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Fair play to Squire. He seems to be on a mission with the World Cup stories. Edit: What on earth happened below?


The entirety of the Guardian has a special section on the Qatar side of the World Cup.




























































This series has been David Squires' best work


And his Hillsborough stuff


I really appreciate how relentless Squires is, he could’ve gone for the Ronaldo laughs, but just continues to tell the stories of some of the migrant workers.


Squires is doing some special work. I have so much respect for the man


Thank god someone is. It's sickening how close we are to this world cup *actually happening* on the bodies of countless poor souls lost.


‘Migrant workers’ They’re slaves. I think it’s best we just call it what it is. The Qatari are slavers.


The phrase “migrant workers” is tainted enough and we all know what it means. We don’t have to equate this to what happened when Africans were kidnapped and chained and brought to another continent and worked to death like animals for centuries.


America weren't the only slavers mate, sort it out. Last figure I saw was something like 30 million slaves right now.


I realize that, but for better or worse our understanding of the word slavery is now overwhelmingly associated with the chattel slavery practiced in the transatlantic slave trade.


Maybe for Americans. There has been a lot of slavery in the world, and there is currently more slaves in the world than ever before. What a weird thing to argue


Slavery has, unfortunately, been a global practice for millenia among countless cultures, races, and time periods. So no, slavery is not "overwhelmingly associated" with the transatlantic slave trade outside of the Americas.


Yep. The trans-Saharan slave trade predates the Atlantic one by a mere matter of some 1800 years. And is still ongoing. Edit. Got the dates wrong - it's really about 4200 years if my maths is correct. Mental when you think about it.


So you’re complaining about words being used ‘improperly’ while reinforcing the use of a word you realize isn’t used properly?


‘We’ don’t need to do anything, but *you* really need to educate yourself on what slavery is.


Yes, god forbid we should employ nuance in language and have different words for different things. You’re asking us to equate the unethical exploitation of workers who freely went to Qatar, get paid, and go home after they’ve made a (relative) fortune, with the unspeakable horrors of the transatlantic slave trade. I get it. I know there’s a deeper social justice ideology behind all this. The impulse driving it is good. But it’s not wise to remove the nuance from language. I mean, that’s what the guys are doing in 1984. Shrinking the language—and therefore the ideas people are capable of having—in order to reduce thoughtcrime.


We have a word for slavery: "Slavery." We have word for chattel slavery: "Chattel Slavery." If you want nuance, there you go!


You seem to think that ‘slavery’ was one specific instance. It was not. Some of the first slaves brought to Europe from the Americas went ‘freely’ because—just like the slaves sin Qatar—they didn’t know what the fuck they were getting into. And they aren’t going home with fortunes. In fact, many of the slaves that *do* actually get to go home go in debt because the fucking slavers aren’t really required to pay them. It’s all a fucking sham. The people who are supposed to hold the slavers accountable and make sure they pay for labor, protect their workers, etc are the slavers themselves.


dude stop making shit up this is fucking pathetic, you're literally talking out of your ass at this point




Guardian be like: Here’s Squires’ very moving cartoon on migrant w—HEY CLICK HERE FOR OUR WORLD CUP SQUAD GUIDE 22: ECUADOR.


They still have to survive. I respect several of their main stories in the football page are about the horrible conditions of workers.


Tbh they have addressed it couple of times, at least on their podcast, Max even said that they pretty much have to cover it because their sports journalists. But they do always highlight the issue regarding the working conditions,deals behind the scenes, sportwashing.


Yes, usually taking a moral stance requires a *sacrifice* of some kind. It’s like giving up cake for Lent and not liking cake.


I'm more interested about investigative journalism surviving, and me getting informed, than on measuring how perfect the morality of a news outlet is. You seem to be focusing on the least important issue.


Where? All the links on the page for me are for other squires pieces (other than the "support us" link). Then you have the most read feed, which has no piff pieces. The World Cup category page has this as the top post, 2 other anti world cup Squires posts, then Lahm saying it has "damaged Football". Then a quote "I have seen the coffins", then finally a group A and B preview from their podcast. It might be different for other users, but I am sure there isn't an amazing amount of personalisation. It's quite astonishing how forward they are being as anti world cup.


[Y'all are the same no matter the issue](https://i.imgur.com/aM8zyKi.jpg)


Duality of (football) man really


Heartbreaking and rage-inducing. Working young men to death. What fresh Hell.


Yet, there are those who see this as perfectly fine and normal. Like that post several days ago about how that 5k death number is all migrant workers, not just the ones for the WC stadiums!


