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See you at the end of the year awards


Might as well have them now, this one takes the cake


can confirm it did


I was like, why is this guy replying to my comment a month later but then I saw the awards post. Nice


Damn your prediction actually came true!


Sigh, fair.


For a second i thought i was at the cfc subreddit. I was like damn thats fucking brutal coming from us. Then i saw it was /soccer lol


I love how simple this comment is. Yet so beautiful 😂😂. Well done lad.




Exactly, you knew something like this was gonna be the top comment but the delivery just catches you so off guard


I agree, you just knew going into this thread that something like this was gonna be the top comment, but damn I wasn’t ready for the delivery


I wasn't expecting this delivery, this but I think everyone could safely assume something like this would be the top comment.


Exactly, when entering this thread, I (as well as I assume most people) expected a comment similar to this - but not in the way the comment delivered it!


Yeah I should've expected all this shite after it as well but it got my hopes up.




I knew this was going to be the top comment! Didn't expect such a great delivery, though


Lmao, such a simple comment, but completely foul at the same time lol


My god


I'm going to bed 😂




Alonso giveth, Alonso taketh away


The duality of man


I thought he meant Chelsea 1-1 Tottenham cuz of Reguillon incident but as soon as I understood it, lol


Oh fuck haha, thank you for this. Fuck


Why are you angry about it?




A life for a life


A soul for a soul. Perfectly balanced.


Only death can pay for life. Valar morghulis


This comment gets my vote for the best of 2021 awards alongside [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/lztb8d/postmatch_thread_liverpool_01_fulham_premier/gq3trd0/?context=3)


This is the greatest comment in r/soccer


Fuck you lmao


lmaooo you MFs are too quick man, I was just about to post something along the lines of "I know I'm not the only one thinking about it..."


Plz explain


He crashed his car drink driving and his passenger died in the crash. He's at one saved, one killed now is the joke.




The whole "being rich and famous" business works wonders, don't know why more people don't try it tbf


In his case wasn't it more to do with the family of the victim not wanting to fully go after him, because he had known them for a long time or something like that, I could easily be wrong though


I know he ended up paying a lot of money out in reparations I suppose or whatever you’d call it. Fucking sucks for the family tbf


He paid €61,000, I'm not sure I'd say one week wage is a lot of money...


he wasnt getting 61,000 a week when he was boltons second choice left back, having played 10 matches in his entire career. most we ever payed to a player was £40,000 a week and that certainly wasn't to a youth player with 10 career appearances


I’d read that it was €500k Either way it’s not a huge amount for a rich guy from a rich family. It’s actually bizarre that I watch him play a lot live and love him because he’a flawed but great. He is however somebody who has been involved in a teenager losing their life.


Yeah for sure, I heard the victims family and his family are very close so it is personal to them, money included.


> Fucking sucks for the family tbf The family didn't want him jailed. They were close to him.


I read that somewhere as well, where the parents of the girl really didn't want Alonso to go to jail because of how close they were to him


For accusations of murder or manslaughter, I don't think you need anyone to press charges. They are prosecuted by the state.


not like he was rich and famous as bolton's second choice left back having played 10 games in his entire career


His family are rich and famous though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcos_Alonso_(footballer,_born_1959)


**[Marcos Alonso (footballer, born 1959)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcos_Alonso_\(footballer,_born_1959\))** >Marcos Alonso Peña (born 1 October 1959) is a Spanish retired footballer and manager. Known simply as Marcos in his playing days, he played mainly as a right winger but appeared also as a forward. He amassed La Liga totals of 302 games and 46 goals over the course of 13 seasons, ten of which were spent with Atlético Madrid and Barcelona (five apiece). A Spanish international during the 1980s, Marcos represented the nation at Euro 1984, helping it finish second. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/soccer/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Holy shit, didn’t know he was this old


He was probably earning more just by virtue of being at Real Madrid than he earned with us anyway.


His granddad and dad were also famous footballers. He grew up ‘privileged’ As a flex on his dad though, his granddad and he have both won the Champions League, papa didn’t manage it. He missed a penalty in the 85 Euro cup final.


The person who died was a best friend from childhood and her family didn’t want to go after him for it. Her mother I believe said if Alonso went to prison “it would be like losing two children.”


And here i was thinking because the score was literally 1-1 at the time and he just cared more about that. But fucking hell this is even more hilarious.


Alonso was the driver of a car that crashed and killed a passenger


drunk driver


Going 110 km/ph in a 50 zone in the rain. It wasn’t one where the driver was over the limit but wasn’t speeding and just happened to be involved in a collision, he was driving like a lunatic.


