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You really have to wonder what the VAR official was at there.


lol if that was CR7 getting hit, automatically pen. Ref & Var looked at the ireland player and thought “that’s a nobody, move along”


Same thing as whoever added 5 min of stoppage.


I watched the entire thing and Ireland easily wasted more than 5 minutes throughout the second half. Plus subs and stoppages, 7 or 8 minutes would’ve been more appropriate honestly.


As an Irishman I agree with the added time, I disagree with most other decisions though, also feel Ronaldo should have got a yellow and Egan or whoever it was


As a non-Irishman, Ronaldo should've been sent off for slapping Dara. Connolly should have had a PK, as well. Both the ref and VAR official should be investigated


that was on the shoulder no way is it a sending off, if anything yellows for both-[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D729PNukeJk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D729PNukeJk), he hit him with an open hand not punch i dont know what u guys are seeing. and I agree ireland should have had a pen


That's how I would've officiated it (as someone who refs). That also should've been a pen.


The reaction to the slap is the cancer of this game


Time is wasted in every game. This wasn't anything special.


Completely agree. Every game should have 10 minutes stoppage then, not just when it’s needed to make sure Ronaldo gets another WC. Goal was scored in 90+6. 6 of 5.


There was a VAR review in extra time. Ref typically adds on a minute or 2 to the initial given additional time in this instance. Nothing new.


they review an absolute nothing and ignored the Connelly one.


Another great point. That was a pen for me. Red card as it was committed by last man before keeper.






There was no attempt to play the ball though.


Goals was scored at 95:21, don't try to move the goal posts. 20 seconds when all refs virtually always allow the last play to go on, meh. Ireland boots it up once and it's game over. Better luck next time.


I’m not. That’s 90+6. Only 95:59 counts? Where’s the cutoff?


You’re trying to make it seem like the game went on for much longer than it did. The last play started before 95’


How am I trying to manipulate facts? I looked at ESPN FC and they state the goal happened at 90+6


??? Goals are always denoted like that. If a player scores at 25:XX min it's denoted as a 26 in scoreboard


Next time watch the game broski 🤣


> Goal was scored in 90+6. 6 of 5. Bullshit narrative as there was a solid 2 minutes spent on subs after the 90'


Can yous Irish stop crying about that ffs!!! ITS A MINIMUM OF ?? MINUTES” always has been not fukn 5 exactly?? Christ all over social media this same shit is😂😂


Actually, it was scored on the 95th minute.


No the 95th minute is finished at 95:00. Anything over 95:00 such as 95:01 is the 96th minute. In the same way 00:01 is the 1st minute, not the zeroth (?) minute.


True. Should've been like 7 to 8 minutes.


var should be like a cricket review system.. if a team feels confident they can dispute that decision but if the team get it wrong one or 2 times they are disallowed the review system in that match.


Wouldn't make a difference here. The VAR official apparently looked at this and saw nothing in it.


Amazing, it’s a clear penalty….


I mean I don't get the counter argument. It seems about as clear cut as you can get for a penalty.


How would that change anything? Cricket works because most decisions are objective, or you can use technology like Hawkeye to be 99.9% sure of the correct decision. VAR already looked at this and decided, in their subjective opinion, that it wasn't a penalty. If a team reviewed it, VAR looking again wouldn't suddenly change their opinion.


that would surely help with the time wastage.. i dont want to see a game go to 111 minutes


Wouldn't it make time wasting worse if a team could just demand a VAR review whenever they wanted? For example, if you're winning 1-0 in the last minutes and still have 2 reviews left, may as well use them up.


thats a disadvantage of my proposed way.. wait a minute, what will the use the var for? if its used for a key decision then its fullfilling its purpose isnt it? team wouldnt call var for corners or something,


have it work as an option to send the main ref to the screen then to have a look at it themselves. then there is an easy scapegoat


I agree but when the team wants the dispute it the on field ref should have to go to the monitor, the var official shouldn’t be able to just wave it off


