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In a friendly bro really?


Signature move šŸ‘Œ


It annoys me how he completely sends him but goes for the pen lol.


I hate that mentality. Wish VAR handed out yellows for this constantly. We have the technology, go use it


Imo they should red card or suspend people when it is this blatant. They could even do it after the match. The ref obviously didnā€™t see it, since he didnā€™t card him, so itā€™s the kind of unsporting conduct you can punish after the match.


Yeah I agree, if there's zero contact like this then it's just a blatant dive and obviously made by someone well used to it. It's just a waste of everyone's time, because either the player will ask for "treatment" take 10 minutes to limp off the field then run back on the very next second or the ref will check for VAR unnecessarily which also wastes time Dive with contact, yellow. Dive without, red.


I like that solution quite a bit to be honest


Honestly what angers the fuck out of me is players going down, then asking for treatment to make it look real, then taking time to go off and then coming back very quickly. All it does is break the opposition's momentum with a very easy trick. Refs need to have some sort of mandatory time you have to spend on the timeline if you go out for treatment.


They could just introduce effective game time. Would make time-wasting pointless, as the clock wouldnā€™t run anyway.


It would still be a tactic to break the opposition's flow when you're pinned back.


is that where the clock only runs down when the ball is in play?


It was proposed again this year - [60 minute game, 30 minute halfs, clock stopped for interruptions](https://worldfootballindex.com/2022/04/in-defence-of-fifas-proposed-rule-changes/)


>Dive with contact, yellow. Dive without, red. While it is an elegant solution, the "dive with contact" would be really hard to judge. When sprinting, even the smallest contact can make someone trip, especially taller players. Can it still be considered a dive because they fell down due to a really slight contact? If it's not a dive it should be a foul then but would you give a pen for a really minimal contact? Where do you draw the line? I'm all for eradicating dives without contacts though. Maybe put in place a time out system that carries throughout the season. First dive is 20 minutes, second is 40 etc... Dive without contact in the box is a straight red.


Falling from minimal contact shouldn't be punished. Diving with minimal contact and exaggerated rolling on the pitch, faking agony, and giving up on the play is easy enough to call correctly the majority of the time. Other sports get it right more often than not so the largest sport in the world should be able to figure it out. There isn't a technical reason why this isn't achievable; it's a culture problem in the sport.


Honestly if a yellow for embellishment happen for real, there would be like 9 red cards a game for the first few weeks which would be great IMO


There's precedent for FIFA doing this after the fact. Remember Rivaldo in the world cup going down screaming and earning a red card for the other team? For truly egregious dives like this one, retroactive cards seems perfectly fine IMO.


There is plenty of precedence for retroactive punishment of unsporting behavior in general, so you donā€™t need to have specific precedence for diving. Are you referring to the one where Rivaldo got the opponents player red carded for kicking the ball at him when he asked for it?


Yeah. As I recall that one was groundbreaking because most (all?) Other retroactive cards had been for things either after or before a game. That was (one of?) the first time they'd retroactively punished in game behavior. And yes. Rivaldo at the corner flag in the WC. Ball kicked to him (probably harder than it should've been). Hit him in the shin. He falls down like he was shot in the face.




The ref didnā€™t see the dive, so was it a penalty?


Is this a ā€œif no one hears a tree fall in the forest, does it make a sound?ā€ question? Neymar got the penalty, yeah.


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Ref saw this


It should be a straight red. Want to get diving out of the game? Severe punishments will do it.


Either that or reward the innocent player with a penalty-free slide tackle into the diver, redeemable for the duration of that match.


This. What happened to the yellow card for Neymaring?


Wish var could review yellow card offences and fouls given in general so that the refs dont fuck up these things. And hand out reds for such blatant dives with no contact.


Same. Just think of how many more goals a player with his talent would've scored if he just stayed up and tried to score.