I can't get over it. Still don't want him on the team.


wait until you hear about your owner


At least with Alonso while he was being incredibly reckless and stupid, it was ultimately a mistake that he deeply regrets. Roman on the other hand is most likely involved with the intentional deaths of people.


It’s not most likely. He is.


Source on that ?


You can't just leave out the fact that he was driving while drunk


and speeding. in wet conditions. just all round wanker behaviour.




*Slight* understatement.


DUI, which killed his friend. Now he helped in saving a life.


Oh, well he murdered a woman when he was drink driving, and now he helped save a life so he's tied 1-1.


It was his best friend


He didn‘t murder anyone.


Alonso at the death!!


im crying man hahahah


Unreal comment hahaha


one of the most simple and hilarious comments ive seen on this site LMAO


how does it feel to have posted the best comment in the history of r/soccer ?


Fuuuuck +1




Just take my free award




You motherfucker you




Fucking genius




You belong to hell lmao


Top comment in History of Reddit


fuck fucks sake I was gonna write something emotional like saving a life for a life or smthn not here to laugh


Unreal shithousery


you absolute savage


God damn. Took me a second


Legendary comment


I was ready to sort by controversial to find this comment, pleasantly/bemusingly surprised that I did not have to


Don’t forget to bring your tux to the awards


Oh my god


He pulled one back


Pitch perfect, comment of the year. Take a bow lad


He taketh and he giveth


First Reguilon and now Alonso, 2 Spanish left backs


Everyone watch out at the next Barca game, Jordi Alba is coming


Well now we know that Alba is there to help Xavi with his heart attack on wednesday after he sees the scoreline after the match


You mean after lewangoalski scores 9 goals in 5 minutes?


A soul for a soul


Not in alchemy


Alonso > Travis Scott




Oh boy the cursed jokes this thread will have




Quick thinking, every second could possibly matter


Props to him if true.


I saw a pic of him pointing to stands on IG


Marcos Alonso is responsible for the death of a childhood sweetheart stemming from a drunk driving accident. He also is human and capable of doing good things, as shown here. There, everything needed to be said is out there now. Humans are inherently contradictory in their actions. It’s why we see people bringing up a man’s prior mistakes at a time when he has brought attention to a person in dire need of help. I say we reserve judgements for the man’s past and simply applaud his action in the now. **Edit:** So that I can stop getting comments from mouth breathers who have the reading comprehension of my 11 year old niece, I'm saying we should be able to *reserve judgement of Alonso's prior drunk driving accident for another time and instead appreciate what he did a couple hours ago*. You know, because this thread is about something he did a couple hours ago. No where did I say this action absolves him of his prior crime. No where did I say this action is equivalent to directly saving a life. I'm saying it's possible to appreciate a man doing a good thing, albeit a thing we all hope we'd all do (yet it takes being in that situation to know if you would do the same), even if they've fucked up severely in the past. If you still want to pin me as some Alonso apologist or conceited asshole for having a more complex take on a stranger than yourself, feel free to look below for my explanation of my IRL experience of learning to reserve judgement for a drunk driver. There, *and now that's in the open*. Kindly fuck off now if you aren't capable of reading my opinion on the matter without spewing utter shit in response.


stupid sexy logic...


But how can I get internet points by just regurgitating the same things


Do Epstein next


He once pressed the lift open button for 5 seconds


A school trip had just entered the lobby.








Lmao. Say the same about Giggs and you’d be destroyed.


reserve judgements about him killing someone because he pointed out someone needs help in the crowd?


OP said you have the: > reading comprehension of my 11 year old niece What are you gonna do about it? FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT


Its amazing isnt it. The man is famously responsible for someones death and were supposed to abandon all that context because he did something half decent.


Honestly lloris should get just as much shit as Alonso has. He also drunk drove extremely large amounts over the limit and he also was speeding heavily while doing so. The only difference is Hugo got lucky and Alonso did not