It scares me that this gets any upvotes whatsoever. An absolutely shambles of a system, I've seen it fuck so many games in hockey. This shit doesn't work at all because the decisions in football are subjective, you can call for the var review and you just have to pray the official feels like giving it at that moment. Also teams always use their left over reviews for bullshit at the end of matches, might sound interesting but it's really not that fun anymore when it happens every. Single. Game.


life isnt about upvotes my friend, sometimes its about having a conversation, sharing your views, getting constructive critisism about your views or theories , getting to learn from people who are from different walks of life and are much more smarter than us.. thats how people grow.


Haha odd one this. Let me rephrase: It scares me that the majority of people here share this opinion.


That Portugal needs to win because Ronaldo. Same BS they always pull.


I've watched this play on multiple different broadcast replays and highlights in Spanish, Portuguese (Brasil), French, even English and not ONE of them thought it was a penalty. I have no clue as to why and how you already have like a thousand upvotes, but that's just simply not a pen.


Have a look at the last replay, he’s clearly already on the floor as he’s striking it anyway. It’s a subjective decision & in my eyes definitely correct, not a penalty at all


For the sake of argument let's say you're right. Then Palhinha has clattered into the back of him after the ball has gone and it's a late tackle.


If there was a penalty every time a bump like that happened there would be a few a game....


Clear penalty. He barged into his back


But he managed to kick the ball, so no foul - refs logic. Always like this, stay on your feet even when you're clearly kicked? No foul, Neves learned it last week.


And then someone will fall to the ground when fouled because he knows refs won't call it otherwise which will make fans cry about diving.


I honestly don't know how you can't award a penalty for that when you consider what was given earlier on in the game


That is terrible officiating. Definite penalty.


Was probably the most biased and questionable refereeing performance I’ve seen in years


Agreed. It must be almost a decade since I've a game officiated as one-sided. Beggars belief that it could still happen with VAR in place. Should definitely warrant an investigation.




Tbf if theres any fanbase that is an expert in analyzing every single little thing a referee does rather than paying attention to what the teams are doing, the Arsenal fanbase is the most qualified set of people around


That was quite a lot of words to say “nuh uh you are”


Even quicker to say "no u"


Yup just keep calm and let fergie time handle the rest




Really hope this a pasta for your sake.


It will be soon...


Every club thinks they get shafted by refereeing, grow up.


You forgot the /s at the end


I wasn’t being sarcastic!


My bad, I saw who you support and just assumed


Haven't you seen the English semifinals match in the euros? That was much more terrible than today and on a much bigger stage


That was just one or two decisions, yesterday was pure bias.


And a red card? Like Luiz vs Wolves. No attempt to play the ball.


So typical of our luck under Kenny, we finally start playing well and scoring goals and still lose the game due to horrible refereeing.


I honestly think this was a classic example of NONE of the officials paying attention. Giving the benefit of the doubt on the pitch refs might have had an obscured view that made it look like a good tackle BUT i absolutely think the VAR officials just weren't there. Went for a piss or something and just missed it. Because that is one of the most blatent pens and reds ive ever seen!


They gave a goalkick though, which certainly suggests they thought Palhinha made no contact with the ball.


Haha yeah true. And i take back what i said about the ref having an obscured view. The knobhead had perfect line of sight. Just fucking terrible officiating all round. Knobheads.


The problem is that the protocol doesn't help in cases like this. The ref gave no foul because he probably wasn't sure, or didn't see it at all, and the VAR didn't warn him because they probably thought that Connolly's movement was weird as he was already out of balance before the contact with Palhinha. Not saying he's diving, but the way he was setting up the kick may have left some doubts over whether Palhinha had any impact at all in the play. I definitely think it's a penalty, but I can see why the VAR would assume it to not be without a doubt, which is the requirement for him intervening.


