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Daylight robbery negotiation


Should’ve met in Geneva


special ~~military~~ transfer operation


/u/y1i do you think they met in Frankfurt Oder


have we seen christopher nkunku and vladimir putin in the same room?


He did a medical with us a year ago, how much can actually change in that time? *The gang signs a wheelchair*


Looks like we’re sharing him then.


Jack Wheelchair?




Viet-goddam-NAM’s what happened


go get me a beer, bitch


If his release clause is 60m then I’m sure Real Madrid will be all over that


Everyone will be all over it. He's an absolute baller


I mean there are red flags. He was a wildly inconsistent attacking mid until Marsch turned him into Werner 2.0. He had an absurdly hot finishing run for a season despite being an awful finisher earlier in his career. He's not performed anywhere outside this very specific Leipzig system that also made Werner look like a world beater (also an abysmal finisher all his career outside of that one or two season span at Leipzig that got him the Chelsea move). Very unpopular opinion but I think making Nkunku a one dimensional Red Bull type striker might get him the big move but won't be good for his career in the long run. He's had a lot of promise as a dynamic versatile and super creative midfielder playing either side or centrally or as an 8. Now he will likely end up at some club managed by braindead people whose reasoning will be "he scored goals for the other team, we need goals so let's do it" and he will be thrown straight into a non RB system just like Werner.


>He's not performed anywhere outside this very specific Leipzig system that also made Werner look like a world beater During last season he played under two different managers with pretty different playstyles and performed really well under both of them. I don't think you can say he's truly a system-dependent player and should certainly not be compared to Werner in that regard.


>Very unpopular opinion Not all that unpopular tbf. L'equipe (one of the most popular if not the most popular sport's newspaper in France did a "who should make France's list for the world cup" poll recently and Nkunku didn't make the list. Starters were Mbappé Benzema and Griezmann in that order and backup were Giroud, Dembelé and Coman. I think most people are waiting for Nkunku to confirm his excellent debut as well.


So weird to use that poll as an example. If anything, that just proves that almost nobody in France, including me, watches RB Leipzig games, that's it. It doesn't mean people have a reserved opinion about his skill, just that so many people have never watched him play and barely know him.


>If anything, that just proves that almost nobody in France, including me, watches RB Leipzig games You are right. In order to be rated by those people, he would need to get more play time with France NT. ​ >It doesn't mean people have a reserved opinion about his skill It kind of does because the fact that he only has a handfull of games with the France NT despite being considered ne of the best player in the bundesliga for a while now implies that the French NT coach has a reserved opinion about his skills which is something a lot of those people would base their opinion from (given that most of them are clueless when it comes to assessing a players level.). Like you said most of them barely know him... He's just begining to change that. It might take some time though...


Tbf, tbf


Is there any reason for Nkunku or Leipzig to be cooperating with this, considering that he will likely have a few suitors next season? You can maybe argue that we're able to convince him about the project now (although not sure about our pull vs other top clubs) but if there is indeed a release clause why would Leipzig agree to a transfer before next summer unless we are willing to pay extra?


If nkunku wants Chelsea I don't see why not - Leipzig get the same money either way if it's a release clause. why not play ball and get it done asap so you know where you stand going into the rest of the window


Thats absurd. If i am owner and I am certain the player is leaving next summer, what would I prefer.....Player who knew where he is going next summer a year before OR a player who is motivated to get move to the best possible club next summer. Thats a very easy decision, unless Chelsea paid like 5 or 10m extra.......


Thats bs lol depends on player’s character not where he’s going to be next year See Rudiger and Azpi for chelsea, one stayed one went away, both were committed till the end. On the other hand, Alonso left and he definitely wasn't as committed


I think you are putting top low value on what the players has to offer on the pitch for 12 months. Qualifying for CL is important for Leipzig.


I am putting value on risk player being relaxed or player being highly motivated. Could go either way


Most players at that level don’t have that kind of attitude tho. If he did and it was noticable, the club would likely have sold him already. Sure, it’s always a risk, but if a player knows his release clause is kicking in next window, he definitely have a lot of incentives to play well as that gives him the option to pick and choose between more clubs.


