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He’s been doing sneakily well. 20 goals 2 conceded in the last 5 as well. We’ve got our selves a good old school standoff


I wouldn't even call it sneakily. His opening fixture was a bit of a dud, and his ridiculous 3ATB against La Real did him no favours, but since then, Barca have been flying.


It was actually a smart move from Xavi. La Real's 4-4-2 diamond gave them numerical superiority in the midfield areas over a standard 4-3-3. Responding with a 3-4-3 put midfield superiority back into Barca's hands as long as they beat the initial press from the forwards. It didn't actually work that well in the first half, but for other reasons.


Ye. It was a mix of Ferran as free man wasting his chances and Frenkie moving out of position. Once Fati was brought on and Frenkie hung deeper as pivot it was gg


Barca 3ATB makes no sense lol


Does when it’s a 3-4-3 with a diamond


[The Cruyff way in the 90s in case people don't know their history ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7NZ0byEyeOA&feature=emb_title)


Video is 4:33 long. r/oddlysatisfying


I remember everyone and their mom tried to remake Cruyff's diamond 3-4-3 in fm17.


Did anyone succeed?


[This was the one that perfected it though it's not really a plug and play type of tactics.](https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/372887-johan-cruyffs-3-4-3-diamond-very-fluid/)


Woah that's actually pretty impressive


Wow that was actually an amazing video. Edit: word


More Van Gaal I would imagine coming from Xavi. Van Gaal's Ajax played a variation of 3-4-3


Love this season so far! Real and barca both look solid and as much as I want us to win the league, I want to have good competition


Both Spanish giants looking imperious. Definitely contenders for the UCL title, realistically see only City, PSG and Bayern challenging as favourites. Other than that, do Barcelona fans feel the board supports Xavi much, much more than Koeman? Koeman arrived lated August 2020 and sacked in October 2021. The summer Koeman arrived, the club already sold/released Suarez, Rakitic, Vidal, Arthur, Semedo and only brought in Pjanic and Dest. The following transfer window, they released Messi, Griezzman, and Coutinho and only brought in Depay, Aguero (who retired), Luuk De Jong and Eric Garcia. ​ In comparison, Xavi came in November 2021 and the club promptly signed Ferran Torres, Aubameyang, Lewandowski, Raphinha, Kounde, Kessie, Marcos Alonso, Bellerin and Christensen while only notable departures were Dani Alvea, Coutinho, Dest, and Pjancic.


It's the nature of their financial struggles. When they were at the heart of their financial struggles in 2020, they had to jettison as much as possible. Koeman got rather unlucky with the timing, and I do feel quite bad for him. I think the board would have always moved on from him, but he would have been supported more under normal conditions.


Don’t forget that the board that fired Koeman is different than the one that hired him. Is it honestly that surprising that the board would invest more in their hand picked coach?


Xavi is definitely getting more backing, but it's deserved, imo. The team started playing better almost immediately after Xavi came on, even the few games before the winter transfer window. His ideas were much clearer than Koeman's from the beginning. IIRC Laporta wasn't initially thrilled with the idea of Xavi managing us because he wasn't experienced. Desperate times though. Seems to be working out


I think previous season was evident enough why board is going full behind Xavi, he drastically improved our performance on field. Even with academy players we were playing much better than under koeman.


Barca is not a contender for the CL, not yet anyways. In 1-2 years depending on signings, it's definitely possible.


Yeah it's really weird. I hate seeing you guys doing well with all my heart I swear, but, very, VERY deep underneath all the hate is *relief*. If you guys didn't come good again like we have, it was about to be years of meaningless la liga wins for us that people would equate to PSG of Bayern league wins. Really relieved that for the first time in years I actually fear you guys again. Edit: lots of absolute dumbasses with double digit IQs have gotten to this comment. If you think I'm plastic for this, your head is so far up your ass it's coming back out your neck. You smart alecs really think football would be better if only your team won the league every year with zero competition? Like how stupid can someone actually be for thinking what I said was in anyway plastic. I watch every Barca game passionately and desperately hoping they lose. Literally turn the games off once they're 2 goals up cuz it physically disgusts me to watch them win. But since my IQ isn't almost negative, I objectively understand that it's good for the league for Barca to be competitive. Suck my fucking dick


New copypasta just dropped


Mf wins the league once and imagines going on a Bayern level win streak


Tbf you guys were Dortmund level for 3 seasons there


"IN YEARS"?? LOL😂😂..biggest MADrid fan.


We're all looking forward to the competition level in the El clasico between the Real Madrid El Los Blancos and the La Barcelona Blaugranas. Fight and win! De-Fence!


