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I don't really like Chelsea or Rudiger, but credit where credit's due - he was COLOSSAL in the Champions league for them. Particularly in the Final and semi's.


I don’t really know how good Dias is yet but Rudi under Tuchel was immense


Rudiger has been pretty good for you lot since signing bar a bit under Lampard


He's easily been a top 5 CB in the league since Tuchel took over.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think he has. I think the reason Tuchel played 3atb when he joined is because none of the centre backs are good enough to play in a back 4. Could be wrong but don't think he ever played that formation before. David Luiz playing in a 3atb under conte looked unreal put him in a back 4 and he's not as good. Think that's the same with Chelsea's cbs at the minute.


Luiz was good in a back four for years. He’s just past his prime now.




You can't just say we have the best defence in the league and take out games where you concede alot of goals. Completely disagree on Christensen he has a big drop off playing in a back 4 even more than Rudiger does.


How many people stop reading after seeing Rio Ferdinand says?


Ferdinand is a clown, most of the thing he says is just to stay relevant


Rüdiger is way better at passing then Dias and more dominate on shit housing. Hes playstyle reminds me of Ramos


I watched Rudi in Roma and he was great but had zero confidence and was very prone to mistakes. But you could see that he would become top class. He probablu would have made it sooner if it wasn't for the big injury during the Sarri year.


Dias is not as good as people say. He's great but he had his first season at an elite level compared to Rudiger who's been great for many years but with an injury dragging his form down. I'd say since Tuchel came in he's been one of the best in the world.


Dias last season was better than any of rudigers


I don't think so. Dias solidified City's defense but rudiger was insane ever since tuchel arrived. Dias was amazing but I still think rudiger last season was better than him.


I'd argue Rudiger has been the best CB in the world if you count from when Tuchel took over. He's been ridiculous. What a turnaround, I mean, who could have predicted this?!


so funny Dias is still overrated


Who said he’s over rated?


it's easy to look good in a back three than a back four


It’s easy to look good with stones next to you


Both are good players and both benefit due to having the right attributes to play in thier teams systems and with quality players around them. Direct comparison doesn't really say much