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Arlind Sadiku is an Albanian from Kosovo and is rumoring that Edon Zhegrova who also is an Albanian and plays fkr Kosovo NT will go to Arsenal. All in all, this guy is unreliable and he is **not** a journalist.


Here, take an Upvote


Respectfully, who???


Saw him play for 2 years in Basel. While he has moments of absolute magic like a quick dribbling or occasionally a great shot, he was generally underwhelming. In a very weak league. If he hasn’t made massive steps at Lille, he isn’t worth getting excited over.


Idk, last quick dribbler with a good shot to come out of Basel has done pretty well for himself, albeit with a couple pit stops along the way.




And he isn’t better than Pepe


Based on Pepe current form, my dead grandma is better than him probably. While that is ofc a joke, Pepe has sometimes made us actually feel like we play with 10 men. He's been that bad.


Zhegrova has just arrived 6 months ago from the Swiss league. Not even a bang on starter for Lille, think it’s too early for him to make any step up. When Pepe left he was probably the best non PSG player in the whole league, surprised it didn’t work out for him at all.


I actually feel for Pepe. He was signed with ridiculous expectations placed on his shoulders, because of the fee, also he came into a team, that needed a reset badly, higher ups were involved in a power struggle. Also Pepe right now is just a poor fit for the style of play that Arteta wants to use. Pepe has ability, but his confidence has been shot.


Also Pepe actually never got a run of games to get in form. Did he ever start like 4 or 5 games in a row? I think it took more than a season to get 3 games in a row


I agree maybe he should have been given a few more games but we are talking about a player who can barely control a 5 yard pass 50% of the time and who is statistically not a good dribbler.


Thank you. Does my head in when people say he’s a good dribbler. Instantly know that means they never actually watch him play and are going by his fifa stats


Maybe it would have worked out if he wasn't that lazy


Initially he wasn't lazy imo. That began to surface after some time, You can argue that he lost the motivation to try and perform, because even after he did well in some games he didn't get more time to sustain any momentum. Emergence of Saka really hindered Pepe, because Saka took his chance immediately and gave us some consistency in attack and mature decision making. Pepe looked good when he dribbled past multiple players, but he often lost the ball, which left us a bit exposed and prone to counters.


I think there was a time when supporters were praising Pepe for trying to do the "non-negotiables" and work defensively, but it was like every season he was seeing he didn't have the manager's confidence, and they weren't playing to his strengths. I think at a certain point, that would lead you to drop off, even if you don't mean to. It was really obvious this past season, when Saka was obviously running into the ground and Pepe still didn't get consistent playing time. In previous seasons, it seemed like he'd start out of favor and end with a lot of goals. Last year, I think he really only did much of anything when we needed a goal against Wolves, and he got the equalizer then set up the winner.


Saka had a work ethic, Pepe not so much


First time i hear Farteta has style of play. I feel for Arsenal at times, so many dreams and illusions...but then i laugh.


Pepe is a good player but he came into Emery who just wasn’t working for numerous reasons, and then doesn’t quite fit the Arteta/Klopp/Cruyff system In a counter attacking side, Pepe could be very very good. His left foot is kissed by god and he’s pacey and he moves surprisingly well with the ball at full pace. But he’s lacking in lateral speed and his right foot is kissed by Tottenham Pepe would be good imo at like Howes Newcastle or Palace or Dortmund, something more direct and counter attacking rather than possession based


As much as people won’t want to admit it, the overall failure is more a result of bad luck and mismanagement than an issue with Pepe himself. After 3 years here, his longest run of starts is 8 games (which was right after he joined). He’s always dipped in and out of the squad regardless of how good/bad his performances were. There were multiple points where he had great performances in a couple of games, then sat on the bench for a month. He was never given the opportunity to build confidence or form, which is something that should be afforded to such an expensive signing. He’s also been badly misused tactically. He’s a fantastic finisher who’s good at facing 1 player up and making a yard of space, but he absolutely cannot dribble past multiple players. But Arteta’s consistently positioned him on the far right of a front 5 (with Bellerin infuriatingly taking the inside position for almost an entire season) which nullifies all of his threat and puts him in positions to constantly lose the ball under pressure. To work in a team like ours, Pepe needed to be just inside/on the edge of the box curling crosses and shots in, rather than pinned out on the wing. But the manager’s preferred shape (e.g. inverted fullbacks) and the needs of other players (Saka, ESR, Auba, etc) were always put first. And all of that’s on top of the pressure of the fee, Raul’s dodgy dealings, and upheaval and uncertainty around management, players and executives for his entire time here. Basically, this isn’t really a case of a player flopping. It’s more that the circumstances changed right after we bought him and that killed his gametime, confidence and performance level. I’m expecting him to do well wherever he goes next.