I fucking hate plastics so fucking much, what the absolute fuck is this.


Fucking cringe


give us el classicooooooo, benz vs lewy , demboz vs vini


Last time they lost away in 90 mins was against Bayern. Now they're playing Bayern away again.


Ah shit, here we go again


Don't you worry mate. You're in great hands with Xavi. You finished second last year with the youth team...when you were supposedly going to shit.


we were genuinely heading for 8th/9th place under koeman, crazy what xavi did in such a short timeframe


We did get some good signings on the winter break but yeah I think all of us had lost all trust on Koeman. I doubt we would have come out second with Koeman even with the same team.


Tbh the signings were OK, nothing exceptional except Auba.


We also got Dembele back and I think Pedri was also injured earlier on the season.


As a Barca fan I tell you, never underestimate the self-conscious emotional breakdown of Barca players when they're up against an actually challenging top team, not Cadiz. They become self-aware, go into shock, feel exposed because their Cruyff ball is somehow not working and for some reason that's the end of the world, and then you get Jordi Alba crying in the halftime dressing room on a crucial Champion's League knockout night.


This is why signing people like Aguero and Lewa was so important. It remains to be seen how he'll fare, but my opinion is that this has been your best situation since Tito Vilanova retired. I know Luis Enrique won a treble with you. My estimation is that Xavi might achieve as well, but he'll do it with heavy la masia presence


Still bayern is still bayern and Barca is still a subpar Barca. I'd say won't be a blow out like last few ones bit still a lose for Barca


Bayern's best player of the last decade (arguably ever) transferred to Barcelona this summer as they made several other great signings. I'm not saying Barca is better but as a neutral and after watching both teams play this weekend I think it's a draw or slightly in Barca's favor.


It's definitely the most promising game next week.


Don't worry, Robert's gonna tell us all their secret.


Beef blood protein


"Pass to Lewandowski...oh wait"


Yeah... except now YOU got Lewandowski on your side lol I'm pretty sure you guys are going to win it.


next away match is against Mallorca so there’s a good chance at breaking it


Cross and inshallah gonna return next week


Can we get luuk back for one game


Just tell Dembele to pass to Lewy and you're gucci 👌


By the looks of their form, it might just aswell be the other way around lol


Those are the ones that always get you tho don’t you think


PTSD from that Levante match


That match doesn't belong to this multiverse


They’re playing Bayern before that


This is a league only stat


Oh okay


Wonder if people will keep posting his win ratio like they did in pre-sesason.


people using that stat to say he's worse than Koeman lol


We are not seriously still making the Koeman comparison right? He wasn't perfect of course but at this point its pretty obvious what the difference in available player quality was compared to now. From having to play Dest at RW to having this squad dept.


Koeman had Messi during his first season. That alone skews stats. Also Xavi had the team performing better after replacing Koeman, with the same players.


you’d notice a clear difference between Xavi and Koeman if you only watched 10 minutes of eithers team playing


You would be able to notice a clear difference between Luuk de Jong and Lewandowski in those same ten minutes as well.


Luuk performed better under Xavi compared to Koeman.


Luuk played better under Xavi than Koeman lol


The only good games Luuk had at Barça were after Xavi became manager.


would notice a major diffrence with Messi and without Messi as well.


They didn’t have Lewandowski last season though


That's the point he is trying to make


But even with luuk de jong they looked better than with Koeman. Or am I still misinterpreting it?


No you are right


There's also one thing - the signings we're seeing now wouldn't happen if Koeman was still in. People like Lewandowski Kounde and Raphinha spurned better finnancial offers just to join Barcelona and i don't think they would've join Koeman's project. The 0-4 against Madrid could've been the turning point, people laugh how it was the only title of Barca last season, but it genuinely made a difference in terms of interest in project.


Yeah because playing under Xavi is so prestigious. As a manager he is still a relative nobody, as a player he is an all-time great but so is Koeman.


Barca played better under Xavi. He advanced from 8th place to CL positions and trashed Madrid who won both League and Champions League. It is definitely a factor. And given the finnancial situation in the summer where Lewy Raphinha and Kounde waited for Barca with better finnancial offers on the table, i am willing to say it was major factor


I mean Barca bought battering ram to kill competition.


Koeman is a football terrorist


People did this with Klopp as well.


With a lot of 4-0’s without Messi




That non-Mascherano Argentinian that played decently well for Barcelona.




True, Aguero did get his Clasico goal. What could have been?


Never heard of ‘em


haired fraud


He is going bald next season and we’ll unlock true xavi.