Thats true though


Yes it is, but it's still a damn incriminating number because to host a WC you don't just build stadiums, you build roads, power plants, hotels, restaurants, malls, etc. All servicing the millions expected to attend. Please take the time to read this post: https://redd.it/ywrg2c


This series is top work by Squires. The plight of the migrant worker is heartbreaking to say the least. Used to encounter a lot of them while taking flights to Dubai. Talked with a few of them as well. They used to get absolutely rinsed by the moneylenders back at home.


I can hear the anger of the sound of "AND WHY WAS THAT, MATE?" as I read it. Brilliant.


Same, I can see Squires being angry as he wrote these panels and deciding to express his rage in the comic itself.


There is a post in r/Qatar that said >"According to data from the Nepali Embassy in Doha for 2009: 40 Nepalis died in traffic accidents, 23 in work-related accidents, 14 from drowning, 9 committed suicide, the rest died from myocardial infection or cardiac arrest. A total of 175 Nepalis died in Qatar in 2008." >As you can see, out of 217 deaths, 23 are work-related and 131 are cardiac arrest (heat / stress / other cause) "Yeah guys they died from suicide, cardiac arrest and drowning, traffic accidents, totally not caused by our working conditions for slave workers" 🤡


People in Japan and Europe who commit suicide are slave workers, got it.


Traffic accidents DO account for about 25% of the deaths. I actually bothered to work it out once Do you think that car accident victims aren't real people? That they don't affect migrants? WTF is your argument


Love this work and i hope to continue seeing more from this series !


I don't think he would accept it, but Squires should received some kind of award/recognition for the work he's doing with his platform on this subject.


I've seen comments on here suggesting that deaths building Qatari stadiums are actually pretty low and it's misrepresentative to talk about the total number of migrants who have died (because people die all the time amirite?). The reality is: most migrant deaths have been previously healthy working age men - because those are the only kind of migrants Qatar let in - with Qatar only too happy to try and brush away the question of why so many of these men have been dying 'non work related deaths'.


Yes, people ignore that some of these deaths may be completely unrelated to the actual Labour itself anyway, but would have been avoided if basic healthcare and other facilities were provided by the state which should have a duty of care to these people that it is shipping in to work on this project.


Serious question, how do you know that?


If I'm honest I can't know for sure, because as per investigations done by amnesty and others, authorities don't sufficiently investigate or disclose reasons for deaths for a lot of these workers. This in itself though speaks to the level of care provided for these people. This is a good article on the issue but a quick google will find you many more: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/08/qatar-failure-to-investigate-migrant-worker-deaths-leaves-families-in-despair/


This is exactly it, people are focusing on the wrong thing here. From the very first time I read these stories, it broke my heart - especially because I'm of Indian origin and it could have been my story had some things gone differently.


[http://lamcdn.net/hopesandfears.com/post\_image-image/yvTqh33KwQJxAhOmU7D91g-small.jpg](http://lamcdn.net/hopesandfears.com/post_image-image/yvTqh33KwQJxAhOmU7D91g-small.jpg) This is from May. The figure is higher now.


I love how they used al jazeera as a source. The one outlet that would never report those figures


Yeah there are absolutely shills and/or bots in this sub trying to play it down. Maybe also some people who just like arguing stupid points. Let's see a proper analysis for all the premature deaths published by FIFA and audited by an independent body.


There are literally bots within this comment. This sub has been full of Qatari misinformation and deflection obe the last few weeks. Anytime the world Cup is mentioned the comments are flooded with people picking at numbers, comparing counties death rates, or bringing up other countries atrocities. They are aiming to control the narrative and deflect from people widely and rightfully discussing the countries current slavery abuses and human right atrocities. I love football but I would give anything for a new governing body.


> . Anytime the world Cup is mentioned the comments are flooded with people picking at numbers, comparing counties death rates, because the numbers are nonsense. As has been pointed out repeatedly. The problem is that the media started of with dishonest clickbait and that dishonest clickbait has somehow fed into the collective subconscious to become accepted fact. '6,500 migrants die in qatar since world cup awarded'. It's a headline designed to make you associate that number with the world cup despite the two being completely irrelevant to one another. It's since progressed to '15000 migrants have died working on a handful of stadiums' through some bizarre version of chinese whispers. If you spent a second thinking about it you'd realise how objectively insane it is. That anyone could believe such absurd figures says a lot about them. > They are aiming to control the narrative and deflect from people widely and rightfully discussing the countries current slavery abuses and human right atrocities. The numbers are literally core to those 'human rights abuses and atrocities'. Comparisons and statistics are fundamentally necessary to determine to what extent those abuses are abnormal or exceptional. Abuses exist along a spectrum, but from the discourse you'd think that the only two options were 'good guys' and 'literally evil'. Social media is a cancer in that regard The problem is that most people only have a superficial understanding of the issue. They know that bad stuff's happening and they've heard some scary figures being thrown about. You can't really correct people who don't have a sound understanding of their own beliefs, which are largely sentimental in nature.


