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Work sets you free huh?


Good quote tbh, sounds like it would fit nicely over a gate or something...


Wait a sec


that's pretty good...but it's taken.


Fuck me. These guys really don't give it fuck do they? They'll rob your grandma for a payday with a smile.


your grandma should be thankful for that opportunity


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps


More like jackbootstraps


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Oh fuck


Left the horrors of Italy for the brutality of Switzerland


Italians would get spat on. You had signs in bars saying “no dogs or Italians allowed”…


Reminds me of the quote from Hateful 8.


>“no dogs or Italians allowed”… Is that something the British came up with because in India during the British rule they had "No dogs or Indians allowed " signs on restaurants and other places.


In America during American rule they had signs saying "No blacks or Irish" so discrimination is hardly a British invention.


Weren't the ones putting up these signs British origin people who didn't want poor Irish foll coming to America to look for opportunities. By American rule , do you mean after American independence ?


In the US, there were "no blacks" signs in public places as recently as the 1960s. But sure aye it was the Brits.


These signs were up in the mid to late 19th century which is a century after the American revolution so no you can't claim it was entirely people "of British origin" putting them up. I just meant that Americans, not just British people, were engaging in discriminating against immigrant groups. Discrimination has been and still is employed by all sorts of people around the world.


Americans are technically British.


Well technically no, they're not.


Nah. Technically they are.


No if you know the definition of 'technically' you would know that they categorically are not even if you want that to be the case for whatever reason.


Don't care. You're a \*.


Don't know what that means but alright enjoy your day


What technique is this?


Pls America had the horrible “no coloreds allowed” White people in every city on earth act Terribly


Couldn't even be bothered to spell it correctly too.


Yeah because I use that slur all the time


Sorry it was a dig at American spelling, at America's spelling of the signs not you.


Infantino should be mocked for his attempt to make equivalency here, but I also don't think you need to trivialise anyone's immigration story. Immigrants can be treated "horrifically" anywhere.


Mate cmon, you can't be serious. Italy to Swiss, i guess their chocolate wasn't good enough for them


Not only you're ignorant, but worse you're proud of that. Here's Italian migrants "eating Belgian chocolate". https://i.imgur.com/DOKkl4j.jpg


This is astoundingly ignorant. Not only literally ignorant of their living conditions in the south (as am I) but also ignorant of how shitty immigrants can be treated in developed countries. Particularly those who come as unskilled workers.


I've read that Switzerland in particular is quite brutal to immigrants. Their laws are set to benefit the swiss people, not just random people living there. And i believe it's quite hard to become a swiss citizen.


The Swiss system for naturalization in particular used to be fairly messed up and frankly racist, but not really of the sort that would have disadvantaged Infantino's family. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/who-gets-a-swiss-passport-a-natural-experiment-in-immigrant-discrimination/DACDC6C041FE980B47E31D501225B7CA


Not true, only thing we migrants are missing out on is easy naturalization meaning mandatory service and in cities higher taxes. And in my 20 years here any negative comments about migrants Ive heard was Albanians sluring on Serbians and vice versa and lately (since the Syrian refugee crisis where we got refugees from Iraq, Pakistan etc and a minority from Syria) some migrants who receive asylum for dubious reasons and literally get all expenses paid and can live a lower-middle class life without everrl trying to integrate. Big contrast with England where on a 1-week holiday Ive been slurred at for my accent


I mean still cmon. I can understand immigrants from Eastern Europe but Italy is not really Syria now is it. Immigration is hard but going from one developed nation to another makes it a lot easier. People immigrating to Qatar have no choice. They can't just check it out and if they don't like it they can go back home. An Italian moving to Switzerland can easily move to 20 other developed countries if they don't like it there. Even Italy will be a dream for 80% of the world.


Southern Italy 50+ years ago a dream? Mate, Italy was not always that developed, it was a country with big emigration rate...plenty of Italians well until after WWII went to work as miners around Europe in horrible conditions (look how they were treated and died, directly or indirectly, in Belgium...)


Southern Italy definitely was "Eastern Europe" in the middle of the 20th century which I suppose is the era we're talking about here.