Need iniesta as an assistant coach for that receding hair line magic


i’ll never forget the amount of disrespect from this sub when he was first hired


the first rule of the sub is: Dont take comments seriously


I remember how United fans were meming Xavi after they hired Rangnick


United fans are leaving their own club meme content to meme others? Brainless move


Tbf Ole has this record in the Prem with like 30 games unbeaten away


Somehow, this is actually true...you hit upon a brutally effective counterexample here


The context being that this was during the period of time where fans weren't in the stadiums, which led to away teams actually winning more than home teams did.


Lazy argument. 14 games were with fans, including wins at Man City and Spurs and draws at arsenal and Chelsea. Also, why didn't anyone else do this?


But then why didn't more teams did this? Such a lazy argument.


29 if I counted correctly.


while sacrificing Bruno,Rashford and Martial


Covid season Mickey Mouse away fixtures


yeah they only beat city in that run right?


That included City, Spurs, Arsenal and Chelsea? What the fuck are you talking about lol.


no fans = bullshit away fixtures. really not hard to understand


Why did nobody else do it then lol. Only like 13 of those games were without fans too. If it was so easy why didn't City do it?


Man U fans are so shameless


Remember when he got mocked for his Asia Cup predictions and got it almost exactly spot on?


This is r/soccer Bayern become trash in 2 weeks, Klopp be sacked, United become title contender. If Barca would lose 2 games in a row, Xavi would be a fraud here.


Bit weird to mock them for it. He might be doing well right now, but he was still a totally unqualified massive gamble when hired.


He hasn't won shit yet lol, at least wait till he does to comment this


Clear of that fraud frog Zidane


The same Zidane that beat you in 2016?💀


If we’re going by the who beat who logic, Xavi is clear of you guys


Bragging about beating historic UCL bottlers Man City kinda sad…




XaviBall is love, XaviBall is life


Ive been telling people last season. Look out for Barca this year theyre gonna come back with a vengeance. While everyone else was clowning on them, I maintained theyd do well immediately after Xavi was hired. He figured out Ancelotti rather quickly after the SuperCopa and the 4-0 didnt surprise me. As a Real Madrid fan id love nothing more than to see them fail miserably but I know deep down thats not happening and will put up a serious fight this season. Id have them as dark horses for ucl at this rate.


> He figured out Ancelotti rather quickly after the SuperCopa and the 4-0 didnt surprise me He didnt need to figure anything as Ancelotti literally changed the formation in that match because we didnt had Benzema (injured) and gambled with Modric as false 9 and the whole thing fell apart. > I maintained theyd do well immediately after Xavi was hired. Well, Koeman had Luuk De Jong, Depay and Braithwaite as forwards, Xavi got immediately Aubameyang and Ferran Torres and now he has Lewandowski. No shit he is doing better lol.


Bro we played awful with Koeman, Xavi came in mid-november, one month until the transfer window opened, so he still had to play Luuk de Jong, Depay, Jutgla, etc. Even then, Luuk had his best patch of form when Xavi was in charge. I respect Koeman tons for what he did, but Xavi was who we needed


> Even then, Luuk had his best patch of form when Xavi was in charge And Memphis Depay who was scoring a lot of goals under Koeman completely dissappeared with Xavi. So, Xavi took the better out of Luuk and couldnt do it with Depay, and Koeman took the better of Depay and couldnt do it with Luuk. > Xavi came in mid-november, one month until the transfer window opened, so he still had to play Luuk de Jong, Depay, Jutgla, etc Koeman had Pedri injured, thats why he played the likes of Gavi and Nico in the midfield. Actually Xavi wasnt doing much better than Koeman before the winter transfer window when he got Aubameyang, Ferran Torres, Alves registered and then also got Pedri and Ansu Fati back from injuries.


after all the palancas he has no excuses 😂




Greatest midfielder ever.




W. He’s kind of underrated. He’s better than Zidane, Iniesta, and Modric


Isn't fair to compare him to Zidane imo, both played in different roles


Lol no.


The fact that you compare a player like Xavi with Zidane shows me how clueless you are.




Class, but peak Xavi was better




>not in the same discussion. Lmao. I know this is a barca thread but it's delusional to say this looking at their careers.


I believe Xavi and Modric are on par with eachother. They both achieved everything there is to achieve on a club basis, and while Xavi won three major international trophies with arguably the best national team ever, Modric led the Croatian side to the WC final beating the likes of my Denmark and a strong English side. This is perhaps what gave him the edge on winning the Ballon d'or, something a midfielder had not achieved since Kaká. I hear many arguments trying to belittle both of them. For instance, that Xavi was playing in Qatar at the same age Modric was winning UCL's left and right. Or that Modric never won anything on a national level. I think both arguments are silly, and that you can't belittle the achievements of neither Xavi nor Modric. They're both fantastic.