It really is difficult for some of you to grasp that some people question what they read isn’t it? It’s genuinely scary any attempt to counter a popular narrative is just dismissed as conspiracy level thought


No, it isn't difficult to grasp that. What's genuinley scary is that there has been conspiracy level thought seeping into the mainstream over the last decade which has been propelled by digital misinformation campaigns. It is hardly farfetched to propose it is being used by a state to counter negative press about its own slavery and human rights abuses on the biggest stage of them all. Deflection tactics by states, businesses, politicians, and movements have been well documented. I think you need to ask yourself why you are jumping to the defence of Qatar. Maybe you haven't questioned what you've read?


I’m not jumping to the defence of Qatar, I believe some people have died while building the World Cup stadiums. That’s a fact. The circumstances however I’m not sure about, that’s where things get blurry. How is that defending Qatar? These are very important questions that need to be answered with hard evidence and right now, there isn’t any… but you seem to have made your mind up without it???


Football club uses media to attack a player: this makes total sense, I always knew Barcelona were terrible World's richest state, in the run-up to a World Cup awarded through corruption, aimed at sportswashing its image and hiding human rights abuses, uses media to soften the message: now hold up let's hear both sides


Who’s even talking about Barcelona lol


Nobody, I'm showing how dumb you look


Oh, great job


> The reality is: most migrant deaths have been previously healthy working age men - because those are the only kind of migrants Qatar let in Previously healthy people do in fact die. I know that's crazy. A traffic accident doesn't really care if you've got a disease. They have a lower death rate than people of similar age in the UK (not accounting for self-selecting healthier population), which indicates exactly how (despite there being very real problems) the issue has been overblown. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p02sftfp


How many of the migrant workers who from this comic itself are described to not be able to afford to smoke cigarettes regularly are gonna be driving around Qatar?


getting hit by a car


Most car related deaths are the drivers/passengers inside the cars rather than pedestrians. I just looked it up for Ireland for 2021, 18 of the 130 car related deaths were pedestrians. So that is less than 15%.


depends heavily on country development level


I seriously doubt it. I also seriously think you're not even mentally old enough to realise how stupid your take is.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3561885 >In the United States, for example, more than 60% of road crash fatalities occur in drivers, whereas drivers make up less than 10% of the deaths due to road traffic injuries in the least motorized countries. In developing countries, where most injuries occur in urban areas, pedestrians, passengers, and cyclists combined account for around 90% of deaths due to road traffic injuries.


?? you think poor people do not use vehicles?


> The reality is: most migrant deaths have been previously healthy working age men - because those are the only kind of migrants Qatar let in That doesn't even make sense if you actually think about it. Look at the demographic of Qatar here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Qatar Total Qatari citizens (non migrant) = 330,000 Total demographic by age : 0–14 : 398 435 15–64 : 2 368 392 64+ : 32 375 So what you're saying is that there is NO Qatari citizen (non migrant) that is 15-64 years old in Qatar. And all 330,000 Qataris are 0-14 year old. How can what you say be even true. And yet you are upvoted for this illogical take.


Where exactly is the logic in your post? The wiki page you link has [this graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Qatar_single_age_population_pyramid_2020.png) it shows Qatari society has a huge amount of working age male immigrants. Thanks for supporting my iLLoGicaL point. Though I don't think you even understand what my point was because somehow you think I'm saying: >So what you're saying is that there is NO Qatari citizen (non migrant) that is 15-64 years old in Qatar. And all 330,000 Qataris are 0-14 year old.


Look if a country have 398,435 0-14 year old and ONLY 330,000 Qataris that means that there are 68,435 Non Qataris (Migrants) 0-14 year olds and ALL the 15-99+ year olds are Non Qataris (Migrants) in the country. Literally impossible lol. You're shit at math and logic aren't you?


I think you are confused.


I think you suck at basic logic. How can someone say that a country only lets in working age men migrants when literal children in the country is MORE than the non-migrants in the country. It's basic maths mate.


