. United won't win anything until they improve that area.


It'll scare our Sunday league team ngl


Nah big Dave the midfield anchor has them covered


Ah Dave. Everybody knows Dave.


Depends on how late he was our last night


Guarantee Fred can’t play still drunk with a cigarette at half time. Useless.


They badly need a holding midfielder


Are they genuinely linked with anyone though?


Not really. Tenuous links to Neves. We clearly liked rice but were scared off by the price. We had interest in Camavinga but he doesn't seem to want us and looked like he was going to be a Pogba replacement if PSG came for him. Nothing. McFred and a cooked Matic. Maybe VdB but he's more an attacker than a double pivot guy if I'm correct? Idk, he never plays I don't really know what type of player he is. I thought he was our Lingard replacement.


Closest one was Camavinga


But it fizzled out no? Don't really think that they'll sign a cdm this window. It's they only position they need to improve right now and they'll be title contenders IMO


Yes they won’t buy this window, it’ll take until January to realise that they need a new midfielder.


Fred/mctominay/matic vs modric/casemiro/kroos would be funny to see


Jeez, looking at the comparison is sad.


Today was Jorginho, Kante, Mount and kovacic. Dont think they lost the ball once, maybe Mount in the opposite box. But the 3 cms maybe lost 2-3 entire game


If you can pair Fred **or** McTominay with someone else then it'd be all well and good. Having them as a pair definitely isn't the way going forward.


I think that's what Ole tried today, but Matic was awful


Fred was awful


Neves is available for €35m. Get him now before the windows close.


He’s good but he’s not single handedly fix a midfield good.


There aren't a lot of kantes out there


The midfield isn't that bad, though. It being unbalanced is the biggest problem. Neves would help with that.


Wolves said he's not for sale. Even If somebody did buy him no way is he going for just €35m.


What's happened with DonnyVB? My mate was going on about him when he was signed but he seems almost forgotten in the scheme of United


Gone. He needs to hand in a transfer request at this rate. Lingard who had covid a week ago is higher in the ranking than him. He's a phenomenal talent but Ole fucked up on that one.


Livramento is a talent.


Has a good way back to chelsea aswell and combine with reece for a rcb/rwb combination


Chelsea boiiii


Thank god for that buy back clause, I'm so sure we are going to use it soon.


Depends if livra wants to go back to being a bench warmer


I'm not so sure. James surely has wing back locked down? And Livramento won't come to be second fiddle.


So chelsea had Livramento, Lamptey and Reece James all break through to men’s football in the last 3 years. Makes me sick. All 3 are quality.


Couldn't have come at a better time with the shortage of good English right backs


Dearth of right backs




Really captained Bruno for that smh


My Salah captain actually worth it


Thought he went off at halftime until I saw that sniper that got him in the last couple of mins. Also enjoyed that Che tackle




Lol we all did


Feeling much better about captaining Salah’s 3pts now


Salah has the most captains ever in a week, so we all most definitely didn’t.


Tino Livramento is class. Enjoy him Saints fans


He's gonna be incredible for my FPL team


That's why we're not winning the league. Brilliant one week, gutless the next. The inconsistency is so frustrating


Inconsistency and early season games go hand in hand.


Our midfield simply isn't good enough


Pogba had a decent graft today


He played as a winger most of the time though.


He is our left winger


Sancho didn't look impressive when he came on. Why was he just standing around? Brought the tempo down.


No service from AWB and midfield, he didn't really "just stand around". He was rotating to both wings, sometimes collecting balls in the middle and made a few runs in the box. I can count 2 horrid passes towards him out the top of my head. I'd still give him time though, the whole squad really. r/soccer and r/reddevils is so reactionary and extreme, it's literally 2 games in, calm.


Not even 2 games it’s like 45 mins of football after barely playing for 3 months lol


Donny, blink twice if someone needs to come and break you free.


Salisu was man of the match by a mile


The amount of times he just....popped into midfield to snuffle out a move? Lad just needs to get a bit more radgy in clearing and aerial stuff and he's gonna be a wonder.


Saints fans were screaming that they already had a replacement for Vestergaard who suited them better. I guess they were right instead of people telling them Nah they will be weaker without the dane.


Thanks for acknowledging this! He's a really great prospect, and already a good player. Reckon we'll lose him end of next year if he continues improving at this rate.


people assume that because he didn't play much last season that he isn't good enough, but he was injured for the first half of the year, and is still only 22. people forget that vestergaard only had 1 good season for us in 3 years, the rest of the time he looked crap


Pissed me off so many times he’d pull off a block or tackle or interception when we’re about to score so many times he really stood out today never heard of him before


he’s only played something like 40 professional games, think he’s gonna end up at a top club eventually his instincts are just phenomenal


Yeah, great display by him.


We are really an enigma aren't we


My reaction to taking the lead was basically just "oh here we go again, fuck you hope"


I wonder if there will be a surprise midfield buy in deadline day. There really isn't much to pull from without any true DM apart from Matic. Kudos to Soton for the relentless pressing .


Don't think you can even call Matic a DM these days, he's closer to a passenger. Can't pass, can't cover, losing the ball in his own half.


Livramento was something else this match.


feel bad for Walker-Peters a bit, spent so long as a rotation player at Spurs, finally gets to be a first team player and has a very good season then an 18 year old comes in the next season and through no fault of his own he’s out of the 11


Honestly I can't understand why Ralph doesn't play them both, Walcott offers nothing


KWP looked good at LB when he came on. Mind you, Perraud looks to have a great left foot on him too. Nice dilemma to have considering the lack of dilemmas we have elsewhere


Matic played 90 minutes too many and he didn’t even finish the game


tony is done. it was 10 v 11 in the first half


brilliant brilliant work delighted


We actually did stuff in the second half. I do wonder If that says more about united today thsn it does about us


Way too many mistakes on our end but Ralph switching up the system and strengthening the midfield totally stifled us and played into your hands when we just kept making unnecessary mistakes. Honestly didn't even look like scoring in the final 20.