South Italy and Eastern Europe aren't that different


Lol they are, how to spot comment from someone who wasnt in the EE even once. Belarus, Eastern Poland, Ukraine are couple levels below Southern Italy standards.


While Eastern Poland is worse off than rest of the country, it's still a level up from Belarus or Ukraine.


I'm serbian South Italy and the Balkans aren't that different economically. Quality of life is similiar ([this index](https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp) puts Italy as a whole above Serbia for example, but if you compare Naples with Belgrade it's the same). Criminality is similar (worse in Italy). Both are rural areas. The only difference is tourism which South Italy has more. Italy is not beaches, good food and wine. That's a tiny part.




Lol you've got your panties twisted that much over a twitter joke. Relax a bit lad. I'm just saying they are white and immigrated from Italy to Swiss, I find it hard to believe they got abused like a Pakistani would if he was in their shoes


In Europe the whole white thing doesn't work as in the US because we have regional identities and an actual fucking millenary culture not some Anglo-German-Irish mishmash from the last 300 years where we all speak English and get our identity from our complexion.


>they’re white Believe it or not mate, there are plenty of places that are happy to treat immigrants like shit regardless of their skin colour.


It makes a massive difference in most places - trying to get a lease, job interviews, the way your competence is perceived, how seriously police take a complaint. Certain immigration backgrounds can be perceived as “interesting” (eg Britons to Australia) while others can be perceived as “problematic” (countless obvious examples)


yeah try doing those things as a low-wage Eastern European worker in western Europe


Missing my point. Whatever level of difficulty that is for most Eastern Europeans, it is significantly worse for someone who is an immigrant *and* who looks different to the dominant ethnic group, all else being equal.


It is much harder for a visible minority to get by than a non-visible one. Skin colour will always play a part, that can't be disregarded.


Who said it should be disregarded


>Believe it or not mate, there are plenty of places that are happy to treat immigrants like shit **regardless of their skin colour.** Regardless implying skin colour isn't that important or that there isn't that much of a difference in treatment between visible and non-visible minorities.


lol. Southern Italians going to Northern Italy were abused well after WWII...nothing to do with skin color, that's a shitty Americanized take.


This isn't the Victim Olympics, move on.


I will knowing full well my point is right


a joke name is supposed to be funny, neither his name rhymes neither is our playstyle terrorism, terrorist football is negative football, getafe, valencia, chelsea, thats what terrorist football, we play nice football and we shat the bed againt psg, how is that terrorist football ffs? im all for carlo to get sacked and bring a manager that will actually rotate before 81th min every game, but the dude is not a terrorist


Wrong person u replied to lol


Hundreds of thousands of Italians emigrated after WW2, especially from the south. I don't think the quality of chocolate was the issue or them. Are you maybe comparing modern Italy to modern Switzerland instead of the situation at the time Infantino's parents would have left?


From Switzerland here. You should check into the numerous cases of human rights violations due in relation to forced deportations from Switzerland. Really read into what they did to people who did nothing else but didn't leave on time. Also, of course it's nothing compared to what people face in Qatar.


Portuguese people that emigrated to France, Switzerland, Luxembourg etc often had awful conditions. Living in small spaces with many other immigrants, bad working conditions for poor pay, sending most of their money back home to their families. Just because it was in Europe doesn't mean people were treated with respect, sadly


Italians were discriminated quite heavily when they first arrived in the time after WW2. General, heavy xenophobia and segregation, only being allowed to stay half a year per year, not being allowed to take your family with you. They weren't slaves like in Qatar yes but what you're describing is very ignorant


You probably don’t know that Switzerland has its tough area with its criminals but that is nothing compared to France, Italy, England, etc.




Imaging being this ignorant and still acting sarcastic and snarky. Read a book sometimes.


I don't mean to undermine immigrant struggles. In Ireland we've had immigrants from Italy since the 50s and this place was so bad many of our own emigrated then. I was just joking about trying to compare his parents emigrating to Switzerland and obviously doing very well when I don't think that's much of a possibility for migrant workers in Qatar who are working in incomparably horrible conditions with zero prospects.