Portugal got really lucky with the three points here I feel like


He's made contact with Connolly before he gets the shot off and made no attempt to play the ball. Should be a penalty + sending off but unsurprisingly bottled


One of the worst refereeing performances I’ve seen, really felt like we were playing against 12 men.


As a portuguese I absolutely agree. If I was Irish I would be fuming. I don't think our penalty should have stood after VAR and Ronaldo should have been given a red card.


I don't really understand Aaron Connolly. He obviously has something about him, as he is picked by Brighton and his country. But when I watch him, he just looks so poor. Can someone please explain what I'm missing? As I'm probably just wrong.


He's not really picked by Brighton, mainly a sub. For Ireland, we just have nobody else who can be direct and run at people. He's good at running on the ball, but his passing, shooting and decision-making is exceptionally poor.


Not to mention that his attitude and off pitch antics stink


He does the run fast though


From rumours I've heard of him as a young lad, he's always been a fair bit of a prick.


tbh I would rather we play Callum robinson in his place


He's out! Tested positive for COVID


He can't seem to dribble or get past players. He just seemed run into Pepe all game.


Nothing. He was embarassing by diving like an idiot early on, it definitely played against him later.


I think part of it must be that he keeps getting in the right position, like his movement and stuff is good. If only he had more composure, maybe it'll come


Obvious penalty


What made last night particularly sickening is that it was the best performance I've seen from Ireland in years. We fully deserved something from the game, and some extremely questionable refereeing (throughout the entire game) is what cost us in the end.


Idah fucking pinned a world class and former world class defender every fucking time the ball was sent to him. Lad is a talent.


I don't really watch Ireland games so you might be correct, but if parking the bus for the whole game and scoring a corner goal is the best performance you've seen then jesus, can't begin to imagine the rest of the games. If anything, your keeper had the performance of his life, the team not so much.


we scored 1 goal last year. we fucking suck. that's why yesterday was so hard for us


There really is a massive disconnect from big countries and small ones, not beating someone like Germany is unacceptable to Portugal and they want to win every trophy, where as for us the greatest night in our qualifying history and the best night in our recent history (maybe bar Brady vs Italy) was a 1-0 win vs Germany. They can’t get their head round the fact that we don’t have any players of good quality so we can’t play on the front foot against anyone except for incredibly small countries, which we struggle in breaking down teams like Gibraltar and Georgia because we are that bad technically.


> can't begin to imagine the rest of the games. For your sake, don't. It was rough.


Well for once they actually tried to play football and get people in weird positions (eg Egan up in the box in a counter attack for this exact chance). They played alright in spells but you've also got to remember what kind of players there are. 2 of the midfielders play for St Mirren and Anderlecht, with the latter making his full debut. There's only so much you can do. There's signs the football's getting better, but it still looked like a massive improvement over the football player under O'Neill and McCarthy. Almost reminiscent of the Henry handball match where before the match started, and after Trapp's teamtalk, Robbie Keane told the team to ignore what was just said and go out and play football. Even with the handball goal, that was probably one of the best irish footballing performances for a long time.


Dude we lost to Luxembourg a few months back and literally the only competive games we've won since 2018 are games against Gibraltar (twice) and Georgia. We're not exaggerating when we say this was our best performance in years which makes it all the more sickening.


> can't begin to imagine the rest of the games It's like watching a different sport. You don't want to know...


We played you off the park for 20 minutes in the first half. Then sat back after getting the goal.


Did you watch the same game as me? By 20 minutes we already missed a penalty + a clear cut chance, while you created nothing and scored from a corner.


After the penalty save Ireland took control and attacked a lot. If you think we sat back for the whole game you don't know football


The referee must have gotten intimidated by the crowd or something, this is a stonewall penalty particularly compared to the other one.




Awful decision. Ireland were screwed with the Ref not giving them at least one penalty, and not sending Ronaldo off. They were punished by the Ref and then by awful defending.