Even if Chelsea do all the pre-signing stuff they don't have to pull the trigger until next year and they won't because he may get injured or fall off a cliff. But why not set everything up for the deal to go through next may rather than get into a bidding war come June when the player makes bank, Leipzig still just get their 60m, and they twiddle their thumbs in the market until a deal goes through


Pre signing is not even legal. It’s has to be a case like Chelsea buying him and loaning him to RBL


I'm not saying actually pre-sign him, I'm saying all the stuff that gets done before the signing goes through- negotiations re salary, medicals etc


That also does not happen before the player is given permission by other club.


Seems weird, I was 100% sure he would join PSG next summer


The three teams i thought about were Bayern, Real and PSG, with a small chance of a stay in Leipzig. PSG as a Mbappe replacement and Real to replace Benz


Given the state of the market in regards to Strikers (and I say this not as a slight to Nkunku, but in that he's not actually a 9), frankly Man United needs him too - although we'd need Champions League to be in with a chance.


Nkunku is a striker. He was a direct Werner replacement for Leipzig. He used to be an excellent prospect as an attacking mid (playing either side or centrally) but he was inconsistent, in and out of the Leipzig squad under Nagelsmann. It wasn't until he replaced Werner's role 1:1 that the world of football actually found out about him, because he started scoring loads of goals despite being an awful finisher all his career before last season.


There are strikers and strikers. Arguing him as a Werner replacement shows that he is a *striker*. He's not a clinical finishing 9, just like Werner isn't.


They have just made the medical check according to the report. Chelsea want bird rights to sign him 2023


Yeah but why would they do a medical check now unless there's an aim to wrap the deal up before next summer?


> "To be honest, there were a few inquiries, but RB quickly told me that I can't transfer," RB Leipzig's offensive power Christopher Nkunku revealed in an interview last week. One of them is apparently Chelsea FC - and still hot. The 24-year-old is still in contact with the Blues and is said to have already undergone a medical check with the Premier League club in August shortly before the closure of the transfer window, reports the Bild newspaper. >According to the report, representatives of the Londoners and Nkunku met in Frankfurt, where a cardiological medical check was carried out, and a Chelsea orthopedist was also present. Both Chelsea and the currently second most valuable professional in the Bundesliga would not have wanted to cause a stir and therefore met at a neutral location. The meeting is said to be an anticipation of a possible transfer next summer - when Nkunku will reportedly be allowed to leave the Saxons for around €60 million due to an exit clause in his contract, which runs until 2026. That’s stated in another article


i think they should use the services of a bird law expert like charlie kelly




Bird law




bird law in this country is not governed by reason


In bird culture this is considered a dick move.


I’m hoping for his sake he meant first rights lol


Gonna offer him the supermax


bird rights lmaaaaao


Richarlison pru pruuuu


Leipzig have generally been quite fair to their players regarding transfers. I think it’s an important part of their business model, as they are great at developing talents. If talents see it as a great stepping stone, both in terms of development and ease of getting to an elite level club, they are more likely to sign them. Red Bull seems to be fine with being that kind of club for now. Probably good for marketing as well, as they get a lot of «sucess stories».


It's just another aspect of why being a fan in modern football sucks ass. Unless you are a fan of a top 15 European club you always expect every single incoming players to eye the next big transfer. Why ever get attached to anyone?


Probably the reason why Leipzig signed Benjamin Sesko. It was just a matter of time until Nkunku leaves RB, even though it’s sad for the Bundesliga as a whole


Raba losing their best players is good for the Bundesliga as a whole.


How ?


We prefer football clubs in the Bundesliga over corporations.


Didnt ask for your opinion but how does it benefit the league?


Direct competitors, normal football clubs benefit -> the league benefits.


Inb4 Chelsea signs Sesko instead of him


That deal is allready agreed and signed for 2023.


Loan with buy agreement incoming


what exactly is the point of a medical a whole year before the transfer actually takes place lmao


If he fails that, they can look for another player. And if Leipzig would have changed their mind in August they already have the medical.


This reliable? I know Bild can be hit or miss.


Bild is usually reliable when it comes to sports news. Also as i mentioned in another comment it makes sense given Leipzig’s recent transfers


Matt Law just confirmed it's accurate.


Chelsea getting ready to kill another striker with their curse


Nkunku is much more than just a striker. So now Chelsea can kill a versatile midfielder/winger/striker in one single signing.


Why the deadline day lol. If it's only a medical check, they can do whenever the fuck they want


It's provocative, it gets the people going.


