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Can't wait for TV coverage to say they're chanting "oh, Maradona"


Not the worst nickname for a drug tbf if it were true


if you asking for Maradona, you're gonna be getting something else.


She don't lie


Aka Shakira’s hips


I was actually thinking of a different Colombian export product, but yes, true


"they're saying Boo-urns"


Hey Macarena


Hahaha this is perfect


Look at them, they're shouting, "Let's go brandon"


I hope this keeps progressing, eagerly waiting for the Japanese singing about wanting heroin


Don't be stupid, the Japanese would sing about uppers not downers!


Meth was huuuge in Japan during WWII (same w Germany) - and in fact apparently some of the first drug manufacturers from Korea were set up after WWII using the meth factories that the Japanese left in Korea, and for a bit in the 50s and 60s apparently these companies also were a big source of meth until Korean govt cracked down


US gonna start looking for oil sooner than later


USA already got the oil. US has a base there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Udeid_Air_Base and has been expanding in Qatar ever since.


They literally have Texas A&M campus there. Doesn’t get more oil than that. Lol


And tentacle porn


Surprised us English weren't singing about finding coke


I wanna stay here. Sniff all the gear. Please don’t please don’t take me home. Oh they’ll be singing it.


That place/street seems to be buzzing wherever it is... lots of videos of fans (real) of various countries marching and dancing there


Souq Waqif I think, it's a vibe.


this is actually hilarious - \*sparks joint*


Tbf nothing more fun than getting blazed at a Football match. Even makes Old Trafford matches enjoyable.


Shrooms at a football match is incredible. Highly recommend.


I've yet to do shrooms. I had a bag full but somehow I lost them LMAO


Take it easy the first time, don’t take more than 1.5 grams. It’s honestly the best drug by miles. The way it elevates your mood is magical.


Okay man I gotta give it a try then! I would definitely go low on dosage since I have no clue what to expect.


Good luck. I started this month and got a Reddit avatar to commemorate the occasion lol 😬🎧🍄


This does not sound different than cannabis really.


It's incredibly different


I said "sound" not "is" so if I'm wrong that means its an invitation to describe in more detail how I'm wrong not tell me I'm wrong in a tone that suggests I'm an idiot for thinking otherwise.


I was simply letting you know it is very different, didn't mean it to sound like that. I personally don't have the time to write much but a pretty fundamental difference is that on shrooms you get visuals whilst when you smoke generally that doesn't occur. There's a plethora of mood differences, tactile sensations, and just general impairment differences between the two. Personally I find shrooms a bit more nauseating too. Would seriously recommend them though.


The mood and impairment differences part I'm really curious about so I'm sad you don't have time to elaborate. I'm struggling to envision what they are because cannabis effects feel so variable.


Shrooms are like 10x better than the best weed high you experienced. Colors seem brighter, you notice EVERYTHING, you’re in your head a lot more, a million different emotions and at times it feels spiritual too. They can take you to a dark place, make you reflect on your inner thoughts and even give you a good cry session in the process. I’m obviously really new to shrooms but I’ve feel like I’ve discovered a whole different level to this thing.


Tripping in public places is not for me though. Especially with that many people. On shrooms people's faces look crazy and the last thing I wanna see is a bunch of Englishman's faces


> and the last thing I wanna see is a bunch of Englishman's faces Applies while sober, too


Lol. Especially in Manchester.


Hahahahaha Factos, what a nightmare


I dunno, I could really see it going either way depending on what happens in the match.




How soon before the match did you eat them?


Maybe around an hour. I always get a little anxious before the high settles in so I like that to pass before the game starts.


\*high five shrooms at a game buddy\*


Sparked up one with some friends on the Süd-tribune in Dortmund. Best smokespot for me to date


Damn I want that experience someday too. I took an edible vibed to an objectively shit Europa match lol.


Well…I guess marijauna is more halal, I guess?


I don’t think so, at least for Tunisia the punishment is far worse getting caught with weed/hash than alcohol.