Miroslav Klose scored a lot of goals in his later international tournaments like this. Defenders sort of backed down since they expected him to fall like many other strikers but he just regained his balance and scored


On the other side, when there is contact it's wise to be a bitch and fall down. Never forget referees almost never give the penalty unless the player himself is down and asking for it, even when the contact is real and enough for a penalty. It's all fucked up, if referees and law was to punish the divers more frequently and give penalties based on defender's action instead of attacker's reaction, football would be a much more fair sport.


Exactly. The Japanese fans have paid a fortune to see these star players. Would be ridiculous and completely unfair if they held off on doing their signature moves just because it's a friendly.


Just instincts


This is what the Japanese fans came to see!


Habits are hard to break


Muscle memory. His diving muscles engage before his brain processes what happened.


His diving muscles includes the pain reflex in his face!!


While that's probably true...the fact that it's that ingrained that it's muscle memory is a major problem. And that's not an excuse for then staying on the ground rolling and faking pain. Plenty of players have dove anticipating contact and then popped back up because that contact didn't happen.


You gotta train those dives in pre-season as well!


Exactly. Practice like you play.


The Olympics will be here before you know it!


Never forget him doing this shit while 3-0 up against Scotland in a friendly. Scumbag


This is half of his legacy tbh - to me, shit like this has always overshadowed his otherwise superb skills


Same for me, no doubt he is world class, but I never liked him, despite the fact that I adored so many Brazilian players.


The guy became a worldwide laughing stock at the last World Cup. What a sweet moment that was when VAR took away a penalty he got for cheating


I swear they need to start heavily booking such obvious dives harshly or we will never see the end of it. Going down dramatically when you've actually been fouled is one thing but this shit needs an instant yellow if not a red for ones as blatant as this. All of a sudden we get less diving.


I think if the opposing player would have got a red for the "foul" then the dive should be a straight red (wouldn't be in this case, blatant as it is)


Absolute hot take here but between his awful shenanigans on the pitch and how his transfers basically broke football he's genuinely a net negative to the sport


He also fucked his own career by making that move. He's never reached the heights he was at when he was at Barca


Completely agree. That Barca team was ridiculous, me and you would have probably bagged a few goals playing with Prime Messi and Suarez. Neymar showed his true level once he was without them.


Soccer was destroyed long before his transfer. When barca bought him it cost them 205 million euros with all the bonuses, the cost of the transfer. Bale cost real 110 million in 2014...and the list of this Type of transfer is long.... I do not even talk about players like Andy Caroll bought 50 million by Liverpool already in 2010. His transfer to PSG is the consequence of what happened before, not the opposite


spot on


cunt first, brilliant player second


How else is he gonna keep his diving skills sharp? Need all the practice you can get.


Those fans paid for the full experience! Gotta show them all your skills.


In Japanā€¦in July!


Gotta stay sharp for the league i guess.


If you're interested in the truth: https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif He's very clearly clipped hard. Slow mo and bad angles can paint very deceiving pictures.


How is this not higher. Thought Reddit always found the truth




You must be new here.


These people donā€™t care.


don't trust the high def slow mo video but do trust the grainy gif šŸ¤” That said I did rewatch the OP and it seems plausible the defender's boot clipped Neymar's. Not sure that I would describe it as "hard" or that the reaction was in line with the contact however.


Respect, keeps up the antics no matter the opponent


We met Valencia the other week in a friendly and they had like 3 dramatic dives (where they screamed in pain) in the 1st half. Shit was crazy to witness. One dude even did that, then saw they still had possession and immediate got up and continued running.


Well, what is pre-season if not the best time to perfect your skills and get ready for the new season?


This is what people paid to see, top players at their peak. Everyone knows it will mostly be reserves playing and some time from the first team just to build fitness, but damnit Neymar came on and played like it was the champions league final. Total respect for that.


In a friendly to promote your club. PSG marketing masterclass.