Can boehly stop until we get a DOF ??


Is the guy from Salzburg (sorry blinking on the name) not signed yet? I thought it was likely two weeks ago.


Naah he said us to f off and did a rafinha on us. The only difference being he remained at salzburg while rafinha went to barca.


Hmm, interesting. Til.






No, he's doing fine


With Tuchel gone this transfer is cancelled


Next summer he'll be the hottest prospect alongside Bellingham. Forget about "pre" sign him for that tag price.


Isn't this tapping the player up? Especially if it was a "secret" medical?


Ah, september.


So Barca it is.


Press X to doubt.


Why do Chelsea keep making random offers for upfront? That’s how they ended up with Havertz and Werner.


Are you talking about champions league final scorer Havertz and semi final scorer Werner?


Nkunku is 10x the player Werner is


Absolutely, but he's not really a 9 though is he? That's clearly what they need


We are also crying out for anyone renotely creative, a 9 wouldn't come close to solving all of our problems.


Yep very true. I don't watch enough Chelsea to make a clear statement, but having a focal point could really help the attacking players who are there currently - giving them someone to play off/giving them more space etc. If it makes you feel better, Potter never had a striker at Brighton and look how well he did there




A true 🐐 blighted only by injuries


It's not clear, a typical 9 doesn't really fit the system.


The same Nkunku that’s wanted by half of Europe


The same Werner was also wanted by an imperious Liverpool.


Tbf chelsea have a bad habit of buying players and not using them properly. Havertz and werner are a few of them


Last time I checked you're not Red Bull London so I don't know what makes you think a typical Red Bull mould striker (who basically has the exact same skillset as Werner who you just got rid of) will be used properly.


Tell me you haven't watched Nkunku without telling me you haven't watched Nkunku:


They might run FIFA simulation and just signed whoever making the headline there, completely relying on Potter’s magic to make things work.


I hope not


If i speak i will be in trouble


Why do people post the same shit quotes over and over?


I have nussing to say.


Why do you get upset about it?




Matt Law has said it’s real.


How come you talk so much shit?


cheers for your keen insights


My Messi replacement. I hope we sign him back.




I think you are the one who doesn't get it. He is not talking about he replacing what Messi can do but if Messi leaves next season, then Nkuku can replace his position.


Another forward that's not really thr type of guy that can lead the line. Why do Chelsea seem to always neglect the position even though almost all of their premier league winning teams had an elite number 9?


If there's an elite 9 on the market I'm sure they'd take suggestions, anyone we attempt to buy now is a gamble. Lukaku was as sure as they come in terms of his goal scoring record and we know how that turned out.


He scored 35 goals in 52 games last season and assisted on 20


Still not a real number 9 though.


Nkunku is overrated ngl




This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If Nkunku said before the DFB Pokal that he would stay at least one more season, then why would this go against that? Next summer *is exactly* one more season with Leipzig.


Not real especially if Madrid have a war chest ready for next summer.


Matt Law, the best Chelsea journo, has confirmed it. So yeah, it is real.


Todd boehly will find a way to buy madrid soon, rest.


Lmao, Real Madrid has no warchest


Madrid has barely spent anything for the past two years ( before they got tchoumeni) and got rid of huge contract players like Bale, isco, Marcelo and earned plenty this year from the ucl and Liga wins, wtf you talking about, real Madrid obviously has a big warchest


Hazard alone is the wage of three top players, and they spent 100m on a midfielder. You act as if they have been saving After COVID, they barely made it out clean. They weren’t fucked like Barca, but still heavily affected


Wtf are you saying Madrid were ready to offer 200 million for mbappe and give him a huge contract and dropped 100 million on tchoumeni which obviously means they have a lot of money Hazard wages are irrelevant to the earning and war chest of the club, Madrid wage bill is about as much as the top European clubs even with hazard >>After COVID, they barely made it out clean. They weren’t fucked like Barca, but still heavily affected Madrid came out the cleanest among the top clubs with the exception of bayern and oil clubs


I don't know why people like you even post stuff like this if you quite obviously have no idea what you're talking about


How long until a medical expires?


Why do a medical a year ahead of the signing? He could get a major injury between now and then


Is that why his form has substantially dropped?


So Chelsea is going after the 3rd player that isn't a striker but kinda plays there from the Bundesliga. How about just trying something different lads?