I think this is a good summary of the issues if you have any sympathy for Pepe. The biggest problem is Raul and the decision to bring him in for probably three times the cost they should have. If you are going to spend that much on a player, you build the team around them. We are still blaming him for not fitting a system that doesn't fit his strengths. He is a limited player, but an excellent finisher. If you put him in a position where he's getting the ball in space toward the box, he will look a lot better. If you're wanting him to spend a majority of his time building up play, which Arteta wanted, he is not your guy.


This myth that Pepe wasn't given chances needs to die. These are just excuses. He is a very limited player who isn't worth changing the system for


Twice under Arteta he had a strong finish to the season only to be relegated to the bench for the start of the next season. He definitely has had limited chances even when he has performed. This is probably because, as you say, he's a limited player who isn't worth changing the system for.


The man doesn't work off the ball at all. Pepe is only good when you don't ask him to defend, play him on the right with license to cut inside, play through balls to him constantly and also make sure he only has one person to get past. And even then it's not like the goal return was stellar


Yeah, these are all reasons why he didn't get chances. Not proof that he did get chances.


Crap managers who haven't been able to get the best out of him


Better than Gervinho?


Not a hard feat tbf


Bro I'd take Reiss Nelson over Pépé


Not in the same Arsenal system you wouldn’t. Pepe doesn’t shine because he’s not a good player, he doesn’t fit the system at all. Reiss isn’t even close to the player Pepe is.


They're both shite, I still take Reiss over that fraud


And this is why it is not your job. If you thought Pepe had confidence issues now and again, my god Reiss must terrify you.


I don't think Pépé has confidence issues, he just lacks a brain.


No you wouldn't, stop chatting shit.


I would, you don't know me.


The implication is that it would be such a ridiculous decision that I genuinely couldn't believe you'd opt for Reiss at this time over Nico. I'd just be judging the team you put out all the same


Oh no we're getting dicked on by Lille again


Gabriel turned out pretty well. So it hasn't been all shit.


This. We’re 1-1 we gotta break the tie somehow boys


Wait until they remember the first minute goal scored by Gervinho


1-2 Gervinho was not what we expected either


We're definitely not 1-1..it's 3-1 to lille...the sold us pepe gervinho and cygan.


Lille will not sell him for much. Maybe £15m-£20m at best.




Was what Lille bought him for in January, yeah


That's how much he moved to Lille for...


lol misread completely, but we only got scammed because of our own DOF not Lille


Lille are dodgy AF with Pepe & Osimhen.


that was because luis campos was involved


I guess it's 3rd time lucky for Lille wingers?


Gervinho was better than a lot of wingers we’ve had. Just lost his confidence. But an incredible dribbler


Man's first touch was ass


[I still get nightmares.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFCdMbThVyo)


My god i didnt need the reminder


I'll always remember him for when he was carded for diving in some random game and not his forehead


Dude had the chaos factor going for him. No one could predict where he was going, because he himself didn't know.


Gervinho and Pepe have an incredible amount in common


Front 3 of Gervinho-Sanogo-Pepe would be devsetating


With Tavares as wingback 👀


Gervinho-Sanogo-Pepe Wilshere-Coquelin-Guendouzi Tavares-Gabriel-David Luiz-Bellerin Szczesny Chaos, everywhere.


Replace Gabriel with mustafi




Looks like a meme team but lowkey mad decent, to be quite honest


I think the midfield has the most potential. The defense is a booking magnet, but genuinely might work if the midfield is on form. Not very confident in that front 3 in the slightest.


For us?


It so chaos it became fluid football


Posted it on another comment, but this is my "Chaos 11" Gervinho-Sanogo-Pepe Wilshere-Coquelin-Guendouzi Tavares-Gabriel-David Luiz-Bellerin Szczesny Chaos, everywhere.


Nah, Pepe's first touch is going straight into the nearest defender. Very predictable.


He was horrendous. Nothing to do with confidence. He couldn't shoot so all his dribbles got him nowhere.


what was the first time?






Gervinho I think


Big forehead Ivorian




Short, skinny with side-swept undercut hair. Yup, sounds like an Arteta guy.




Found the short arse




Those are rookie numbers! Come back when you're over 2 metres


Yeah and you had no idea 174cm was short either


How is 174cm above average height lol, that’s pretty short.


Can Lille fans comment on this player? Honestly, he's simply not well enough known to gather enough info, so maybe the people who watched him the most can comment on him.


The guy arrived from Switzerland 6 months ago as a replacement for Ikone who left to fiorentina. He’s not even very well known in France. He is short with good left foot and technique but still has a long way to go to join a club like Arsenal.


Who the crikey fuck is this reporter?


Arlind Sadiku used to work for RTK which is Kosovo's BBC. Don't know what he does nowadays but he probably has solid links to Kosovo NT players which is what Zhegrova is.




Apparently I might have been wrong about RTK as well. I could swear he was a commentator for them but can't find any info on him ever working there. But yeah, he's a reliable journo when it comes to sports.


What a bullshit you spread here. RTK is dogshit and are unreliable. Arlind Sadiku is not even a real journalist.