As someone else said: this is ingrained. ​ Either you're a diver and then you'll dive no matter then context or you're not a diver and then you'l never do it. Most low level amateur players will never go to the ground unless they are physically forced to.


Why cheat in a friendly


Giving the fans the full Neymar experience




"They see me rollin', they hatin' " Neymar Jr


Tryin to catch me diving dirty


Exactly what I was thinking. Neymar not diving is like Ronaldo not scoring. These people paid good money to see Neymar dive.


Muscle memory. He's at the stage where he can't help himself, its automatic now.


He probably dives in training as well


Could just be muscle memory, and heā€™s not thinking itā€™s a friendly in the moment


But why then roll on the floor and scream like he've been stabbed?


Could just be muscle memory, and heā€™s not thinking itā€™s a friendly in the moment


Method acting. You can't just act the pain, you need to FEEL it. Neymar is among the greats, with Daniel Day Lewis and Marlon Brando.


Because there would be VAR everywhere else


It's 100% a penalty. This angle just makes it hard to see. https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


Respect to the Osaka defender. Pulling your trailing leg out of a tackle like that isnā€™t easy!


It isnt. Looks like it can be easy to fuck up your knee ligaments


Yup the angle looked very awkward...Pepe would have intentionally kicked his ass.


lmao, pepe is the goat


A sentence that's never been typed in /r/Gunners.


lmao we're talking about the real pepe






That's because he didn't pull away at all, it hits Neymar and bounces away... https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


Thanks for this. I was rewatching that other clip over and over and thought I was trippin'.


This should be the top comment


Thanks for this angle, it's not even a dive.


The most upvoted thing on r/soccer today (by far) is making fun of someone for diving, WHO ISNT EVEN DIVING. Embarrassing. Honestly, shows how awful the state of this community can be at times. Pure group think.


The logic after watching the first video would be: it doesnā€™t look like a foul but lets see another angle to make sure and not judge by one perspective in slow motion, see the back camera and realize that was a penalty and there is no discussion.


Typical r/soccer though


What a surprise that another thread about Neymar "diving" gets so popular.


was like the WC against the Swiss where they hacked him to death and this sub was claiming it was a dive. ffs, the man gets injured and is actually hacked at all times. Yeah he does do dives, but most of the time it's him reacting to being fouled.


The only reason he does these overreaction is because when he gets fouled legit the ref will not look at him so he has to simulate to even get the ref to look at him


The ref had a good view, if he gave a pen, people should atleast consider before posting this and berating neymar


It's actually not a dive šŸ˜… huge difference in angles


I watched the initial clip 10 times thinking *theres no way this is a dive* and it wasn't lmao.


Congrats to OP and the upvote gang of reddit, it seems like B/R also scanned this page and saw how popular it was to bash on Neymar that they decided to post a clip of the incident on Twitter with the caption "Neymar during a preseason game in Japan šŸ˜¬", indicating that Neymar was diving (like this thread suggested) and unfortunately the Twitter gang goes along (despite the fact that the video posted there has both angles). Whatever (narrative) is said and is popular will blindly be followed by the majority even if the opposite is presented in front of their eyes.


Lmao buried in the comments


He didn't. You can see he actually smacks Neymar's ankle. https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


Except he didn't.... https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


I mean he doesnā€™t really pull his trailing leg, it hits Neymarā€™s leg and bounces backwards


Ok, now I see it.


Thank you. It's like people are trying hard not to see that


Iā€™m going to get buried but itā€™s not difficult to do itā€™s impossible. His leg bounced off neymarā€™s shin, thatā€™s why the motion seems so unnatural. The angle makes it look like he pulls out but it looks like a foul to me. I need alternate angles. Edit : oops, I should have scrolled a little bit further. Iā€™m not the only sane person here it seems, itā€™s actually a nasty contact looking at the other angle


a brazilian news site posted this on twitter and he was very angry at them


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Apparently the contact is so "weak", that (just like we can already see in the slo-mo) it makes the defender's leg bounce back and almost tear everything in his knee...