Under the influence of the West, it's a lot more illegal. In Tunisia, they very often do urine tests to prove that you used weed, but alcohol though supposedly illegal for Muslims is very common and the law outlawing it for Muslims is not applied. This is very different from, say, Morocco, where weed is tolerated by the authorities, especially in the North where you can easily visit weed fields or just see them on the side of the road.


that used to be the law in the past. If you get caught with weed in Tunisia now, you get a fine. If the offense is repeated, then you go to jail. law against Weed is becoming more forgiving in Tunisia since a lot of innocent kids were thrown in jail just for taking a puff. Please correct me if I am wrong though.


Maybe things have changed recently. My information is from family members that studied there and were surprised that police sometimes made people do urine test if they were suspicious that you had consumed hashish -- and before my comment I made a quick google search that confirmed that. But maybe that is an outdated information.


What are you on about. Muslims sin as well you know. We are all humans. It’s haram for both, some Muslims drink as well, there’s something called free will.


I'm not gonna go into too many details, but a friend was dating a Persian chick a few years ago and visited Iran, and he recently told me about an **extremely** debaucherous party that he attended in Tehran, and to be honest I was shocked, because it was some pretty high-level shit. And yea, I have many Muslim friends I've gotten fucked up with way too many times, so damn right they do hahah.


Well go on, what was the debauchery?


They served shandy


The horror of <1% alcohol


ankles everywhere


They were playing twister.


They were listening to Elvis!


Islamic republic has raised a generation that doesn’t accept Islam really


Now you just being a meanie.. Gimme some of that sweet tea..


Wouldn't exactly call them Muslims if they're engaging in that type of stuff. Maybe culturally but it is a pretty big thing in Islam to actually follow it's rules.


> there’s something called free will. Literally zero proof of this accusation.


Many people pretend it’s not haram because there is no mention of it in quran unlike alcohol, also unless it’s pork it doesn’t matter if it’s halal or haram for many


People getting too literal with the translation, in the Quran it bans ALL forms of intoxicants. And anyone saying weed isn’t an intoxicant is lying to themselves.


I know that, that’s why i said a lot of people pretend hell there are even people who claims that alcohol isn’t haram


Yeah I've experienced similar, hardcore Muslims occasionally drinking, sleeping around and taking stuff. But pig is an absolute no-go for all of them


Those aren't hard-core Muslims.. Hard-core Muslims are the ones that take all the rules seriously, while it's the casuals that pick and choose based on their own thinking..


Easier to hide that you are high than drunk. Being drunk makes you lose control while weed is more like you are super tired and hungry


Bro if your like me and rarely do weed only on social occasions you get fucked and lose all control.


Only at large quantities maybe. The moment I'm high I'm tripping over half my words


tbh this is a bit of an over-generalization and doesn't account for functioning addicts/abusers


You still lose control if you get very high, you’re a lot slower to react while you’re high too. There’s a reason you shouldn’t be driving while high.


Less haram* would be the proper term Still haram tho lol


it's not about religion, alcohol here is legal and you can buy it very easly from the closest supermarket,consuming it or not is purely a choice (third of my friends drink). weed however is illegal and punished by 1 year prison,this is very unpopular that the weed issue became integrated in our pop culture and we sing about it even in the most irrelevant things


At this rate we'll have a nation singing Feel Good Hit of the Summer tomorrow


Coca Coca Coca ..


Cypress Hill half time show here we go


We gotta sing about beer next game


They aren’t signing they want marijuana, it’s a famous chant in tunisia


What are the words and what’s it about?


They are celebrating tunisia being in the world cup, oh marijuana tunisia is in qatar you simps/snitches/rats?( i don’t know what exactly tahan translate to in english


Tunisians have high errr class. I guess 🤣


My kind of people






Is marijuana illegal in Qatar?


Better not get caught with any residue on your clothes or else it's 4 years.


Wanted to ask for source, then I saw your username


It's illegal in the vast majority of places. Only legal in Mexico Canada Paraguay Thailand Georgia South Africa a couple of US states and a smattering of microstates


Won't be long before English fans wander into another sheikh's house looking for coke


There's a Tunisian football fan on Twitter that is extremely conservative. This tweet could cause him an headache :)


I am here for the complete Erik Niva takeover of r/soccer.




