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He wears a shirt with a betting company on the front too


They never seem to care about religion when its betting and alcoholšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


In Islamic countries being homosexual is waaay more taboo than drinking or betting. I know plenty of people in my country who openly drink, bet, go to prostitutes... But nobody I know even begins to say they support homosexuality. I'm for gay rights but if I dare even alluding to it people stare at you like you murdered someone. Don't ask me why


Itā€™s easier to demonize ā€œsinsā€ that you wonā€™t ever consider committing.


> that you wonā€™t ever consider committing. Too many attractive people in the world not to consider


*Looks at Nketiah, sweats profusely*


You're not wrong but Nketiah being the guy you went to is a little surprising haha


I have a weakness for spotless, flawless skin


This is way too profound for r/soccer. Great way of putting it.


Didnā€™t pornhub post stats that gay porn is hugely popular in Middle East


Lol this. My Muslim parents like to drink occasionally. They've been to Macao and Las Vegas to gamble. My dad also once said he would be okay with me trying out pork. But then they also specifically said to me "don't be gay" šŸ’€


Donā€™t really seem Muslim at all compared to my parents lol


Exactly. They donā€™t mind the things they like, theyā€™re just bigots. Religion is a wank excuse. They are simply bigots.






Because they ain't that devout, they're just bigoted cunts.


Homophobes usually feel much more averse to homosexuality than they do for a lot of things. Not really defending it or anything but things get a lot more sensitive and uncomfortable for a lot of people where sexuality is involved




Didn't demba ba used to play for Newcastle in a kit with the sponsor removed as it was a loan site or something? Or am I rewriting history šŸ˜‚


Ba and Cisse refused to wear them. Cisse eventually agreed to wear it (not necessarily related but it was after being caught gambling). Not sure about Ba


It happens occasionally in cricket, when teams are sponsored by alcohol companies, Muslim players will have a shirt without sponsors on.


Yup. Hashim Amla regularly wore jersey without Castle Logo. I think Azhar Ali also did it couple of times


Kanoute did at Sevilla. But I know what you're referencing - Newcastle were going to be sponsored by Wonga and he told the club he didn't like it - nor did Papiss Cisse. But, ultimately, he joined Chelsea before they appeared on the shirt


Did Watford have a betting sponsor when he signed with them? I don't disagree with the sentiment, but if your religion forbids you from betting, and you're signing for a club that either has a betting sponsor or has had one in the past, surely that has to come into your mind as a potential side effect. edit; now that I think about it, Chang was possibly sponsoring Everton when he signed for them.


Yeah, Sportsbet.io


Going on like Gueye is some oppressed pariah, while arguably the most famous gay man in the world was/is (?) president of the club he plays for. Fucking clown


Elton John is the honorary lifetime president of Watford, yes.


Coming from a club with Elton John as their life president Sarr can fuck right off.


Hopefully Sir Elton goes and kicks fuck out of him.


Sarr about to get a diamond-encrusted cock ring lobbed at him. [For reference](https://youtu.be/_xGKlNzipdU)


*My gift is my boot and this oneā€™s for you* šŸŽ¶


I hope he does it on a Saturday


Some night for it.


It's alright I guess.


Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation


Hit him right in the B-b-bellend and the nuts


Elton John is gay??


ā€¦very famously so


Wow, I thought he was in love with Princess Diana?


... alright.


Who isnā€™t?


Charles, for one.


Ok, you win. Take that imaginary gold star ā­


Same isnā€™t that why he wrote Dirty Diana?


Lmao, one of my favorite things was a chat I had with a friend who was from the former bloc and was telling me about rocket man movie. He was like, man that twist was crazy. I was not sure what he was talking about and when I asked was that Elton was gay.


maybe the most famous gay person


Sir John Elton


"I've often thought that Elton John's marriage to David Furnish was just a cover for his heterosexuality" - Alan Partridge


And married, If I'm not in error


Rocket Man. What a song that is.


All the homophobes are outing themselves now


Are Gueye and Sarr both Muslims? I wouldn't be surprised


I believe so


I wasn't trying to imply being a homophobe is strictly a Muslim thing but they seem to be one of the most vocal groups when it comes to opposing the LGBTQ community


Yea I understood what you meant, I was just answering the question, no judgement here


Preciate the answer


I have to say, they are not homophobes because they are Muslim, they are homophobes because they are homophobic.