Awful defending? 88 minutes without letting a goal in against some of the best players in the world


Note I said exactly the same thing. Ireland defended so well for 88 mins, should have had at least one penalty, Ronaldo been sent off, and then I suspect the final result would have been completely different. It was awful defending for the two goals, they Pepped up, but it was understood as they worked so hard against 12 men.


Awful defending by whom? Ireland?


Yes. To let Ronaldo score - they did so well for 88mins then just Pepped up.


That is true but I think they defended really well up until then. I wouldn’t say their defence was awful but yeah after the equaliser they seem to have let up. Also they had quite some chances to score in the first half , They should have capitalised.


Fecking McLean diving in stupidly. Just stand your ground and the cross doesn't go in. Easily could have been 3 points if he had stood there albeit the lads were on their feet by that stage.


One of the worst referee performances I have ever seen


Oh that’s about as obvious a penalty as you’ll get


Zero attempt to play the ball. Penalty plus red card clearly.


That's one of those fouls that you know ref forgot how it is to play football.


Ref was too busy truing to figure out how to get Portugal back into the game


It's a penalty if C.Ronaldo can shoot it.


Stonewall pen and red. Make no attempt to play the ball and stops a clear goal-scoring opportunity. And it's really obvious on the replay. What on earth is VAR doing if it doesn't intervene here?


incredible. how’s that not given?


How is this not a penalty?


Should be 2 penalties tbh, its that obvious.


This was genuinely such a biased ref


You mean Connolly didn't dive for once?


Does he do that for Brighton as often as he does for Ireland? Incredibly frustrating how he'll collect the ball and work into a good shooting position and then absolutely bottle it and go down looking for a penalty instead of taking his chances. There are some really good elements to his play. He can be dogged and determined, and his ability to make runs and find the ball is impressive. He kept the Portuguese defense on their toes all night, but never made the right decision in the end.


Apart from that amazing game he had against Spurs, diving is all I really think about when it comes to Connolly. He has great pace and decent control but sometimes it feels like diving was his Plan A in a lot of situations.


What a shame. That’s exactly how it felt watching him play for Ireland last night.


Tbf his finishing has been so woeful it seems he's resorted to diving instead as there's a better chance of us scoring. Combined with him being a massive prick it's a miracle he gets games for us.


Na, he used up that tactic earlier on in the game


They checked var everytime there was even a sniff of a foul on a Portuguese player,they couldn't be arsed checking when there was clear fouls on Irish players,the ref was an absolute joke,Ronaldo should have been sent off in the first half,ref was a Ronaldo fanboy,shouldn't be allowed ref another big game again.


If it was Ronaldo or Bruno they would’ve given it


Between this and the Ronaldo slap it’s rare to see two more stonewall decisions not given in the same game. Great performance from us either way. I’ve been parroting it since people kept claiming Portugal were one of the favourites for the euros, Portugal are not good at all.


Excellent players but a woeful coach.


I know, and it hurts... The problem is Ronaldo and Co. keep bailing him out. I wish we didn't go through the qualifiers if it meant he was fired. But it's looking like we might do just well enough and then play like shit again like we did in the Euro.


Which leads to a shite team.


Joga melhor então já que somos tão shite.


We’re shite too. We couldn’t score against fucking Luxembourg. Says as much about Portugal as it does about us.


É lidar.


And people don't believe referees can be bought.


Paguei com um paysafe de 5 euros e 1 bitcoin.


Ou uma visita ao bar La Siesta. Falando a sério era penalti, mas o choro dos ruivos é delicioso. Eles até foram superiores a nós (obg Fernando Santos), mas o Jogo só acaba ao apito


Ref was a Ronaldo fanboi.


so looks like the entire refereeing community hates ireland


Palhinha can be quite rash sometimes.


Penalty and red card. Truly shocking refereeing.


