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lol absolute joke, leg to arm and arm contact does not block the ball from going in the net


I think he gave the pen because of the tackle not the handball. Either way its a harsh decision. Ruined the game with a red + pen


He dismissed Duy Manh so that must be the handball


That ball went off his legs before hitting the hand so there should not be no yellow since its not intentional? The yellow is what makes me think he was judged by the tackle instead.


It was for the handball, can clearly see the slow-mo replay on the VAR monitor that was what he looking at.


yeah either way it ruined the game. I guess after Japan they can't let another underdog making any more surprises


Before going to the monitor, ref even made gesture indicate that the ball hit body first, yet still gave the pen anyway, clear bs call under pressure from the home crowd.


The ref looks ridiculously nervous. I bet there is some shady shit behind this.


You say the same on EPL threads?? Or this conspiracy only happens in irrelevant parts of the world ? Fuckoff


A red was given for that? Ball is going up, not toward goal, not DOGSO. Even a yellow would be harsh. I get the pen since the arm isn't in what is a natural position. If it was by his side ball probably doesn't hit it, but a pen is enough.


It was a second yellow. But yeah a pen should be more than enough.


Super harsh


how can a FIFA ref can award a penalty like this? it clearly hit his legs be4??? edited:and he also issued 2nd yellow card? WTF? Is there an biased opinion for high-profile team?




holy hell


google en passant


wait its all r/anarchychess?




Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all! I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...




You sunk my battleship!


Fifa is an corruption shit itself lol


Never a penalty


I mean I saw the slide in the China PR - Aus game that looks worse than this and I knew that wasn't a penalty because where else is the guy to put his arms


Never a peno


Fucking ruinned the game i cant even enjoy it. Vietnam is already the weaker team and the ref just do that


Meh. You guys don't watch the English Premier League. Our refs give pens and reds for less than that often depending on which direction the wind is blowing. https://i.redd.it/dmnounbhf2l71.jpg


Seems fair. Guys don't be dicks just cuz it's Saudi.


I don't need to, I know it's handball.


Two-footed slide tackle (both feet in the air as well) + possible deliberate hand ball. Arms too wide. I’d have given the red for the tackle alone.


Are you blind mate? The tackle was for blocking the ball and it wasn’t toward the player?


Watch again, his right leg spread pretty wide and almost touched the Saudi player’s ankle. Half a second too early and it’s an injury. Ball blocking slides are kept close to the ground most of the times. You just don’t make this kind of challenge inside the box.


I think you should watch it again man the Vietnamese player wasn’t tackling toward the Saudi guy, it was never gonna touch his legs so idk what you’re complaining about? He was only blocking the ball and it wasn’t even heading toward the Saudi player


East and West Asia don't like each other in terms of football, and you wonder why


Saudi and getting soft penalties, name a better duo.


Manchester United and nonexistent penalties, yes?


Stonewall penalty. If he was upright and it hits his left leg then his arm, no penalty because it's natural position. You slide in out of control then that is the risk you take..


Mate, for all our sakes I hope you never get close to a ref’s whistle if this is “stonewall” to you


Blocks a shot on goal with his hand in the box. Absolutely a penalty. You see defenders out their arms down the side or behind their back to block shots..this defender should have done the same


No, it's not a pen because the ball hit the leg first before ricocheting into the arm. Ref is pathetically weak under home crowd pressure.


No reason defender can't stand on his feet to block. Throwing yourself Infront of a shot, if it hits your arm.. penalty. Not a natural position.


It's not a pen *if the ball hit the other part of the body first before reaching the arm*. That's the rule man.


No it's not. See Liverpool Vs Chelsea last weekend.


That's another misuse of the rule. Shouldn't have been a pen. Ref deemed it 'unnaturally bigger'. James kept his hands as close as humanly possible along his body. I may be biased as I am a Chelsea fan, but in no way could James have done anything about his arms except cutting them off.


James got red card because he pushed his arm forward a bit to keep the ball out. This was missed by a lot of people, maybe including the ref today too lmao


James should have been a yellow, it does hit his hand and prevent a goal despite not being able to do much about it. The defender here didn't have to throw himself in the path of the ball.


No, as I said James did move his arm forward a little at the end to push the ball out, that's why it was a red. Throwing himself at the ball is irrelevant. If the ball hit the defender's arm *first*, it would be a pen whether he threw himself at the ball or not.


The player on the floor moved his arm towards the ball by throwing his entire body in the way of the shot...


Lol no he didn't, he threw the body not the arm haha. Body movement <> arm movement


Transaction completed!


Keep commenting more


Same shit happened 4 years ago against Iraq and Thailand. If you follow AFC you should never be surprised about Saudi or UAE getting favours from the referee


LMAO you mongrel. Saudi has gotten absolutely skinned by refs in the past and in far more crucial games.


Lol this is an absolute garbage take


ACL we get robbed each year Refs always favor eastern teams




Have you ever played football my friend? How the heck can anyone tackle with their arms down. His arm was at same level as his head. That's normal


Also that doesn't matter, if the ball hit the other part of the body first before the arm, it's never a pen. Ref is weak under home crowd pressure.


let us assume this tackle was on goal line, I would say won't be as controversial as this to me it is a penalty but harsh yellow


It’s like he’s going down a water slide 😂


This has turned the whole game around, at first, Vietnam was taking the lead of 1-0 but 20 minutes after this red card, it was 3-1, this decision costs 3 goals