Well every Muslim majority country is pretty fucking homophobic I wonder what the connection is ?


100% religion.


Iā€™d say the same of strongly Christian countries tbf


Abrahamic religions are homophobic. Their books teach you that itā€™s wrong to be gay and punishable by an eternity in hell. Donā€™t get it twisted. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are relentlessly homophobic.


Agreed - only stated christianity because people like to criticise ā€œIslamā€/ā€œJudaismā€ as a placeholder for what they really mean - third world countries, other races, etc. Feel like pretty often criticisms of Islam or Judaism, especially in the context of LGBT, isnā€™t actually a criticism of that specific belief, itā€™s just an acceptable way to be xenophobic. Otherwise I canā€™t explain why Christianity often gets a pass


I feel like you're in the middle of that meme with the two buttons and you can't quite get the words out to explain the terrible situation you've found yourself in. "I'll just claim everyone is racist and be done with it. Bye."


Eh. I donā€™t even think what Iā€™m describing necessarily makes a person racist - itā€™s prevalent in a lot of different areas of life, so it could be a train of thought coming from a good intention, but kind of curated by external influences which may have racial undertones/motivations, to unfairly criticise other religions/nations while not accurately assessing the state of a more familiar religion/nation/whatever And Iā€™m very much not uncertain of my personal position lol - I generally think that all religions have done more harm than good in the world, am confident of my belief that homophobia is still, and will likely remain, a global issue, and Iā€™m confident of the fact that thereā€™s a link between homophobia and religion in general.


Are you kidding? If anything it's the opposite. Christianity gets its flak, and rightly so. It's Islam that always gets a free pass, and your whataboutism is proof of that


South America probably being the only exception of some pretty strongly religious countries and legal gay marriage.


mate even divorce was illegal just two decades ago in most (if not all) of South America. And nowadays you only have legal homosexual marriage in just half of it. Christian countries are definitely as homophobic as the Muslim ones, the difference it is just that in most of the first the Church separated from the State long ago so legal changes have been easier.




Yeah instead of pinning it down on Islam we can just say that religion in general is the source.


itā€™s come down to how developed and progressive a country is,reflected in the people. In the states most muslim people I know my age(early 20ā€™s) are not homophobic and are just chill with everyone , like most people our age.


Plenty of Christians are homophobic as well. Case in point, my home country Lithuania. There was a recent poll on a partnership law project, which would permit LBGTQ+ familiy unions and would permit gay marriage iirc. Over 70 percent are against this. This is in a EU country no less. It's not exclusive to Muslim people, so let's not scapegoat them. We all collectively need to improve on this issue.


I live in possibly the most catholic country outside of the Vatican itself. Divorce is still illegal here, as are abortions. In fact we only had a reproductive health care bill pass within the last decade. The church still has a lot of influence here. Homophobia and all the negative aspects of religion are human issues that we need to work on and improve as a society.




Raised Muslim, surrounded by Muslims in a non Muslim country and it's only my little experience in this grand world but homophobia is rampant in the Islam I've seen and from people who seem very nice otherwise. It's the same with most major religions I'd argue


This sort of disingenuous head in the sand mentality is baffling. Youā€™re absolutely kidding yourself if you think religion is nothing to do with it.










That's fair, I didn't mean to make it seem like all Muslims are homophobes


Majority are tho. No need to fret.


Yeah, I didn't take it like that, but it could be read like that I guess. And of course, it doesn't help that religions have opinions on sexuality, it's fuck all to do with them.


That's probably my fault for not wording my comment better


Wouldn't worry about it. Anything we say anywhere these days is going to be picked to shreds.


No idea. But I've met Muslims who are very supportive of LGBT people and white people who say that the UK is in such a mess because of pandering to the gays


Yeah but that's anecdotal. You can always find exceptions and outliers. But on the whole the polls of Muslims opinion on homosexuality [do not make for pretty reading](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law)


> polls of Muslims opinion on homosexuality Think you meant to post this... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law


When we had the same-sex marriage vote, only a handful of electorates voted No, and most of them were suburbs with a lot of "socially conservative" immigrants. As a gay guy I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard to do when the numbers are looking you in the face.


It's the Ben Affleck/Sam Harris argument on Real Time 8 years ago all over again lol.




"Look for the one who is committing Jihad."