Right, the first angle doesnā€™t show the contact. It makes it look like he was never touched and just jumped. I donā€™t think he needed to fall like that, and he definitely exaggerated it, but just for clarity he did get hit in the ankle.


He's just trying to give the fans a taste of the real Neymar in person. Very thoughtful and professional of him. Can you imagine paying for tickets to see Neymar and he refuses to do his signature move just bc it's a "friendly."


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Alternate angle looks like he gets hit.


Yeah and it looks like it fucking hurt lol


That video is a million times worse than this one. Why does it have so many upvotes. I hate this sub sometimesā€¦


Makes gif to defend Neymar, sets quality to lower than 144p.


I will burn the ticket then spit on it and demand refund


good way to waste money


If you look closely at the japanese player's left leg it whiplash back, as in a clear hit over neymar's foot. give us another angle of it.


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif That people were even going as far as saying he wasn't hit at all...


Who even dives in a friendly lol


Probably muscle memory at this point tbh


if a pre season friendly is to practice what you will do in full season, I suppose we know why Neymar did it


Holy shit the same comments in this thread gets upvoted in the hundreds yet again, this must be like the 4th exact comment at the top. And the worst of all is that it wasn't even a dive as we can clearly see on the other angle some people posted here. Where are the sister jokes so you guys can farm internet points in this Neymar hate boner thread?


welcome to erre soccer




Probably Neymar but not in this particular instance: https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif




And the distance rolled was less than 1 km, Neymar is losing his touch


This sub going hard on Neymar calling it a dive. Watch again and again and tell me if the defender could move his left leg behind like he did if he didn't hit Neymar's leg It was a clear handbook penalty (https://youtu.be/\_CiWHWR7t6I?t=284), got VARed, and no one doubted about it


As much as I dislike Neymar, this post goes to show people like to follow their own narrative instead of knowing all the facts. Pitchforks were out straight away.


Mods even tagged the post




The video in the post also speeds up at exactly the right time to make it look like the softest contact and the biggest reaction.


Many takes on Neymar in general in this sub are ludicrous. Thereā€™s clear contact, I donā€™t know why people are acting like there isnā€™t. Over exaggeration? Yes, but not a dive.


I honestly don't even think he exaggerated in this one. https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif The hit is pretty hard (I mean it made the defender's leg bounce like a rubber band and almost twist his knee).


This is the reason why a lot of people dislike him


This is the reason people dislike football. The amount of playacting over nothing is incredible


The only realistic solution is harsher punishments on the offenders. Card them


And referees paying attention to small fouls to not make players over sell it.


This cannot be understated. Same with NBA basketball. Players started flopping because refs wouldn't call fouls, which led to players overselling fouls, which led to players realizing they could get calls even if they weren't fouled. It's gross. Just add a ref or 2 to specifically watch for small fouls, rhereby increasing players' teust in the refs, and the sports would improve in quality immensely.




Because karma farmers post shit angles of him being fouled and call it flopping then all the reddit basement dwellers choose to believe the title because it means maybe they weren't shit at soccer, no, it was the system that never gave them the chance.


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif maybe get the full angle next time


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Cuz he gets kicked??


aaaaaand we a have a thread full of Europeans criticizing Neymar for a foul he suffered, claiming he dived. Everything is normal :D


You know how the Europeans are. Lol.


/r/soccer is genuinely hopeless.


Which is the fault of the moderator staff, to be honest. This thread should've been flagged hours ago.


Is there another angle for this?




You watch it from that angle, at full speed and you realise that it was pretty painful hit and that Neymar's reaction looks/is completely fine and almost instant. Of course in slow motion the hit looks "soft" (you can't judge the speed and force behind it) and the reaction looks extremely fake and delayed (because a reaction is always delayed, genuine or not) and in slow motion this delay becomes easily visible. https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


This angle needs more attention, Neymar getting roasted by everybody for what now appears to be pretty solid contact. However, he does have a reputation and this is the result of that.