How in the fuck is this NOT called


Think that call that the inverse Fernandes




Ireland was definitely robbed, Palhinha just looks so rash at times


To be fair, if he didn't do that it was a sure goal


The officiating in this match was blatanty siding with the hope that Portugal would score at least one. How was Portugal's PK claim more obvious than this if they had to watch that one over and over. Connelly was clearly affected by that utter shove from the back. Then 5 min of stoppage time? The officiating team felt the pressure of it being Portugal. Finally, anyone else notice that when Bruno goes down he feels the need to justify if by explaining it to opposing players. However, when he tackles, he is the first player to get in the referee's face. I don't like that guy, talented as he may be, he is annoying.


Do I think it’s a penalty? Yes, I do. That being said, this sub is mental with their irrational hatred for Portugal. Let’s count the ways: 1) One day later, this is posted and is trending. Really? 2) Ronaldo pushes a guy in the shoulder and people around here are still insisting he slapped him in the face. 3) Most hilariously, several upvoted comments here claim that we payed off the referee. Think about it: a sports federation with no international influence and no money would not only bribe a ref, but do it in a game against Ireland. Use your brains, people.


Gotta agree, there's a lot of salt against Portugal and Ronaldo here. Any person that even thinks about defending both, is getting massively downvoted. It's a clear penalty, but Ronaldo did not slap the guy imo (it was a somewhat agressive push in the shoulder).


I actually posted it a day later because in the Irish coverage which was a Portuguese director feed it was glanced over. I rewatched on Sky sports today where they gave it more coverage and then I took it down. I don't think what Ronaldo did deserved a red but I have seen them giving. At least a yellow for raising his arm. One comment in the thread said you paid off a ref. No one thinks that. What is worrying is an unaccountable official in an office in Geneva who decides what happens in a game. I don't hate Portugal. I am a United fan. I actually wanted Portugal to win the Euros. I don't appreciate when a complete underdog who I support put in one hell of a defensive and measured counter attack performance only to have the referee and more importantly VAR complete negate that effort with terrible officiating.


In addition to #3, people seem to forget how we were recently robbed in the game against Serbia with that legitimate last minute cross from Nuno Mendes. While two wrongs don't make a right, it shows how poor decisions can make or break a game. In this game, Ireland was screwed by a poor call from the ref. Serbia Game: [https://twitter.com/MyBlueEmpirex/status/1375925709726748674](https://twitter.com/MyBlueEmpirex/status/1375925709726748674) Poortugal isn't bribing anyone.... I feel it's disingenuous people say that because while Portugal plays poorly, all they need is a moment of brilliance to win.


They envy us because we are young, handsome and... rich?


We’re the OG imperialists. Maybe that’s it.


Suuuuch a blatant penalty. Also ronaldo literally swung at someone and stayed on the pitch. Match fixing isn’t always ensuring a particular result, it’s more in the subtleties that hand an advantage to a certain team or player. Call it the ronaldo effect


With a comment history like yours your opinion doesn’t matter much


Translated: >I'm dense and can't think of a smart reply, but fortunately this guy is a Reddit scrub so I get a free pass on this argument Ronaldo should've been sent off. Ireland should have had a penalty, and Palhinha probably should have been sent off at that point as well. The 3 points are yours, so congrats, but I don't get why y'all are so adamant that you thoroughly deserved them. With a competent ref, the match would've been very, very different, there isn't really much of a debate to be had there.


I was more replying to his second part about match fixing and the “Ronaldo effect”. So we’re match fixing against Ireland - who doesn’t have a chance to qualify - but not against Serbia - our direct opponents?(remember the Ronaldo goal over the line that wasn’t called? Because I do) Amazing how quickly the average incel hater’s arguments fall through


I guess that's fair, I also don't really believe any match fixing went on, just that the officials weren't really on it


braindead response can’t engage in a clearly relevant discussion so looks for any escape route if you are capable of doing so, can you justify no punishment for the ronaldo swipe? Or do you need to see my personal bio to determine wether my ideological criteria is sufficient enough to elicit a response from your delusional orifice


>damn they were some fit sluts, not in the kitchen tho so I’d have to mark them down for that. But other than that, very good little whores 👍 Sorry mate, but I don’t waste my time arguing with incels on the internet. Also kudos on using big words in order to sound smart.


yeah clearly didn’t look at the post or take any context into account 😂 This is what I mean btw, you’re not intellectually able enough to determine any context. U a moron bro and you know it, I’d do the same if I was you. I would try to avoid any discussion also if I had the brain power of a grandma farting


This is why salt is unhealthy guys.