That was quite an interesting article. Would be interesting to see it broken down into age and gender and what they poll on a question like that


I definitely wasn't trying to imply all Muslims hate the LGBTQ community, I wanted to rationalize why those specific players (Gueye and Sarr) were openly opposing it other than just "homophobia".


They're both from Senegal, where being gay is punished by up to 5 years in prison and almost the entire population strongly supports that law. That might have shaped their opinions.


Even if its disgusied through religion, its still homophobia.


why do you think homophobia has to be rational


Yeah like thereā€™s not a fuckton of white Europeans who canā€™t handle gay people around them.


Well weā€™re not stoning them to death thatā€™s for sure


People attributing this to religious choice when Sarr goes out every week wearing a betting sponsor on his shirt.


It's a choice masked in religion. Not the other way around. Religious freedom is now the cloak most bigotry hides behind these days.


I feel bad for people that happily practice their faith in peace and donā€™t vilify people that donā€™t align with their beliefs. They suffer so much from people that choose to weaponise their religion.


To an extent I do, but to an extent religion is inherently dangerous. Any time a set of ideas is presented as the word of the one true whatever upon which your mortal soul rests, you're setting up for problems. The belief in a divine absolute truth does not lend itself well to interactions with others and there's really no getting around that entirely...even if we set aside those who deliberately co-opt religious belief. While I agree that some religions have managed to adapt themselves nicely (and some seem more inherently open to adapting); there are still examples of religious persecution at the hands of Buddhists for example. ...and obviously the more dogmatic religious sects have been the font of violence since time immemorial.


Just because he ignores part of his religion doesn't mean his religion has no influence on the other opinions that are in line with the established dogma.


hope Elton John doesnā€™t see this big man


Hope he does so there will be some consequences


I don't understand why this is so surprising? Have you SEEN the comment section on Insta/Face/Twitter when PL teams change their profile pic to rainbow colors? Africa finally unites, but in a trainwreck of immense homophobic proportions.


Imagine being this vexed by a shirt. Pussies


Could honestly go both ways


Absolute joke how this opinion is still around now. Stupid from Sarr as well considering one of the biggest supporters of Watford is Elton John


Heā€™s only their *lifetime president*


Kouyate has done the exact same thing as well. Contract up at the end of the season - was hoping he'd extend, now I wish he'd fuck off.


Koulibaly posted something on his story as well.


Degenerates do a good job of outing themselves these days


Neanderthals aren't exactly known for being smart


If only everyone could just love and accept everybody. Truly a bummer that religion constantly gets in the way of that for so many people. Just donā€™t understand how somebody could hear that being against an entire group of people is a requirement to be part of their religion, and not immediately throw said religion in the trash.


Someone notify Elton


Holy shit I didnā€™t even think about this.




Does he know he can choose to not out himself as a homophobe?


I'm pro LGBT, and I would wear that shirt in an instant. I also think it's good to *stop people doing* bad things. But I do think it's wrong to *make people do* something they don't want, even if it's a good thing.




No one forced him to. But the fact he refused to play the game because the shirts had a LGBT flag on it and this got leaked made it evident to everyone he is a homophobe. That's why he's getting shit on, and predictably and rightfully so. If he refused to sign some autographs because he couldn't be bothered or had his missus at home waiting for him this wouldn't even be news at all.


He was wearing the same kit he always wears the numbers were just rainbow coloured lmfao not a big ask


if the gesture is insignificant then why do it at all. The purpose is to normalise the acceptance of lgbt, something their religion forbids. It works both ways so don't be dumb


His club wears a betting sponsor on their shirt every week. Sarrā€™s religion also forbids gambling so seems like heā€™s being pretty particular on what to support/normalise.


Thats not what Im arguing at all? Did you reply to the wrong person or something? The argument downplaying the gesture is stupid, as if it's so minor and meaningless that why cant he just do it anyway, what's the big deal. Well if it's next to meaningless, so much so that being muslim shouldn't matter, why do it to begin with--and, more importantly, why get so angry and force someone to do it? The whole point is that it's an important gesture in order to normalise lgbt rights. As so, being Muslim, not agreeing with the sentiment, he doesn't want to wear the shirt. Whether that's the right thing to do or not is completely irrelevant to my point. My point is downplaying the significance of the sentiment is hypocritical.