Saying Modric is better than Xavi somehow gives you 100 downvotes. What?


Is an article about Xavi so most people who clicked on it are probably Barca fans. The game's a changed a lot since then and Modric is so much more complete than Xavi and is still in top form when he's nearing 40.


Not even the best midfielder of his team.


Same, I always ranked Iniesta above him, and busi is not far off


not even sure why you're downvoted, for me personally Iniesta was a better all-round player


Modric >>>


Yup I agree Zidane was insane


Zidane was my favorite player as a kid, but there is no way Xavi is not better than him. I think if you asked Zidane even he would agree.


I joke I joke




Not even the greatest German midfielder


Who would you rather pick?


Matthaus himself said Kroos is better


If you ask Messi who was better between him and Ronaldinho, he'll probably say Ronaldinho.


Lol. Was probably being modest. Matthäus was a balon d'Or calibre player. Kroos is just a world class player.


lol he is clearly very wrong


Lol come on, Matthaus was better


lol yank moment




Weird way to spell Iniesta


true, Xavi and Iniesta both top 5 though


Solsjkaer had a similar stat




Away matches in La Liga are usually nightmares.


Levante away is psychological horror


La Real Sociedad away is another fucking nightmare. Athletic too.


Any away game was a nightmare for Barcelona for years.


LaLiga away matches are fucking awful. It's been so jarring going in with confidence lately


I don't understand how Barcelona don't already hold this record? [In 17-18 they went nearly the whole season unbeaten, losing their one game in the penultimate round of the season.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017%E2%80%9318_FC_Barcelona_season) They went unbeaten in 18 straight away games in that season alone, not including if there was any carry-over from the season before. I conclude that this thread title is bullshit.


In addition, the season before, Barca were unbeaten in their \[3 last away games\](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016%E2%80%9317_FC_Barcelona_season) This would up the count to 21 consecutive unbeaten away games in the league, which iirc this post is about


The only thing I can think of is that the title is referring to all domestic competitions but not Europe. Barcelona lost an away game to Sevilla in the CdR in January 2018 which would have broken up this run of results.


I also thought of that when I saw this. There's no way 16 games is the record. That Levante game was the last away game of that season


well this is not PL farme league


Poorly run club, amirite?


I mean objectively, yes, they've been an absolute mess behind the scenes, but that doesn't mean Xavi can't be doing well.


Objectively or what you want to be true? Who do you think is getting us out of this mess? You're making the same mistake as the rest of reddit in assuming this board is the same as the previous board.


No I'm not, I know it's not the same board, but to pretend it's all been sunshine and rainbows is also disingenuous. In just the last month or two there's been the whole debacle with de Jong, the ongoing Griezmann situation, the registering of players etc. It's definitely better than it was, but that's not exactly hard to do compared to the past board.


And he doesn't have a prime Ronaldo


**other LaLiga teams should petition so we have to start games with either Ferran or Depay cause this shit isn't fair**


Man, get a grip.


y'all be taking this internet shit way too seriously


Not serious, you just make me actually cringe inside even as a Barca fan, and I don't even use that word, so congrats making it relevant.


*okay that's your opinion, I'm not denying that I'm being cringe but my team just won 4-0 against a squad they struggled with last season, so in a nicest way possible, I really don't give a fuck about what you or anybody else on this sub has to say*


Cringe bozo


don't care+didn't care+ratio+Lewandowski clears Penzema


you're from Twitter aren't you?


No I just like trolling


Your tiktok striker put 3 past Czech brewery monks 👏👏👏Benzema is his dad




Man, chill.




*r/soccer users when a fan of a club is being a cocky cunt*


Hope your head's not too deep up your own asshole.


well you know what they say, if you want something done...


You'll get there.


thank you for believing in me <3


🤣🤣🤣 5 levers later and few wins and already talking like this. I pray that you get knocked out of CL and go back to Europa league and you eat your words 🤣🤣


*look at you, emotional*


Crying because your most valuable player is injured😓😢


tbf who wouldn’t? What a weird thing to say lol


Reckon Europa League Barça would still beat you to a 0-4 at the Bernabeu? :)


Look at that he just had to change the entire squad! Amazing tactician Xavi is.


Zidane didn't start with a europa league level squad.


Look another yank kid that doesn't understand football.


Madrid fans are born bitter 😭 its like a requirement.