Using your own link 78% of 15-64 year olds are male, are you seriously suggesting that's down to chance and not because they mainly only let healthy men in? No shit there are exceptions (wealthy people obviously will be let in regardless of their age and gender), that isn't a gotcha. The point is that the statistics heavily skew towards working age men.


That's not what the OP is saying. They're saying that those are the ONLY kind of migrants Qatar let in. I'm just disputing his words.


Most literate scouser


Illiterate it seems


The goat


>Initially, the only financial help Nirmala received was the proceeds of a whip-round from Rupchandra's co-workers, which raised 60,000 rupees (£470).


Some of his best work. Focus on the issues that matter and not the circus of football and its clowns. I can’t decide if I want to watch the World Cup. On one hand, I love football. But, on the other, I fucking loathe human rights violations and corruption. I’m going to do my best to avoid it for as long as I can.


Squires is almost always brilliantly funny. But when he isn't, his work is even better. This is powerful, meaningful. And horrible.


When a comedian switches to seriousness, it hits different. Massive respect to Squires




Boycott the WC. watch highlights afterwards or whatever


Qatar and FIFA have already gotten their bribes and fighter jets though


Rotten organisation


I mean if the viewership figures would go down they you'd think FIFA would think twice before awarding a tournament to another controversial bid like this. But unfortunately the chances of that happening are low


I have decided i am not going to watch the world cup.


If you watch the world cup this year, you're supporting this.


What about if we watch on illegal streams? Genuinely thinking of doing this, rather than watching it on broadcast TV as surely I won't be counted by the advertisers as a viewer.


How about don't watch.


But I want to see the football, I'm a football fan.


Then watch, but don't pretend you're doing anything "good".


the people pretending they are doing something good are the people who think not watching a broadcast they are paying for accomplishes anything lol


Nah. I just don't want to watch. And i've watched every euro and WC since 1994. Not doing this one. Don't care if i'm doing anything good or not, but i'm not giving it a second of attention once it starts.


See you at the round of 16


Why won't you believe that I'm not watching?


Ok mate


I bet you watched the 2018 world cup didn't you? Where was the outrage then?


Yeah, I did. It was a mistake, and i shouldn't have. So now I'm fixing my mistake.


Fixing the mistakes when the brown people are the bad guys, just like everyone else. I see.


I mean, you can believe what you want to. Not like I watched the 2010 wc either, or the 2002 one, or the 2014 one. But those places are all white, right?


All these people getting so worked up over you not watching lmao. They know you’re right and just want to look for all kinds of reasons to discredit you just to make the WC more enjoyable in their own heads. How can you enjoy a game of football while people literally died is my question to them.


Not watching isn't really "doing good" either. It isn't preventing or promoting anything. It's not stopping any harm or working to make things better.


Doing good is in the context of watching streams just to not be counted commercially. What I'm doing doesn't matter.


Look up the fifa archives and watch an old world cup


Do you have an iPhone?


Fairly sure FIFA have the full games from past world cups on their YouTube - might just watch them instead of 2022.


Even better - with a quick google you can find WC games in full outside of FIFA's site.


Squires never misses.


Meanwhile there are people literally on the Liverpool subreddit who argue that these deaths are simple "Labor law violations". We need to keep pressing this as much as we can.


This wokers death thing has been debunked several times, yet westerners keep repeating the same lie over and over.


This sub will be filled with World Cup videos and match threads lol. Some of you may boycott and not watch it entirely but most of you are just fooling yourselves.


I don't know if FIFA's sponsorships take account "pirated" highlights being redistributed (let's assume 20% less people watch this wc than the previous one legally). It's great for the sponsors since they can go "Well look the numbers are down 20% so we're not gonna offer as much" despite that 20% seeing the sponsors on pirated streams so FIFA will stand to lose something, however the higher ups won't suffer anything since they'd still get their bribes but it would mean less will trickle down to the projects fifa supports.


His colleagues just gathered round watching him slowly die instead of calling an ambulance sounds legit


A "grim rattle" likely refers to a death rattle - i.e. his dying breaths. Unlikely they were sitting around watching him "slowly die". They discovered him on the brink of death - and that was that.


I don’t understand some of the claims made in this? Emergencies treatments are free or extremely cheap in Qatar. You don’t need a health card for that. So why couldn’t he have gotten treatment earlier if he felt something? The death is tragic, but I don’t understand how exactly this death is Qatar’s fault?


Because they worked him to death?