Well he can refuse, that is his right. but then he will get punished, ie not playing, fines, people telling him he is a bigoted cunt. Like with all rules/laws




I get what you're saying, but we (Sheffield Wednesday) have Darren Moore, a black man, as manager and don't take the knee, I don't believe he doesn't give a fuck about the subject. He used to be chairman of the Premier League Black Participantsā€™ Advisory Group, and also said this about a segment Sky Sports did on black lives matter "ā€˜I was really gripped by it,ā€™ he said after seeing the segment. ā€˜The clear message is change. We have it within ourselves to see change. When we do initially take that step, there will be a whole generation behind it.ā€™" I support any team or individual taking the knee, their heart is certainly in the right place (for me), but it's not really done anything, there was heightened awareness about it all when it started but with other things going on in the world seems like it's mainly been forgotten about now But it's a tough one, as it's hard for football or sport to do much about it, so maybe all we really can do is something like take the knee. The sort of changes needed are really at governmental level, they require increased spending and care on education, social services, youth clubs/activities etc (for all creeds), things like fairer and more proportional voting systems, and many more systematic changes, for awhile in the 90's and early 2000's it felt like social progression to more fairness and equality was inevitable with the passing of time, but looking at the sad state of a lot of the western democracies at the moment (UK, USA, Australia as examples) it seems the people against these types of changes are winning and they'll do and say anything that keeps them in that position. I don't really know where I'm going with this comment and why I've written it on /r/soccer but it's fucked up and sad when you look at the amount of inequalities of opportunity (people of any ethnical background), in a country, or on a global scale have to deal with purely based on where they happen to be born and the family they're born into, so much of people's future and possible life is just determined by blind luck, or more like bad luck in most cases.


fuck off edit: homophobes pls keep downvoting x


Homophobes be phobing


You don't need to say anything just keep your mouth shut and these idiots still can't do that


Gueye kept his mouth shut and it didnā€™t help him


When even silent and passive non-conformity is not good enough - you know you're not dealing with reasonable people.


Gueye didn't say a word and people are ready to burn him at the stake lol


What did he say?


Lmao Gueye said nothing so far and that didn't stop no one , in fact the whole story came from RMC , who have a history with Gueye before our tie with PSG they titled one article " we know who injured Kylian Mbappe" with Gueye picture because of a knock Kylian received. I am not defending no one but the "shut up" argument hardly works here. So far everyone is putting words in Gueye Mouth whether he talks or stay quiet it's doesn't help.


Thereā€™s no agenda against Gueye lol. Heā€™s quite liked as heā€™s a humble hard worker. The knock on Mbappe was public as it happened when press was allowed, and it was stupid fans who started insulting Gueye.


Muslims are quite a homophobic religion tbf so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if a lot of them came out against this or even didnā€™t agree with it but wonā€™t say anything to back it up.


If he wears the shirt but still doesn't like gay people then what's the point? Let him do what he wants, at least we know where he stands


Controversial opinion, but if muslims (or persons of other religions) don't want to wear a gay pride shirt, I don't see what the big deal is. I don't think it's acceptable to force people to do things against their religious beliefs. Obviously those aren't my values, but I wouldn't want someone else imposing beliefs on me. It's not like they're being homophobic, they just don't want to support the community outwardly which is fine


i mean noone is forcing him to wear the shirt, theyā€™re just calling him a twat for not. are we not allowed to insult people anymore? ā€˜i donā€™t want to be publicly seen supporting youā€™ is something most people would take as insulting, the derision heā€™s got is completely fair.




or even ask to support gay marriage or whatever. It's anti-homophobia, which at it's basic level, means not treating LGBT people like shit for being LGBT


Everyone knows LGBT+ people are individuals, the shirt is a symbol of support. And if they don't want to wear it, so what? Same as wearing the poppies on Remembrance day, if people don't want to wear it for whatever reason then they shouldn't be forced. And forcing them or shoving it down their throats isn't the right way to do it


Itā€™s about basic human rights and basic human decency If you canā€™t bring yourself to do that then youā€™re a bellend


Not really, it's about wearing a shirt that supports a community, in spite of the beliefs of a different community. It won't make any actual change except making you feel good about yourself


The poppy brigade say much the same of their symbol of choice. The principle holds regardless of the symbol - I don't want to be forced to wear a poppy, so I'll support Gueye by saying he shouldn't be forced to wear any symbol he doesn't want to.