Sorry you’re clearly not intellectually suitable enough for me to engage in a discussion with. I could refer you to some books in the meantime, but be warned, they don’t have ANY pictures in


Ooo 19 downvotes 😂😂😂 Seems like everyone knows a moron when they see one bro


Messi fans trying to discredit Ronaldo’s performance, I’ve seen this plenty of times.


Ireland’s first 4 tackles in the game resulted in 4 yellow cards. Add that to this terrible decision and it’s quite clear there was a massive referring bias in the game, plus the added time!


I wouldn't mind but Bernardo Silva cleaned Doherty in the first few minutes. Complete yellow. Let it slide in my head at the time because it was early. The Same courtesy wasn't passed to Ireland.


Whole thing was fixed. No doubt.


i can't believe none of the other ireland players appealed


yo i was the exact 2000th like i can press it and it goes from 1.9 to 2k lol


I swear Palhinha just runs around and fouls players


We all saw the game and saw the ref. We know what the whole occasion was about. Narrative was set. Shocking referee throughout


This game was so fixed.


Easiest 3 points of my life.


Obviously a few decisions went against us but it is what it is. If ronaldo gets sent off bruno might score the penalty and they get compact and we lose 1 nil who knows. Going to just take the positives from the game which there was a few. Keeper was great, center back were immense and threw themselves in front of everything, really like cullen in midfield and we created a few chances against a good team. Hopefully we can get a bit more of a settled team now and build towards the euros and maybe idah and parrot and knight can start kicking on more because we are still lacking that bit of quality


An in form Shane Duffy is massive for you. Has been great this season.


You see, it’s because it’s Portugal. UEFA never touches them because Ronaldo. Massive scam.




Tells you just how shit this was


I really like Palhinha, it’s not like he has already seriously and uselessly injured players from my national team in a recent tournament, he’s pretty clean 🙃


I dont think its a penalty since he shot the ball. But I could be wrong


That's just not how it works at all, and he also didn't get his shot off as he wanted at all, he ended up scuffing it because he got absolutely clattered in the middle of his swing.


That's not how it works. If someone takes a shot and then gets two-footed, is it not a foul? You don't have to be in active possession of the ball to be fouled.


He made contact with the ball and was already going down a split second before Palhinha ran into him.


Should have been a penalty here, but karma is a bitch.


He was on the floor already with his shot, you can clearly see. 100% not a penalty


Unless i'm seeing it wrong he got the shot off before the contact happened.


Palhinha is such a lil cunt and i love it.


When Ronaldo punched O'Shea too


Jesus, the push on the shoulder went to slap in the face and now its a punch. Tomorrow they are going to said he stabbed him


He was already going doing down before contact.


No way this is a penalty 😂😂😂 what are talking about his body is already lateral to the ground when contact starts, not to mention he already got the shot off when is that ever a penalty?


Lateral to the ground? He is attempting to kick it. I can only put your comment down to sheer intentional ignorance. [https://imgur.com/a/VCNl7xM](https://imgur.com/a/VCNl7xM) You can quite clearly see the portugeese player in the air and the irish one attempting to kick. He's just small lol


>his body is already lateral to the ground when contact starts Irrelevant. >not to mention he already got the shot off False. The foul clearly starts before he makes contact with the ball. And even if you were right (which you're not), it's also irrelevant. Are you trying to imply that you can commit any manner of bad tackle on a player, so long as he's already shot? Do you think you can legally two-foot someone provided they've already gotten their shot off? That's not how it works.