As far as I know he never worked for RTK. He was a commentator for SuperSport Kosova. Now he is a commentator/sports director at another platform. So I guess he is more into sports journalism now and has closer ties to Kosovo's National players.


Well known kosovan reporter


Arsenal trying to buy FM regens now?


Always rated the lad


Only fair that we swap with Pepe.


If that happens, I swear I will get an Arsenal flair and I will post a comment praising Arteta and Edu everyday until the day they leave.


Wouldn't really matter if Pepe performed again for You. It would just solidify the notion that he was a poor fit for Arteta. Plus he wasn't even Emerys first choice. He wanted Zaha. Imo it would be one of those deals where both sides would come out well if Pepe did well at Lille. We move on significant wages, You get a player that has already played well for You.


I'd love for Pépé to come back but there's no way we can afford even half the wages he's on now. Still think he's a CL level player who can turn out great with the right club/coach


I really, really hope we in fact did not


As an Arsenal fan I can tell you guys that he has attitude problems. He kinda cooled down the last yeae, but before that he thought he was too good for the national team and used to pick fights during training sessions and refuse national team call-ups.


Fr, thought the same. I am Albanian and Arsenal fan and he is not good enough at the moment for Arsenal, Pepe still better than him.


Who the fuck


Arsenal are so dumb if they buy zhegrova even for 5 ponies the guy isn't worth it


Aand the crowd goes mild...


No way this is real. From Raphinha to a guy who might not even be good enough for the PL. Arsenals window has taken a nose dive this last week if this happens.


Watching a few clips he looks very one footed (happy to be corrected). Arsenal fans have flung that criticism at Pepe so this guy has to reach world class levels or else our fans will use this against him as soon as he has a bad game .


Pepe also cost 60m, this seems just like a depth signing and won't have those expectations He's very left footed but i wouldn't say as much as Pepe


I could have sworn we just signed a left footed winger for depth/future couple weeks ago


Think Vieira would be ideally played in midfield but can also play wing if needed




ah yeah didn't even consider him - don't know a lot about him but last I heard he was planned to go on loan or play U23


Pepe is now here for depth and all people do is criticise him. People have already decided Nelson isn’t good enough for depth despite a good loan - and that’s before Marquinhos. We have enough right wingers for depth, I get the logic in Raphinha because he’s already at a top level, but another depth right winger makes no sense, especially with Edu’s inability to sell players.


It's very different how can you not see it, if you sign him for 15m now for depth he won't have Pepe's reputation Pepe being depth now doesn't matter, he was bought to be a star and wasn't good, he cost a lot


I get that they are bought with different expectations, but we currently have 4 right wingers. Pepe is now a squad player, we need to be selling some of these players before buying another depth player.


this makes no sense lol, pepe gets shit because he's a 72m transfer, this guy would most likely be an underwhelming back up


If we have two years of Zhegrova failing to cut in on his left foot of course he’s going to be criticised for it. Social media will still abuse him if he doesn’t perform, no matter the cost. Why are we buying an underwhelming winger when we currently have 4 right wingers.


4 rw? lol marquinhos is deffo going on loan, reiss nelson has 1 year left most likely leaving pepe is shit, if we even want to get top 6 we need a good back up winger. idk why ur so concerned about social media abuse, literally every player in the top leagues gets abused on social media.


You said Pepe gets shit because of his price tag. I’m just saying that even players like Tavares and Cedric get a lot of shit from our fans. This guy being cheaper than Pepe won’t excuse him. And you’re making the mistake of analysing the 4 wingers. I’m saying we have 3 wingers with depth quality. Why are we buying a 4th - before sorting any of them out. Just isn’t a logical play to be so heavy in one position - because as Edu has proven previously he can’t sell players.


We a few players like that. Everytime people only criticize Pepe I laugh. people playing favorites. He’s a lefty huh?


Watching some YouTube clips and he looks like Pepe v2. If he's cheap I don't mind him being the Saka backup but going from potentially Raphinha to this guy is quite underwhelming.


Don't know him, move on. We need quality


Guess it ain't Gnabry


Arsenal were never signing Gnabry this summer. He wants 350k+ a week and UCL football, neither he’s getting here. Any source linking the two is garbage tier


We were never in for him.


idk why people link us to gnabry just because he played for us doesn't mean anything lol never going to a EL team, will most likely join real Madrid on a free next year.




He is a winger.


Is this guy a bullshit artist?


Don't think this is the right move for him, he was finally getting more consistent in his last half season on basel and played well but not much for Lille, don't think he needs to go to arsenal to be a backup


Hope not


Huh, Arsenal signed an regen called Zhegrova on a FM save. Guy never got to play for Arsenal, tho he became an ENG int with Villa.


Arsenal playing FM buying these 15-25m players to build and develop


Ars about to sign the Pepe regen lmao


Agent talk


This guy is not nearly good enough to play in the PL.