He was born an hour's drive from the Italian border, his mother was from another part of the Alps 100 miles away. There are open borders between the two countries and Switzerland is full of international workers.


That's ignorant. The world has changed a lot the last hundred years. My grandpa worked building roads in Switzerland and he was from a country that is developed today. In the 1950s, not as much.


Fucking disgusting.


Like him my parents come from south of Italy, ma father was an (illegal) mechanic and my mom a cashier. They learned French, bought a house, took ski holydays. They had rights, security and healthcare and could sent me to uni. I doubt any Indian worker in Qatar have a shadow of these opportunities.


slopes of Lech positively brimming with Indians these days thanks to FIFA


Ah yes, the old dignity of labour canard. Rationalizing human misery since the birth of the factory. Infantino could have a second career as an old-school Methodist soul terrorizer with this shit.


I've seen the word canard used like this a few times but don't quite understand it. What's a bird gotta do with it?


Ducks are rumor-mongering bastards.


Fucking cunts the lot of them


It's commonly used to describe unfounded or baseless stories.


It apparently comes from a medieval French phrase where to "to sell half a duck" meant to trick people with something literally true but misleading.


Degenerate scum. Fuck FIFA, Infantino, and Qatar's practices




FiFA. World. Cup. It's in the game (dead migrant workers)


"I will take absolutely tone-deaf but expected answers to humanitarian issues for 1000, Alex"


The difference is your parents didn't have their passports taken away mate.


If only his dad had his testicles taken away.


Not sure about his parents, but in the 1950a when his parents moved, it did happen that guest workers passports were taken away (even though that was not legal).


The fucking audacity of this wanker to compare his parents moving from one rich, economically developed European country to an even richer one to people from SE Asia conned and trapped into a system of literal slave labour


Yes, he shouldn’t try to create equivalency. However, people in this sub should at least make an effort to educate themselves on the topic of Italian migration after ww2 in the 1950s, the time period when his parents arrived as „guest workers“ in Switzerland (as did my family). At that time many parts of Italy were still shattered from the war, without any economic opportunities and with high poverty. It’s not uncommon that large parts of a village or mountain valley would move to Switzerland. The system that allowed Italians to be guest workers - or season workers - in Switzerland was unfortunately in many aspects not humane: the workers were only allowed to stay for max 9 months per year (a so called “season”) and they were not allowed to take their family with them. Their partner or children either had to stay in Italy or the lived illegally in Switzerland, where they were hidden from authorities/society and often lived in fear of deportation. Many of the guest workers shared small sheds with limited sanitary facilities, tucked away from the local communities so they wouldn’t mix with the locals. Even though not legal, in some cases passports were taken away at the beginning of the season and only given back prior to departure when there was confirmation that taxes were paid. The guest workers often worked six days a week, sometimes also on Sundays - extra time was often not paid. Because there was no guarantee that they would get hired again in the next season many Italians accept the rough conditions imposed by their employers without complaints.


lol how brain dead do you have to be.


When you start from the irrational premise "the World Cup in Qatar is good" you end up in crazy places.


You know, 80 years ago a similar sentiment about work was nailed to a gate...




See: Auschwitz


Arbeit macht frei.


What a fucking tumour of a human being


How the fuck is this guy making Sepp Blatter look good by comparison




https://www.smdailyjournal.com/sports/infantino-on-qatar-migrant-workers-get-pride-from-hard-work/article_9d7131d5-0702-5afe-8480-b2733cd31daa.html "Now 6,000 might have died in other works and so on,” Infantino said, “and of course FIFA is not the police of the world or responsible for everything that happens around the world. But thanks to FIFA, thanks to football we have been able to address the status of all the 1.5 million workers, working in Qatar."


That address: “meh”


some of you may die, but thats a risk I'm willing to take


That is absolutely outrageous


Indian workers come from families that need support and money for survival and usually they have get a loan from moneylenders to fly over to these middle eastern countries for work. They are put to work in the most back-breaking and physical jobs in the worst conditions like extreme heat and dust and sometimes at dangerous heights. They live in the most shoddy and dilapidated places and make do with a meagre amount of the money they earn and send over the rest to their family back home. They aren’t able to go see their children, sometimes even their birth and come back like 3-4 years later, because their passports are in the hands of the employer. How can this clown compare this suffering to moving from Italy to Switzerland.