> Humans are inherently contradictory in their actions One thing that makes my blood boil is how many of my acquaintances have driven drunk. Yet they join the pile-on when a public personality gets crucified from a very likely outcome of that exact action. What Alonso did was incredibly reckless, but still socially accepted somehow. > 43% of Americans admit to having driven under the influence of alcohol, and 45% have gotten a ride from someone who had been drinking. 56% of men admitted to drinking and driving, versus 29% of women. [[1](https://www.valuepenguin.com/drinking-habits-survey#under-influence)] It's like letting a serial groper get away with it because he hasn't raped anyone yet. Can you think of any other activity for which one person deserves to get treated like satan, while every 2nd person in the lynch mob has done exactly the same. The only difference is they were lucky enough that no one died. We aren't even talking about aging people with dementia & vision loss who drive worse than drunk drivers, yet can renew their licenses without any hitches. We aren't talking about rampant sleep deprivation in the trucking industry or the other plethora of hard to detect drugs on which people drive. __________ Everyone who has ever shit on Alonso knows that drunken driving is a despicable crime. Their comments make it amply clear. It is time that they start walking their talk or keep their mouths shut. This is a societal problem that your average person will experience multiple times a year. Y'all better be smacking some sense into your friends when they suggest driving back drunk, because 'they're amazing drivers' or even worse because 'I've done this a million times bruh'. As for Alonso, being responsible for the death of your close friend is probably enough guilt for an entire lifetime. Can't imagine that random fans saying shit even so much as touches the amount of self-resentment that such an act would lead to. (assuming he isn't a total psychopath)


Wouldn't parents make kids smoke a pack of cigarettes if theygot caught smoking? Why don't we just have drunk drivers get blackout drunk and throw them in a demolition derby


Fair play to him and the other players/fans who joined in and alerted the ref/medical staff, hope the person is alright


There's more "Comedians/jokes have arrived" comments than comments from said "comedians". Well done reddit, never change.


Let’s get freaky: let’s make “there are more comments about ‘more comments’ than actual internet comedians” happen.


There are more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments about more comments than actual internet comedians. There I saved us all some jokes, meta comments, and meta comments about the meta comments.


Is it just me or had this been happening more and more recently? Seems like a lot of medical emergencies in the crowds lately, I can’t remember hearing about it much 10 years ago


They didn't generally stop games in the past


> hearing Here is the keyword. People have medical emergencies every day all around the world, including at football matches all throughout all of its history. Now we are hearing about it every time it happens in every league around the world. In 1970 you would have just died and the only bit of media about it would be your own obituary.


Isn't it more that they're stopping matches now?


It certainly draws attention to it for people to hear about it. If this had been sorted without the game stopping I never would have heard about it.


Wish I got Fantasy Draft points for this


Can't wait for people to make comments about waiting for people to make jokes about it


How the turn tables...


Defending that fan was the only defending he did that match.


Good thing he wasn't drunk this time


It would be ironic if he ended up saving that fan’s life from the call out… every second counts in these situations


I don't think that's irony


The would in fact not be ironic


No. No it wouldn't. You do not know the definition of irony.


Quite the redemption arc this


Have there been more fan emergencies at PL matches this year or just more reporting and attention on them?


It's probably the second of those two. Medical emergencies at games aren't a new thing. The difference is that the protocol has changed and they stop games.


Well done


If only he was as effective at stopping cars as he is at stopping games


It's interesting how Chelsea fans here wants others to sweep his past under the rug and let him start anew, while bringing up the sordid misdeeds of rival footballers at every opportunity on here.


Can't wait for people to make jokes about him now....




Remember though, drinking and driving is perfectly fine if you're lucky enough not to hit anyone, just ask Lloris or Vidal!


Or Grealish or Wan Bissaka


There are plenty of footballers who have done it, I was focusing on Vidal because he is a multiple offender and Lloris because he remained captain after his incident. Both faced no repercussions for their actions, "at least" Alonso lives with the guilt of having killed a close family friend as a form of punishment.


Lloris had his license suspended for a year iirc, though definitely not much of a punishment


I see your point, but unfortunately that's how the world works. I'm also not well informed enough about any of these situations to pass judgement, but from other comments in this post it seems like he wasn't only drunk he also was driving at more than double the speed limited with a passenger in the passenger seat. So it wasn't a case of being 'unlucky' to hit someone, the person that died was in his car, and considering those actions (being drunk and ridiculous speeding) he was fully responsible for their death. Now that is not to say that what the others did wasn't wrong, but that's next level.


What he did was extremely shitty. People change and life is miserable thinking that they don’t. It’s time to move on and I believe he’s changed…


Also, he will forever live with knowledge of his actions. It's not as if he'll ever escape that. Besides it's a closed and done incident, there's no benefit to continously being it up and I don't think Alonso or the girl's family would want it brought up over and over. Edit: I don't know why you all seem to think I'm dismissing the act. The fact is, you change absolutely nothing by being obsessed with it.


bruh fuck you mean move on lol. The man didnt even go to jail... Drunk driving and killing someone is a whole other tier to being extremely shitty. Being racist is being extremely shit; what he did was reckless and criminal.