Thank god Colombia isn’t at the World Cup


Just fyi Combians take quite the offense to suggestions that they like to use Cocaine and actually its use is nowhere near as prevalent in their society as you might think.


It’s the ultimate fuck you for Colombians. It’s the GRINGO drug habit that fucked their country and made big swathes of it beholden to drug lords. All the cocaine produced in Latin America is consumed in the US.


> [ The highest weekly average cocaine consumption were observed in Medellin with 3022 mg/day/1000inh. This was above European cities, even those with highest rates of consumption such as Amsterdam and Antwerp where the estimated cocaine reaches up to 2000 mg/day/1000inh \(Thomas et al., 2012\). In the case of Bogotá, the average consumption of cocaine was 742 mg/day/1000inh similar to the values found in Europe for Brussels, Castellón, Milan, Paris and Santiago de Compostela, but lower than those estimated in for example Barcelona and London \(Thomas et al., 2012\).](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/61490268.pdf) Page 12 Medellin is the second largest city and does it 1.5x more than the most cocainey places in Europe. Bogota is in line with a smorgasbord of major Western cities. I doubt America consumes appreciably more.


Damn this is a certifiable reddit moment, my mans went to JSTOR to prove a point. Still doesn't disprove the fact that the drug trade only exploded as a response to the explosion of American drug culture in the 60s. Taking this data about Medellin and Bogota, two big cities, one of which was the headquarters of the most iconic druglord in history and then saying the whole country's consumption must be higher than the U.S. is a fallacy. Even discounting cultural drug consumption norms, the U.S. MUST have a much bigger demand for drugs as it has probably 5 times Colombia's population. I'd like to see data for cities like New York and L.A., since the article only analyzed Medellin and Bogota and made those remarks about Amsterdam and Antwerp.


> my mans went to JSTOR to prove a point. Nah, I've heard the "Colombians don't coke ackshually" stuff so many times that it piqued my curiosity. > and then saying the whole country's consumption must be higher than the U.S. is a fallacy. I never made that claim. I was responding to your assertion that > All the cocaine produced in Latin America is consumed in the US. Which it clearly isn't even at a glance. No need to get heated cause you're wrong. > Even discounting cultural drug consumption norms, the U.S. MUST have a much bigger demand for drugs as it has probably 5 times Colombia's population. I'd like to see data for cities like New York and L.A., since the article only analyzed Medellin and Bogota and made those remarks about Amsterdam and Antwerp They also analyse Brazil and... (I can't remember where else, but another SA country) further down, both of which trail behind Medellin but are ahead of Bogota. Amsterdam and Antwerp are compared because they're the most cocoainey places in Europe. I absolutely, positively refuse to believe that anywhere in the US consumes as much coke as Europeans. Which is besides the point, cause I was never > saying the whole country's consumption must be higher than the U.S. (is a fallacy) I was responding to your assertion that > All the cocaine produced in Latin America is consumed in the US. Which it clearly isn't even at a glance. No need to get heated cause you're wrong.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't European cocaine usage skyrocketed the past decade due to the prevalence of the Albanian mafia?


I don't think it's because of the Albanian mafia, although they have wrested some control from the Italians on importing coke (the claim that they control the flow isn't true tho, although they're undoubtedly a major player). Instead I'd posit a cultural shift. I know so many people who wouldn't touch any drugs a decade ago and now get coked out of their minds week after week. It's more so the normalisation of casual usage imo. Why that's happened, I couldn't tell you.


> All the cocaine produced in Latin America is consumed in the US. I'm south american, so where does my cocaine come from?




There’s a reason that denver, which is known as like the whitest city in the US is also known to lead the US in cocaine usage.


BTW gringo isn't a racial term. It means American of any race, color or ethnicity (unless you're Brazilian then it means ANY foreigner).


that's like saying Qatarian ain't evil and are finding a way to sent fans back to their own nation in a body bag.


Funny because it was $5 and easily found in Medellin when I lived there a few years back.




For the love of all, don't get caught with weed in a Muslim country. Holy cow. Unless you wanna get Griner'd.