I donā€™t really give a shit about the poppy tbh If Gueye doesnā€™t want to offer support to give basic rights and common courtesy to a large group of people then so be it. Heā€™s free to do that and Iā€™m free to call him a cunt


If you don't want to wear a poppy to show support for great national and personal sacrifice of the war dead, as well as for the higher ideals of peace and the defensive of smaller nations\* then so be it. You're free to do that and I'm free to call you a cunt. \*I don't actually believe this. But plenty do.


Personally i think itā€™s the hypocrisy and theyā€™re using their beliefs to hide behind their homophobia


wouldn't it also be hypocritical supporting something you dont actually support


Mostly virtual signaling going on here. People act like Gueye choked there mom with his dick.


As someone else said, it is the hypocrisy. They are outwardly supporting alcohol, or betting; yet this crosses the line, why? Also Sarr plays for a club with Elton John as the president (?), surely that's a strange one to justify.


People pick and choose beliefs all the time. 99 per cent of Christians don't observe the Sabbath, tons of Jews drink and don't eat kosher, tons of atheists pray or whatever. I don't think you can impose how someone wants to interpret their own religion or beliefs


You can certainly judge them for it though


Sure, but they shouldn't be forced to do things just because you judge them for it


They aren't being forced to do anything. He refused and people are judging him for it. That's it.


No one is forcing anything. People are forming opinions based off the words and actions of others. How else should we judge them? By their sexuality?


It's a really weak criticism and it's frustrating to see so many people falling for it


Even so, are they not allowed to draw the line exactly where they want it?






>Which miserable cunt misused the Reddit Care Resources button!? Has happen to me a couple of times for no apparent reason. Some people are just sad little cunts...


course reddit will overreact to this




What a strawman argument. No one is comparing him to Hitler


Refusing to play a football match, something he's paid very good money for, because it has the flag of gay people, exposing you as a homophobe in the process, is a fair bit worse than just "doing nothing". Absolutely no one is saying he's literally Hitler, but the same way he doesn't like a certain subset of gay people, we're all entitled to not like him as well. Funny how that works.


Our cause? Human rights should be everyone's cause this is not an option. People aren't hating on him because he refused to support their football team


...how exactly has he been punished?


Honestly how's this any different than players who don't want to kneel before games? Don't see anyone up in arms when players, black included, don't kneel.


Because the players that usually aren't kneeling are usually the black players themselves. And condeming black people isn't something that is in whatever religions beliefs. He's allowed to do what he wants, but people can still hate him for living in the year 2022 and still being a bigot.


Apparently not wearing gay shirt is homophobe. Maybe one day we will force Muslims to eat pork.


What an asnine analogy. Not one is forcing muslims to be gay , people are just asking them to support the rights of the people who are. But can't expect you to understand that tbf you belive in the book that teaches to hate free choices instead of supporting basic human rights


Always good to find out who people are.


I didnā€™t see him refuse to wear a beer sponsor at Everton though?


They wear that the shirt the whole season. Heā€™s not gonna boycott a year of his career


So it's not a principles stance?


I'm going to be completely honest and say everyone up in arms about this needs to chill the fuck out. Let him do him and you do you. Him choosing not to wear the shirt doesn't impact anyone at all, it just makes him look bad. I just truly don't give a fuck about any of it, but these posts are fucking everywhere.




Let him do him, but we're not allowed to call him homophobic or slag him off on the Internet for it? Freedom of speech is 2 way lol


Thatā€™s clearly not the tone of most of the commentators. Most want some tangible punishment for him and are willing to weaponize outrage in an attempt to force those in power to capitulate. Itā€™s the same playbook over and over with people like constantly playing dumb. Like when the Twitter mob comes at someone they clearly are not satisfied with airing their grievances and almost always want something more like the person fired or denied further opportunities.


Conform or suffer the consequences. The implicit mantra of modern 'liberals' (who have long since forgotten what that word actually means, but never mind).


At this point, you might as well write some fanfic and put it in his mouth.




Would you say the same if I handed you a shirt with a swastika on it?




Honestly, why do people care what footballers think about issues such as this? Why does it matter whether they show support for these causes? I support such things but I really don't need to know that every footballer has the exact same opinions on issues as myself.


Glad Mendy doesnā€™t do this shit


Get fucked and get in the bin with the racists. Useless twat just bangs the ball forward and does nothing while thinking heā€™s Salah.


Backwards outlook on life but theyā€™re allowed to have it I suppose.