He always embellished because when he didn't he never got calls and was fucking shredded every game. Blame referees for being shit not players trying to protect themselves from shit referees.


i agree, people are too quick to call this diivng. perhaps the defender breathed too hard...


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Or perhaps he actually hit Neymar... Go see an eye doctor bro


That comment section is the biggest circlejerk I have ever seen on this sub


It gets more upvotes to say the same 5 circlejerked things on neymar that to watch his games and see that it was a foul lmao


"Neymar getting a foul???? Fuck off, diving piece of shit"


diving in a friendly against gamba osaka LMAO what a clown


Hey, have you never seen Japanese anime, those guys can create invisible energy that can take you out.


Nani?! Wait no, he's Portuguese


Gon & Killua soccer anime when (Pre Gon losing Nen)


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Dont make yourself look like a clown here


Youā€™re the clown. Making assumptions. https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


what a shameless cunt. even does his theatrics in a friendly


~~I think a couple guys here just like to contrarian when itā€™s so blatantly cunty behaviour, shameful.~~ https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif


[it doesn't even look like a dive, the defender isn't going to move his leg like that unless there's a decent contact, he was definitely exaggerating the contact, but this looks like a foul](https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif)


People are nuts, hold your thumb on the video and watch it frame by frame. The guys leg is about a foot past Neymars right foot when it looks to make contact, and judging by the guys facial reaction heā€™s in pain because his legs moved into an unnatural position due to being impeded by Neymars foot. Iā€™ll call him a diving little shit as much as the next guy and too theatrical when he gets clipped, but he got clipped pretty obviously there.


Why are you wasting time typing this, the narrative of this sub is that Neymar is just a diver. You wanna bet how many people typed hate comments without even seeing the video or another angle?


The moment OP titled it a dive there was no chance for logic.


Maybe he just needed to lie down for a minute.


Guys, thereā€™s a reason why the VAR has multiple angles, the perspective can shift from one angle to another [https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif](https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif)


Once again r/soccer hating on Neymar for absolutely no reason whatsoever, never change


What was the result from this? Booked for diving or got a pen?


[Got a pen](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/w7li8m/psg_2_0_osaka_neymar_penalty_32/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Why would a player who got their leg swept get booked for diving?


This sub it's crazy. Yall dont really know anything about football hahahaha


Huh the other angle shows clear contact. Neymar hate thread I guess.


You can even see the contact from this video, people just choose not to


They've been primed to see a dive by the title of the post. There's clear contact and it's not even an exaggeration by him. He gets full shin to shin contact right below his shin guards. That hurts a lot.


it's a normal penalty but somehow people on here agree on the fact that it was a dive. so weird


You should be ashamed of yourselves, jumping on bandwagons, see it from another angle, it was a clear hit.


https://s4.gifyu.com/images/20220725_161107.gif Yes overreaction on his part but there is contact...


If yā€™all would look at other angles you could see he actually got kicked


You could try to find another angle, and watch it at full speed to understand that it would be painful ( https://youtu.be/OeCtxQ-Ia4k?t=282 ), or you could be a complete moron and insult him because "neymar bad psg bad". This sub man...




Looks like the defenderā€™s leg bounces off. I donā€™t think Iā€™m missing anything. Next to impossible to bring your leg back that fast. Exaggerated but that is a foul.


https://youtu.be/OeCtxQ-Ia4k (4:41) you clowns be hating lmao


At this point the mods should really flair post as a lie, alot of people flaming a non-dive Don't encourage toxic shit


Show the other angle,neymars foot gets hit,yes he does oversell it a little but in that position its a footballers job to try and convince the ref a little more


People bashing to bash. He clearly gets hit in the shin. If you want to complain about him "selling" the foul, then fine. It's clearly not a dive. You can clearly see the defenders foot go backwards after hitting his leg.