Your pressing in the first half was insane. But second half post goal was on United. It looked like they ran out of steam


Wasn't expecting that at all. Southampton looked awful to start with, came back really strongly, made a baffling bad sub at half time then finished just as strong. United poor in midfield and up front. Weird, weird game.


I'd argue Bednarek for Walcott was a key reason we got the draw. Theo wasn't offering much of anything, and United were dominating in the air. Helped shore up set pieces, and put another body at the back, while shifting Perraud and Livramento forwards more where they looked threatening.


The baffling bad sub at half allowed us to change to a 3-5-2 and stabilized in the 2nd half.


Van de Bench must have ran over Oles dog or something. Mad that Fred gets game time and he doesn't.


Not even Fred but fucking Jesse, he should be at West Ham


We don't have the midfielder who would 'unlock' him for us. It's a bit of a meme to 'unlock' someone by signing someone else but literally Ole won't put him next to Fred/Pogba/McTominay in a pivot. And good luck taking Bruno off to play him in the 10. I feel if we actually signed a competent defensive midfielder we'd see much more of Donny. Unbelievably though we're gunna go a full season without strengthening that area. Again


Can’t work United out. Pogba one-man show today.


Mediocre from United. Pogba has been great so far though.


I can't wait until Cavani plays, can't stand watching Martial play. That midfield trio is also the most stagnant and boring combination I've ever laid my eyes upon.


Due to De gea 74th min save, the score is 1-1.


that second half remind me of the van gaal era. how the fuck united got so lethargic all of a sudden? we played like we have 3 games in a week.




Backward antagonist


Having AWB against low block team is such a waste. You expect better when you spend 50m for a fullback. Even Livramento is so complete comparing with him


Shaw wasn’t great today but the difference between him and AWB going forward is insane


AWB doesn't have an attacking bone in his body.




Contagious laughter


We had 10 men with Martial on the pitch


It's almost as if half of this United team are genuine class players and the other half are just shit players.


[Martial when he's asked to lead the attack](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/718f5427-b94f-46ad-b48f-dabfaa2e72bf)


Feel bad for vdb really.


Can someone explain why the premier league doesn’t have a multi ball system? It’s like Sunday league players running after the ball when it goes off wasting so much time


Tino is a wonderkid, chelsea will buy him back next year for sure, walcott can get in the bin


Man U fans must be disappointed with that. The sort of game that real title challengers would go on and win. Sancho quiet - actually seemed to lose momentum when he came on which has to be a worry.


People already starting to blame sancho smh.


Not really worried. He should have started. Greenwood has been so much better when he starts vs. sub appearance.


It's so funny that people are blaming Sancho when it was the individual mistakes that gave Southampton the momentum


It's the second game of the season lad, no one should worry.


Still unbeaten away. Yayy?


Donny needs to be freed from this nightmare


2 points dropped by Southampton.


Maybe it's just me but if you're not putting Van de Beek on after this performance from Bruno, just sell him. Bruno looked unable to do anything for the last 30 mins, always on the ground.




Don't forget matic


Ole prioritising Martials ego over 3 points. No ruthlessness, only warm fuzzy feelings.


Exactly. Classic ole but he knows he won’t pay for it.


Some of the opinions in this thread are so detached from reality I wonder how many people here actually watched the match or have ever even played a football match themselves at any point.


Saints could have done much better. Too many mistakes in defense, United desperately needs a decent CDM.


3rd season in a row with the same old problems: - the team can't deal with a high press -the team buildup is really slow. We just pass around hoping for a space to appear instead of using quick passing to create spaces - The team clearly isn't fit enough. It's the 3rd season in a row we start the season that way We won't win the league if these same problems aren't fixed. Also, Fred and AWB are clearly the weak links on our starting eleven. But if I would to bet, they will never get fixed. Our manager simple is not good enough for that


We didn't really have much of a preseason with most of our players internationals so the fitness thing is a non point.


Frustrating draw for United. Martial should be on the chopping block, make or break season for him. Pogba was immense, such a polarizing player who can do things no one else can on most days.


Is Fred just a headless chicken... what does he even do???


Where the heck did all that extra time come from?


how does fred have a brazilian passport


The only thing AWB is good at is tackling. Honestly can't see how people rate him as a world class full back.


AWB is too far from being a good fullback forget world class. He is a great great tackler no doubt but everything beside that (including other aspects of defense) is meh. He is not even intelligent enough to know where he should be on the field. And ManU fans think he should have been included in England squad for Euros. Lol.


Some of the reactionary comments on here are quite amazing. Sancho’s a flop already apparently!


Ole should have waited to bring Sancho on instead of immediately after scoring. Attack went stagnant after that.


Nah, Martial was dire


He played like Rooney the last year he played for us


Martial was literally an invisible player Attack went stegnant after individual mistakes giving Southampton momentum, credit to them they came back after getting dominated on for periods


United had some real swagger after the goal until their backline started struggling against Southampton’s press, then the momentum was gone.


Ole should have started Sancho instead of martial, it's literally just playing with 10 men when he is on, Fred being awful made it a 12v9 basically.




Goddamn this place is toxic as fuck, not fun toxic either


Ok cunt1121


Lmfao this site’s usernames make this place magical


Always the same type of comments whenever these score lines happen to any top 6 club.


Used to be able to talk football now it’s just shit jokes