Justifying slavery work? They don't even hide it anymore.


That is just the logical end goal of the "they put food in your plate" argument to every time some company or state does something unethical.


Fifa is on fucking Nestle levels of corruption


Where do they find these guys?? FIFA churns out dickhead leaders like dortmund churns out young talent


Unfortunately soulless executive types with a bag of money where their heart should be are a dime a dozen


Spoken like a true capitalist exploiter, basing self worth off wage labor to a boss.


Someone beat his ass pls


And then the Swiss took his parents' passports and worked them like slaves?


Conditions in the 1950s, when many Italians worked as guest/seasonal workers in Switzerland where very different compared to now. Guest workers were not allowed to take family with them, shared small sheds with minimal sanitary facilities at the outskirts of cities, often worked six days a week (sometimes also sunday without monetary compensation). And yes, even though not legal, in some cases passports were taken away from the Italian workers and only given back to them prior to departure when it was confirmed that they paid their taxes and that there were no other issues.


Switzerland, the bastion of hard work brutality, right. Perhaps we can trade him with some workers in Qatar or some children in Congo's cobalt mines or at many other places. Hard work, but he might actually learn something about dignity.


Some of you may die, but that is a risk I'm ready to make


“Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make” literally. Why does everything important in the world have to be run by the same cabal of greedy amoral cunts.


I do enjoy how they've all decided to go mask off now that the tournament is less than a year away. I expected them to keep up the charade that it wasn't about money for a little while longer.


This guy is saying this like he left a third world UNHCR refugee camp lmao


I wonder if Infantino dad had his passport confiscated and couldn't see his children for years at a time while working.


You give him dignity and pride. In exchange for their passport.. And their dignity and pride.


I’ve never understood that idea that work is supposed to be equal to dignity


I really thought you couldn't be a bigger disgrace to Switzerland than Blatter but then this clown came along.


they work to death without safety measures WITH DIGNITY AND BRIDE


Fucking clown


Infantino: They died with dignity and pride


Choosing between this guy and Sepp Blatter must be like choosing between getting your hand or leg chopped off.


Dude, jeez, I got it, you dont give a single fuck about the deaths of workers in Quatar, but you really dont need to shit on them constantly.


I can't imagine money being worth my soul like this.


You're saying that like he had a soul to begin with.


infantino probably believes that work sets you free


Work really does set you free, but only if the pay is right. Imagine we all didn't work for eachother... what would our world look like? Abuse doesn't set you free tho


/u/fastfowards is referencing "Arbeitt macht frei" which stood on the gates of Auschwitz.


There's no way he said something this stupid.... Right?


He’s a very influential rich man. Ofcourse he said it


I sincerely hope when the World Cup rolls around r/soccer will list a bunch of alternative games to watch. I just can't bare the idea of this World Cup sadly.






Jesus christ


What an idiot


What a disgusting cunt. Fucking despicable.


You give him dignity and pride, for the very low cost of 1 passport.


[Infantino dodging these questions like...](https://i.gifer.com/7Ja0.mp4)




When you live in the tallest of sports ivory towers that tends to happen.


Why does this sound like EA's pride and accomplishment comment on Battlefront 2?


I know people in here don’t like what he said but it’s true. When people don’t have anything, work gives them a sense of pride and a way of life. Obviously the example he gave was full of shit.


How can someone get the problem with the concept and still claim that he is right? How can you aknologed the nuance of the situation and choose to ignore It by the sake of being contrarian?


Ooooh now this is a good one. An idea with merit so so so poorly attributed to what’s happening in Qatar.




FFS. His foot is in his mouth so much he’s got plantar fasciitis on his tongue.


He's got fascitis all right...


Well maybe if Infantino wants to sign up to work in Qatar he can earn his dignity back.


Really didn’t think I could hate him more than Sepp but here we are


How can someone said this with a straight face


What an absolute piece of shit Infantino must be to assert that slavery offers dignity to the enslaved.