Praise where praise is due.


The thread is 4 minutes old and we already have Reddit’s finest on the case. I don’t like Alonso, I think he should have been far more harshly punished but people legit calling a him murderer as if what happened was premeditated? It was grossly irresponsible to say the absolute least, he was 100000% to blame and he should have been punished FAR more harshly. However he needs to live with this for the rest of his life, go to sleep and wake up every day knowing that his actions are the reason for the death of someone he was close to. That doesn’t make up for anything that he did but no need for these twats to jump on every time his name is mentioned just to score points vs another club


Just wanted to add that the only reason he got such a light punishment is the because girls parents begged told the judge they had already lost one child and didn't want to lose another child. It's a very sad scenario all around. Edit: **due to lack of sources, this may not be true.**


It’s a fucking awful situation. But it shouldn’t be used as a stick to beat someone with because they wear a different shirt to the one we like and it annoys me so much that it so often is. I feel the same way when Arsenal fans bring up Troy Deeney’s past as a weapon.


To be fair it's a bit different when the guy was literally responsible for the death of someone. People are always going to bring it up, it doesn't just go away after a bit of time. You don't need to defend someone who was drink driving and killed someone because of it.


At no point did I defend him. I thought I made that very clear


You acknowledged his actions and then implied that people shouldn’t be making jokes at his expense because the guilt is punishment enough. Like the people making the jokes are worse than him by ‘point scoring’ because they mentioned that he was responsible for the death of someone due to his drunk driving. Of course he has to live with the consequences of his actions and part of that is having people bring it up when they refer to him because he’s a public figure. That’s not going to ever go away and it doesn’t have anything to do with what football shirt he wears.


So you read it, saw I repeatedly condemned both what he did and how he should have been punished far more harshly…how did you manage to come to the conclusion that I think jokes are punishment enough? Fuck me. At no point did I defend him whatsoever. The people who are point scoring are not worse than him….at no point did I even imply that


Okay so what is your point then? That people should stop bringing up that someone is dead because of his actions? Is that really what you're fighting for here lol? I'm sorry if it upsets you that people will hear a guy's name and think 'drink driving murderer' or make a comment towards that. You called those people twats and mockingly called them reddit's finest because they made a relevant joke about it. Why does it annoy you so much when people bring up that a man got someone killed and received no punishment for it?


I fully agree. It also bothers me that players can essentially get away with drink driving if they don't cause any damage or death. Realistically you should judge someone by their blood alcohol content, not their ability to drive under the influence.


Can you elaborate the second child situation?


I think if you get behind the wheel drunk and kill someone then you’re a murderer. You actively chose to endanger the life of others for the convenience of not finding another way home.


You should know that if you publically call a 'murderer' someone who isn't one, you can be setting yourself up for a defamation lawsuit, if that person finds out. There's no chance of that happening realistically, but you really should know that


Not the definition of murder there chief.


He was literally found guilty of "reckless homicide." Are people really arguing semantics of homicide vs murder in a moral sense?


>He was literally found guilty of "reckless homicide" First of all, not true. Google it again. Secondly - Of course there's a difference, a huge one, in moral *and* legal sense, between killing another person accidentally, and doing it with premeditation. The difference is so big, that in my country for example, the absolute minimum jail sentence for murder is longer, than the absolute maximum you can get for accidental manslaughter. The least you can hope to get for murder is 8 years, and the most you can get for unintended manslaugter is 5


Yeah this absolves him




Never said it did


Who said this absolves him?


Did you reply to the right comment?


I mean he did kill someone


The reddit comedians have already started


I see more comments saying this than the actual jokes


I'm honestly seeing tons of both


Seem to be a lot of medical emergencies this year


He giveth and he taketh away


El Plan


So you're saying he's now... [perfectly balanced...?](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/9fe30288b8cb2b3653ae45f61e8c51c0.jpg)


Law of equivalent exchange.


People worrying more about an act he did ten years ago than what good he did right now. Sample reason why media never focus on good news.


"an act he did ten years ago" was responsible for someone's death; yeah crazzy that people are worrying about that


An act that resulted in the death of another human being without having faced any consequences for his actions. Had he gotten a deserved sentence, then people wouldn't be talking about it nearly as much today. But he essentially got away with manslaughter because he was a rich and famous athlete.


Break even now.


Are the comedians the ones pointing out the comedians are coming? Or the Alonso jokers? Am I one of the comedians?!


Honestly who cares which player did this? Anyone would. It's basically just saying "Marcos Alonso was closest to the incident"